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Cute, playful, and sweet - that's me! Let's chat today and get me home soon!
Name: Bailey

(FKA Nora)

ID#: VA12396
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/12/17
Adopted: 12/02/17
Congrats: Meridith
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
Nora, who is now Bailey has adjusted very well to her new home. Still very playful and affectionate. She has stolen all our hearts. I love the 4am wake up calls for purrs and pets (not really, but I indulge). She is currently running laps in the upstairs and attacking the curtains. It took a few days for our cat, Monty, to warm up to her, but they co-exist now. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how to handle all that energy. (he's chubby and kinda lazy!!) She has even gotten him to be more playful though. The laser is our friend.
I just want to thank everyone involved in bringing her home.

(Last update: Dec 17th, 2017 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Smokey
ID#: VA10555
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Balinese
Date In: 01/09/15
Adopted: 01/24/15
Deceased: 11/11/17
Congrats: Lee
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm friendly, I'm handsome, I'm fluffy, and I'm BIG. I'm a little stressed right now from being left at that scary shelter, so I'm not eating well but as soon as I get over being abandoned, I'll be ready for that new home foster mom promised me. Should be soon, she says! I'm a loving guy in spite of all of that, and if I'm loving and friendly now, just imagine what I'll be like when I'm feeling better about life! Used to a quieter home, my paperwork at the shelter said. Could that be yours?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It has been 2 weeks since we brought Smokey home. He has acclimated wonderfully. It is like he was always meant to be part of our family. He is sweet and affectionate, a very big and fluffy boy -- lol!! He is playing with toys and sits up like a doggie for his treats -- too funny!! He is a bit too big for the Millie bed we ordered for him -- oh well! He is already becoming a great friend and I know as time goes by that relationship will get better and better. Thanks so much for everyone at SRC that made this a reality for us.
Lee & Al Waigand
11/11/17 I am so very sad to say that our beloved boy passed away from lymphoma today. Smokey was truly the best cat ever! We were blessed to call him our friend for 2yrs 10mon. Far too short for such a wonderful cat. We will miss him terribly!

(Last update: Dec 15th, 2017 8pm)

I've been at this foster home for a week now and I am slowly feeling better. I have had a very rough time lately. Foster mom says she has never seen a smaller tomcat (I weigh only 6 lbs) or one with shorter fur or bluer eyes. I am a very wedgie fellow with a very Siamese personality and a loud voice. I love all people and can't get enough loving and lap-sitting. Foster mom says that I must recover before I can come out and get to know the family and the other cats. This foster room is comfortable but I'm an active cat and want to be out and about. I need a low stress home with people who understand about Siamese cats. Do you have the right home for me?
Name: Lance

(FKA Sir Lancelot)

ID#: VA4474
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 09/19/06
Adopted: 10/28/06
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Ardis

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Sir Lancelot passed away on October 20, 2017. He was being treated for lymphoma by a specialist vet. We loved him for almost eleven years and still miss him. :(
(Last update: Dec 15th, 2017 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Snow
ID#: VA11993
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 03/30/17
Adopted: 06/14/17
Congrats: Caryl
Foster: Belinda

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Last month I arrived with my dad, Cooper, and I was so scared. Cooper has settled in just great and showing me that everything is going to be okay - it's just taking a while. Until I get to really know you - which will take about a month - I'll let you pet me while I hide under the covers or in my Millie Bed under the bed. We'll make slow progress, but I promise you that it'll be worth it. I'm really sweet and handsome and will reward you with kisses and headbutts down the road. I would really like to stay with my dad, Cooper. He's the only thing that is completely familiar, comforting and secure to me. If you'll adopt us both, I promise not to be any problem until I learn to love you. And I promise that I will. (Two for one deal with Dad!)

Update: Day 5 - saucer eyes have relaxed and I've even gotten a slow blink.
Update: Day 8 - elevator butt and belly scratch! Now we're talking!
Update: Day 15 - totally comfortable moving around and playing when people aren't in the room.
Update: Day 35 - BREAKTHROUGH!jumped up on the bed to hang out and get scritches!!!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
15 December 2017. I adopted dad Cooper and son Snow together. Snow was a very scared kitty and hid from me for about the first 6 weeks. Then, one day, he approached me and started wanting to be petted, first only the body. Now, I can pick him up and hug him and pet him. He loves my lap if not already occupied by his dad, although being 2 years old, he's more into exploring and checking things out than spending long periods in my lap. He remains very wary of unexpected noises, but usually only startles instead of running away in panic. He hides from visitors, but if there is just one and they are calm and quiet, his curiosity will bring him out of hiding to check the visitor out. And once in a while, he will even let them pet him. I expect he will always be wary and ready to dash off, but it is not a problem. Both Snow and his dad are perfectly at ease with Pippin, my dog and mostly pretend she isn't there. They have learned to leave my birds alone and peace reigns in the household. We are a very happy family together and I love my two little boys to pieces. I just had total knee replacement and the bed is crowded with Pippin curled up at the end and the boys sleeping in a pile by my side, unless Cooper has decided to fall asleep draped over me. What could be better?
(Last update: Dec 15th, 2017 10am)

Hi, my name is Cooper. I arrived last month with my son, Snow. We are both purebred Siamese kitties from Virginia Beach, but we don't have our original papers. I'm a gorgeous hunk of Sealpoint if I do say so myself! I'm a little shy until you get to know me, but once I get used to you, I'm all about kisses, hugs, and following you around.

Two things. I am in great health, except that I do have a Grade II-III heart murmur. You would never know it if I didn't tell you! It's just something to keep in mind down the road. And two - my son Snow and I are a package deal. If you adopt me, you get Snow for no fee. Likewise, if you really want Snow, you get me too! It's a two-fer! The reason is because Snow has never known life without me, and he is really shy until he gets to know you. In our old home, we were both really close to our owner, but we've never been around other people. It would be best if we stayed together.
Name:   Cooper
ID#: VA11992
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/30/17
Adopted: 06/14/17
Congrats: Caryl
Foster: Belinda

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
The Tale of Dad Cooper and Scaredy Cat Son Snow

13 June Picked them up and got them home in the late afternoon and settled, which means they hid under the bed. I had put the crates on the bed and opened the doors, but they remained in them, unmoving (quite catatonic, actually) until I left the room. Well, Cooper did involuntarily move his ears a couple of times when I said his name, but Snow adhered tightly to Cat Behavior Rule 3 (If you don't move, you can't be seen.). They were obviously upset as their world had once again been turned over topsy turvy.

15 June Whoa! I was cleaning the litter box this morning and Cooper came out from under the bottom bunk bed, to inspect what I was doing and evidently assess how I petted. I was able to stroke him about 3 or 4 times (I think he approved of my style) and then he decided it was enough for a first time and went back under the bed to tell Snow about his foray. A few minutes later, I heard water lapping and looked. Snow's head was at the edge of the bed drinking, then he took a few dry morsels and retreated to the depths of the bed cave. I continued working at the computer.
Wow! I just swiveled around in my chair to look at the edge of the bed and Cooper was right behind me on the top of his scratching post window lookout, which is right behind my chair at the computer desk. I never heared him jump up--a real stealth cat. I petted him and he accepted it tentatively, then more and more, then acted positively love starved and started purring and head rubbing on my hands. Awww.. he just rubbed his head against my face and did a quick lick to the end of my nose!
I returned to typing at the computer. Ooo! Ooo! Cooper just gave me a little meow, reminding me he was behind me, wanting to be petted! This is great! I hadn't expected Cooper to make any overtures for a few more days, and Snow for several weeks. So, it was quite exciting! Especially that Snow was confident enough to come to the edge of the bed while I was in the room!
Later in the evening, I returned to their bedroom and Cooper came right out to greet me. I had been petting my dog. When I went to pet him, he moved his head away and insisted on sniffing my fingers. His body posture clearly stated an indignant, "Yuck! Dog!" He then quickly licked the fingers on both hands [he actually did do that], then said sternly, "Next time wash your hands yourself before you pet me if you've touched a dog!" (So much can be said in one short, tiny meow.)

16 June Cooper discovered the top bunk (which has some papers and miscellaneous things on it). He jumped up with his back to my 2 foot high and wide stuffed animal chicken. He sniffed what was in front of him, turned around, saw the chicken staring at him, did a startled double take, hesitated for one more glance, then jumped down in a hurry and ran under the bottom bunk again. I called him, but he didn't come out. I listened closely and swear I heard a faint mumble that sounded like, "..and then I saw Godzilla Chicken..." as he told his son about his adventure.

17 June Cooper is now my buddy. Snow is still hiding, but doesn't freeze anymore when I look at him under the bed and will move his ears and head, contemplating me when I say hi and make silly cooing noises.
Cooper is very inquisitive. If I am right there by his side, he is very brave. If I am not, he is cautiously inquisitive. He loves it if I move something or make a noise. He likes to investigate, immediately. He is talking to me more (meowing), commenting on things. He now jumps up on my desk and gets in the way of what I'm doing if I don't pay him enough attention (in his opinion). And he played with his circle ball toy this morning. Whoops! There goes the kleenex box Whoops! There go the pencil and the computer mouse 6+8525252525252525246 (his typing). Whoops! Caught the glass just in time. I'm a little surprised he's not interested in wand play. Maybe later. When I'm working on the computer, he lies patiently on his window perch behind me, waiting for when I swivel around and pet him and tell him he's very handsome.
He heard Pippin (the dog) outside the door and went to the door. I cracked the door open about 3 inches. Pippin and Cooper stared at each other almost nose to nose, motionless, both of them. I closed the door. Short, good first meeting. A few minutes later, he walked to the door again and looked at me. I went over and opened it for him a little. He looked out. No dog. He sniffed a little, then walked away and I closed the door again.
15 December. We are now a happy family. Cooper likes to scratch, but a few more sratching posts solved that problem. He views an empty lap as an automatic invitation to fill it and be petted. And is turning out to be quite the social butterfly. Much to Pippin's dismay, he has announced he is now the official greeter of visitors. I hear he and Pippin arguing about that honor. Pippin: I've been here 12 years and I"M the official greeter. Cooper: [with a disdainful look and upturned tail as he calmly walks away] Yes, we'll see about that. You notice, every time they see me, they stop petting you and say, 'Oh, look! a Siamese' and then swoon all over ME.
Pippin: Mooooooooo-oooooooom! Tell Cooper he's not the official greeter.

(Last update: Dec 15th, 2017 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Liesl
ID#: VA10367
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/04/14
Adopted: 01/10/15
Deceased: 12/10/17
Congrats: Maria
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Lovely (skinny) seal gal with quite the figure, just waiting to be your smart as a whip, constant companion! I've had a hard time catching a break, one thing after another, but hoping that at this time I'm on the road to recovery! I have an incredible will to survive and love of life, and while I take a daily pill to keep my thyroid under control it does not affect one amazing sunny disposition!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Lisel had another follow up visit today with the vet. She is up to 7.9 lbs! That is great for a little Seal gal who weighed in under 6 lbs. on her 1st visit. The vet commented that she actually looks like a cat now. We continue to wean her off her steroid & so far so good. She has 2 weeks left & then we'll see how she does with no steroids at all. During the weaning process over the last 3 weeks she has continued to eat & use the litter box regularly! Last night she slept on our bed for the 1st time ever. She has started love nipping so I think we are officially welcomed into the Liesl pride. She is a love but also a great hunter. She catches a string in mid air & jumps feet in the air to get her prey. Her hair is growing back in from her ultrasound & she actually is starting to sport a bit of an apple head, not bad for such a skinny seal gal on intake :) We are so thankful to all the volunteers that brought her to us (especially Siri). Her purr continues to rock our world & she is always up for playing. She even has our Flame Boy, Zeke - another Siamese rescue cat, joining in on occasion.
March 25th 2015
Liesl has been off steroids for 3 weeks tomorrow & is doing just fine!!! This newly "full figured" gal loves sun bathing & hunting. She sleeps on our bed by our feet. Since the Flame Boy sleeps with me, she sleeps on my husband's side. Yes, the guy with the allergies...LOL. It is a good thing she is so darn cute & he loves cats. She is hotter than hot, literally. She is the hottest cat I have ever had (especially that belly. If she gets bumped by a foot moving during the night, she be heard to start purring :) Thanks again to all the Siamese rescue volunteers that were her advocates & got her to us. We can't imagine our family without her! Her favorite past time (besides purring) are sun bathing & hunting any toy that moves.

Sad to say that we lost Liesl to kidney failure this week. Three years was way to short to have this beauty in our lives. She would purr as soon as you entered a room even before you spoke to her or touched her. We gave her fluids via needle/IV bag from the vet. She, however, did not eat or drink on her own for 5 straight days. Her kidney numbers reached alarming levels. She was paper thin & dehydrated regardless of daily fluids we gave to her. I told the family we have to look at it as three extra years not "just" three years. When we got her she was on death's doorstep. Our vet did not think she would make it. We nursed her back to health & then took her to RadioCat. It was a success (as with all our cats who have had thyroid issues). Not bad for a girl with questionable survival on arrival.

(Last update: Dec 14th, 2017 8pm)

Talk about drama queen! Yes, that would be me, the indignity of it all, the trip, the bathing, the worming, the whole thing - I look down my nose at the peons assigned to care for me and DEMAND to be held in the highest of regard, as I am, after all, Kai Marie! Now hup hup and get me out of here, my royal palace and servants await, as does your lap, check out my video!
Name: Kai Ming

(FKA Kai Marie)

ID#: VA8956
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/01/12
Adopted: 12/06/12
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Kai Marie has adjusted incredibly well to her new home! We expected days of having her hide under the bed or a sofa and she has not done that at all! On our first night home we closed off all bedrooms and bathrooms around the perimeter of the main floor but let her explore the center of the house where we live most of the time--family room, kitchen, sunroom, office. She walked around and checked out every nook and cranny, rubbed against the legs of almost all the furniture, staking out her territory. She rubbed against our legs too and was very happy to be petted. At night when we went to bed we carried her with us and she curled up between us for a bit. She wandered out while we were asleep and when my husband, Rick, got up during the night, he found her curled up on top of a pile of dirty clothes in the laundry tub. By morning, she had decided a better place was on top of the pile of clean folded laundry on the dryer! She has been eating and has used her littler box and in general been a perfect lady. She is EXTREMELY affectionate--loves to sit on my lap when I'm on the computer or in bed reading. She stretches out on Rick's chest when he takes a nap. We are just thrilled to have her in our lives. We hope to post some pictures soon.

Kai Marie here. Just posted some pictures. I'm enjoying my new home. See my dining room--it has a painting of a Meezer hanging on the wall! (I'm pretty sure it's the Meezer who lived here for many years but died of cancer last year. Mom says I'm just as nice and as beautiful as that Meezer was!) My Dad likes to take naps as much as I do, so I put in a picture of me napping with him. I like to lie on the big bed too. And I got to help with the Christmas decorations! (There were decorations in that bag I was checking out too.) All in all we're having fun. Mom laughs when I throw the mouse up in the air and toss it around. And I enjoy chasing the laser as well. I think we're all happy to have each other!

Two-week update: We've decided to rename Kai Marie; her new name is Kai Ming. (Ming was the name of the Siamese we lost to cancer last year and somehow her name keeps coming out of our mouths so this seemed like a good middle course.) We went to the vet this week and were surprised to find that our sweetie has an evil twin whose personality showed up at the vet's office. She growled and hissed and tried to bite almost anyone who came near her. She hated having her back nails trimmed and getting her temp taken. She got an A on her health report card but I imagine the vet and her assistants would have given her a D- or F for attitude! I was afraid she'd be mad and sulk or hide when we got home but she immediately reverted to the nice cat we've seen since we adopted her. Whew!

November 2012
This past week on 11/6 we celebrated 11 months of being together--hard to believe. Kai Ming is such a joy--so energetic and loving. She loves when we play with her and her toys; the feather on a wand and the laser are her favorites. Also, she almost always comes running to us when we call her name. (At night it may be the word "treats" she recognizes. but she'll come and sit on my lap when I call her if I'm going to read or sit at the computerle.) One trait that amuses us is that whenever someone rings the door bell or comes in the door she runs to greet them and check them out--and usually waits to be petted. (Our previous Siamese typically went under a bed or sofa when company arrived.)

We achieved a major milestone in October: She was perfectly content with her cat sitter staying with her while we were away for 11 days. She wasn't even mad at us when we came back--just ran up to greet us. Our first excursion away did not go well. We went to Wisconsin for 3-1/2 days in February for my mother-in-law's 80th birthday and Kai Ming's sitter had to take her to the vet because she was scratching and had red bumps under her chin. Turns out it was feline acne (who knew?). Unfortunately, she had a bad reaction to the medication. When we got home she was extremely lethargic and would hardly eat. We were so scared. We took her back to the vet and she was given an injection of what I would call the feline equivalent of an energy drink and the playful happy cat we knew returned--and her acne cleared up. What a relief! Our next trip was for a week to visit friends and play golf but I was prepared to come home immediately if the sitter thought Kai Ming wasn't OK. But all went well; the two of them bonded and apparently Kai Ming hardly missed us!

In sum, everything is just great. We are so happy to have Kai Ming and we thank everyone involved for taking care of her when she was abandoned and for finding such a good match for us. (I'm not too sure about uploading pictures but my husband will add some later.)

12/7/13 We celebrated Kai Ming's one year anniversary with us yesterday. We're very happy together. Have posted some newer pictures of her.

12/20/14 Today marks two years and two weeks since Kai Ming came to her forever home. She's still a delight to have in our household--affectionate, friendly to guests, fun to play with. Even the evil twin who comes out when we go to the vet has softened her attitude. (She tolerated the clipping of her back nails without a fuss, though she still hissed and growled a bit during her recent annual exam.) Once again, thanks to all at SCRR who helped put us together with her. We look forward to celebrating our third Christmas with her here in Delaware and hope for many more Happy New Years to come.

12/24/15 We recently celebrated 3 years with Kai Ming in our home and tomorrow will have our fourth Christmas together.. All is well. Both cat and humans are happy we've found each other. Kai Ming has become steadily more affectionate and friendly. We've added two pictures--one with her among the packages under the Christmas tree and one with her looking out the window at the birds outside.

Kai Ming here.  I can't believe it's been 5 years already that I've been here in Delaware.  My Meowma and Paw love me to pieces and I love being here with them.  I've become quite the cuddle cat--love to sit on their laps or cozy up for a nap with one or the other of them.

They take care of me health-wise too, but I do hate to go to the vet.  My evil twin personality takes over when I'm there.  The vet's office has my chart marked with red stars, which means I'm difficult and try to bite anybody who touches me.  They put heavy gloves on to handle me!  You should see the picture on my ID card at the vets: My mouth is open wide and my fangs are showing and I look very mean.  I'm really not.  Most other times I'm super sweet!

Speaking of pictures, I've attached one that shows my dining area with the pretty water color painting of a Siamese cat hanging on the wall.  My Mom took this photo just as I dipped my paw in my water bowl.  I then lick the water off my paw.  Kind of an odd way to drink water but I like to do it that way.

Just wanted to update you and let you know everything is peachy-keen with us.  We're a very happy family!

(Last update: Dec 13th, 2017 3pm)

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Name: Tigerpaws

(FKA Coogee)

ID#: VA4018
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/25/06
Adopted: 04/09/06
Deceased: 01/07/19
Congrats: Leslie
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
A very long and lanky, very busy fast paced guy needing an experienced, intelligent Type A owner who can show me the ropes. I'm young and athletic, and have fantastic potential; but not a great deal of experience. Shy is not my concern, but knowing how to interact with people (and how to trust them) may take some time - however, I've got all the right moves to start with! I'm very vocal, very into everything, very smart, very possessive and quite dominant. Oh, and did I say handsome? That too! Check out my movie!

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Notes from Home
April 10, 2014
To try to avoid more dental work, I have been cleaning his teeth almost every night. My trick? I wait until he falls asleep on my lap and starts dreaming! Then he doesn't wake up and I can carefully brush both sides. :)
May 16, 2016
Tiger continues to be the sweetest and gentlest, happiest cat ever!
December 13, 2017 Tiger is a happy kitty! He lost his eyesight last year. It was not preventable nor treatable, according to the ophthalmologist. But he just moves a little more slowly through the house and does not jump as much!

(Last update: Dec 13th, 2017 2pm)

Foster Mom keeps saying I'm a super special guy...I don't know what she means, but let me tell you a little about me and you can decide for myself. I was out on the streets for a long time but I prefer not to talk too much about that hard time in my life. Now that I am safe, warm and loved, I like to talk about how happy I am and how much happier I will be when I find that forever family. In fact, I'll talk to you about anything you want. I am just one of the sweetest guys ever, and would love someone who has got as much love and attention to give as I do, but that will be hard because I have tons of love to give. I love to sit next to you or on your lap, and sometimes I'll put a mental paw on your face while I'm talking to you. I hope you will ask about me soon, because I know I'll make the best forever companion for you.
Name:   Onyx
ID#: VA11949
Location:  Illinois
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 02/15/17
Adopted: 03/25/17
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Joy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Just wanted ti update you, it's coming up on 9 months soon with our sweet boy Onyx. He has become an only cat during that time but seems to be fine with that. He was very gentle with our elderly cat, Ivy, while she was sick. He has been so sweet to us, he has a keen sense of when his humans need some kitty comforting. He's really smart and intuitive; he's part of the family and we love him dearly.
(Last update: Dec 13th, 2017 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Aubree
ID#: VA10428
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/29/14
Adopted: 12/13/14
Congrats: Christina
Foster: Jackie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am a teeny, tiny girl dumped at the shelter because I had the *nerve* to have a litter of mixed kittens! They found a home, and now it's my turn. I was there long enough though to pick up that shelter cold, so I'm not feeling my best. Foster mom says not to be upset that my owners didn't want me - that this time I'm going to find a place that will want me forever! Will that be you? I've very affectionate, very nosey, and ignore other cats. Better pictures coming soon - I'm kind of skinny right now, between having kittens and being sick I haven't been eating well. When I'm eating better, then I'll go to the vet to get spayed, and will be all ready for the great home foster mom has promised me.

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Notes from Home
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014: Aubree had a great trip on the Meezer Express. When we brought her home, we thought she might like to get used to a smaller space. We put her carrier, litter box, and food/water into one of our bedrooms. Our family of four gathered in the room to see how she would respond to us. We opened the carrier door and the rest is history. She climbed out of the carrier, began exploring, trilling, taking sips of water. After 30 minutes, we let her out of the bedroom and she began exploring the house. Seemed like she'd been here since kittenhood. . . She is very comfortable with our family, loves to be held, scratched under her chin. She's used her scratching post a couple of times, too. Aubree is lively, nosy, interactive, happy. What a great match for our family and Aubree!

Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014: Aubree celebrated her two week anniversary at our home. All is well. She eats, sleeps and uses her litterbox like a trooper. She is very fond of my older son and sleeps in his bed every night (when she is not sleeping or playing in a cardboard box). Aubree loves looking out the window and keeping her eyes on squirrels. She received a kitty condo for Christmas, which we think she'll love.
We had a number of visitors over Christmas and Aubree wants to know everyone. She is very friendly.
We brought Aubree to our vet today. She checked out very well. Healthy and a good weight (6.84 lbs). The vet cleaned out some wax from her ears but, otherwise, she is doing super well. The vet did a blood draw so we can get her baseline numbers. Will get results in a couple of days.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015: Aubree is loving her first six weeks at our home. She continues to be healthy, confident, talkative (especially at 5:00 am for breakfast), and curious. This cat enjoys being held more than any other pet we've had. We picked a winner! Aubree loves our family as well as visitors that come to the house. These days she is fond of cardboard boxes and sits in them for a good time. Aubree loves high places and we bought a kitty condo for her to enjoy. She is so social and loving. She is also a little piglet with her eating so we have to be careful with doling out her food.

Friday, November 20, 2015: Almost one year since we brought Aubree home. How can a match be so perfect? Aubree has thrived in her first year in our home. She trills and wags her tail, makes friends with everyone who enters our house, and has a best friend in my 10 year old son. Aubree has gained a bit of weight, has had a few teeth extractions, but otherwise she is healthy and happy. We are considering another cat since we love Siamese so much. Not sure if Aubree is willing to share us with another cat, but we will see.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017: Wow! Have I forgotten to provide any updates on Aubree in the last two years? She is fantastic and we LOVE her! She has been such a wonderful part of our family from the day that we adopted her. Aubree doesn't talk much, but she purrs loudly and wags her tail like crazy. She is pretty friendly and seems to like to go to bed around 8:00 pm every night. We adopted a Snowshoe two years ago (Miso). Aubree still isn't totally in love with him, but they manage to tolerate each other. We keep only one litterbox and that may stress out Aubree a little as she pees on our clothes near the laundry if her box isn't pristine. We make sure to keep it extra clean for her though. All in all, Aubree is THE BEST CAT in the world. Sometimes we wonder why another family gave her up for adoption. Crazy. Our gain though. Looking forward to another terrific year with her. Meow!

(Last update: Dec 13th, 2017 11am)

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