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Stop...right...there. That's it - freeeeze.

Now that I have your attention, I'd like to suggest that you really need to browse no further. One incredibly fabulous, friendly and fun feline at your service. Named for my magnetic, crystal blue eyes, I will have all of your friends 'oohing and aahing' over my handsome-ness and gregarious-ness. Big words for a cat. I know... I'm quite special.
Name: Drago

(FKA Mr. Freeze)

ID#: VA10853
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/19/15
Adopted: 08/22/15
Congrats: Rick
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Hi Guys...it's me..DRAGO..I used to be Mr. Freeze, but I got my human to change it. It's easier than I thought to respond to when he calls me.
Well, lemme see...I got this human to do so many things for me, it's hilarious to watch him. First, he sets his alarm for work every nite for 5am> Who sleeps so late??? I make sure to wake him at 4:15 every morning to let him know that he only has 45 minutes left to play with me and pet me before he starts his day. Oh..and I follow him downstairs and watch him get my breakfast together. He washes my bowls and then fills my order and serves me. He knows just what I like!

Then I have him brush me for a minute before I send him off for his shower. I make sure to stay in the bathroom with him too just in case he forgets anything. He told me to bathe myself cuz he was tired of getting my fur on his tongue!!! Funny guy my human is.

He bought me this really comfy bed with my name on it. I feel like the star that I am! Sometimes when he opens the sock drawer, I pick out his socks and take off with them. I'm not sure, but I don't think he likes that stuff in the early morning. Too bad...he'll have to get used to my ways.

One thing that he does which drives me nuts, is that he jingles his keys to let me know he ready to leave for the day. Does he think I don't know that by now? He forgets how smart I am and how quickly I catch on to things. I even sit and wait with him while he folds the laundry too. I have him trained to leave at least one thing in the dryer while he folds, and i just lay in there on a warm item and relax. I have "thumbs" but it looks like way too much work for me. UH-OH..wait a second...he's coming..OK, he's gone again. I was just laying on the keyboard and almost got caught...whew!!!

Anyway, my plan worked! I lured him in with my good looks and disposition and I now have the run of the house..well except for the table and counters..he always knows if I've been up there...I think I need to hide my pawprints from now on. He's smarter than I thought he'd be but he really is a great Dad..I have a million toys, a whole bunch of favorite places to sit. I convinced him to move a couple of things in the house for my pleasure cuz I'm so worth it.

Whe he comes home from work, I do my thing and sit on the steps with him cuz I don't want him to feel like I didn't miss him while he was gone. He seems to like that..ya' know, all the attention and stuff. But I wish he'd keep his hands off my toys. He's always throwing them around and tickling me with them. He should just leave my things where I have them. Maybe he's getting even for the socks stuff I do to him.

Well fellow Meezers, I best be going for now, but I just wanted to catch up with you all. Belinda, I do think of you often and am grateful to you for fostering me, but I've got this human wrapped around my paws!!! I hope you all get places like this to live...gotta run..he just threw some bread out for the birds and I have to go sit in my window and watch them...I love doing that!!! I wonder if he'll ever bring me home one of those things for a treat???!! Doubt it, but he does cook me a delicious chicken breast just the way I like it!! He's lucky to have me here...later guys!!!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to me!!!! It's Drago here...remember me guys?. Wow..is it really 2 years already that I've been with Dad?? Seems like only 2 months. Let me tell you, I've got the life...when Dad goes to work he leaves not1, not 2, but 3 radios on for me..all three floors just for his son!! Fortunately I was able to train him to put them all on the same channel. Believe it or not, I am simply thriving here. Today I saw Dad defrosting a beef spare rib for my BD din-din!!! I sleep right next to him in the bed and he even puts one of my toys on top of the blanket for me. Then he pets me til I doze off. THAT'S when he trims my nails...he's sneaky like that. I have 3 perches with luxury seats at my favorite windows. I'd love to help him clean my litterbox but that's much too strenuous for me. I'd rather see him do it. I have toys galore to play with and Dad plays with me every nite. String, balls, blanket, etc...all kinds of games. I just had my shots and the Vet said I'm doing great. The girls at the vet's always comment on my eyes and my markings...I do have a couple of new things I do...after Dad's shower, I jump in and walk thru the puddles and then jump out and sit on the bath mat and clean myself. You should see him shake his head and tell me how spoiled I am. I also learned how to open the fridge door. See, they're French doors and when he goes to work I jump on the counter and then to the top of the fridge and pry open the door. When he get's home he says some bad things to me about it. I better cut that stuff out. One day he picked up in his arms and told me if I know how to open it I should learn how to shut it too. Too much work for this meezer. Belinda I still think of you...but I adore my Dad. Now when he comes home I come running and meowing and then drop on my side and have him pet me and stroke me for a minute and then I head straight for my food cuz it's time for my wet food. I only eat Hill's prescription food (wet/dry) cuz last year I developed struvite crystals in my urinary tract and that's my diet now. It wasn't anyone's fault that it happened it's just that my gender and age range is more prone to developing them. I was sick for a day and very lucky that Dad was home when I got sick. He rushed me to the vet and all I needed was a good, long pee which the Dr. helped me with and then the new food. I really like it a lot. It must be a bit more expensive than the stuff I used to eat cuz Dad told me I might need to work part time to contribute something for my luxury lifestyle. He better think again cuz that ain't happenin'!!! So guys I must get my catnap (HA!!) in before he gets home for my anniversary.....yippeeeee..it's my anniversary!!!! Stay well all of you...DRAGO

(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2017 10am)

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Name: Kirby

(FKA Z-Man)

ID#: VA7123
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/09/10
Adopted: 08/22/10
Congrats: Deirdre
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Special Agent Z-Man here.

After living the good life indoors the past several weeks this agent is ready to retire! Life on the road was hard - that storm and tornado last night reminded me just how dangerous things can be out in the field! So, I have decided by spying days are over. Want to know why? Well......

* I have plenty of food and water at my disposal 24/7:)
* I have my own bed and boy is it soft!
* There is CHICKEN here:)
* I have discovered that I like a climate controlled environment - not to hot, not too cold, and
ALWAYS dry:)
* There is music and TV for my entertainment pleasure!
* Catnip, catnip, and more catnip!!!!
* Did I mention there is CHICKEN here???
* A multitude of comfy spots to relax in during the day!
* Time and places to relax without looking over my shoulder every second.
* It is safe inside and I like being safe.
* There are people to converse with.
* And in case I forgot to mention it, there is CHICKEN here!!!!! I just LOVE CHICKEN:)

Do you have a place like this too? Want some company and good conversation? Have some CHICKEN???? I am on my way - just ask about Special Agent Z-Man - Retired!!!

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Notes from Home
It's taken awhile, but Kirby has settled well into his forever home. The major obstacle? Chester, the almost-18-year-old resident kitty, decided that we didn't actually need a new kitty and did everything is his power to get rid of Kirby. And while Chester was the aggressor, he was the one who ended up with the war wounds (including a Sunday afternoon at the emergency vet with a hurt paw that required bandaging for a week and one of those annoying collars designed to keep one's mouth away from one's paw!). It was a tense few months until the boys underwent immersion therapy -- a 10-day visit to Grandma's over Christmas break, where the boys spent a lot of time in close quarters with three other cats and a dog. When they got home, miraculously the aggression and fighting went away. With the exception of a skirmish now and again, the boys have accepted each other.

Kirby is a great cat. He's independant, but has definitely bonded with me. While not very affectionate, he loves to have his head kissed and will sometimes return the favor. Initially, he couldn't take much attention (playing or affection) without growling or nipping (due to nervousness or being over-excited); this hasn't gone away totally, but he enjoys attention for longer sessions before getting antsy. We continue to work on this.

Kirby loooooves to eat and has probably gained a little too much weight. He is also quite goofy in his mannerisms and makes me laugh all the time. At first, he was afraid of all toys except the feather wand he arrived with; now he loves catnip pillows and chases them all over the place. Kirby isn't afraid of any of the people he's met and gets along with the other cats in the extended family (just not fond of my sister's dog). We visit my family at least once a month and he's an easy traveler, goes right into the carrier, purrs in the car and makes himself at home wherever we go.

All-in-all, he's an easy-going, lovable guy -- a gentle giant. I'm glad he's come into my life and I think he feels the same!


Wow - I can't believe 7 years has passed since Kirby adopted me! He's doing great. He's so mellow. He likes to eat (and still begs for people food!). He can almost always be found in a warm, sunny spot napping. When he's awake (and hungry), he follows me around and wants to be close to me. He sleeps in the bed with me a couple of times a week and wants to be petted and loved on before he falls asleep. Oftentimes, he lays down close to me, touching me (e.g. his back against my arm). When he first came to live with me, he didn't like to be touched much, so that's big progress. He has arthritis in his hips and limps when it acts up. He's on Cosequin, which helps a bit. He doesn't mind when anyone comes to the house. Yesterday he made friends with a handyman he'd never seen before and enjoyed a nice petting from him. All in all, he's doing well and I love him to bits. Thank you so much for bringing him into my life!

(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2017 9am)

A sweet souled boy, while I haven't had a ton of experience with love and attention, I'm learning pretty rapidly that it's all a good thing!
Name:   Barney Rumble
ID#: VA11928
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Javanese
DateIn: 01/25/17
Adopted: 02/18/17
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hi Mia and Siri,
Yes, Barney is celebrating his 6 month gotcha day today, but please don't tell him that, he thinks he has been here forever!
I have no words to express how much we love this little guy (and he loves us right back!), he is the best kitty ever! Barney is quite the snuggler and curls up next to me every night. On several occasions I have woken up in the middle of the night to find him snuggled tight with his little paw around my neck. And that purr! When he is really happy, he vocalizes a bit when he purrs, its so cute! I have renamed him Barney Tribble because when he does this, it reminds me or the Star Trek tribbles from years ago.
Barney does like to play. He loves the toy on a wire that you sent along with him along with a squeaky bunny and a crocheted mousie. He also likes to chase his big brother around the house (and vice versa), they also sleep together on occasion. He is a sweet boy who has definitely found his forever home.

(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2017 7am)

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Name: Dva

(FKA Rhapsody)

ID#: VA11698
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 09/14/16
Adopted: 02/18/17
Congrats: Bryant
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Hello there! I'm the socialite, and my brother, Blue, is the shy guy. I am very friendly, loving and outgoing. I even purr when foster mom gives me medicine! Blue and I are looking for a quiet home together. If you might be the one for us, please ask about us today.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
20170821 - DVA is as cheerful as ever. She is the same old happy cat just as when I first met her. On top of that, she's no longer sick! No more snot balls, pukes, red eyes, or sad faces, just a happy cat :) She's also grown to be very, very strong! She leaps all over the place, loves to play and hide in boxes, couches, and other small areas, and loves to play with anything new. DVA is in great health!
(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2017 7am)

Sweet and a little shy, I'm looking for a quiet home with my sis, Rhapsody. Let's chat if you might be the one for us.
Name: Avir

(FKA Blue)

ID#: VA11697
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/14/16
Adopted: 02/18/17
Congrats: Bryant
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
20170821 - Azir has been doing exceptionally well! It took him months of slow progress to warm up to me and others, but I am so happy to say that he is very friendly (sometimes even more than DVA!) and is a happy cat :) He doesn't hide in random holes in the house and can be seen at all times of the day. He is very playful, strong, yet gentle. Azir's health has improved significantly and I have not heard a sneeze in ages!
(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2017 7am)

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Name: olie

(FKA Snickers)

ID#: VA11471
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 05/18/16
Adopted: 07/24/16
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Wait! Wait!

My siblings went home...and I am ready too. Where are my furever parents?

I am wishing for a forever family with years of love and TLC. A snuggle kitty friend or two...would be ideal. I like doing kitten things of course...especially playing with toys.


UPDATE: I am bigger now but just as sweet as can be. I am ready to go home are you ready for me?

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Notes from Home
Olie is a sweet boy! He comes to me when I call his name! He's sitting beside me purring as I type this. He is using his scratching posts and lets me clip his nails. His sister is still a little unsure of him, but that is improving each day! He's so smart and good looking too!! He loves his toys especially the fishing pole from Siamese rescue! Oh, and he loves his new bed too! Thank you all!

Olie is the sweetest boy! I can't believe we have had him for 6 mo!! He is quite a character!! And Did I mention how handsome he is? He loves the toys and ESP the bed we got from Siamese rescue...in fact he is in it right now! We love him! He seems to love his sister, Evie too.

Okie is still so much fun! He is so outgoing and lovable! I'm so glad we have him! Thank you again for all you do for our Meezers! 😻

(Last update: Aug 21st, 2017 6pm)

So you've been pondering the current state of things? Me too! I was just laying here thinking of how I need a home---a home that can handle the interworkings of a fabulous flame boy------nothing NOT to love--my assets are too numerous to list at the moment....but ask about me and I can attempt to fill you in :)

Name: Dizzy

(FKA Disney)

ID#: VA6092
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 01/14/09
Adopted: 02/07/09
Congrats: Danielle
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I'm still amazing. I'm happy. I haven't changed much. What I said below in 2014 still describes me well.

February 7, 2014: Five years today! I have moved a few times with my momma and cat buddies. I have become a real momma's boy, but don't tell anyone. I follow her everywhere and I cuddle on her chest at night. I gently lick her face sometimes just because I love her. I gently tap her face with my paw in the morning to wake her up so she'll feed me. My favourite game is "hand moving under the sheets". I also like a good game of tag with my cat buddies. My favourite food is just about anything my Momma eats, but I don't get much of that.

We recently moved to Canada! Wow, that was a long drive, but we stayed at pet friendly hotels on the way and Momma brought everything we needed. I LOVE my new home! There are big windows to look out of with squirrels and birds and dogs and people and lots of trees to look at. It's a bit cold here, but I just get under the covers on Momma's bed to get warm when I need to.

Best wishes to all from Dizzy (handsomest and nicest cat ever)

Super cool cat!! He's not a snuggler, but Theresa told me that. Now that I have figured him out I know how to give him affection without provoking him to nip me. He's just so beautiful and cute I want to kiss him all over. As long as he has his feet on a solid surface, I can scritch his head and kiss him while he purrs. He hasn't nipped in a long time since I figured that out. He lets me know when he's had enough. He kind of jerks his head to the side or just walks away. I love him so much. He does something to make me laugh and feel happy every day.

Well, today is Dizzy's1 year anniversary in his forever home. He is thriving. He has stopped nipping completely and he is relaxed and full of life. He has bonded with Zettie. They play and run all over the house together. What friendly, wonderful cat he is. He is friendly with everyone. He makes biscuits on his kitty beds, eats well, uses the litterbox. He is also a very smart cat! He learned how to beg for his treats on the first try, he figured out the treat ball in about 2 seconds, and he learned by watching my Maine Coon, how to drink from the faucet. He's a real treasure!

I can't believe I've had my dear Dizzy boy for 2 years now! He continues to be the sweetest cat I've ever had. He loves all cats and his Momma :) and he has become Benzie's (the new kid) daddy...he grooms him and cuddles with him. He likes other people too once he gets to know them and especially if they give him little treats when he sits at his place at the table. He sits politely on his chair at the dinning room table and waits for little bits of chicken or whatever. It's very cute! he can turn any "I'm not a cat person" kind of person around quickly.

Wow! Four years! All I can say is Dizzy is the best. cat. ever. We have really figured each other out over the years and have a deep connection. He purrs a lot, loves to play (when the other cats don't take over), and loves to cuddle (when it's his idea). He is terrified of thunder. He crawls under the covers on "our" bed (it belongs to me and the 4 cats) before I can hear the thunder, but sure enough I can hear it a little while later.

Dizzy is extremely sensitive to my moods. For example, one night I was crying in bed and he came over and put his paw on my shoulder and licked my tears. Oh my. Then I was crying with heartfelt joy. He cuddled on my shoulder the rest of the night. He had never done that before and has not since. I guess we'll see what happens next time I cry in bed =^--^= He also does his distressed meow if I'm feeling particularly tense. I call him and he comes to me and I soothe him; but we all know he's actually soothing me! What a cat. He's amazing.

He's still very food motivated so I have to make sure all food is put away. Maybe this is Dizzy's way of making sure I clean up after myself =^--^= He is easy to train because of his motivation for food and also because he's super smart (smartest cat I've ever had). I taught him to beg for his treats. And he's so laid back he doesn't mind wearing a circus collar once in a while so I can get a nice picture.

(Last update: Aug 21st, 2017 10am)

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Name:   Benz
ID#: VA7098
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/30/10
Adopted: 08/21/10
Congrats: Danielle
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes

Won't be able to go home just yet as I'm so tiny and will need to have a young playmate that I can run around with.

Foster Meow calls me her Chocolate Puddin! Wonder why?!?!


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Notes from Home
I'm 7 years old! I'm thriving. I'm a little overweight, but my annual visit to the vet went well. I growl and hiss at the vet, but never bite or scratch. I make so much noise that I don't even notice they give me needles. I love my cubes. I have lots of them. I feel like I'm in a space ship. And my kitty beds and kitty condo and scratching posts. I love them all. That stupid vacuum cleaner, though. I hate that thing. And you always, always have to let me sniff your hand before you pet me. I'm very cautious. Always was. My favorite thing in the world is to cuddle with momma on the bed. I purr and she scratches my back. That's the best feeling in the world.

I'm a happy, cuddly, playing purr machine. I get along with my new friends, Dizzy, Zettie, and Mazzy, here at my forever home, too. They are swell and so is Mom. She got me a new toy that shines a red dot on the ground. Wow, that thing is fantastic. I could chase it forever. I love my food. I love my water. I love my litter box (as long as there is a lot of litter in it; otherwise I squeak until it is clean and the litter is deep, just like my foster Mom said I would) I squeak a lot. I always did, so there. I especially like to squeak when it''s feeding time. And I love cuddling next to Mom's side, against her leg or her hip. That's my favorite and that's when I give her my "I love you look" and all is well with the world.

Six months later and I'm still a happy little boy. I love everything, especially my food! I've gotten a little bit rotund lately, but Mom says it's just "baby fat" and I'll grow out of it. I love to purr and cuddle with Mom on the bed or the couch. I LOVE my buddy Dizzy. He's the best. He cleans my head and my ears and he plays with me a lot. I like to rub up against him. Besides the laser toy, I love to play with Da Bird and doors. Doors are fascinating. You can push them with your paws and they close! That spooks everyone because they think there has been an intruder, but it's just me =^--^=

I've been here a whole year! Just check out my video and you tell me if I'm a happy boy =^--^= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Rb6qjRaXM Listen to me purr.

(Last update: Aug 21st, 2017 10am)

Getting adjusted. The food is pretty good here!

I do need to stay inside my transport area.

I should be ready to go home towards the end of August.
Name:   Xolo
ID#: VA12110
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/23/17
Adopted: 07/21/17
Congrats: Christina
Foster: Kathy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Xolo has been very happy since his arrival home! He enjoys sitting with us on the couch watching us play video games and watch TV as well. His favorite toy is called "rainbow snake", which is a wand toy with a rainbow colored, felt attachment. He will do all kinds of jumps and flips to catch it and he is a very good hunter. He also loves to lay on a Winnie the Pooh pillow pet and on Mommy's snuggie.
(Last update: Aug 21st, 2017 8am)

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Name: Thea

(FKA Smokey)

ID#: VA12036
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 05/12/17
Adopted: 07/08/17
Congrats: Kathryn
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Come on people! Where is my new person? I am all ready to go home and I am waiting patiently for you to find me. I'm used to living in a quiet home with one person and another cat. I think I would prefer my new home to be quiet as well with another nice cat or I could be your one and only. I do like to cuddle and carry on conversations with you. Please ask about me so foster mom can tell you all about me.

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Notes from Home
Smokey settled in just fine! She goes by Thea now, and seems happy with her new name. She is a very chatty lady, which is absolutely perfect. She will never be a lap cat, but I'm looking into getting a couch so that she can be a next-to kitty. She recently started coming up on the bed to be petted at night and first thing in the morning, and I couldn't be happier. She has a wonderful purr! She is still terrified of plastic bags, but has gotten over her fear of the air conditioner, which is good because we certainly could not live without it. The table is definitely her favorite hang-out spot, during the day and at night. We're on the second floor, so looking down on the world--and out at the birds and squirrels on the two big trees!--is her favorite past time. She's a wonderful cat, and I'm lucky to have her.

(Last update: Aug 19th, 2017 7pm)

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