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Foster Mom and Dad say I am just the sweetest kitty ever! Foster Dad kept me company last night... cuddling on the bed and watching TV... his best work... I did not mind... I like to be with people. I should meet the other house kitties soon so foster mom will know what I prefer... with or without?

I am as sweet as they come with "fairy dust" on my face and ears and some on my feet. Yes, I am kitten sized. Want to dance among the fairies with me? If you see my video you will see I have somewhat of a foot fetish ... I love attention!!!!

Lily lightfoot
Name:   Lily
ID#: VA10990
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 08/10/15
Adopted: 09/06/15
Congrats: Anne
Foster: BJ

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
So it is just 2 weeks since I brought Lily home but it seems like she has been a member of the family for months. It has been an incredibly easy adjustment for Lily and for Bob and Debbie. From the first morning when she escaped from the bedroom as I was leaving to get their breakfast and she literally ran over Bob in the hallway they have been friends and playmates. Even though he is twice her size she thinks that she is the boss and Bob indulges her. Debbie discourages Lily from trying to engage her in Play with a few hisses but she doesn't mind being close to her at times and once I even caught Debbie licking Lily on top of her head. Not bad! Anyway Lily is a sweetheart and very at ease and self confident. She loves watching the birds and the chipmunks at the bird feeders. She is very playful and busy and curious and fun!

It's hard to believe that it's the second anniversary of Lily's adoption. Thank you for the reminder Loralee and Barbara! All is well. She had her annual vet checkup last month. She is a healthy kitty. She gained a couple of pounds. I may have to cut back a little on the Temptations chicken flavored treats which she LOVES! She also loves cardboard scratcher beds. Barbara sent her home with one and she has gone through several more. Lily and "big brother" Bob still enjoy playing and snuggling together.. She and "big sister" Debbie coexist peacefully with only an occasional hiss. Lily is a little sweetheart and I'm so happy to have her.I thank Barbara and Loralee and everyone at Siamese Rescue!

(Last update: Sep 6th, 2017 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Coraline

(FKA Matilda)

ID#: VA6420
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 06/25/09
Adopted: 09/05/09
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

NEW PICTURES! I'VE GOT FIFTEEN NEW PICTURES! Anything to get noticed - I'm a sweetie, a cutie and a beauty too. I love people, I love other cats and I can even put up with dogs if they're nice to me. I'm playful, I'm happy and I'm well-mannered with my dinner and my litter-box - what's not to love? When I arrived in foster care, I was a wee little thing. Now I'm a big kitten and ready to come home - so c'mon, can't you tell I'm giving you my best "Take Me Home" look? Ask about me now!
Purrs - Matilda

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Notes from Home
We are celebrating Coraline's 8-year anniversary today. Coraline has had a bit of a rough time lately; she was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis after she began severely overgrooming. She is on medication and has a variety of colorful jackets to wear while her belly heals. Other than that, she has been doing well (except for being a little on the "fluffy" side). Coraline has brought us so much joy over the years, and we will always be very thankful that she came into our lives. We love our sweet girl so much!!!
(Last update: Sep 5th, 2017 8pm)

I've been very lucky so far. Me and a bunch of other kittens were found in a storm drain, and rescued before anything really bad could happen. I got very scared, very hungry, and covered in fleas, but that is all fixed now. I've gone from being a terrified little thing to a purry and bold kitten. I just got to foster mom's on Sunday after a long car ride, and even though she gave me a terrible bath, she wrapped me up in a soft towel and held be - and I started to purr. I need to get a little bigger before I can go to the vet to be 'fixed'. Didn't know I was broken, but that is what she said. And in a few days I will be allowed out to play with the big cats that live here, I am sure I will like that. More about me later, and some better pictures too. I'm darn cute, and friendly - and likely to be a bold little guy.

Name:   Simon
ID#: VA12194
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/30/17
Adopted: 08/27/17
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
HI All!,

Simon is doing just great in his new home. we have introduced him to my older siamese (Blaze) and it seems to be going well. we utilized the playpen to allow them to become familiar with each others scents for a few days before letting simon out and about. Hes a real explorer with no fear!.

he is eating (alot but not too much), going to the bathroom regularly and def is getting alot of exercise (this guy has alot of energy). the last two nights he and blaze slept in the bed with us (although simon did take blazes spot - mommys pillow)

They play together Alot, Simon is fearless and does jump at Blaze, they engage in play fighting every now and then but as soon as we see any signs of aggression from either of them (ears back, tail fluffed etc) we intervene - usually with a loud noise or something to distract them.

that being said we still want them to interact more under supervision before we are comfortable letting them roam around alone while lauren and i are at work. For now, SImon is in the bedroom (where his playpen is) until we get home. in there he has his own activity tree, litter box, food, water etc.

im sure they would be fine, but ive seen Simon push Blaze to his limits and would rather be home to witness any interaction.

other than those instances they coexist quite well- its not constant play time!

SImon loves his cuddles and purrs like a mad man.. i think he may be teething because he LOVES to munch on things (hence the nickname we gave him - MUNCHIE)

Areas of Concern?
1.Hes stool is on the soft side and has STINKY farts, were not sure if this is residual affects from his coccidia - we have a VET appointment Thursday
2.Play - we hope that we can soon get comfortable to the point where we can let the 2 guys out and about alone. if there are any indicators to look for please advise! boys will be boys we understand, just want to make sure its not an ongoing and never ending worry.

so far he has been amazing and we couldnt be happier. our big guy is coming around more and more by the day and we are thrilled with the progress so far. we want to thank everyone for all the help and work getting him to us!!

i have attached a few pictures as well!

(Last update: Sep 5th, 2017 2pm)

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Name: Kiki

(FKA Tinsley)

ID#: VA12090
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/10/17
Adopted: 08/19/17
Congrats: Christina
Foster: Julie

Boy do I have some catching up to do. But I have a great set of lungs to scream for my food so I should do it quickly. I love to climb and run.

I won't be ready to go home until at least the 3rd week in August.

I finally hit one pound. Only 2 more to go. I am very happy here as I have 2 other kittens to play with, but I will be sad when they go home before me unless one of these big cats will play with me. The dog tried, but she is soooooooooo BIG that I am sopping wet after. I know she just likes me, but couldn't dog tongues be like my mom's?

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Notes from Home
Kiki has adjusted wonderfully. She got a bath for the first time yesterday and was so well behaved! She did not fight us or make any agitated noises. She has been such a delight to have. She keeps our male, Xolo, happy and occupied. She had her initial vet appointment on 09/02 and there were no issues whatsoever.
(Last update: Sep 5th, 2017 11am)

Left in a satchel next to a dumpster, thank goodness someone looked to see why that clasped satchel was moving around! Needless to say I was just a little bit HOT! Now things are looking up, and I'm safe, sound, and of great mind and body - and settling in quickly! Come on, admit it, do I have the cutest face or what????? (I'm not sure about dogs but they might be okay)
Name:   Shuey
ID#: VA7872
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/17/11
Adopted: 09/03/11
Congrats: Edith
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Hi Folks--Shuey is doing very well. She's had her physical, and after a period of weight gain, she is back to an ideal weight, and I'm very glad! The vet says she's fine…she has a bit of a hairball issue, but we use something from GNC that she REALLY likes. Shuey is highly intelligent, very chatty, playful and sweet she is almost never aggressive anymore and trusts people more and more. We think about getting another cat, but it has taken her three years to be the full personality that she is now…she seems completely contented. She is more of a "mature" cat now…still playful, but not as much as the first year or so. She loves doing yoga with me!
Shuey is doing very well in her fourth year with me. She is an only pet now, and this seems to be her preferred status! This year, we discovered she had a bad tooth abscess, and that tooth was removed. This has really made a difference to her personality, which has truly blossomed. I wish we'd seen that sooner, poor girl, but all is well now. Hope all is well at the rescue center….I wish we could take another cat, but Shuey says "no"--which I'm sure does not surprise you! xo, Edith
Shuey is still doing well! This is her six year with me, and she has few complaints, lol. In the past couple of years, she developed a chicken allergy, so now she gets duck and rabbit...she is immensely satisfied with this arrangement. Still doesn't want another cat...she is unanimous in that, to quote an old British sitcom (Are You Being Served?). I have traveled a lot for work in the past couple of years, and she has found a second home at Old Town Pet Resort in Sterling...she loves it and moans when I come to get her and bring her home. She is the easiest cat ever to keep, and she has become quite cuddly and loving...almost never lashing out or aggressive any more. Hope you are all doing well! Shuey says "meow," which means whatever you want. :-) xo, Edith

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2017 7pm)

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Name: Lola

(FKA Shayla)

ID#: VA11893
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 12/31/16
Adopted: 03/04/17
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
I am a sweet girl who is a little bit shy at first meeting. I do like to be petted and have my head scratched. Out in the foster room and ok with other cats if they do not get within my personal space I would do well with a moderately playful male kitty. Have met one of the resident dogs who was ok being nearby. So slow introductions with dogs might work. Little children too scary for me also.
Purrs, Shayla

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Notes from Home
We are the best of friends now!  She sleeps with me on my bed.  Loves to play with strings and fetches her favorite ball for me to throw. Lola likes to be brushed and talks to me throughout the day about her needs.

The final breakthrough was being able to pick her for a quick deposit into the cat carrier for a checkup at the vet.  Mission accomplished and she is in excellent health!

(Last update: Sep 4th, 2017 5pm)

Hi there! I'm Tippy, so named because the vet tip on my tail is white.

I'm here with my best friend, Luna, and Meowmy said we have to go home together cause every kitten needs a playmate. I have good litter box habits and love to be held.

You can ask about us soon!


Name:   Tippy
ID#: VA12115
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/24/17
Adopted: 08/20/17
Congrats: Lea
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
Tippy and Luna are completely settled into their home and our family. We are so blessed to have them. They are very happy and active kittens and Luna is gaining weight nicely.
(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2017 9pm)

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Name:   Paris
ID#: VA12034
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/11/17
Adopted: 08/20/17
Congrats: Marilyn
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Do you have a sunny spot for me to lounge? A bed where we could snuggle together at night? A quiet home where I can relax? If so, let's chat!

Check out my new videos!

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Notes from Home
Paris had her first vet visit this past Thursday. Even though she didn't need anything in the way of vaccines, I thought it important that she meet my mom's vet and be put into their system. It was a great visit. The vet was kind, gentle, and he told my mom what a lovely cat Paris was- to which my mom agreed whole heartedly! We did have blood panels done so that as Paris ages, the vet has a baseline for comparison. He said she was in fabulous health, and he wouldn't need to see her again until next August, unless of course, she wasn't feeling well.
Paris has the full run of the house, sleeps with my mom at night, and enjoys watching the birds that come to my mom's feeders. She also enjoys sitting in the sun, beside my mom on the couch in the afternoons- where they both watch TV. I'm blown away by how quickly the two of them have bonded with each other. Thank you all so very much. Paris is deeply loved and well cared for.

(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2017 5pm)

We're just starting to tell Foster Mawm about ourselves, but she already knows we're VERY Siamese. We have our own way of doing things, and I like to tell everybody how things should be. Zeus is the shy silent one - but that's okay, I make sure my voice is loud enough for both of us.

We'll tell Mawm more in a few days, but we've already made it clear that we're inseparable brothers!
Name: Simon

(FKA Mao)

ID#: VA11836
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/29/16
Adopted: 12/11/16
Congrats: Stephen
Foster: Paula


Notes from Home
We have had Mao and Zeus for 9 months, now named William (Wills for short) and Simon, (and I can't remember who was Mao and who was Zeus) and it doesn't really matter, because they are ours now, and they love us as well. It all starts with trust, and the animal needs to feel loved and safe in its home. That's where the boys are now. They spend most of their time together, chasing, grooming, sleeping. They love attention, patting and scratching: Wills is very attached to Sharron, and Simon with me, though they will switch to get more attention. There are still food issues: we have been feeding kibble only in small doses, as they will overeat and vomit. We have tried leaving out a bowl, but it didn't work. Maybe some day. But now Simon wakes us at 5:30 or so to be fed. He has us well trained! They enjoy playing with their toys: Wills has a "sparklemouse" which he carries around, calling to Simon to take it from him. The are gaining interest in the squirrels and birds from our back windows. Wills' tail (it is striped!) was ramrod straight when he arrived, now it has a distinctive meezer kink to it. Talk about releasing stress! When we adopted them we were told they were a little over 3 years old, so we have decided Labor Day would be their birthday.
Happy 4th birthday, Wills and Simon!

(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2017 4pm)

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Name:   Jake
ID#: VA5853
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/09/08
Adopted: 09/03/08
Deceased: 02/04/19
Congrats: Jeanne
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

I was a happy, well loved boy till my owner died. Then some strange "relative" came along and threw me out in the street. Thanks goodness for the rescue angle who picked me up. She took me in and called Siamese Rescue and here I am. All comfy again. Now all I need is someone to love me again and my world will be complete.
Maybe that could be you?


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Jake is doing great! Vet check shows him to be in excellent health. I'm a volunteer with Siamese Rescue and love going to the cat show here in Roanoke and helping with the Siamese Rescue Booth. I try to bring one of my kitties along so that folks visiting the booth can see the kind of great cats we save and find homes for. I wasn't sure how Jake would do and he suprised us all with his relaxed friendly ways with all the visitors. I think he had as much fun there as we did. He was so well behaved that day. At home he likes to stir up trouble in the evenings. He will pester and "stalk" his prey for the night until he or she chases him or runs from him. I know he only wants to play, but sometimes he is met with some serious growling from the others and I have to put him in time out for a bit. He has a very big meezer voice, too, which he'll use in the evenings if he can't find me. He calls and once I ask him "what's the matter, Jake?" he comes running talking all the while until he's happily settled on my legs for some biscut making and a nap.

Jake continues to do well and also stir up trouble. He is very vocal when he wants something, but also very loving with me. He is the only cat I have that has never tried to bite me if I annoyed them too much. lol. Good vet check up, good appetite, and loving companion.

Jake continues to do well. He does fight chronic pancreatitis, but special food seems to keep it under control. He's decided he wants to crawl under the covers to snuggle at night and I fall asleep listening to him purr. He is still playful and will rile up the girls at times when he wants to play. He lost his best bud, Mickey, but new addition, Robbie, seems to have taken his place as the cat groomer here, which Jake loves.

At night if I decided to stay up to watch tv a bit longer than 11:00 pm , he'll pester me with that meezer voice of his and not let up until I say "OK, lets go to bed". Then he dashes up the stairs and waits for me to settle down so he can get under the covers. He is a joy to have.

(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2017 7am)

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