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Woo Hooooo.... What a delectable treat I am!

What a precious, sweet, gentle little fellow! Still a little overwhelmed by the changes in his life, but making progress though it is baby steps. He loves to be pet, scratched, massaged and snuggled. A little unsure when picked up, but when held securely and snuggled he nuzzles in to my neck and purrs. Getting braver about the "scary" toys as long as they don't go ding-a-ling. lol

He will need a confident, outgoing, friendly female cat or kitten to help him adjust and show him the joys of an inside life.

Puuuurrrrrsssss and meows, (He is vocal! :))) )


Update 3/19/14 Major break through! He is playing with a wand toy and energetically using the scratching post on the cat tree! He's no longer in his bed all the time, but up on the tree and the window sill. He meows and comes to me now instead of waiting for me to go to him! Great progress for a kitten who had such big changes in his life only a week ago!

05/19/14 Born under a shed and now completely acclaimated and loving being a pampered indoor kitten. Loving all the attention and cuddles he can get and playing with every toy available. He's so ready to go home and be with his furrever family!
Name: Freddy

(FKA Gucci)

ID#: VA9906
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/14/14
Adopted: 05/21/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Nancy


Notes from Home
At long last, I'm finally doing an update. Freddy (nee Gucci) didn't entirely have a smooth transition into our household. The story of him worming his way into our air conditioning vents will live a long life in our family. But he's settled in and made his home with us. Freddy has decided his person in our family is mostly our 9 year old girl, though he does also enjoy cuddling with our soon to be 6 year old boy. Freddy has turned out to be a slightly goofy teenager - he gallops around the house, chasing and being chased by our dog Skipper or his pal Daphne (nee Alyson). Yesterday he spent 5 minutes chasing our 12 pound dog to one side of the house, only to turn around and be chased back to the other side, a fun game of interspecies tag. He likes to hang out on the window ledge of my daughter's room, hiding behind the curtain and peeping his head around when someone enters the room. He loves cuddles, and sometimes my daughter complains he keeps her up at night when he cuddles up with her and starts kneading in her hair, then nosing at her hands to pet him. He is really happy in her arms - just totally relaxes as she carts him around and puts him in various roles in her games. We did have to try to break him of his decision to run ahead of you when you're coming down the stairs - he'd lay on the step just below your foot and seemed entirely unconcerned about the foot that was going to land on him. But after some nudging on our part he's figured out stairs are the best places to get petted. We have several cat trees around the house and he loves to sit in them, and use his claws to snag your pants as you walk by. But he's still just sort of goofy - the other day I went to pet him in the low perch of the cat tree, and he tried to roll onto his side, but rolled completely out and fell onto the floor! He is on and off interested in his wet food, but loves the dry, and he's very accommodating when Daphne pushes him out of the way so she can get at his discarded wet food. Now that I've figured out the updating, I'll try and get some good pics- he is not so into posing!

November 2019 - an update after quite some time. We have a lot of fun with Freddy. He's still most bonded with our now-14-year-old daughter. He also still gallops around the house, and likes to play with our westie. His main trick is appearing next to the dinner table, then reaching out one paw, extending one claw, and tagging you on your thigh or rear end, all in an attempt to get a little bite of chicken or something good. Weekend mornings he lurks around the kitchen hoping for bacon. It is hard to turn him down. He's big - 12 pounds now - so we need to pair treats with more exercise. He loves to play, but he is not a lap cat. He loves to be snuggled by his person, and sleeps with her every night, insisting on pets and cuddles. But for the rest of us he enjoys being petted and spoiled, but won't choose to cuddle with us. He has always insisted on fresh water and we were refreshing his water bowl two or three times a day but finally got a flowing water fountain and he loves it - will sit and watch it before drinking. :last summer we pet sat for a snake and he was VERY interested and hung out by the snakes cage all the time. And he still cries his little baby meows.

(Last update: Nov 30th, 2019 9pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: JAVA

(FKA Gia)

ID#: VA11605
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/27/16
Adopted: 10/08/16
Deceased: 09/24/19
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

Not the normal seal diva girl. Gets along with the kitties here.

Ok with small, calm dogs. Will put big ones in their place.

Needs a special adopter due to a medical condition.

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Notes from Home
GIA has been renamed to Java. Why? Because she is bold, smooth and is many beautiful colors of rich browns and she reminds me of a cup of good coffee. Silly but true. She is doing great here in her new home. The dog loves her and the other cat is slowly accepting her. She isn't much of a lap cat but loves to snuggle in bed with me for a good night's sleep. She loves to dash around the house and play with toys. Her stomatitis is good right now and she is eating well. We will keep a close eye on her eating to watch for indications of problems. Java is a fabulous kitty and we are very blessed to have her.

It's been six months and Java is now one of the family. Both dog and cat have totally accepted her although there may be an occasional hiss from my male cat. She has picked up a couple pounds so she's rounded out a bit. So far she has had no problems with her stomatitis. My fingers (and toes) are crossed. Maybe she will be lucky and not have to have any additional teeth pulled. I have a nickname for her...it's crackhead. LOL Once in a while she will just decide to tear off and run down the hallway and hide under the bed. She waits for me to come get her and then she runs out from under the bed back down the hall so I chase her again. It's as if she gets a shot of adrenaline running through her and has to do something with all that energy. She is really an amazing kitty. She now sits on our laps and loves getting her head rubbed. We couldn't have asked for a sweeter cat.

10/11/17 - Happy Anniversary! We have had Java for a year now and she is amazing. She sleeps with me every night and our other cat has fully accepted her. She eats well and has had no problems with her stomatitis. I have put a few pounds on her just in case she stops eating but so far so good! My fingers are crossed that she never has to go through that again. She still loves to play and will even initiate play with the dog. Of course, he wants nothing to do with her at his age. :) She is happy and will be with us forever. Thank you SCRC.

11/15/19 Sad to say Java had to be put down. She had severe intestinal problems that we dealt with for many months. Vet visits, tests and numerous prescription foods didn't help...she threw up everything. She lost so much weight it broke my heart. I know she is in a much better place now but the house is empty without my meezer. Time to start looking for 1 or 2 more!!

(Last update: Nov 19th, 2019 3pm)

I have been here with foster mom for awhile and still waiting for my very own home. I would be a great companion for other kitties as long as they are not bullies. I get along fine with all of the other fosters and even play with some of the kittens.
The reason I have been here so long is that I am afraid of strangers and hide. If someone would give me a chance and have patience, I would be a nice companion. I do not have any bad habits and am a sweet gentle natured girl. I get rowdy and play with toys and sometimes am a lap kitty. Lucy
Name: Quincy

(FKA Lucy)

ID#: VA7572
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/19/11
Adopted: 02/04/12
Deceased: 10/17/19
Congrats: Aggie
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Lucy had an uneventful trip to Maryland and endeared herself to her new family and new Vet's office staff with her gentle stoicism and and occasional nervous lip-licking. She is settled into her "safe room" here at home and has already chosen her favorite bed, the one that requires us to lie on the floor and reach over our heads to pet her. Naturally. But she rolls her head around so we can reach all the good spots, so she's a good sport about it all.

We had to rename her because Lucy is the name of our dearly departed, best-dog-ever, black lab-Irish setter. There can only be one Lucy per family. So not to mock physical attributes by any means, but more to celebrate her special uniqueness, we've decided our five-toed polydactyl should be: Quincy. If we don't clearly enunciate, we can sort of make it sound like Lucy anyway. Quincy Raven Sanders

because she will be a football fan, and Joe Flacco's jersey is 5. After all, Siamese-sibling Mojo Flacco Sanders enjoys following the team and we expect hope she'll follow his lead.

So happy to have her home with us!

2 weeks later: Quincy is doing very well. She still prefers to spend most of the time in her room, but we join her quite a bit and she's very quick to scamper over for some back scratches and tummy rubs. I have never had a cat who likes tummy rubs like she does! She nudges my hand if I stop! She's a non-stop purr machine, but I have yet to hear her meow. I'm sure when she has something important to say, she will say it. She is exploring the adjacent rooms and hallways and I expect her to want the run of the house before too long.

One month update: Quincy thinks Mojo is a rock star. She seems totally devoted to him, running to greet him, rubbing against him, curling up on or beside him to sleep. If he meows, she chirps right back. He is less enchanted, although he allows her full run of the lower level and is just starting to let her up to the first floor. If he chases her away, she remains on the top step and tries again and again. They do play together - or at least side by side - when I get the toys out and since Quincy is the most playful, most enthusiastic and most acrobatic cat I've had in years, it has brought out a more playful side of Mojo as well. She purrs non stop while she plays, which I find very cute. She is willing to spend more and more time with my husband and son, too. We think she's doing very well.
August, 2012: Six months already? We've heard her meow! She's such a dainty little fine boned cat, but LOUD! She meows loudly when she finds herself alone in a room and wants to find out where everyone went. She mutters under her breath non-stop when she prowls around looking for her next nap stop. She chatters to speed things up when waiting impatiently for dinner to be portioned out and delivered. She stands on her rear legs, front legs on our laps, and cries mournfully for a treat. She also has a very very loud purr, one that can be heard from across the room. We love that. Not to mention her big, heavy, clomping feet. She sounds like a pack of dogs running up and down the stairs! We get the biggest kick out of our "little lady" who sounds like a football player!

She has occasionally jumped up next to me and cuddled, and once shocked herself by actually landing directly on my lap! She is still warming up to the idea, but is very comfortable coming up and asking (loudly) for head scratches. She follows us from room to room and knows our routine from minute to minute. Mojo still tries to run her off, but she's undaunted and is wearing him down; they spend more and more of their time together without problems. She's still very skittish when company comes, but has started to check people out more and more.

She is still very very playful and acrobatic. She's been a good influence on Mojo, who rarely played with anything before she got here - now he runs to join in the fun. We're very glad to have her.

February 4, 2013. Quincy is very affectionate and the most playful cat I've ever had. She gets into everything! During the night she likes to pull coasters out of their holder and we find them all over the house. She loves to tear around the house chasing toys, she's a riot. She crawls into bed with me every morning, once she's convinced I'm not ready to get up and fix breakfast. She's a very entertaining kitty.

February 4, 2014. Quincy remains affectionate and extremely playful. She loves to leap into the air to catch the "cat dancer" toy…we have them all over the house. She follows me where ever I go, she's my little shadow. She has also gotten much braver with my husband; he's been "allowed" to brush her and play with her at times. Quincy loves the fact that I still must lie down most of the day, and am therefore always providing the opportunity to snuggle. I appreciate the company. Final trick: she comes when I call her name. We've tested this many times. I've never had a cat who came running (without the sound of a can of cat food being opened).

June 25, 2014 Quincy just returned from her yearly vet exam with rabies shot. The vet did a double-take, rechecking her chart because she just couldn't believe Quincy's age based on the condition of her coat, the brightness of her eyes, and her trim figure. She said Quincy could pass for a 3 or 4 year old cat! (I've said all along that she's by far the most acrobatic and playful cat I've ever had.) Quincy was not mollified by the compliments and continued to complained loudly until we got in the car to return home. But she's on my lap now - she doesn't hold a grudge. Such a sweetie.

2/17/15 On the eve of her 12th birthday, Quincy remains the apple of our eye(s). Cuddly, loudly purring, she keeps me company night and day. Getting a little braver when visitors come over - at least family - because she cautiously creeps over to sniff their stuff when she thinks we're all in a different room.

2/4/16 I can't believe it's been four years since we brought our shy little kitty home! Quincy is still slim, healthy and acrobatic with a beautiful, glossy coat and perfect teeth. She's incredibly playful and keenly aware of the time of day, staring down the door to the toy closet when it's time to bring out her beloved wand toys. (The loud, squeaky toys are reserved for middle of the night......with those big, 5-toed feet of hers, she sounds like a herd of buffalo galloping through the house! It unnerves guests trying to sleep. Again, part of her grand plan.) She also sits beside her cat brush and stares me down when she hears me getting ready for bed.

Last night was a first. She jumped up on the sofa to claim her customary spot on my lap, but found me juggling both a computer and a book. I expected her to curl up beside me, but instead she walked over and took a test spin around and around my husband's lap and settled there! My husband was so shocked he was afraid to move a muscle, but eventually dared to stroke her and scratch her head and she purred. She stayed with him for several minutes, to our shock and awe. Knowing how much she sticks to schedules, it's apparent she'd planned all along to start cuddling with him after a four year warm up period.

Today is Quincy's 5 year anniversary! It's a stressful phase for her right now as we're in the process of moving from our 3 story house- with several hiding places on each level - to a 2 BR apartment. So far she's only found one safe place to hide. But she's getting braver, exploring a little more each day, and spends the night cuddled up beside me in bed. She's a resilient old girl! We love her so much.

February 27, 2017 - Quincy's 14th birthday (I use the date on the veterinarian's notes from her first home) and she's as loving and playful as ever. A few weeks ago we downsized from a 3 story house with lots of hiding places on each floor, to a 2 BR condo with little furniture (more to come later) and I worried about Quincy's reaction to an alien environment. She's done very well, no signs of stress although I'm sure she'd rather be back at the house. But she was willing to cuddle with me right from the start. She's such a sweetie.

In tears as I write that Quincy died October 17, 2019. (cancer) She was loving and devoted right up to her last day. She was my shadow, day and night. She even came to trust my husband and would snuggle between the two of us on the sofa every evening. I loved her more than I can even express and will miss her forever.

(Last update: Nov 16th, 2019 11am)

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Name:   Zabella
ID#: VA13079
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 08/31/19
Adopted: 11/02/19
Congrats: Gina
Foster: Debra

Outgoing happy girl here! I like other kitties and I really like people. I want to be wherever someone is. I love to play too. Got my bath and did great. I am a sweet loving girl.

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Notes from Home
Zabella has setteled in wonderfully! Mattie, the dog, enjoys her a lot an Zabella adores her! They nap togeather at night an Mattie put her in a hug an cleaned her face yesterday 😂 Zabella has been sleeping in bed with us an watching tv on eather me or my bf's lap or snuggling with the dog. She is the perfect fit!
(Last update: Nov 9th, 2019 8pm)

My new foster meom is getting to know me. She does know that I'm more of an alpha kitty, like to have control of things. And I don't like dogs. I like some other kitties but it takes me a while to get to know them. Then I feel comfortable with one other kitty.
So maybe you could ask about me so that my foster mom can tell you more.
I like to rub noses! I like to cuddle and be with my person. Then I'm a happy camper and a love-bug!
Hoping you'll ask about me soon because I need a person to take care of and follow around.
Thanks, Buzz
Buzz is purrsonality plus! A chatty guy that likes to get under the covers. Wants to be in the middle of whatever you are doing.
Name: Stuart

(FKA Buzz Lightyear (Justice))

ID#: VA12955
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/03/19
Adopted: 09/06/19
Congrats: Kaitlin
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Well, after careful personality analysis, Buzz was renamed from Kyle to Stuart. He is the most wonderful chatty cuddle-cat. We're not always sure if we adopted a cat or a shadow... because unless he's lording over us on his cat tree, he's never less than five feet away from his people.

Stuart is the ULTIMATE study buddy. He always hops right into my lap and falls asleep when I'm at my desk. Cat laws demand that I cannot disturb a sleeping Stuart and so I am forced to study. He is a most wonderful addition to the household and has, without a doubt, found his forever home.

(Last update: Nov 9th, 2019 10am)

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Name:   Chelsey
ID#: VA11884
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 12/26/16
Adopted: 01/21/17
Deceased: 11/08/19
Congrats: Erica
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes

I am a mature girl that knows what I want and that would be attention. I like to have conversation and love to be petted. I purr loudly in appreciation. I like people and don't mind other cats. Cat friendly dogs may not be too bad either.

Want a workout buddy? Then grab that wand toy and let's play. I am a girl that likes to have fun.

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Notes from Home
Chelsey sadly passed a couple of months ago due to renal kidney failure. She was such a strong member of our family and her passing has weighed heavy on our hearts. She was an amazing companion and cherished every moment we had with her. We are so lucky to have had her in our lives and that we could help make her last years great ones. Thank you for that opportunity!
(Last update: Nov 8th, 2019 3pm)

I am a super sweet girl who loves to get scritches. I have seal point body but my feet have tiny white socks on them and I have a patch of white on my chest and belly - for contrast I have white whiskers which really stand out. I am a smaller size girl but as you can see I am as pretty as can be. I am also super smart - I was shown where to do my scratching at just one time and I go there everytime now. I have been to the vet and they say I am in perfect health. I do need to gain a few pounds though.
Name: Scarlett

(FKA Cannia)

ID#: VA8908
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/09/12
Adopted: 12/22/12
Deceased: 10/15/19
Congrats: James
Foster: Debra

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Scarlett. [cania] was a wonderful companion that is sorely missed. a truly great friend and I thank all who put us together.

she passed on 10/15/19

(Last update: Oct 29th, 2019 5pm)

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Name:   Olivia
ID#: VA4320
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/20/06
Adopted: 08/20/06
Deceased: 11/01/12
Congrats: James
Foster: Williene


Quiet, proper, well-mannered, dignified, mature lady-cat seeks peaceful and friendly home for long-term love and companionship. I've grown past my kitten years - none of that tearing down the curtains or jumping at you from on top of the refrigerator for me! I won't make a bother or a fuss, just a chin-scritch here and a back-rub there and my heart is content. My age is admittedly a bit of a guess- nobody bothered to leave a note with me when they left me outside the vet clinic - but my blood work all came back good and I've had my teeth cleaned and got a good health report from the kind vet who took me in off the sidewalk, so whenever my real birthday is, I've got quite a few more yet in store and I'd love to spend them loving you!

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Notes from Home
Olivia was a gentle, sweet loving friend. she passed on 11/24/12

(Last update: Oct 29th, 2019 5pm)

Yo! Need a talkative lap warmer? I'll be your constant companion, your shadow, your cat assistant, your FRIEND!

I was abandoned in a vacant house and had a rough patch there for a while. Now I like for you to watch me eat and encourage me. I'll tell you all about my day, and you can tell me about yours. I'll help you sort paperwork, knit, watch TV, whatever you'd like. I just want to hang out.

Wanna hang out together? Click on Ask About ME to see if we're a match!

Name: Angel

(FKA Karena)

ID#: VA5827
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/01/08
Adopted: 09/07/08
Deceased: 01/01/19
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
I renamed "Karena". She immediately became "Angel".
We recently had our first anniversary together. Angel took me through a very difficult year - I knew I would need her comfort since my husband was very ill. As it turned out, Charlie passed away 7/7/09 and my little girl was there for remarkable support. I am packing to move and and downsize since it is just the two of us now. She is enjoying all the excitement and movement as each closet is exposed and reviewed-piles of clothes to sit on and new nooks and crannies to explore. We had a very busy weekend working on these closets and today she is exhausted. She struggled to stay awake Saturday and Sunday to not miss anything and today is sound asleep.
I love this girl more than words can say and she has been my best support during this difficult time.
Angel passed on 11/3/18. Our hearts are still broken; she was the love of our life.

(Last update: Oct 26th, 2019 1pm)

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Name:   Harris
ID#: VA12314
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 09/29/17
Adopted: 10/21/17
Congrats: Andrea
Foster: Kay

I am a typical boy kitten - playful and affectionate. A little timid at first but get over that fairly quickly. Would need a kitty buddy to be able to play with in my new home.

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Notes from Home
Harris has been in his furever home for one week, and he is doing so great!! It did not take him long to adjust to his new mom and dad - he wanted all of the love and pets we could give him right away! He wanted to explore and play with his new sister Kira, but she wasn't so happy about him right away. It took her a few days to realize that all Harris wants is to run and play and not to threaten her in any way... but he can no longer go anywhere in the house without her following him to check up on him!! Last night they both slept in bed with us! They are now great playmates! Their favorite times to run around and wrestle are at midnight and 5am!

Harris is still working on his kitty clumsiness! He sometimes falls off the couch or misjudges how far away something is before trying to jump to it, but we wouldn't have him any other way! He has brought so much happiness to our house and we can't wait to get to know him even better! We want to thank everyone involved in his adoption, especially his foster mommy Kay and all of the volunteers that helped get him home! Check out my pictures of me in my new home with my new sister!

Harris has been with us for a year and he sure has gotten comfortable! He loves to play all day and all night if someone can keep up with him! His sister Kira loves him, but more in a big sister kinda way. Harris wants to play and Kira usually wants to just lounge around and keep an eye on what's going on in the house. But that's okay because Harris can play with his mom and dad and even all by himself and still have a great time! He hasn't had any health issues aside from a mild case of gingivitis. He loves getting his teeth brushed cuz the toothpaste is so delicious!

His sister Kira is the more adventurous and athletic one, so Harris likes to live vicariously through her when she's being a crazy cat. He tells her that she's being naughty and she won't get treats but she doesn't listen to him! He loves going on walks on a leash to explore what's outside. When he can't go for walks he spends a lot of time watching the outside world through the window! Harris LOVES food and sprints to the kitchen everytime he hears something drop on the floor with the hopes of getting it before mommy and daddy do! Sometimes he pushes his sister out of the way and eats her food but he is learning to have better manners.

Harris is very shy around people that he doesn't know, but has been getting braver and braver with each person that comes to visit, especially if they give him treats!! He loves his mom and dad so much he follows them everywhere they go! He loves to give headbumps and purrs immediately when he gets chin scratches! Some of his favorite things to do are watching bird videos on YouTube, playing with his feather, doing yoga with his mom, hanging out in the bathroom and attacking the water as it comes out of the sink! Harris has brought so much joy to our lives and we can't wait for many more years with him!

Harris just celebrated his two year anniversary as a part of our family! So much has happened over the last year. He got a new brother Lynx who was only around for a few months because the living situation just wasn't working out with his sister Kira. Harris was so excited to have a play buddy but sometimes cried because Lynx was almost twice his size and didn't realize that he was playing too rough sometimes!! Kira and Harris have gotten closer over the last year, and although she doesn't always want to play, we catch them chasing each other around each night. Recently, Harris's parents bought him a nice big new home. It took Harris a few days to come out of hiding, but now he is so excited! You should see how much space he has to run around and play!! There's even two staircases! One for sprinting up, and one for sprinting down, of course. He's still got the most adorable baby face and he loves to hear himself talk. He follows his mom and dad around everywhere they go, and he even lays down next to them sometimes to stay warm at night! Our lives wouldn't be the same without him!

(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2019 9am)

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