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Sweet, friendly, outgoing, lovable and ready to be your sweetheart..

Momma says I'm PURRFECT!



I'm not the best traveler so I need to stay within my transport area.
Name: Phoebe

(FKA Sky)

ID#: VA11753
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 10/15/16
Adopted: 10/28/16
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Phoebe is the most wonderful little girl! She is the friendliest Siamese I have ever owned and keeps me laughing. She is giving my Fitbit a heck of a workout. She is my heart!

Sorry it has been so long since I updated. Phoebe's health issues have been resolved with the help of a wonderful vet in Richmond. She has a little brother to play with and love on and is anxiously awaiting him to grow out of kitten hood.

Phoebe has been with me for a little over a year - I wonder how I lived without her. She is doing well healthwise and seems happy. I love her too much - if that's possible.

(Last update: Nov 19th, 2017 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Yaden
ID#: VA12334
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/09/17
Adopted: 11/03/17
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Sweet, lovable little guy. Yaden should be ready to go home at the beginning of November and must go to a home with another cat or kitten (female)

Must stay inside transport area

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Yaden is adjusting very well and is a perfect little fellow. He is very smart, playful, and affectionate. He has had his first visit to the Vet and got glowing reviews. She said he is very healthy and looks like he will be a big fellow when he gets older. He was over 4 pounds already! We have lately been calling him "Scooby", so will likely use that as his formal 'middle name'. We are all excited to welcome his new forever girl, Daphne, shortly after Thanksgiving. I will attach some photos, (he is very photogenic and is always hamming it up for the camera).
(Last update: Nov 17th, 2017 10pm)

Mokie and Mieke came back to "Casa Kuck" after their adopter died on February 19th. They are a bonded pair who, as you can see are inseparable. I originally brought them into our program and fostered them from Litchfield CT. , They were first adopted by a woman who returned them to me when she went into a nursing home. They were then adopted by a gentleman in Milford Ct. who died of a massive coronary heart attack on February 19th and I brought them back to my home for fostering for a 3rd time. I am glad to have them back we me and would keep them if I didn't have 4 cats of my own.

Mokie and Mieke cannot be placed with dogs because Mieke reacted poorly to a dog brought over to check canine compatibility
Name:   Mieka
ID#: VA11964
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/27/17
Adopted: 04/25/17
Congrats: Christina
Foster: peter

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
I realized I had not replied to your 6 month email re: Mokie and Mieka and thought I should drop you a line.
Both are doing really well (now!).
Its been an interesting time - both were doing really well and had settled in fantastically - and were fully blended with our existing 19 year old female cat.
Then about 6 weeks or so ago we adopted another Siamese, a young snowshoe female from a local rehomer. We kept her separate from the other three for a week, got her checked at the vet and all appeared ok, until first Mieka, then Mokie came down with a sickness / diarrhea / not eating illness. We took Meika to our vet who prescribed antibiotics. However she would not eat. After nearly 7 days we took them both to the Bedford / Katonah emergency vet hospital (at the advice of our vet) where they were both admitted and put on IV fluid drips. In the end Mieka was there for four nights and Mokie for 8 nights (as his illness was a few days 'behind' hers). Neither ate anything for a total of 9 days (which caused minor liver and kidney issues but it appears nothing lasting) and Mokie ended up having to have a feeding tube inserted in his neck for a few days as he got very thin.
The vets still have no idea what caused the illness, though likely it was a virus brought in by the other cat who exhibited no symptoms. Our 19 year old did not pick it up, which is also strange.
They made it through (somewhat miraculously and $13,000 in vet bills later!) and we are so happy they did.
Fingers crossed they now continue healthily!

(Last update: Nov 17th, 2017 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Mokie
ID#: VA11963
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 02/27/17
Adopted: 04/25/17
Congrats: Christina
Foster: peter

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Mokie and Mieke came back to "Casa Kuck" after their adopter died on February 19th. They are a bonded pair who, as you can see are inseparable. I originally brought them into our program and fostered them from Litchfield CT. , They were first adopted by a woman who returned them to me when she went into a nursing home. They were then adopted by a gentleman in Milford Ct. who died of a massive coronary heart attack and I brought them back to my home for fostering a 3rd time. I am glad to have them back we me and would keep them if I didn't have 4 cats of my own.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I realized I had not replied to your 6 month email re: Mokie and Mieka and thought I should drop you a line.
Both are doing really well (now!).
Its been an interesting time - both were doing really well and had settled in fantastically - and were fully blended with our existing 19 year old female cat.
Then about 6 weeks or so ago we adopted another Siamese, a young snowshoe female from a local rehomer. We kept her separate from the other three for a week, got her checked at the vet and all appeared ok, until first Mieka, then Mokie came down with a sickness / diarrhea / not eating illness. We took Meika to our vet who prescribed antibiotics. However she would not eat. After nearly 7 days we took them both to the Bedford / Katonah emergency vet hospital (at the advice of our vet) where they were both admitted and put on IV fluid drips. In the end Mieka was there for four nights and Mokie for 8 nights (as his illness was a few days 'behind' hers). Neither ate anything for a total of 9 days (which caused minor liver and kidney issues but it appears nothing lasting) and Mokie ended up having to have a feeding tube inserted in his neck for a few days as he got very thin.
The vets still have no idea what caused the illness, though likely it was a virus brought in by the other cat who exhibited no symptoms. Our 19 year old did not pick it up, which is also strange.
They made it through (somewhat miraculously and $13,000 in vet bills later!) and we are so happy they did.
Fingers crossed they now continue healthily!

(Last update: Nov 17th, 2017 10am)

Lover boy. Purr, snuggle, cuddle. Whatever you like, so do I. Ready to go soon as the vet has seen me.

Was fine in car with our dogs and didn't hiss when he arrived at foster home and saw other cats while passing through to foster room.
Name: Jack

(FKA Shogun)

ID#: VA5290
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/13/07
Adopted: 11/12/07
Congrats: Lois
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Jack continues to be healthy. He shows no signs of slowing down, although his veterinarian has an interesting chart in her office tha equates his age to be in his early 70’s in human years. He is a real purr machine, and the older he gets, the more loving he is. He is up to date with annual physicals and immunizations. He is an old soul that has brought me more joy and love over the past 10 years than I ever thought possible ( my children are jealous). Thank you, Siamese Rescue for being out there.
(Last update: Nov 16th, 2017 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Talia
ID#: VA11664
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/25/16
Adopted: 10/05/16
Congrats: Nick
Foster: Deirdre

Foster Notes

Talia is young, healthy and eager for her own family to love.

Still a kitten herself, Talia was an excellent mother - attentive and protective. Now she is ready for a home and family of her own. Initially shy, she rapidly responds to attention and will purr, headbutt and rub over and over again. She loves ear scratches and will chase a feather wand with great enthusiasm. She plays well independently. She would get along with any sort of non-dominant cat and can entertain herself while her family is away. However, she would want to be nearby whenever they were home and sleeping on the bed at night would be a given.

Young, boisterous children would overwhelm her but respectful older kids would love her gentle and affectionate nature.

Talia has the loving, accepting purrsonality of the snowshoe with the intelligence and grace of the Siamese.

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Notes from Home

I'm writing to update everyone on Talia's one year anniversary with us! Everything is going very, very well with Miss Talia. She's certainly been a fantastic addition to our family. She is very healthy, fastidiously cleanly, and very friendly. She even loves our teenagers, frequently choosing to sit in their laps instead of ours when we're having family TV time. She also will sleep in with my son (my daughter's door stays shut due to her allergies) in addition to sleeping with us. Though she does not like to walk over the covers at all. We leave a spot at the bottom of the bed clear of covers for her, though recently she has been snuggling up in the crook of my arm at night.

She's also taken up a spot at our kitchen island. She sits at one of the chairs there, which is pushed in so it's surrounded on 4 of 6 sides. I think she likes to be able to see who's coming and going in the kitchen and too and from the basement.

Talia has also developed a great talking voice. Though she does not sound like a typical meezer, she does have a very lovely voice. She will talk to us several times a day, usually when she wants petting.

She has still not gotten used to having her nails trimmed, despite my efforts to get her used to it. It's a work in progress I suppose.

Thanks for everything! I'm including a picture...


(Last update: Nov 16th, 2017 11am)

I'm finally feeling better and now I'm learning to not be so shy. My foster meowm says i'm making great strides. I'll be ready to go home once I get over the remnants of this cold and have my surgery. Until foster meowm knows more, the jury is still out on how I am with other cats, kids, and dogs. You can still ask about me though if you think you might like a shy but very adoring young man in your life.

Xing (my name means Star in Chinese)
Name:   Xing
ID#: VA5943
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/02/08
Adopted: 11/16/08
Congrats: Steffanie
Foster: Cheryl


Notes from Home
Hi everyone! Xing here! Meow!
I'm way over due for an update! Its been 3 years since I came to my forever home with Mama Stef and Papa Gary.
I am one happy cat! I have good food, a warm bed and a brother and sister to play with. I do goofy things like "drama-flops" when I want attention, and I like to dunk my cat toys in the water bowl. But hey, thats a Lynx Point for you! I reward Mom and Pop with good manners and purrs. I've been blessed with good health.
This is way better than the streets of Virginia beach where I was found.
I won't ever forget the kindness of SRC and the volunteers who saved my life.
Love and purrs, Xing

Hello, and meow to everyone!
Xing here checking in! Do you know Im now 5 years old?
I am one happy cat thanks to SCR and their volunteers.
I love to chirp and trill; MamaStef says I speak many languages and love to join the conversation.
I love to be beside Mama and Papa all the time, and I roll over for a belly rub whenever they come by me. Who's giving WHO attention?? Haha
I prance around like I own the place with my long tail held high, and I curl up like such a pretty package (which I am, of course)."
They call me other names like TsingTsing, Little Ears and "The Cadet", whatever that means and many times I come running like a dog. Other times, well, uh, no. Depends on my mood!
Here's my new photo. Wishing you all love and purrs. Xing

Hello Siamese lovers!
Well, it has now been 9 happy years with my family.
Life is great and I am in good health. I am just as loving and goofy as ever!!

PapaGary has retired, so we have company all day long now! MamaStef is still working..she s gotta bring home the Fancy Feast, you know!!
Love and headbutts to all the SCR angels.
Xing >^..^<

(Last update: Nov 16th, 2017 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Neville
ID#: VA12264
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/28/17
Adopted: 10/28/17
Congrats: Jacqueline
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Now this is just plain nuts! Back for my third round on the adoption page. Look if you aren't ready to add a fun loving goofy guy like myself to your household, then DON''T ask about me cause foster mom is tired of cancelling my adoptions.
Oh and I have to have a play buddy, so don't ask if you don't have someone in your household for me to play with.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We have changed Neville's name to Sinatra. He continues to do very well and has a new patient visit with our vet next Monday. He and our existing cat, Marina, are now best play buddies. He is very social and friendly and continues to eat very well; it seems like we see visible growth every day! We couldn't be happier with our new cat.
(Last update: Nov 15th, 2017 11am)

A petite gal with dainty and perfect habits, I've mastered group living but I'd prefer less cats. There are 15 of us here milling about, and that's just too many for my taste. That's because I'm the type of gal who likes a one on one relationship, I'm bright, I'm interesting and interested, I'm personable, I'm gentle, I'm curious - all the things a true seal princess should be. I could possibly tolerate an old laid back male geezer, but for my people I'd like one or a couple who are interested in a close relationship with a friendly, petite, nice cat! Can't say it much simpler than that!
Name:   Amarosa
ID#: VA3673
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/03/05
Adopted: 10/09/05
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
I have renamed Amarosa. She is now Sophie. I have had her for 6 years now and she has grown into a big beautiful adult. She isn't wild about her new brother Will, but she is tolerating him. She likes to eat way too much and I keep her on a diet of special food, but she gets into anything edible during the night - no matter where she finds it. She is still a spitfire and very vocal. I believe she loves her home and I know she loves her mom as much as I love her.

Sadly Sophie has passed away. I miss my girl terribly!

(Last update: Nov 14th, 2017 7am)

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Name: Popsicle

(FKA Juno)

ID#: VA11729
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 10/02/16
Adopted: 11/12/16
Congrats: Jacqueline
Foster: Kay

I had been in a poor environment before going to the shelter - bad ear mites and extreme flea infestation and not too much chow. Foster mom says the mites and fleas are fixed and I just have to eat more to plump up a little. I am very sweet and will take as much loving as you will give. I'm a little more outgoing than my sister, Joline. Learning to play with toys and have some fun.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
11/25/16 Well I can only describe Popsicle as a "silly willy". She chases he tail, plays with all her toys and when she sees Pattaya at the gate she reaches under it and if he doesn't give attention, she will lay on her back or do other attention getting things. She and her sister lay next to each other a lot. She loves to be stroked and patted also. I am so glad that both of them are together.

12/14/16 Well the cats are all integrated! They were separate but in viewing site for three weeks and one night Popsicle and her sister decided to hop the fence. She still is the most outgoing, will lay next to Pattaya, and actually jumped over him since he was in her path. No hissing, but grabbing each others food. Thank you all for your work in making a perfect match.

5/13/17 Well is still "silly". Like to check things out still, loves my Pattaya and often sleeps right next to him but will also jump right over him if he is in her way. VERY playful and loving. The three of them are doing great together. She loves to get into things and usually lays next to me when I am on the computer and thinks nothing of "pawing" the screen. These three are very well matched!!!
The girls thought it might be a good time to say HI. They remain cute as anything as they get older. Sorbet is a little bigger and quietly affectionate. Popsicle is still silly and playful. I still have a collar with a bell on her just so I can track her in the house. Sorbet plays a game with Pataya by laying next to him when he is sleeping an being really nice. Then when she has his attention she swats him and runs. All is well with the three of them and we are all enjoying our lives together. They spend a lot of time laying on the windowsills in the sun watching the birds on the deck. I am so blessed to have had so many beautiful furry ones. helps you to continue your very important work. Hope all is well
11/2/17 Well still silly!!Smaller than her sister but full of mischief. Loves running through the house, especially at night.

(Last update: Nov 12th, 2017 11am)

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