Previously Adopted Siamese
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Shy, but with potential, I just need someone to show me the ropes, and I bet I can sail right into your home!
Name: Zuri
(FKA Brittany)
ID#: VA10197
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/31/14
Adopted: 08/24/14
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Hi Everyone, 3 year anniversary and Zuri is amazing:)) Love her so much. She talks sings and makes noises like Nanny McPhee all the time. If I ask her anything she responds every time:) We talk all the time. We have moved to a new home and she loves it. She has a heated bed by the sliding glass door to watch birds that she loves. We do everything together. When I get home from work and sit down she runs over like she can't get there fast enough. She loves how big our home is. Miss Zuri is a lap kitty now that loves being touched everywhere except her footsies. Just this month she finally understood how to play ball with me. She always did it alone but now she sends the ball back to me (from under the bed of course gol). Zuri sleeps right next me all night and wakes me up to go to work. Our yearly vet visit was perfect. No problems and healthy weight. She knows a lot of words and responds to them. She doesn't like it when mommy is on the phone and starts talking so loud the other person hears her. She is a celeb on my facebook page gol. She is so special and I am so blessed to have her. I uploaded 4 new pics hope they go thru. xoxo Beth
Hi Siri, David and Everyone! 1 Year Aug 24th! Zuri has come a long way:)) She loves full petting now! and demands quite vocally when she wants me to come in and lay down on the comfy bed and pet her when she wants xoxo. We snuggle awww. She loves me petting her face, back, belly - yes belly but there are still some rules gol, I am working on footsies - still not all that happy there. She does a lot of kneading. Zuri is now eating treats - I guess she decided that no one is trying to trick her with it lol. She goes to the top tier of the cat house, hangs on the desk when the window is open to watch the dog. She loves jingly noisy balls on the wood floor...especially at night! She loves the cat arch, and her scratching ramp. She is the MOST vocal cat I have ever had. She literally answers you every time you speak to her. She sings loudly from yonder like a whale song ....hard to believe from such a small kitty - it is great:)) we love it even the dog! The hush puppy wants to be friends but she is just watching him. She hops over the gate when she wants to but it's ok no rush there. It's funny you look back to when you couldn't even get close to her and now she loves to snuggle. Very much the creature of habit. We have our kitty and me times thru the day. We do a lot of talking to each other. She is funny, doesn't like to be seen doing her cat things when she is alone haha. Still very good with cat box, furniture, absolutely no problems there. The only trouble is getting her in cat carrier. She has to go to vet for yearly now and I am having trouble. She remembers the last time oh dear. But she LOVED Dr. Tipone. She still has old ghosts - certain movements I guess remind her of her past life. But they are going away. She doesn't sing that sad tale of woe anymore. I think incredible progress so far. She whaps sometimes but we talk about that not being nice and no one ever going to hurt her. I say are we still friends? and she runs over. She knows "come here" and comes over to hug:) the waps are not very often now. She loves to do a love bite here and there. So any suggestions on getting her going with carrier I would appreciate it. Tried everything:( I have to say she is really coming into her own this past couple of weeks with her personality. It's funny how you go along and then all of a sudden huge step forward. I even get a head butt or a kiss now from her awww xoxo! Pics coming over next. I have a wonderful video will try to send. Beth and Zuri :))
It's been a month and Zuri is doing WONDERFUL! She didn't know what toys were but now loves playing with her cat dancer, her mice and ball. She loves to watch what we are doing and is talking. She loves to explore the house now and is making herself at home. Zuri still has a 'no touch' vibe but she is getting close to wanting us to pet her. I sneaked one in when she playing and she wasn't sure what happened gol. She likes to do things when she thinks we are not looking gol. I have awakened in the morning to find things moved around gol! I heard her full speed run throughout the house too. We had visitors and she came out of her room on her own to look. Zuri loves her new Daddy and has eaten out of his hand. She is still timid at times and retreats under the bed but she has made huge progress.
(Last update: Sep 1st, 2017 10am)
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Name: Scout
(FKA McGee)
ID#: VA10187
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/26/14
Adopted: 08/30/14
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Debi
Well my foster meowm FINALLY can tell us flames apart, but we can still stump her now & then. I'm McGee, the social little man of the foster room. I love to see my foster meowm come into the room & give me a little love, as I'll just purr for more. I do have a busy schedule, which consists of playing with my siblings, but I will always make time to give some loving.
I'm told that I'm a very sweet boy & I have a stellar personality...whatever stellar means...I just enjoy my siblings to play with, enjoy my food & enjoy loving time.
Wonder if we would be a match..ya think?? If so, click on that button & ask about me!
Purr, purr,
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Notes from Home
It has been 3 years since we adopted Scout (McGee) and his brother Boo Radley (DeNozzo). Scout is now over 14 lbs--about 3 and 1/2 lbs lighter than his brother. When they were young we had difficulty telling them apart, but since they have matured, they are fairly different looking. Scout's fur and eye colors are much lighter than his brother's and his fur is way softer--when guests feel Scout, they are amazed by the softness of his fur. Unlike his brother, he is very self-assured. He is the Alpha of our home. He still goes crazy over catnip and entertains us when he throws his body onto the catnip plate and scoots across the floor. He also amuses us by dragging my slippers downstairs (daily!) and tracking any bugs. He and his brother are close, but also enjoy being apart--Scout's favorite spot being the window bed. We are so glad that we have these flame boys and enjoy each of them for who they are!
(Last update: Aug 31st, 2017 10pm)
Eenie Meenie Minee Moe....catch a meezer by the toe! We all look alike & love confusing our foster mom!
Stay tuned for updates once she knows who is who!! However, my foster mom has cracked the case & now knows I'm DiNozzo, the one that is into everything! I'm enjoying my brother McGee, as he's good at taking notes while I investigate everything!
Soft kisses,
Name: Boo
(FKA DiNozzo)
ID#: VA10189
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/26/14
Adopted: 08/30/14
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Debi
Notes from Home
Boo Radley (formerly DiNozzo) has really come out of his shell in the 2 weeks he has been with us. The first few days we could easily distinguish him from his brother Scout by his more fearful nature. He is no longer hiding behind the toilet or under the bed. He is loving life playing with his brother and exploring more rooms in the house. He loves the tall cat tree and spends time scratching the posts and batting the hanging pom-poms. We have been supervising visits with our 11 year old seal point, Odyss and to our delight Boo is very friendly toward him. Boo even got Odyss to play a few seconds of a chase game today! Boo's personality now radiates! He purrs often, sleeps at the foot of our bed at night, and carries toys around in his mouth. Boo is thriving in our family, clearly a happy kitten, and bringing happiness to us everyday!
Update as of August30 2017: Boo has now been with us for 3 years! Sadly, our old siamese has passed, so we are glad that Boo has his brother for a companion. Boo still has some type of anxiety disorder, but he is loving, sweet, and beautiful and we adore him! When he is approached by a human, he still tends to flinch or panic and run, but we just continue to lavish him with kindness and it is clear that he loves us and enjoys attention. When he hides between our pillows we just chuckle--that's Boo Radley, our sensitive boy! He is nearly 18 pounds! The vet was not concerned--he's just a "big boy". Attached is his most recent trip for his check-up with his brother, Scout (formerly McGee). They look like such "fraidy cats"! My husband and I are so happy to have Boo in our lives and continue to show him that he is safe with us.
(Last update: Aug 31st, 2017 10pm)
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Name: Ginger
(FKA April)
ID#: VA7940
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/06/11
Adopted: 08/30/11
Congrats: Lynn
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Talkative, wedgie, loving, interactive, needy, affectionate, vocal - need I say more? Well I can, if you want, because I'm pretty vocal, so just click on Ask About Me! I'm looking for someone to snuggle with, as I'm much more cuddly than most females. I'm looking for someone to talk to, as I'm more talkative than many Siamese. I'm looking for someone who likes the rarity of wedgie plus flame, because there aren't very many of us. I'm fine with other cats, dogs, and most households, though I do not want to get lost in the shuffle and I do not want a super busy loud or boisterous household. I do want laps, kisses, holding, snuggling, and tons of affection.
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Notes from Home
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(Last update: Aug 31st, 2017 11am)
Boomer has just arrived, so has yet to reveal himself to me. Stay tuned as I learn more. He is paired with his brother, CeeCee (VA11940).
Photos and Videos coming soon!
Name: Boomer
ID#: VA11939
Location: Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/05/17
Adopted: 02/26/17
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Michelle
Notes from Home
Happy Spring from the Siamese Boys, Boomer and CheeChee (aka CeeCee.) The wild ones have taken over our house and hearts in just a few short weeks! CheeChee is the wild and crazy boy who flames about at all hours of the day and night. Boomer is our ghost who most frequently appears after 8pm when things start to settle down. While both continue to be skittish, they are making good progress and learning that a warm lap and pets are great things! Lots of love and laughter as we all settle into our new family! Thanks to everyone... Happy Spring!
Six Month Update from Boomer and CheeChee
Good morning from the Siamese Boys, Boomer and CheeChee (aka CeeCee.) From the photo you can tell that the Boys have found their happy place... watching the chipmunks,turkeys and other assorted birds on our patio from their perch in the kitchen. Taking photos is still a challenge since they seem to be in constant motion. Did I mention that CheeChee likes to fetch?! Boomer is more prone to brining treats to us in the form of an occasional field mouse which we fortunately been able to rescue before too much damage was done. We went on our first vacation and things went well with Alison our vet tech-trained house sitter who provided all the TLC they could have desired. Both Boys have settled in and are about to go for their annual check-up with Dr. Brown. We have noticed a bit of sibling rivalry of late... oh no! We've been reading up on it and with help from Dr. Brown will be working on that... We prefer a peaceful household! Thanks again to Michelle and Kathy and all the Express volunteers! Beth & Kurt -- August 31, 2017
(Last update: Aug 31st, 2017 10am)
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Name: Snow
ID#: VA3731
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 10/01/05
Adopted: 11/05/05
Deceased: 09/01/15
Congrats: Shelley
Foster: Vangie
Love love love! A very petite gal who needs to gain some weight, I'm just a purring and a cooing and a hoping you'll choose me! Stay tuned for more info as I settle in!
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Notes from Home
We lost her fall 2015, we think she had a thoracic tumor.
(Last update: Aug 30th, 2017 8pm)
Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Emmett
ID#: VA12123
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 06/25/17
Adopted: 07/29/17
Congrats: Jun
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Hi, Emmett has been doing great in our house, he gets along with Rey just fine and he eats and drinks great, and he uses the litterbox great. He still likes to go into places he's not supposed to go to, but he's still learning where he isn't allowed to go. He's a really active and affectionate kitten still and purrs whenever you touch him!
Jun Lei
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2017 9pm)
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Name: Baxter
ID#: VA7094
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/29/10
Adopted: 08/28/10
Congrats: Francis
Foster: Kay
I am settled in and have had my vetting completed so can go home any time. I have become more playful and get along great with other kitties. I have a laid back personality and play well with others or can entertain myself. I love toys and am a deluxe lap kitty - I love to cuddle.
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Notes from Home
Sep 10, 2012 - Two years of total joy with our boy, Baxter! He stole our hearts when we first saw his picture at Siamese Rescue and he holds them tightly in his paws! Though small and adorable when a kitten he’s turned in to a gorgeous, long bodied, longhaired handsome guy with the bushiest tail imaginable. He’s a big boy but has this little tiny mew of a cry; it’s so funny. Gentle and fun-loving he tries to be with us most of the time and if we are in different rooms he positions himself somewhere in between so he can keep an eye on both of us.
He had his annual vet checkup in July and passed with flying colors; though he was very glad to get in the carrier to come back home! He is such a trusting boy I’m sure he thinks we are traitors when we take him there.
He and his adopted “sister†Tess (who we got a day after him) settled in nicely together and though she is a diva he rules his domain –our bed—at night. He sits on command and even plops on his side to play dead when my husband plays with him. We are working on rolling over but that one is taking a little bit. We have a large screened in deck and as you can imagine he enjoys being out there to get a better view of the backyard critters. Every day when we get home from work, there’s Bax sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for us. I say ‘There’s my cutie boy’ and he lies on his side twisting his head around upside down to “look cuteâ€. It is so funny, especially when he does it on the actual stair and almost falls off trying to be “cuteâ€.
He’s definitely daddy’s boy but we have our own special times like when I lean over and say kiss/kiss and we touch noses or when he wants to snuggle he comes to momma and lays on my chest. Funny thing; one of the first few pictures his foster showed us before we got him, he was staring over the top of her monitor and even now when I’m on the computer he’ll come up and tap my leg for me to pick him up to snuggle with him while I’m sitting here.
To this day, we cannot thank everyone enough at Siamese Rescue, from Siri to Kay (foster mom) to Peggy (interview) all the way to the transport group, who helped bring Baxter to his furever home – we are so grateful!!! We wanted to give back in some way so we started helping with transporting Meezers. We’ve done four transports so far and it fills our hearts to overflowing to know we are helping to get these wonderful creatures to their furever homes one day!
August 29, 2017 -
Its only taken 5 years, why-I do not know, for me to sit down and provide an update on Baxter. He is our big, fluffy, Siamese boy. Affable, innocent, and loving he is one looong, kitty cat, over 3 feet long when stretched out, weighing in at 12 pounds. We adopted Bax and another rescue, a “sisterâ€, at the same time, getting them a day apart, so they grew up almost as siblings; and like siblings they cuddle and tussle!
When I say fluffy, I mean lots of hair! He has gorgeous fur with a very poufy tail and butt. Having burgundy carpet has been FUN with this boy around. We believe his genes include Ragdoll or Main Coon; I lean towards Rag because he will go limp and kinda melt his body. Getting brushed is not one of his favorite things and he will subtlety do his melty thing and start ever so slowly sliding over the side of the bed to get away; hard to explain but seriously hilarious to watch. He’s a good boy when it comes to nail trimming time.
He is a picky eater and doesn’t like to deviate much from his norm; ever since we got him he’s had a sensitive tummy so anything too rich will trigger soft stools and a messy hairy butt. A typical oriental kitty, he started out his early years with him showing a tendency towards gum disease but we put them on a dental friendly dry food and even some of the treats are oral care related. And our boy does love cat treats! Three sure-fire times I can expect to have beggars is when I sit in my chair to read, when I go down to our family room and every night when we go to bed. The bed routine started when his “sisterâ€, Tess, was being accidentally shut in a room at night because she would squirrel herself in a hiding place to nap. Now when either cat does not show we know something is wrong.
Other than the initial gum issue he gets the all-clear each time we visit the vet. His only other issue was a pulled muscle or ligament in his hips. At about age 3.5 yrs old he started limping one day and was not putting much weight on his leg. Watched it for a few days; it seemed to be inconsistent going from one back leg to the other. The vet couldn’t find anything wrong upon initial exam; we watched him and made sure he didn’t play or do anything overly strenuous. It went away and, knock on wood, has not ever returned.
Albeit a little cross-eyed which is endearing, Baxter has big, beautiful, blue eyes; sometimes I feel like he is looking in to my soul. He loves to tap on my leg when I’m sitting at the computer or kitchen table so that he can jump up in my arms and snuggle hanging over my shoulder for a while. He is a quick learner; actually they both are, he is just more willing to do things cause he loves you while sis wants bribes. He sits on command, even politely before chowing down meals. Not long ago he learned from his daddy to rollover via voice command or hand signal; he’s our smart boy!!
Bax enjoys being on our big screened in deck, especially when it is cold out; and he listens well when we tell him to “kennel†(come back in the house). The screen door to the deck has a kitty door that we block via a gate between the doors. He gets so excited to “help†us open the door and remove the gate. When he is on the deck he will sit on the ledge, so very still, thinking that the birds at the feeder do not see him. Meanwhile they are just laughing at him because they know the screen is there.
When we are gone from the house most times he is waiting at the door when we get home or if we catch him napping he shows up at the top of the stairs rapidly blinking the sleep out of his eyes. He loves being with both of us but he’s definitely a daddy’s boy. Sometimes if he can’t figure out who he wants to be with when we are in different areas of the house he will lay half way between so that he can see if one of us moves around. He loves to spread out on my hip when I lay on my side watching TV. He could lay there for hours if I’m in a lazy or binge watching mode.
We have enjoyed every minute with our handsome boy and we know he is a lot happier to have us around full time now that we have retired he has lots more time to spend curling up in the recliner with his daddy. We are thankful every day that we discovered VA Siamese Rescue and continue to greatly appreciate the support from everyone there!!
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2017 9pm)
A diva in training, I will hiss at you until I know that you will pick me up and cuddle me. Chatty chatty, even while I am eating, I will tell you if I like my food by saying yum yum yum while I eat!
Name: Cosette
ID#: VA7189
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/07/10
Adopted: 08/29/10
Congrats: Francis
Foster: Heida
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
Sep 10, 2012 – Two years and counting; Tess (fka Cossette) came here to her furever home and we couldn’t be happier! After a few days I decided she reminded me of Shirley Maclaine who played Tess in the movie Guarding Tess and boy has that proved true. She is definitely a diva and in her quiet way makes many of the rules around here. She stayed small in stature and tends to be shy around anyone other than us. She loves to watch the birds outside and definitely lets us know when they are out there. We have a large screened in deck and I think she’d live out there if we let her; she adores it so much.
She had her second annual vet visit in July; she got a clean bill of health though she is not very happy about any of the process. She is our vocal one but mostly when it’s time to eat and she’s definitely got her daddy trained to give her a tidbit or two whenever he’s snacking or eating. She looks up at him, sits politely and gives him “that blink†– works every time!
It took little miss Tess quite a while to come out of her shell and feel like she could trust and be totally sure of herself, her people and her surroundings. I feel like we crossed all hurdles and she is HOME! She loves to be brushed and has periods where she’ll snuggle. She’s a little love-bug and purrs/growls when she’s really happy. Our quality time tends to be when I’m in the bathroom – she knows she has my undivided attention with no interruptions – smile!!
She sits on command and is a great catcher of critters. Take in to consideration she doesn’t go outside except for the screened in deck but she’s managed to find and bring in to her lair at least five lizards, a baby snake, and has caught/alerted on tons of bugs! For someone so brave she is hilarious when there is something new around that she’s never seen before (even something as simple as a new water dish); she gives whatever it is a wide berth and her head does what I call that “snake bob†as she taps at it. Did I say tap? She taps at these things with extreme quickness and strength; if all is quiet in the house, you can hear the whap of her paw as it strikes. We laugh until we cry!
She and her rescue brother Baxter get along really well (we got them a day apart) and will rough & tumble and even lay snuggled up with each other. They love to play with the laser light and she is our acrobat leaping high up the walls to catch it.
We are so very happy we have our little girl and we continue to thank in our hearts the people who helped make it happen Siri, Peggy (interviewer) and Heida (foster mom). We wanted to give back in some way so we started helping with transporting Meezers. We’ve done four transports so far and it fills our hearts to overflowing to know we are helping to get these wonderful creatures to their furever homes one day!
Aug 29, 2017 - Its only taken 5 years, why-I do not know, for me to sit down and provide an update on our little lady. Tess (fka Cossette) is and has been a fantastic kitty. She is a typical seal diva at times and lets us know when she is not content; feed me, pet me, you know the drill. We adopted her and another rescue, a “brotherâ€, at the same time, got them a day apart, so they grew up almost as siblings; and like siblings they cuddle and tussle!
It took Tess about 1.5-2 years to finally decide that she was totally safe and that we were her people. I don’t know what happened to her during the first few months of her life but she was definitely cautious for a while. She is a great eater and loves her human treat food; though she doesn’t get nearly as much of that as she would like. Yogurt licked off a finger, veggies, cheese, lunch meat, a tidbit from the egg on daddy’s breakfast sandwich; he can lightly tap on the glass door in the kitchen and she comes running from the deck on the back of the house to get her treat’s from daddy.
This little petite girl, weighs in at 8 pounds for the most part. She has this cute slight pug nose and she still loves to play with her light chaser spinner. She tends to drop a few ounces when we go on vacation even though we have a wonderful house/cat sitter that is here in our place. Twice she has had an inflamed anal gland (one each side almost a year apart) which required extra trips to the vet for draining. Other than that she gets great health reviews at each annual vet visit and would prefer we never went to “that placeâ€.
She and her brother both sit prettily before chowing down their meals or any other time we ask them to “sitâ€. She ADORES being out on our big screened in deck when its warm/hot outside and fusses mightily when we tell her to “kennel†(come back in the house). The screen door to the deck has a kitty door which we lock/unlock and when accessible she sometimes dashes with all afterburners churning from the deck, through the little door, to the front of the house just so she can follow what is going down the street or in HER yard. And if she is in guard mode she will actually growl like a dog when looking out the window at whatever vehicle, animal, or person is encroaching on her territory. She actually seems proud when my husband tells her to be on guard! But let them come to the front door and BAM she is gone and hiding under the bed LOL.
She is my (Mommy’s) baby and settles on my lap when I read and most nights spends time after my nocturnal bathroom trips being my little goat, bounding on my hip back & forth while I provide head to tail rubs, sometimes until I’m numb and about to drop off back to sleep. She decided early on that she is my bathroom buddy and always pushes the door open to come to visit when I take a potty break. If I forget, she lets me know, loudly, that I dared to shut/latch the door.
Nail trimming time is not one of her favs but hair brushing could go on and on until my arm fell off. Tess is adventuresome and throughout the years has gotten in to places we would never dream was accessible; luckily nothing that put her in a dire situation!! She is extremely quick, wonderful at catching bugs, a baby snake, and we have had quite a few lizards brought in to the house from the deck. She of course lets them go once she gets in the house and it is a free-for-all trying to catch the little buggers. Her quickness is never more in evidence than when she’s playing games with my husband. I make these little toss toys from yarn that about an inch wide by six inches long at one end with about eight feet of yard attached. Their routine is for him to fling the wide end across the bed and slowly reel it back in while she loses her mind stalking and terrorizing it. She leaps, twists, spins, head dives, rolls; we truly need to get a good action video of this one night.
We are enjoying every minute with her and she is even happier with us since we retired. She gets to go outside on the deck a lot more than ever and gets a lot extra mid-day yummy-yum treats. We are thankful every day that we discovered VA Siamese Rescue and continue to greatly appreciate the support from everyone there!!
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2017 9pm)
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