Welcome to the Siamese Rescue home page. My name is Alphonso P(ee) Wallabee; allow me to share some information about who we are and what we do
After 21 years of intaking, rehabilitating and adopting out Siamese cats, we have closed this ‘hands-on’ portion of our program. While this closure was accelerated by the pandemic of 2020, it was in our original plan based on a number of things. Improvements in public shelter adoption programs and facilities; more TNR (Trap Neuter Return) programs, as well as the overall aging of our volunteer population all contributed to this next step for Siamese Rescue. This doesn’t mean we are no longer helping Siamese, however! Read on!
Our first and foremost commitment remains to the alumnae of our program. Whether it’s a cat needing a new home (these situations will always crop up from time to time) or an alumna in need of assistance of any sort, we remain at the end of the email and phone number to help. Additionally, we remain available to help Siamese at other facilities and in private homes who are in need of assistance. Our network of contacts, online presence and other resources have allowed us to continue to have a positive impact on Siamese in need.
We have also gotten involved with assisting various local groups in their TNR efforts, and are working with several humane societies and non-profit groups to support their efforts helping cats in general.
At this time we are focusing on the middle aged and older cat. (While younger Siamese are out there, they're so popular they rarely need our assistance) If you are interested in opening your home to a Siamese aged 5 and up, please contact us with your information and we will be happy to notify you when we hear of a cat needing a home. If you are a Facebook person, we suggest following our page at Facebook.com/SiameseCatRescue as well as our Instagram account at @siamesecatrescuecenter. If you have a Siamese that needs rehoming, let us know and we’d be glad to discuss various advertising options with you.
Thanks for visiting our site, and for caring enough to make a difference!