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Delightful young lady. Really enjoys playing, purring and having fun. She is very affectionate as well. Zuni and Argo are a pair and must go home together.
Name:   Zuni
ID#: VA12350
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/22/17
Adopted: 12/09/17
Congrats: Shelley
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Zuni and her brother, Argo, are the sweetest, softest, most "purriest" kittens! We love them so much, already, and feel like they have both been a part of our family for much longer than just 2 weeks!!! They are both making themselves right at home, snuggling with their new human brother, Finn....I am not sure who wants the snuggles more... Both Zuni and Argo have had their first vet visit- they are getting antibiotics and eyedrops for colds and weepy eyes...both of which are clearing up just in time for the holidays! Finn made sure to choose lots of surprises to put under the tree tonight. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this adoption and match happen so quickly! It was certainly meant to be. We love them SO MUCH!!!!! Please see the attached pictures of Zuni and Argo.
(Last update: Dec 24th, 2017 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Sasha
ID#: VA10233
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 08/15/14
Adopted: 09/21/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

REALLY??? No, really? We get some darn sunlight and look what Jen did to me!! Click on me and save me another darn photo session!

Love & Purrs,


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sasha is happy, healthy and doing very well. She took a couple of days to get used to her new environment and now she feels right at home. She is a very loving, friendly cat and is full of personality. She is a lap cat and loves attention. She likes to go in the laundry room and hunt socks. She brings us her finds. We are thrilled to have her. She is a perfect addition to our family.
3/23/15 - Sasha is doing well. She is a very loving cat and is still bringing us socks every day. If I do not get to putting the laundry away in the drawer, she will jump in the basket and dig through it for the socks. Some mornings we will wake up to several different pair of socks on the bed. She really did not take long to adjust to our home. Within a week she was comfortable with her environment. She took a month or so to warm up to our son. We assume she had never been around kids. He was 7 at the time and we explained to him that she will need to come to him on her terms.. and she did. Now she takes turns laying on laps. She will usually pick the person that has the blanket. She loves to be brushed. I left the brush on the floor and she sat next to it until came back to brush her. She has several favorite places in the house and a couple of cat beds where the sun shines in. Sasha is well behaved and has great manners. She likes people. She does like to chat sometimes and also likes to get a drink of water from the faucet. Sasha for the most part does not like to be picked up. She will tolerate it for a minute or two right when we get home as long as I scratch her chin. Then it is time to get down. She is a wonderful cat and we love her and feel fortunate to have her.
9/21/15 - Sasha is doing well. She is a happy, healthy, well adjusted cat that is full of personality. She still brings us socks or cat toys every morning and has them waiting for us at the door for when we arrive home. She has a favorite spot next to the window to sleep in her cat bed and soak up the sun. She also likes to chatter at the deer when she sees them outside. She loves to sit on a lap. Sasha is very loving. She purrs and chats all the time. I submitted a picture of her for the Siamese Rescue calendar. I was notified that she was chosen and is the January cat. There could not have been a more perfect match for our family.
1/1/17 - Sasha is doing well and is a wonderful cat. She is very happy and content. She enjoys sitting on our laps. She likes to hunt her toys and leaves them wherever I have been. She has 2 favorite toys which are the gray mouse and one brown mouse. At first the brown mouse was alarming because she likes to leave it in my bed and at first it did look like a real mouse from a distance. She also likes to drink from the faucet now. If she hears me go into the bathroom, she comes from wherever she is and jumps on the counter waiting for me to turn the faucet on. Sometimes, she is ahead of me and I find her sitting or laying in the sink as a not so subtle hint. Sasha has always loved to be brushed. I got her a new silicone brush which she loves. She knows where it is kept and when she hears the drawer open, she comes running to get brushed. She has a spot next to the window where she soaks up the sun for her nap. She does like to "chat" with us if she is in the mood. Sasha is doing well and we love her.
12/23/17. Sasha is doing very well. She is a very happy cat. She is still hunting her toys and dropping them wherever we have been. She has a routine with each person in the house. We have a cat bed at the end of my son's bed so she goes and lays in there when it is time for him to go to bed and they go to sleep together. She has also found a nice warm spot upstairs next to the baseboard. She takes some of her naps there and soaks up the heat. She also loves when it is time to change the sheets on the bed. She likes when I put the top sheet on and she can hide under it. I put my hand under the sheet and she chases it. Sasha still likes to drink from the faucet and she will appear when she hears someone go into the bathroom. If the door is closed, she will sometimes paw at it to open it or to get someone to open it for her. Sometimes she will do it when we have guests over. They think she wants their attention, but really she just wants them to turn the water on for her! Sasha is doing well and is the perfect pet for our family.

(Last update: Dec 23rd, 2017 9am)

Thanksgiving has come and gone and I'm still here. I have a lot to be thankful for even though I'm not in my forever home yet. I'm out of that shelter and I'm safe and warm and well fed in my foster home but I really want a home of my own. How about in time for Christmas? I can help you wrap presents, I can help decorate the tree and I can snuggle in front of the fire place with you.

Please ask about me?

Name:   Wade
ID#: VA6621
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 09/18/09
Adopted: 12/22/09
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
December 22, 2017

Happy 8th anniversary to me!! I started the celebration around 3 a.m. today when I went racing around the house. Molly got up, too. We chased each other for a while and jumped up and down on the bed where Meowmy was sleeping. I yowled the whole time, so it was really fun! (Meowmy says, “Not so much.”)

The vet gave me a thumbs-up at my annual check-up in September. I’m still trim and don’t even have to have my teeth cleaned. Yippee!

Meowmy tells me I’m the best snuggler ever, and I like to keep in practice.

As always, I’m forever grateful to my foster mom, Kathy Marcheselli, who took great care of me until Meowmy invited me to come live with her. Purrs and headbutts!

Time for a nap now. Gotta recharge my batteries after my celebratory rampage last night. But not before saying “Thank you” to SCRC for everything you do.

December 22, 2016

Hey, everybody! It’s my 7th anniversary today, and Meowm and “sister” Molly say I can have anything I want. Maybe I’ll ask for a couple extra treats this afternoon — and maybe the prime snoozing spot on Meowm’s pillow tonight. Decisions, decisions.

Dr. Lisa Deaton, my vet, says I’m in good health and my weight is fine. Meowm brushes me every day to keep away nasty tangles in my long fur. And since I stopped chewing on the Christmas tree, I’m not hacking up pine needles any more. 😋

Well, got to go keep an eye on the goldfinches on the feeder outside the patio door, but before I do, I want to thank SCRC and particularly my Foster Meowm, Kathy Marcheselli, for rescuing me and making sure I found a great home. If not for you, I wouldn’t be the happy little furball I am. Lots of love and purrs,

Wadie ❤️

December 22, 2015

Wade here, celebrating my six-year anniversary in my forever home! Seems like I shouldn’t have had to get my daily dose of prednisone today, but Mom always follows it with my favorite treat, so I don’t mind.

I’m as spunky as ever, and at my annual check-up this year, the vet gave me a clean bill of health. She also updated my vaccinations and told me what a gorgeous boy I am. (Well, I already knew that!)

Molly (my tortie “sister”) and I have been tearing around the house a lot now that winter is here; we like the cooler temps, especially for snuggling. We also spend a lot of time watching the birds at the feeder on the deck. A few weeks ago Mom put up the Christmas tree, and I keep tabs on the all the goings-on from my new favorite spot on the tree mat underneath it. And this year I don’t chew on the pine needles (Mom is happy about that!)

We keep up to date on the happenings at SCRC and are ever grateful at having been rescued by the priceless volunteers, especially Kathy Marcheselli, our foster mom. Words can’t express how we feel, so I’ll just say we love you all!



December 22, 2014

Wadie is the most unusual cat I’ve ever known, and I’ve known lots. He’s like having a perpetual two-year-old around—always into everything and talking constantly. He’s also the most affectionate kitty ever: love the way he hops into my lap and puts his front legs around my neck and gazes into my eyes. Melt, melt, melt.

At his yearly exam, the vet proclaimed him fit as a fiddle. Because of his long hair, he gets brushed every day and loves it. He’s still on a maintenance dose of prednisone for his asthma, which hasn’t bothered him since he went on the meds. He and “sister” Molly are as tight as ever, and now that winter is here, I wake up at night with Molly snuggled up against my chest and Wadie on the top half of my pillow, like a furry nightcap.

Thank you, SCRC, for bringing this special boy into our lives!

December 22, 2013

Hard to believe Wadie's been with us for four whole years. When he's in an affectionate mood, he's more demonstrative than any other cat I've known. He just jumps in my lap (without invitation) and makes himself quite comfortable, then grooms himself before tucking his nose into his luxurious fur for a nap. Occasionally he'll place his front legs around my neck and gaze at me (probably thinking, Don't I look cute? How about a treat?).

A few weeks ago he had bit of colitis, which the vet treated with Fortiflora. Seems to have worked, and he'll continue to get that (it's a probiotic) sprinkled on his food every other day.

We have our daily brushing session, which he likes. You should see him raise his chin and wait for me to brush the fur there.

Wadie still has his rambunctious moments, and when the weather is good, he practically lives on the screened porch, carefully observing the wildlife or conked out in a pool of sunshine.

Wadie, Molly, and Uncle Albert are best buddies, and I love it when they all curl up together on the biggest kitty cushion in my office. I'm so grateful for the outstanding efforts of everybody at the SCRC. It's a wonderful network of dedicated volunteers. Blessings on you, everyone!

December 22, 2012

Wadie is one unique cat! Not a day goes by that he doesn’t reveal a new part of himself. He truly is one of a kind. He loves to sit on and hide behind crinkly paper and playing with Uncle Albert’s tail when it twitches.

This little guy has an amazing repertoire of sounds, the likes of which I’ve never heard from any other kitty. My favorite is the one that’s just like the noise that Curly of the Three Stooges used to make: “Woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo woo!” Cracks me up every time.

Wadie’s still doing very well on a maintenance course of Prednisone, and you’d never know he has asthma. He’s a picky eater, too. He’s still as gregarious as ever—everybody’s his friend. And he is just so beautiful to look at: flame ears, nose, forehead, and tail. A big ball of fluff.

We love him, and he loves us. Thank you, SCRC and Kathy Marcheselli, for this precious addition to our family!

December 22, 2011

Hard to believe that Wadie’s been a part of our family for 2 years already! He’s blended in seamlessly, and we can’t imaging life without him.

Several months ago Wade developed asthma, but he’s responded very well to prednisone and is now on just a maintenance dosage. Easiest cat I’ve ever had to pill. Of course, he likes the treat afterward. : ) Dr. Thompson said last week that, if he hadn’t x-rayed Wade when I first brought him in, he wouldn’t now know he has asthma just by listening to his lungs. Yaaay!! Wade’s foster mom, Kathy Marcheselli, gave me lots of good information about asthma treatments. She’s my support “group.” Every day I’m so thankful for the love and dedication she has for all homeless kitties.

Since the cold weather moved in, Wade has started sleeping on the top half of my pillow
at night. He kneads, purrs, and then settles in. It’s like wearing a fur hat to bed.

We’re grateful to SCRC for making it possible for us to share our home and our life with Wade, who is 8.6 pounds of fluff, love, and mischief.

December 24, 2010: This year has FLOWN by!

When Wade first got here, there really wasn’t much of an adjustment period. He made himself at home right away, and since he loves everybody without reserve, Molly and Albert accepted him as soon as they got used to seeing him around. There was never any hissing or growling by anybody.

Maybe all flames are like this. He’s my first, so I don’t know. If he were a person, he’d be a diplomat or a politician; he just naturally gregarious.

One of the cutest things he does is to jump in my lap, lean against my chest, and wrap his front legs around my neck. Awww . . . : )

The goofiest thing he does is carry on a running commentary about everything. He makes the funniest little noises whenever he’s doing things, and I wish I knew what he was saying!

We have a great family, and I just can’t say enough good things about SCRC! You're the BEST!

June 22, 2010: Wade (aka Wadie, Mr. Clean, the Puffball) is a love bug. Probably the sweetest thing he does is lie on my chest and put his front legs around my neck -- and then lift his chin up for scratchies. : )

In the 6 months he’s been part of the family, he’s become a very FLUFFY kitty. His tail is now a PLUME! With all that fluff, he gets thoroughly brushed every day.

Wade and Molly have become best buddies. They tear around the house -- up and down the stairs -- and roll and tumble on the floor. Once in a while things get a little too rambunctious for Molly’s liking, and she screeches -- and five minutes later they're back at it again. : )

Wadie still keeps up his running commentary on everything and nothing. I’ve gotten used to his constant asides. : )

I’m so glad Foster Mom Kathy Marcheselli rescued him from the animal shelter! She showered him with TLC, and I hope she can come visit her fuzzy little sweetie pie some day. THANK YOU, KATHY!!!!!

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2017 9am)

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Name:   Cleo
ID#: VA9688
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/16/13
Adopted: 12/01/13
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
My family's doing down under (the good down under, not the other thing) and the quarantine time frame is just more than I could tolerate, so I'm looking for new digs. I'm in good health but a sensitive gal, and am ready to go - hoping you'll consider me!

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Notes from Home
Hi everyone! Clio here. It's been 4 years since Maw and I fell in love. We are both healthy and happy. Maw is extremely happy right now because she got rid of her cataracts. Now she tells me she can see my blue eyes so much better now.

Life here in Porter Ranch is as easy as ever. Except that Maw prays for rain. I'd like the humidity myself as my luscious fur looks weird with all this dryness. And every time Maw touches me, sparks fly! Ouch! We had many brush fires around us, but nothing too close to us. So Maw always keeps the black travel carrier handy, for fires or if there's an earthquake. Maw has earthquake supplies, and never lets my food be depleted. She says we are due for an earthquake since it's been over 20 years since the last one. I don't think I will like an earthquake. But Maw will take care of me.

Day-by-day, life is easy. I have excellent places to sleep, and chase my balls all over the flat. But still, the red demon dot, well, one of these days.....

Maw uploaded a few pics of me doing my thing.

Merry Christmas and Happy 2018. And thanks for finding my Maw.

(Last update: Dec 21st, 2017 3pm)

Born under a shed with my siblings, Galadriel and Legolas. I'm sweet, but still
suspicious of hands coming at me, but once cuddled I'm ok. Stil haven't found
my purr, (oh, where, oh where, could it be?), but momma knows it's in me.

I do like to play and share nicely with my siblings.

I need a quiet home with gentle, patient pawrents who are willing to work with me
on People Socialization 101. I need another gentle playful cat or kitten to model
my self after.





Name: Wynny

(FKA Eowyn )

ID#: VA11815
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 11/13/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
12/20/17 Wynny has grown into a beautiful cat. At her 1 year vet appointment she is healthy and weighs 9.9lbs. She is starting to become a lap cat. In the morning she will sit on top of me until she sees me waking then if I don't move fast enough she will run over me until I get up. As I said on Taz's notes, both of them have been blessings for me. She loves to run the house like a crazy cat after she is fed and happy. She will jump from sofa to chair with no problem and the furniture is at least 8 feet apart. She is shy around people but she will slowly come out so she no longer hides the whole time.
Wynny is also doing very well. She has grown into a confident kitten. She is shy for others but not me. She jumps in my lap every time I sit down and she is near my head sleeping. When the two of them play they sound like a herd of horses running through the house. They play so well. I just took a picture of Wynny climbing on my lap.
6/28/17 - Wynny has grown into a beautiful confident little girl. She is now 7 lbs. She is still shy but she is now coming up to more of my family to be pet. She protects my Mom from her dog. The dog plays with Taz but she was afraid of Wynny. Now Wynny and the dog chase each other but only if Wynny wants to play. I am so pleased how Wynny and Taz get along. She is really good at not using her claws.

(Last update: Dec 20th, 2017 7am)

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Name: Taz

(FKA Dax)

ID#: VA11813
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Himalayan
Date In: 11/13/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Julie

Boy, do I love people! And play! And other cats are just fine. Saw the dog. Maybe. Do you like me ear tufts? That means I am going to have a gorgeous longer coat that will make you want to brush and pet me. I had a medical bump in the road due to something nasty I picked up at the shelter, but I am doing great now. I did have some people on my list before I got sick and was put back on evaluation so I do already have a first in line.

Won't be ready to home until at least December 18.

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Notes from Home
12/19/17 Taz is doing great. He is a big boy weighing in at 13.5lbs. His hair is long and he is beautiful. He is also spoiled and thinks he is still a 5lbs kitten. He always tries to climb up on my shoulder. I hopefully uploaded 2 photos. The one picture has both Taz and Wynny under the Xmas tree together. I totally am thankful for last year's Christmas present to myself.
Taz is doing great. The two of them are now getting along wonderfully. He doesn't just lay on me but lays across my neck and she sits on my lap. He is up to 5-51/2 lbs. He still looks scrawny but I think he's growing and his weight needs to catch up again. My Mom can't get over how lovable he is to anyone. He loves kids and him and the dog plays.
6/28/17 - Taz has really grown. He is now a 11 lbs fur ball. He is so attached to me and tries to live on my chest. That was nice when he was 5 lbs but now at 11 lbs he is a little heavy but I still love it. Because I work from home he is a shadow. Him and Wynny get along wonderfully. I'm so happy. I have been working on him using his claws when he plays with me. He seems he is hungry all the time. Every time I get up he talks to me and runs to his bowl. I have tried to send updated pictures but have been unable. More updates later.

(Last update: Dec 19th, 2017 7am)

A shy gal who needs a quiet home, but very sweet and loving!
Name:   Saria
ID#: VA12338
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/14/17
Adopted: 11/12/17
Congrats: Loretta
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Saria is still a little shy but she made it through her first holiday in our home. She likes to play ball but the balls must have bells in them, she is contemplating playing with her brother and sister but plays along side them not quite interacting with them. She is eating in the kitchen and sleeps in my room but is apprehensive to sleep on my bed.
She lets me interact with her but if I walk it still makes her nervous, she does not like shoes. I also noticed is isn't a fan of men however boys she likes. My 12 year old grandson has gain her trust!
She is starting to come out of her shell and we have a bit to go for full trust. I do want to let you know as soon as I touch her she stops and lets me pet her. She purrs loud and kneads the air or my lap.
I expect by 30 days she will have more faith in us.

30 Day update

Saria is participating in play time, mainly with the cat runs up and down the hallways. She loves playing with the balls and will actively play alongside the other felines. There is no more hissing from any of them. I am learning her signs of wanting to play, she isn't vocal yet. I expect her to be fine since she is starting to seek out participation and meal time.

Saria has come out of her Shell. He is a lap cat and plays with the other two. I am thrilled!!

thank you!

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2017 7pm)

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Name:   Ben
ID#: VA11699
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 09/15/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Meowmy says I'm a big handsome guy with a strong personality. I do well with the other male cats here, but pick on the girls, so meowmy said no girls for me that couldn't stand up to me. I like meowmy ok, but really like a mans lap better. I'd probably do better with only one or two other cats in the home at the most, as long as none of them were timid, "victim" kitties.

I have good litter box habits, eat my dinner with no complaints, and love to sleep on the bed. I love to play with my catnip toys too!

What do you think? Want a handsome hunk like me around? If so, ask about me and maybe I could come charm your house hold of humans.


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Notes from Home
Bentley has been with me for one month now and is doing very well! It has taken all this time for him to start exploring outside his safe domain of my bedroom. I have a 6 year old 60 lb dog and they are starting to get used to each other. I haven't allowed the dog in the bedroom so Bentley knows he's safe. It is wonderful to see him start to leave the bedroom and come find me. One day I hope the dog and cat can be friends. I'll keep you posted!!

Wow it's been a year since Bentley came into my home. He is doing great. He gets along great with my dog and I even found him in the dog pen hanging out! He has been really taking his time to warm up to me. But now he's sitting on my chest when he finds me laying on the couch. I love how he greets me at the door and let's me know when he's hungry or his water bowl is empty. He just had his teeth cleaned and had no extractions. Very happy about that. He funny how he waits for me to stir in the morning and then comes over and head butts me. I sure do love him.

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2017 6pm)

A long whippy tail compliments a very nice well adjusted purrsonality, eager to interact and be your friend. I just got here, so that's saying something already! I'm getting ready to meet the other cats, I don't suspect I'll have a problem with that. I love my food, I love my attention, and I would love it if you would ask about me!
Name: Remy

(FKA Capella)

ID#: VA7287
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/18/10
Adopted: 10/03/10
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Arthur
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
2017. Sadly Remy developed a rapidly developing throat cancer in September & is no longer with us.
(Last update: Dec 18th, 2017 11am)

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Name:   Violet
ID#: VA12372
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 10/31/17
Adopted: 11/18/17
Congrats: Fei
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes

Just in time for Halloween, here I am with my built-in costume of purple fur! Apparently my owners died and my new owners thought it would be funny to dye me a lovely shade of raspberry, hence Foster lady giving me the name of Violet. I don't let the fact that I'm colored purple bother me at all though, as I am the sweetest, most friendly, outgoing and people-oriented meezer that you'll ever meet.

I'm so sweet, I even let grabby babies give me love (check out my video)!

Purrs and purple headbutts,


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
So friendly! Hasn't met a person she doesn't like. She loves walking on her leash and exploring new trees and piles of leaves.

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2017 7am)

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