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I'm just a tiny little thing & my foster meowm is trying to get me feeling up to snuff. I'm growing, so my foster meowm is very happy! If she isn't happy, I suppose I'm not happy! Give me a little time to get over my kitty cold & I'll show you just how adorable I am!!!

Name: Felix

(FKA Brinx)

ID#: VA12206
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/05/17
Adopted: 09/23/17
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Debi


Notes from Home
Brinx is now Felix and he is certainly is a "little man" as Debi so aptly described him! He now weighs 4.20 lbs. and is a whirling dervish of kitten fun. Felix has the most amazing purr for such a little guy and is extremely affectionate. He loves to play and jump and chase crunchy autumn leaves. He also thinks it pretty amusing to chase his companion, Lucy! At night, he likes to jump on our bed and touch noses and then purrs SO loudly, that it's hard to get any sleep! What a love bug. We are so blessed to have Felix and Lucy in our lives.
(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2017 8am)

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Name: Lucy

(FKA Buttercupp)

ID#: VA12205
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/05/17
Adopted: 09/23/17
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I'm a feisty 2 1/2 pounder & I love to play with all the balls in my playpen. I do have an eye sore that my foster meowm is trying to clear up. I'm only going to tolerate these darn drops for a little bit longer, as I'm way too busy to stop for meds! I'm sharing space with Brinx & I'm teaching him the ropes, as he's way smaller than I am!!


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Notes from Home
After one month with our darling chocolate princess, we are totally smitten with her! She weighs in at 6.40 pounds and is such a purring sweetheart. Her name is now Lucy and we named her after our Meezer Express transport driver- Lucy Weed! ( Since Lucy brought us our dear Liebchen in Nov. 2000, we were thrilled to discover that Lucy was going to be bringing us our new kittens! ) Lucy ( the kitten!) is also very dear with our Max who is now almost 18 years old! She will quietly jump on the couch to sit with him and keep him company. Very sweet!

(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2017 8am)

Just arrived. More information soon. Foster mom has a weird thing about the military alphabet because that is where my name came from. State tuned for new photos.
Name: Ming

(FKA Bravo)

ID#: VA12175
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/22/17
Adopted: 08/12/17
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
I've twice deleted Ming's updates. I hope I'm less clumsy this time. I picked Ming up at Nancy's two months ago, & he went directly to his carrier box & got in it on his own. Little fussing on the way home; he watched me and occasionally talked tous. When he arrived home, he sat up & sniffed the air, smelling the sea breeze for the first time. Ming settled in right sawey, eating using the litter box & sleeping with me.His first "catch" was a Carolina anole, who hitched a ride He immediately started escorting me to the bathroom & & is highly indignant if I leave him. He sits on my lap & tells me all about his day or his dreams, only stopping to watch the water swirl in the bowl.l .What a place t a place to get ones first head butt

He's growing big, weighing over 6 lbs - twice as big as his little "sister," Mei-Mei, who arrived 4 weeks'after him. He's been very patient with her, though he's had reason to be provoked. l

(Last update: Oct 19th, 2017 10pm)

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Name: Charlie

(FKA Abbott NKA Charlie)

ID#: VA6641
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/28/09
Adopted: 10/18/09
Deceased: 12/27/17
Congrats: Ellen
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Sweet, bright, inquisitive, that is me. I am a typical curious busy kitten. I am learning the boundaries. I am the most loving cat.I want to be in your lap or next to you or talking to you. Foster mom tells me all the time that I will get a loving FOREVER home so I just need to be patient. In the meantime I am getting along with the other cats here. Just click on ask about me so you don't miss out on a real love bug.
Foster mom says I can only travel one day away.

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Notes from Home
Charlie Thornton (VA6641) is a wonderful loving kitty. I adore him. Charlie's shown qualities of endurance and patience during two hurricanes, Matthew and Irma, in two years in Florida. He continues to alternately take care of and annoy his pal Gabriella, adopted from a shelter here in Jacksonville and also Siamese. He is adapting well to taking heart medication via chicken treats, does not like having meds mixed with regular wet food. The vet, Dr. Richard Langford at Coral Reef in Atlantic Beach, sees him every year for shots, and monitors his heart. Charlie is well loved. I can't believe he's agreed to live with me now for eight years. I am blessed.
(Last update: Oct 19th, 2017 2pm)

If you are looking for a little gal with lots of spunk you should ask about me!

I should be ready to go home in September and must stay inside my transport area.

I do need to go to a home with another cat or kitten.

Keep checking back for more pictures and videos as I settle in.
Name: MeiMei

(FKA Flowerbelle)

ID#: VA12183
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/24/17
Adopted: 09/17/17
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Re: PS If I can catch her! !

She’s being a typical kitten, instigating “fights” with her big brother, etc. She knows no boundaries & jumps right on top of him, if he’s sleeping with me. She’s so involved with him, she has little time for me, except when she's sleepy. Then, she'll jump in my lap, purr & cuddle.

She’s a little timid when people come to the house, hiding, especially if it’s a man. When a plumber came, she hid all day & we searched & searched: we thought she’d gotten out, but that night at bedtime, she appeared, She’s getting better, & even came out tonight when a man she’d never met came to dinnerl
I think it's a little harder if the cats are not litter mates, or bonded when they are adopted. Size & age make a difference

10/18/17: Mei-Mei has settled in & almost enticed Ming into a relationship. He's twice as big as her, and already thought he owned the house and me, before she came. She's been rough on him, never giving him a second's peace, jumping on him, hopping over him, chewing his ear & tail. Last week she began to groom him & he tolerated it; this week, he reciprocated. & didn't tackle or bite her. She's a licker; he's a head butter & door darter. Mei-Mei watches what he does & if he won't eat something, she stops eating it. I've had to stop feeding them together for now; she only weighed 4.02 lbs. at the vet on 10/16/17. What I thought was a small hernia was some unabsorbed stitches from her hernia repair. Vet said no open places, though. She likes electronics & has learned to step on the keyboard on my laptop, to wake it so she can see the images;chews paper on my desk, gets in file drawers, etc. I think she'll turn off the alarm on my cell before long;she surely watches whatever I'm doing very closely. I've taken her out of the freezer drawer, my dish & cereal cabinet, & the inside of a recliner, She's not a climber or a talker, like most Siamese. Have learned she likes small children, but not loud dogs! BL

(Last update: Oct 19th, 2017 12am)

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Name: Mia

(FKA IRIS (aka Tortie))

ID#: VA12082
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 06/03/17
Adopted: 08/19/17
Congrats: Sherrie
Foster: Deirdre

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Exceptionally attractive, sweet and petite Balinese girl. Just a kitten herself, she was abandoned at a high kill shelter with her two surviving babies. An excellent mother, both she and her babies have thrived in foster care. She is very protective of her teenies but is still gentle and loving.

A bit shy at first, once she feels secure she will come out and solicit attention. While she is not keen on being picked up, she LOVES to be petted and brushed. Iris will roll and purr endlessly and chase after you to give you a gentle tap with her paw if you stop brushing her too soon :)

This head-butting, purring, 'rub my belly while I make biscuits' little Meezer machine is ready to go now her babies are weaned. Her ideal home would be as an only or with another laid back, non-dominant cat where she would get a lot of attention and be able to snuggle with her purrson at night. She would probably tolerate a gentle dog who would not chase her but small, active children would overwhelm.

Iris is so gentle, delicate and needy - the purrfect companion for someone looking for their Meezer soulmate. She is not super vocal but has a cute, squeaky little voice that reminds you to continue brushing or that she would like some ear scritches :)

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Notes from Home
Hi Deirdre & Amy

Just a quick update on Iris. First Iris is now named Meia (pronounced Mee-ah). She is still a little fearful out of her "room" . We have tried letting her have the run of the house, but that hasn't worked well because she hides and we can't find her for most of the day! When we do find her she makes a run for her room.

She is slowly getting better with us though. She does let us pick her up. We hold her for hours talking to her, kissing her, petting or combing her fur. She loves all of that. We also play with her in her own quiet space where she likes to be. Meia seems more comfortable with that especially if we stay laying down low on the floor on her level. When we are in her area she responds to our hand gestures and usually comes to us if she feels like it. We feel this is reall progress.

She sure loves being petted and scratched. She head butts us, wiggles, squirms and turns every which way...even doing flips! She has even given us some soft love bites when were playingwith her!! It's so cute to see her so playful and totally uninhibited. She can't get enough! What a sweet cat!! Outside of her room she is still extremely shy, she closes her eyes and buries her face. This behaviour stops when she is combed and then she looks at us in a tursting way or goes to sleep. At first she would try to flee. Now she doesn't do that. So she is getting a lot of brushing! Meia has now gradulted to laying next to us on the sofa without fleeing!

When we first got her, the kitty litter box in her room was her hiding place. Fortunately the kitty litter box was replaced with this three sided tube. So glad of that! Here is the new hiding place: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/812yhD2wIfL._SL1500_.jpg She just LOVES this thing! She stays in this most all day and sleeps in it at night. She plays whth toys in her own space but not at all when when she is free in the house. She especially loves a grey soft toy with a tail that Deirdre give her. We have respected this fear of being out of her own space, and because she is less inhibited and more friendly when we approach her in her space (rather than ours) when we pick her up. She acceps us better there and acts less shy and afraid. Keeping her in her space reduces issues of her hiding and us trying to find her and then removing her from an area. We do have a bell on her though to help us locate her.

We do feel that Meia has made progress but we know continued progress will be very, very slow. We believe Meia was badly abused in her past life. We must be careful with our hand when approaching her face as every time, she flinches like she thinks she is going to be hit. Only lately has she been flinching less. We are sure physical abuse is why she becomes limp and closes her eyes and tucks her head under when she is picked up. In our opinion she was badly mistreated in her former life. However, she is a very sweet girl and we love her very much. We are as gentle as we can be with her and always talk to her with a loving encouraging tone of voice.

Our feral Kitten MInkie never knew Meia because we took your adivse seriously and isolated them away from each other. Sadly not long after we got Meia, Minkie became very ill with diarrhea and severe weight loss. We were told his condition was fatal and we were advised by our veternarian to put him to sleep. We loved him and that was very hard. He was having pancreatic insufficiency and was rapidly starving to death from a lack of digestive emzymes. He was just bones when he died,

We have since gotten a 9 week old male Balinese kitten that we are calling "Buddy".as he is to be Meia's buddy. We are isolating these two away from each other for now and we will be in no hurry to introduce them as we don't want to set back Meia's steady progress in accepting us. We hope that Meia will like him and hope they will be friends and a comfort for each other but we are sure that this outcome can't be pushed quickly upon Meia.

As you requested, Meia was promptly taken to our Veternarian and pronunced to be very healthy. She was good at the vet and didn't tremble in fear when there. She also is good in the car, not afraid. In fact she looks out the window and seems interested. She has never gotten car sick.

I'm having some problems with Outlook, so I'll try to send pictures next time.

Warm wishes and many thanks to all!

Sherrie & Bill Anderson

(Last update: Oct 18th, 2017 7pm)

Working through some snortles, as soon as I get those cleared up I'll go on Adopt Me! Meantime I'm a chatty playful interactive gal who would likely do well with another cat (male) or dog (or both) to play with!
Name:   Bacall
ID#: VA12148
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/08/17
Adopted: 08/27/17
Congrats: Emilio
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Bacall has been with us for over a week now. Her integration with Andy has been very quick and after only been 24 hours here they were roaming around the house together. Bacall's definitely a foodie, so its going take a little more time making sure she eats her portion and leaves Andy's alone, although for now we have no concern as there is always left over food (half cup for each) at the end of the day as we feed them in the AM. Bacall also has taken a liking to wet food, as we have to feed Andy a small portion each night so he can take his lysene, so we make sure to give her a small portion without any medicine. There is still some jealousy between them in the early mornings when we are getting ready to leave for work, but so far its only manifested as some 'paw raising' and some growling from Bacall. Her personality is so loving and affectionate, she is always ready to give nice strong headbutts and deep purrs. I feel she and Andy are going to get along great once she is settled in. We are considering changing her name, as she does not answer to Bacall. Unlike Andy, who was answering to his name the first day we received him.

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to give you all a quick update on Bacall. She responded well to her meds and the sneezing has stopped. Let's hope we got it for good! She is the sweetest girl with the strongest head butts. We absolutely love her and it's safe to say Andy does too. The two of them are inseparable, literally. They follow each other everywhere and demand that we give love and plays together. It's not easy playing with one feather wand with two cats! Everything is going very well here and she has nestled in perfectly. Thank you again for placing these two sweet kitties in our hands. I attached some photos to both Bacall and Andy's profile for you to see!

(Last update: Oct 17th, 2017 2pm)

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Name: Milly

(FKA Brystal)

ID#: VA11057
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/05/15
Adopted: 10/03/15
Congrats: Juliana (julie)
Foster: Debra

I just got here but I already like to give head butts and be petted. Life is good.

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Notes from Home
Milly (aka Brystal) is settling in well. She already has let our Westies know that she is the boss. Super friendly to everyone who has been to visit-- both my son & grandson wanted to take her home with them. Took her to the vet today for her runny eye & nose. Vet gave her a clean bill f health except for the viral infection of her eye & nose and her swollen leaking breasts ( vet felt because she was 1/2 way thru her pregnancy when spayed, her body hasn't adjusted to not having kittens yet.

Miss Milly Kitty is doing great. She loves lounging on the benches n our sunroom watching the birds and squirrels and batting the dogs as they walk by. She gets along well with both dogs as long as they remember she is the boss. She generally sleeps on our bed and when the dogs wake up in the crates in another room and bark asking to go out, she comes and let's us know they are ready. Then she will watch from the door or w dos whoe they do their business and occasionally try to escape and go with them. She use her cardboard scratching pads but occasionally has to be reminded by water pistal not to use the furniture or rugs, she is very curious and friendly and greets all guests at tHe front door. She is an absolute delight and very much part of our family.

MIss Milly s doing great. She had her annual check up & shots last week and the vet says she is a perfect weight & one fof the friendliest cats she has ever met. Everyone loves her (except maybe our youngest Westie who still is jealous however still usually gets along with her).

(Last update: Oct 17th, 2017 1pm)

One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and away we go. Plenty of energy going on here. No doubt you will be seeing my brothers and sister on the rescue web pages. I am the smallest but bright eyed and beautiful. I am sure foster mom will be adding information as she gets to know me. I am a little one so a one day transport is all I can do. I think that would be FL, GA, or SC. I will need a kitten or young cat to be my buddy. I am so used to being with all my siblings that I need some company in my new home.
Name: Asia

(FKA Leilah)

ID#: VA7217
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/17/10
Adopted: 10/16/10
Congrats: Gloria
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Asia is the most loving cat in the world. I adore her. She's healthy, happy and cuddly. I'll add some photos so you can see her. 💞🐾💕

Asia is wonderful. She's healthy and happy. Sadly, her Sphynx Pal, Isys, passed away on September 1st. It was sudden and fast. Isys was very, very loved.

Happy, healthy, totally loving!

(Last update: Oct 17th, 2017 11am)

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Name: Denali

(FKA Saboo)

ID#: VA5171
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/22/07
Adopted: 09/16/07
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Jacqueline
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Adopt Me! So far I'm PURRFECT! Of course, I may have my secrets, so I will share those if I must.....

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Notes from Home
My beloved Denali is critically ill, vet thinks liver cancer or pancreatitis, and we have to take him back tomorrow to be euthanized as he’s not responding to supportive treatments. I would like to reactivate my status for adoption and hopefully find another young adult sweet male lap cat who would be a good playmate & companion for our 3-year old lynx point female and for our quiet home environment. Thanks for your assistance.

10/16 Update. We adopted Marina from a Maryland animal rescue site in November 2017. She was reported to be 1 year, but based on her being pregnant at intake to the rescue, the vet estimated her age at 2-3. So, her current age is 4-5 years. She is not declawed, very playful and interactive, and weighs 13 pounds. She LOVED Denali and they played well together considering the age difference and nearly always slept together and groomed each other.

(Last update: Oct 16th, 2017 8am)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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