Previously Adopted Siamese
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I have finished all of my vetting and doing great. I am outgoing/playful and affectionate. I love to be petted and held and cuddled. Great lap kitty. Get along good with other cats and dogs. Jubilee
Name: Jubilee
ID#: VA11736
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/08/16
Adopted: 11/12/16
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Jubilee has settled in with her new family so well! It's like she's always been a part of us. She's a beautiful girl and we are so very attached to her already. Thanks so much for taking care of her and helping us to find her! We love her dearly.
I can’t believe it’s been a year! Jubilee has grown so much this year - she’s a happy, healthy kitty. She loves to sleep on my bed and play with her toys. She and her ‘brother’ love to race in the evenings. She’s such a joy to have around and loves to lie in my lap and be cuddled. We can’t imagine life without her. Thank you SRC!
(Last update: Jan 2nd, 2018 11am)
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From a hoarding group of cats, I am scared of people for the most part but I'm making progress because I sure do a lot of slow blinking to try to make friends and if you allow me to sniff you first then I let you pet me on the head and ears although sometimes I still hiss. I even tried eating food from Foster Mom's hand, it was good and yummy and it wasn't that scary.
I am cat friendly and totally non political so would really like to have a playful kitty buddy. I also am really good in my litterbox and have a healthy appetite. I am really cute and I like to play with toys. Do you have a cat dancer toy because that is my absolute favorite!
So, If you have a lot of patience and don't mind a little project to keep you occupied for a month or two, possibly three, then go ahead and ask about me.
Name: Bennet
ID#: VA11823
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 11/20/16
Adopted: 12/20/16
Congrats: Cathleen
Foster: Chelsea
Foster Notes for Bennet [VA11823] |
I like to play and I would really like to have a playful kitty buddy. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Bennet has settled in well. It took two weeks of accommodation (me spending the evenings with him in "his room") for him to relax enough to join the family. He is very affectionate with me and sleeps with me and the other cats on the bed at night. He also tries to be very affectionate with my two other cats, who don't return the affection but at least tolerate him. I've seen Mimi giving him some licks, so maybe we are moving in a positive direction there! He remains skittish. I can't put two hands on him at once or touch his tummy, but I've learned to read his body language and back off when he starts to tense up. He's started to learn I will back off and so does not flip out and run away when I let go. We both have learning to do. He's a very good eater (he'll eat the other cats' food if they would let him) with good litter box habits. Bennet loves to play. He has a knack for finding bits of packing tape or a twist tie and going at it. He seems to ignore store-bought toys.
6 month update: Bennet (or Bennie as I call him) continues to settle in. He remains skittish at times, but comes to the door when I get home, lets me pet him if I don't approach too quickly, and even lets me pick him up sometimes. He continues to make progress with the other cats. Mimi doesn't hiss at him too often and Pyro will even let him sleep next to him sometimes. He's very vocal (he lets me know when it's mealtime) and quite active. He's always very interested in food, and has really filled out. When he's ready for me to pet him, he can be very affectionate, generous with head butts, and snuggles against me. He can also suddenly nip me and run away. So, things progress.
1 year update: Benny (he's still Benny) has continued to settle in to the family. He is generous with head butts and body rubs. I love it and the other cats are more and more tolerant of him. He remains skittish at times. He is very trusting in his safe place (on my bed). He snuggles up to me and the other cats at night. If they hiss or growl at him he continues to head butt them and rub against them as if to say "aw, come on!" I can walk straight up to him most of the time without scaring him away. I can pick him up most of the time (but he usually wants to get down after a short time). He purrs and is very affectionate always. That said, about half of the time he hangs out in a different room than the rest of us. That's OK. There's space for him when he wants to be with us.
(Last update: Jan 1st, 2018 9pm)
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Name: Yara Greyjoy
ID#: VA11425
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 04/18/16
Adopted: 01/28/17
Congrats: Roger
Foster: Huey
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Yara is a super scared girl that is going to need a lot of time and patience from my potential adopter. I have been shifted around quite a bit and really do not know why I lost my home of many years to begin with.
She is a beautiful apple headed blue point that at this point has pretty much given up on life. We are trying everything we can to make her learn to trust. She is going to need that special adopter that is willing to spend the time allowing her to adjust and learn that she has found a real home.
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Notes from Home
It has been over a month and are so happy our sweet girl has joined our family. While it is likely she will always be a shy, quiet girl, she is making gains and learning to trust us more and more each day. It is exciting to see her settle into her new home and enjoy her quiet life.
We decided to change her name, although that was not our original intention. The 'ar' in Yara can be pronounced differently (this is Massachusetts) and we wanted her name to sound the same, regardless of who was speaking. We choose the name of another strong, fictional, female character, Korra. It is also has two syllables, with the same ending sound. She has made the adjustment and looks up when we say her name. She appears to be as fiercely independent as her namesake :-)
At this time Korra hasn't ventured beyond her home room, but the door is always open and she is often sitting up on the bed watching us down the hall. It is truly a joy to greet her every morning and talk with her throughout the day, or even sit in the room and have her stay and not run to hide. It may be a short chat, but it is wonderful.
In a few months we hope to write about her adventures outside of her room, but for now we enjoy our special gift.
It has been over 11 months and there have been wonderful changes. Korra has been adjusting to her new home and us to her. She did well at her check-up and despite the small lump our vet noticed on her chest at her initial visit (it hasn't grown) she is healthy.
Last time we wrote Korra was just beginning to explore our house and while she is still hesitant she now eats her food in the kitchen and was enjoying time in the living room and bedroom when Roger carried her in for cheek rubs. She was enjoying weekly brushing and cheek rubs which developed into twice daily time with Roger with cheek, back, and ear rubs. Around July we heard the first sounds of purring and now she purrs softly, loudly with excitement, and what seems like contentment. We couldn't be happier.
Our biggest surprise was last week. We returned home from visiting for Christmas and it was late so we got ready for bed after snacks and to our surprise Korra jumped up on the bed on her own and asked for rubs. Even more amazing she settled in for the night and has been sleeping and snuggling with us even since. Our other kitty is working out this bed sharing thing and they have come to an agreement. We are so grateful she is comfortable to be with us and feels safe. We never expected Korra would be such a cuddly girl, at least not this soon. Thank-you so much for rescuing this sweet girl we are forever grateful she has graced our home.
(Last update: Jan 1st, 2018 6pm)
Sweet, healthy little flame point girlie!
Name: Luna
(FKA Winnie)
ID#: VA12049
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/18/17
Adopted: 07/01/17
Congrats: Gabriela
Foster: Jeanne
Notes from Home
Luna is such a great kitten! Her and Leo are inseparable, and they are often found cuddling together on our bed. It takes her while to warm up to strangers (she usually hides under the bed when new people come over), but she greets me and my fiancé at the door every day after work. She is still a purr-monster, and she is especially purry when she plays with her toys. Her favorite toys are ribbons and string toys. We often see her carrying her toys in her mouth from room to room. She will "chirp" at us when she wants attention, especially if she is upstairs in the cat room and wants us to play with her.
She has great litter box habits, and she eats both dry and wet food. Luna is definitely a lap sitter. If my fiancé is working from home, she and Leo will take turns in Jonathan's lap all day.
Luna is so sweet and so lovey--we are so happy she is a part of our family!
(Last update: Jan 1st, 2018 3pm)
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Name: Angel
ID#: VA7706
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/09/11
Adopted: 12/30/11
Congrats: Peggy
Foster: Sara
Foster Notes for Angel [VA7706] |
I am a sweetheart! Love to headbutt like its my job, chirp & make biscuits! |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
Not with Female Cats
Hello, I'm Angel and Christmas is my very favorite time of year! Number one on my Christmas list to Santa - please find me a forever home for Christmas! I am being such a good girl here. I even helped my new human foster sister through her recent loss of her beloved hamster. I cuddle with her every night, talk to her, and even cry when she leaves my room. She says I helped her feel better. I am really loving the kids in my new home, because they never pick me up and let me come to them for loving. They pet me all the time and I talk and purr to let them know how much I like them! But deep down, I really, REALLY want my own family for Christmas. Won't you ask about me? My foster mom will tell you how good I've been...
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Notes from Home
Yesterday was Angel's 6-year anniversary in her forever home. She remains healthy and active, and devoted to her adoptive mama. She does not like to interact with grandchildren, even though they adore her. Fortunately there are many hiding places in our home. But on a day like today, when all is quiet, she has full reign. Angel is obviously anxious for me to stop snapping photos and allow her to resume her nap. Ever the diva, she is my precious angel!
(Last update: Jan 1st, 2018 12pm)
I love being at the Italian B&B for wayward Meezers! I'm growing, and have lots of energy. Big sister Dee Dee, one of the resident meezers, is trying to teach me my manners. I love to play with my toys, and was really interested when big brother Charlie caught a mouse and left it for Poppa Peter in front of his chair. Now that I'm out of the playpen, I'm going mousing with him. Had my spay.
I love to be held, and sleep with you, and will tell you how much I like it by purring, purring, purring. i'm very inquisitive - I've explored the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and went looking for more ice cream behind the freezer drawer at the bottom of the refrigerator So if you've got a young boy kitty - I prefer a mellow, not too big, playful guy- then I'm your girl.
Name: Bella
ID#: VA11767
Location: Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/22/16
Adopted: 12/14/16
Congrats: Sonja
Foster: Trish
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Good Morning,
Kiana (Bella) has fully adjusted and become part of the household. She eats like an animal twice her size and continues to grow. During her recent vet checkup she weighed in at 7.3 lbs. That means she is nearly as heavy as the boys now and is enjoying trying to assert herself a Queen. She has mastered the counter jump and so we are having to 1) hide the butter and 2) anything else that is heavy enough for her to paw off and crash to the floor. Beyond the occasional mishap, she is learning that pushing things off the counter is not acceptable behaviour. Her favourite toy seems to me the dog's little tennis ball which she chases through the house.
Her shaking seems to be subsiding some, there are days when it is not evident at all. Not sure if I just don't notice it or it has really diminished over time.
Attaching some photos of the her at rest and attacking the cat tree stump where her perch was.....it fell off yesterday and she was not too pleased. Hopefully will have it repaired on the weekend.
Happy St. Valentine's Day. Today seems like an appropriate day to give a final update on Kiana. She definitely has established herself as Queen. While she pays with Lynx, it turns out her Bestie is the puppy, Jessie. The two of them were recently caught playing tug of war with a roll of toilet paper. Kiana also is more than accommodating knocking over the garbage can or sliding the butter dish off the counter so the two of them can share a scavenged meal (its more fun eating ill gotten gains together). She has missed the kitchen garbage and instead of knocking it over landed inside of it when it was full of old spaghetti sauce (Note to self: Kiana does NOT like bathing).
She is still shy when people drop in to visit and hides under my bed, so I imagine that will be an integral part of her personality.
Thank-you for giving us the opportunity to enjoy her antics.
PS. I recently re-established a painting studio (decorative art), and am enjoying the rhythm and relaxation the creative process brings. If the rescue needs a few pieces for an auction or craft sale, please let me know. Happy to share photo to establish quality.
Kiana is doing well. Seems to have reached her adult side and is not growing much any more. She has a healthy appetite and makes it known when she wants food. We have switched all the cats to a higher end wet food (Blue Buffalo) thinking perhaps the protein level in the food would be more satisfying. She is still on the Blue Buffalo kitten kibble as well. Feeding is a communal activity; the singapura, Lynx likes kitten kibble and given he has always been on the lean side, the vet was good with it. Skye, the grandpa blue point, is toothless so he shares the wet food.
Kiana has had some spectacular fails and has given us some frights and some real laughs. He tremors definitely affect her co-ordination. She is also not a heat seeker like the other cats. She is happy to lie beside me, one paw touching. She doesn't have that full bodied siamese yowl that the other 2 have but she squeaks when she walks into a room and wants you to notice her or is demanding food.
We have our morning bed making ritual, where she pounces on the covers as I make the bed and give her a full body massage. Interestingly enough, she is a cave sleeper in the mornings either sleeping in my closet or under my bed. In the afternoon she is more sociable and engages Jessie (chiweenie) and Lynx in some roughhousing. Still leery of strangers and will disappear when visitors come.
No issues. She has some hair balls on occasion as her coat is longer but nothing debilitating. Cured herself of eating spiders when she learned they make her sick. Now she just chases and pounces. We live by a lake so we have insects and spiders creeping through the cracks on occasion.
Happy New Year, Its winter, so the cats have the rips. Kiana (Bella), Lynx and Jessie (this chiweenie) tear through the house chasing each other. Even though they never go out, it seems this time of year they need to expend some excess energy.
There is often some dispute about who gets to sleep in the middle of the heating pad that is on the couch. So far Kiana is respectful of Skye though she is starting to challenge him. He is getting weaker and has had some health issues over the last year so she is naturally trying to assert her dominance.
While she is not as agile as the Skye and Lynx, she has "smarts" and has figured out how to cruise surfaces to get to her destinations off the floor. She does get frustrated when Lynx jumps from the floor to the top of the bookcase (8 feet) and she cannot. She''l chirp and pace, vocalizing her frustration. In addition, she shares her food with the chiweenie by pawing it off the counter to a very eager recipient on the ground.
No health issues. Still shy of strangers.Is starting to show some interest about the outside so that may be a challenge come spring. We already have one houdini who will jump over you to make a dash for the out doors.
(Last update: Jan 1st, 2018 10am)
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Name: Hamish
(FKA Rascal)
ID#: VA11857
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/09/16
Adopted: 12/23/16
Congrats: Erica
Foster: Debi
Purr..purr...purr..purr! That's what I like to do when I see anyone. I'm a social little guy & just love attention. I will need another fur kid at home when I arrive OR at least one coming soon once I arrive home.
P.S. - My foster meowm is going to take my photo shoot & video tonight!
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Notes from Home
Hamish has turned out to be quite the character. We were looking for a playmate for our 6 month old boy (Wallace) who politely was not messing too much with the old lady cats in the house. I could see that he needed a companion closer to his age. Hamish came in ready to play and hasn't stopped for more than a breath since. He is half the size of Wallace still but is always asking to wrestle and chase and nibble. He is very confident and adventuresome. He doesn't always think out his escape plan. He has a knack for getting into the food closet. If there's a moment of quite its worth taking a peek in there for him. He is very amusing and always seems happy. We enjoy him very much and it seems like he and Wallace will be inseparable.
I think he's going to be tall compared to my other cats. He seems quite leggy at this stage. He's growing fast so I guess we will see :)
Hamish is still doing very well. He is still pretty non-stop. it is a rare moment when he will cuddle. We enjoy watching his antics so much and find him so entertaining.
Hamish is doing really well. He is our most playful character and while he only occasionally slows down for lap time, he is also very interactive with us. I am certain he has a sense of humor as he seems to laugh when he is playing. I find him nesting with the other cats frequently and even find him nesting with the dogs. He seems to have never had a bad day in his life. I really appreciate his positive nature.
(Last update: Dec 31st, 2017 12pm)
Name: Cosmo
(FKA Carrie)
ID#: VA5135
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/13/07
Adopted: 10/08/07
Deceased: 12/30/17
Congrats: Paul
Foster: Donna
We're baaack!!
Need two of the cutest kittens you've ever seen?
That would be me and my brother Carson!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It's been 10 years since adopted Captain & Cosmo. Cosmo is the sweetest girl who comes out to cuddle when it's quiet in the house, especially during morning coffee. She likes to wrestle with Captain and sit in her cat tree.
Cosmo LOVES to be brushed - she makes crazy squeaking noises and purrs while being brushed and can't seem to get enough of it.
Sadly she has developed a lump on her jaw that our Vet has told us is cancer. He told us that we probably only have 1-2 months left with her. We are heartbroken by this news and are just taking it day by day at this point and trying to spend as much time as possible with her.
12/30/2017 - Goodbye sweet girl. We love you.
(Last update: Dec 30th, 2017 1pm)
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