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I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE older men. I prefer they be handsome older men, but as long as they will cuddle with me, I'm happy. So if you know of a lonely older guy, or you are a lonely older guy, and particularly if you know of someone like my buddy Gummy Bear here, please ask about me, and I'll come to your house and cuddle for no charge (adoption scholarship offered).
Name: Siri

(FKA Sara-belle)

ID#: VA4310
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/15/06
Adopted: 11/04/07
Deceased: 07/17/18
Congrats: Juliana
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
I Changed her name to Siri because that was the only name she responded to.
This last year Siri had a medical crisis. After a week the emergency veterinary doctors determined that she has Addison's disease. It is especially hard to diagnose because while it is rare in dogs, it is nearly unheard of in cats. I found one other case on line, a Persian in England.
She is doing better now with her prednisolone. But it is causing functional diabetes, so she is on a very special diet.
She is a very sweet little lady, and very beautiful according to everyone who sees her. Over the years she has become very loving and enjoys lap time, sleeping beside me, and bossing the "boys" ( Dave and Marmelade). They acknowledge that she is the Mama, She loves her Millie beds, but will let Dave sleep in one. Maybe she will write when she is stronger.

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2017 10pm)

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Name: T.J.

(FKA Kindle Fire)

ID#: VA12004
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/08/17
Adopted: 05/01/17
Congrats: Richard
Foster: Julie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I don't like loud scary noises like the clang of cage doors. When you see my tail and see the streak of fire down my tail, you will see where I got my name. I love to be pet and will come demand them so get ready! I should be ready to home by 4/29/17.

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Notes from Home
Hi Amy and Julie. Well, TJ has successfully wound us around his little paw and
we now belong to him instead of the other way around, and he calls all the shots. He is active, but not a terror. A very curious, active, sweet, purring and loving kitten. His ear problem is healed, his eyes are much better (I guess he will always have "dirty eyes" (dark matter in the inner corners) like Beau has always had but I think that's because they are white cats so the matter always shows. In any case, both the boys submit to having their eyes wiped everyday so they look beautiful and handsome. We are completely happy with our sweet little guy (both of them, actually) and we want to thank you and the SCRC for all that you do to find good homes for these wonderful creatures. I'm sending some pictures.

Dear Amy and Julie, just want to let you know that both T J and Beau are well and happy in our new home. In August my husband (who has Parkinson’s disease) and I, along with both cats and Phan, our Whippet, moved to Ashby Ponds, in Ashburn VA, a retirement community. Having full responsibility for a big house, a big yard, AND being my husband’s caregiver, was getting to be too much for me to deal with. So now we’re settled, everyone is much more relaxed (especially me) and we’re all happy to be here.
You can’t imagine how much we both love the sweet T.J. He spends a lot of time on Richard’s lap and makes us laugh out loud at the way he flies around the house and jumps from one bed to another, but then comes to sit on Richard’s chest when I feed him hoping to be able to “share” with Daddy. He and Beau are best friends with an occasional spat, but very quickly over and licking each other’s ears the next minute. If you remember, he had that big flufffy tail that made him look like he was hauling a tail that was meant for a larger cat. Well, he grew into that tail so that now he just has a tail that fits him. He is a semi-long haired cat. I keep telling him that the only Siamese thing about him is his blue eyes, but we’re going to keep him anyway. He’s not really worried!
Thank you both again for all your help and for your dedication to these beautiful animals.

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2017 3pm)

Just arrived and I'm super scared right now. Meowmy said I'll be ok because my best friend, Socks, is here. We both need some time to get used to all the changes that came our way, so be patient.

Update: I all settled in now. Had my blood work ( healthy) and a dental. I'm so happy to see my friend, Socks, and we both love to have Meowmy pet us. I love to rub and groom Socks, too! Meowmy said I'm the Siamese version of Grumpy cat. lol

Name:   Waffles
ID#: VA12213
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/06/17
Adopted: 10/19/17
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Waffles is a snuggly boy, when he wants to be! He doesn't want to be picked up, but will happily sit for rubs and grab my hand when I stop. He likes to play, but not as much as Socks. He does , however , love to eat! He has to have his face washed daily, and is not a big fan, but deals with it pretty well. He is a good boy!
(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2017 7pm)

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Name:   Socks
ID#: VA12212
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/06/17
Adopted: 10/19/17
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Just arrived and I'm very scared and confused. My "brother" and I had a home together for 8 years and then all of a sudden, I'm in a shelter. Meowmy said we'll be ok since my "brother", Waffles, was found after he ran away and he's here with me. We need a little time to settle down and then you'll be able to ask about us.

Update: I'm all settled in now and feeling 100% better. I'm now healthy again and so happy to see my best friend, Waffles. He likes to groom me, and we both love to sit on Meowmy's lap and get petted and brushed. The only thing we need now is our own new forever home. How about it? Would you like a pair of loving fellas like us?

If so, ask about us, and Meowmy will tell you our story.


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Notes from Home
Socks is adjusting well, I believe. He likes to play, and attacks his brother regularly. He quickly found and claimed a bed, and let me know he likes to drink from the tub. He seeks me out for rubs, and accepts being held for a bit. I think he is happy here.
(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2017 7pm)

Here I am again just looking
For the words that help me say that
My heart is full of love and praises

Oh yes..Here I am again...looking for love in all the right places

Come on ...sing along with me!

I am making a return appearance in rescue and this time I want to seriously find my forever home. I found a home that I really loved, but my mom had to return me & it was not because I was bad!

I'm a gentle gal with so much loving to give & I'm just a youngin, so I'll have many years to share with my new family.

Go on & ask about me & my new foster mom will share the news all about me!

Name: Kricket

(FKA Saffie)

ID#: VA9635
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/26/13
Adopted: 11/03/13
Congrats: Ronda
Foster: Debi

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Kricket has a new sister since last year t this time--Kristmas. They tolerate each other. Not a lot of loving, but no hissing or fighting either. Kricket's brother, Kagney, adores her and wants to play, Kricket is not so inclined. We continue working on her weight issues since food tends to be Kricket's most favorite subject.

On Halloween, I gave her a bath (which she really is good at receiving), but was afraid she might catch a chill, so I put her Halloween costume on her. She wasn't thrilled, but was a good sport although she wanted me to know that she was NOT a Steelers fan.

(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2017 5pm)

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Name: Captain

(FKA Carson)

ID#: VA5133
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/13/07
Adopted: 10/08/07
Congrats: Paul
Foster: Donna


That would be me and Carrie.

We're ready and waiting for the purrfect adopter. Could that be you??

We come as a package deal, by the way.



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Notes from Home
It's been 10 years since we adopted Captain and Cosmo. Captain is the most friendly & outgoing cat imaginable, and we absolutely adore him. He loves attention and takes advantage of every possible chance to cuddle.
(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2017 2pm)

Looking for an adorable, playful and cuddly kitten? Look no further! I should be ready to go home mid-July so get on my list!
Name: Cracker Jack

(FKA Umbro)

ID#: VA11535
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/20/16
Adopted: 07/24/16
Congrats: Lea Ann
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Jack has been such a joy. He is very social. He loves to get into trouble. I caught him on top of my top kitchen cabinets one day. He is just now starting to talk a bit. He was very quite as kitten. He likes to watch out the windows when I have them open. He is also affectionate, though he typically only wants it on his terms. I love him so much.
(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2017 11am)

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Name:   Missie
ID#: VA11501
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/02/16
Adopted: 07/24/16
Congrats: Lea Ann
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
When foster mom met me in the shelter I was so scared! I trembled and clung to her when she held me. Not any longer! I am still a tiny bit skittish but I am also very affectionate with a little bit of spunk on the side. I am all ready to go home. How about asking about me so foster mom can tell you all about me? Please?


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Notes from Home
Missie is doing very well. After an initial adjustment period, she has settled in nicely. She is very affectionate and quite a talker. She greats me everyday when I come home from work and follows me around the house. She is becoming more social with other people. She has also learned how to play with Jack and now she initiates play with him. I love her so much.
(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2017 11am)

Hello, I'm Boots, named I guess for my cute little white toes. I had a meowmy but she died, and her "kids" swooped in, put me in a box, sealed it with duct tape and brought me to the vet to be put to sleep!!!! Lucky for me, the vet refused, and took me in and called Siamese Rescue.

I'm very shy at first, but so warm up and love it when you pet me. The other cats here scare me, too, so I think I'd be happiest in a quiet home as an only cat.

I do have good litter box habits and eat my food ok after you pet me a little.

Do you have the time and patience to let me relax and settle In? If so, maybe I can be your new furkid!


Name:   Boots
ID#: VA9423
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/20/13
Adopted: 11/02/13
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Jeanne

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
I'm checking in for Boots' 4 year anniversary. She's doing very well. She's happy and healthy. Her new thing is to nap on my fireplace mantle, and she likes to be my office helper when I'm teleworking.

I've uploaded a couple of new pictures - one is her keeping me company while I telework, and the other is her playing with a favorite toy.

I'm so thankful to you all for bringing us together.


Debbie Lee

(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2017 11am)

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Name: Violet

(FKA Iris)

ID#: VA10273
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 08/29/14
Adopted: 11/01/14
Congrats: Al
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Just arrived with a kitty cold, so I need to get better and grow a bit before I can be put on adopt me. I do love my wet food and use my litter box, and purr every time someone pets me.


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Notes from Home
The first day our baby girl Violet, FKA Iris walked into her new home and announced "I'm here." We knew from this moment that this little powder puff was not going to be shy at all.

It seems that Violet grew from a little kitten to a big girl overnight. She brought us so much joy that first year. It was hard to believe she was a year old. Violet loved playing with her big brother, Romeo. However, her big sister, Snowy probably got dizzy watching her run around the house. Violet loved hanging out on Daddy's lap too. Of course, Mommy was always picking her up, hugging and kissing her. Violet loves to eat and is the first one in the kitchen for breakfast. Nothing dainty about this girl. She loves rolling around the floor with her big brother. LOL.

Now, Violet turns 2 years old and is such a cutie! She still loves to eat and playing with her big brother. Toys are scattered all over the kitchen floor. When we are watching television in the living room Violet loves to snuggle next to me. So, I have Romeo glued to my hip on one side and Violet on the other side. I just love it.

Well, it is hard to believe that our baby girl, Violet has been with us for 3 years. Time flies when you are having so much fun. She just loves playing with the new toy Mommy bought her. Of course, Romeo and Jasmine have the same toy too. She is such a smart girl that she figured out how to remove the ball. LOL. Hugs from Violet. <3

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2017 7pm)

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