Previously Adopted Siamese
The Meezers on these pages have been adopted and are now in their new homes. These pages allow the adopters to provide updates and pictures of their new cats for their friends and our volunteers to see. Only cats with updates are listed below. If you are an adopter and would like to make an Update, visit your Application Status page and look in the Previously Adopted section for the Update button.
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Last Update: Sep 15th, 2024 12:30:44pm |
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Not sure whether you want a dog or a cat? Well, I could be the answer to your dilemma. I will follow you around like a puppy. I'm outgoing, curious, a little mischievous and playful, but I also enjoy lap time and don't need to be walked when it's cold or rainy outside. The best of both worlds.
Name: Finn
ID#: VA11866
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/14/16
Adopted: 01/29/17
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Carole
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Finn is adjusting well to the new kittens. We have really enjoyed having him in our home.
He has settled down nicely with our kittens, and has been less nippy than when he first came to us, which is why we got kittens! They are all getting along beautifully...and play together, sleep together, groom together. We're so happy Finn is part of our family!
Finn has continued to get along wonderfully with the kittens, and we are so relieved he has settled down with the previous nippiness. Now he's all love and lap sitting!
Finn had a bout of sickness recently, some sort of infection that made his gums and back of his throat red/inflamed, but bloodwork came back normal. An antibiotic shot cleared things up and he's back to his fiesty self. We've so enjoyed having Finn in our house--can't imagine life without him! He plays with the kittens so nicely and they sleep/lick/eat together all the time. But Finn especially loves to sit on our laps, which we love. He's become part of the family and we're so glad we adopted him.
(Last update: Jan 29th, 2018 8am)
No new pictures yet
Name: Ernie
ID#: VA8229
Location: Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/07/11
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Abigail
Foster: Trish
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Almost two months inside where it's warm, lots of food and love. Poppa Peter put up a bird feeder outside just so I could watch the birdies!
While I'm still a bit of a shy boy, (Meowm Trish calls me the Turtle kitten-boy), today I discovered what fun it is to play with Dee Dee, the tiny kitten-girl who is also a foster meezerette here at the Italian B&B for Wayward Siamese. We romped around the family room much to Meown Trish's delight. She's so proud that I'm out and about with my tail up exploring. I like to play with the big orange silicon ball that's in my condo - it lights up!
I do speak up when it's time for meals, and use my litter box like the good kitten I am. Late at night, Meown can hear me playing with my toys. And do I love fresh cooked chicken and baked fish- YUM!
Do you have a young girl kitty to be my best friend?
Your boy Ernie
(note from Foster Meown Trish: Ernie is a bit under-socialized from living outside for nearly 6 months - His new family will need to very very patient and let him develop his social skills on his terms - he's making progress each day - his littermates are love bugs, so I think Ernie will be too, just on his own schedule! )
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Ernie was a withdrawn, scared little fellow, missing his best friend, little DeeDee. I slowly gained his trust by keeping him in his "safe"room, where he could survey the world from up on a perch in the towel closet. After a few days of feeding him favorite foods off my fingers, he let me pet and stroke him, rolling over and purring. I then allowed him to roam in the living room, and kept him from finding hiding places by putting his favorite sleeping Tee-Pee in the LR. Unfortunately, we had a vet appointment, I had to scruff him to get him to get into the carrier. He was good at the vet and deemed healthy, but we lost some of the trust-relationship that was so hard to achieve.
Ernie has evolved day by day... he has blossomed into a cuddler, a completely relaxed boy, who initially required time and patience and some trust gaining interventions using his favorite feather-toy to stroke him, then working my hand in instead of the feather! We still have a way to go, but he and Taylor are sleeping on my bed the last two nights. Ernie also attacks my Boston fern, which I in effect have given to him. More to come....Abi. See Utube video of Ernie and Taylor on their first night at "mau4meezers"
Three weeks later Ernie has grown, is a sleek muscular strong "teenager". He is very energetic, I need to play with him and his sister to diffuse some of their energy. He has taken to bullying Taylor, who is about half his size. She can stand up for herself, but sometimes I am afraid she'll be traumatized by it. Generally, they play together very well and share their food without territorial battles. (see Taylor's update)
Ernie and I are best buddies now. Its already been 6 months! With me he is so gentle and loving. He never gets enough playtime. Taylor, his sister is smaller and slightly younger and she tends to barge into Ernie's playtime and overtake everything. I try to keep Ernie feeling special by playing with him while Taylor is busy sleeping (or other things). Ernie dominates the food bowl and has a great appetite. Both kitties love to play in water, and I bought them a Drinkwell fountain for Ernie's birthday. You'll see from the pics that Ernie's eyes are vivid blue. My biggest problem is I want to show him off, and share him with friends. He has such severe stranger anxiety that very few friends have even seen him. He runs and hides under the bed. I really except Ernie as is....and he has come so far with me over the past 6 months that I'm hoping over time, this too shall pass.
This is the 1 Year anniversary of the day my boy came to me. We got to be best buddies and he shadows me everywhere except when he wants to get some daytime catnaps. He curls up on the fluffy down quilt every night, he actually sinks down into it so he's nice and warm. He still is shy with strangers but has come to trust some of my friends and my Dad the operative word is speak softly, no scary fast moves and Play, Play, Play! Ernie is not the kind of guy that can be bought with a good meal!
As for his playmate and sister Taylor.....the two of them are incorrigible! They chase each other around at night when I get home (want to play and eat) and wake me like good alarm clocks at 5AM every morning. Even on Sunday. They are evenly matched now in weight, although Ernie is a bigger cat. That means Taylor is too fat!
Ernie is very healthy, sleek and gorgeous. His back fur had darkened to a tawny-taupe color. his points and mask are nearly coal black, although he is technically "sable". I love him sooooo much and thank and bless the day he came to me.
It is the 2 yr anniv of Ernie arriving into my life and heart. His eyes are deep blue against his stunning, shiny black-seal pint mask. His last check up was excellent......no more tooth extractions needed. (During the fist year, E developed severe gingivitis and required all his molars to be extracted.) He eats quite well, and for a male cat prefers wet food over dry although does snack on Taylor's kibble. Ernie's favorite toy is the laser wand. I am carefully to keep it out of his eyes. He likes Da Bird and a wire wand toy that has sparkly Mylar and feathers. Some newer pictures.
Today Ernie is 3 yrs old. He is beautiful, sleek with a tawny back and dark sable points. His underside is a light buff/white with the black midline stripe. Eyes are deep blue. He is a one person cat and showers me with affection but gives all my friends a scared cold shoulder. I think we share a mutual admiration and I love to play with him. he even cuddles, which is very unusual for a feral cat. We have an affection seeking competition going on between Ernie and Taylor (my other rescue). In general they sleep together and play, but sometimes the play gets rough and one or the other will stalk their prey. At least they take turns. I am so fortunate to have Ernie. There is never a dull moment...Happy Bithday Dear Boy!
1/28/15- Its been 3 years with Ernie now.....My boy has become a loyal, faithful companion, so uniquely himself and a one-person-cat. He loves dogs but is so shy of other people. Ernie's antics keep me laughing and he loves to eat. I had his molars removed during his second year of life due to bone loss around his teeth, and that has not changed his eating habits. I am careful that he doesn't get large chunky food but he manages most everything else. He is sneaky and I have to keep him away from chocolate ice cream which is bad for him. He is a great companion for my little Taylor who teases him by playing coy. She sometimes has to fend off amorous advances (odd because they are both neutered). My Ernie and Taylor make my family complete. Thank all of you at the Siamese Rescue for bring Ernie to me, and a special appreciation to Trish Manfredi and Peter Kuck on this 3rd year anniversary!
6 year anniversary: Ernie is a true love. He is a good playmate for his sister and keeps me laughing everyday. Still a one person cat, he greets me at the door and curls up next to my legs at night. Taylor and I love him to pieces
(Last update: Jan 28th, 2018 9am)
Sweet, gentle, loyal fella with bunny soft fur looking for a quiet home and a lap of my own. Foster Mom says I am the BEST lap sitter/snuggler. I really, really love to snuggle.
Name: Aberdeen
ID#: VA8863
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/22/12
Adopted: 01/12/13
Congrats: June
Foster: Kathy
Foster Notes for Aberdeen [VA8863] |
Sweet, gentle soul |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Aberdeen is such a sweetie. He loves to sit in laps. He loves to sit in the window and chatter at the birds and squirrels. He loves to play. Boy, does he love to play. He plays with such exuberance that we just can’t help but laugh out loud at some of his antics. He’s just discovered the bathtub, so he jumps in then waits for me to throw the ball then he comes flying (and boy, do I mean flying) out after the ball. Check out the pictures and see what a real cutie he is.
Aberdeen is doing great! He still is as exuberant as ever - we call him our "toddler with ADD"! We've added more toys and his favorites are the tunnels (2 long ones and 1 short one) and large pieces of paper on the floor (perfect for diving under). We think he would do really well on an agility course if we could just get him to pay attention (see ADD reference). I've attached more pictures - enjoy!
2014 -Can't believe it's been a year since updating Aberdeen's page. Well, it's been a year of crazy antics and lots of laughs - Aberdeen continues to entertain on a daily basis. He lives up to the Snowshoe breed - active, funny, affectionate (on his terms), oh, and did I mention active? Some days he just can't seem to settle down but if I pick him up and hold him like a baby in my lap he settles in and goes to sleep. Seriously he is just like a baby sometimes - as mentioned in my previous post, a baby with ADD. He and his sister Dora have worked out most of their issues. They are not cuddly with each other but will sleep right next to each other. and when the lights go out at night they start playing including chasing each other all around the house until Dora says, enough is enough!
2015 -Aberdeens favorite thing to do is watching the squirrels and birds. I put food outside various windows and he and Dora entertain themselves by going from window to window watching the action. All I have to say is "squirrel" when I see one in the window and Aberdeen comes running from wherever he is. I
read somewhere that Snowshoes are the clowns of the cat family. Well, then Aberdeen is holding up the standards of the breed because he is truly the funniest cat I have ever owned. He even sleeps funny - he finds every convoluted position to get into - usually legs hanging over his basket, paws in the air and the cutest expression on his face. I'm attaching some pictures of this funny feline - enjoy!
2017 - Aberdeen is doing well but he did have a challenging year. His sister Dora passed away early in 2016 (6 year old chocolate point) from lung cancer and he was lost without her. Even though they weren't cuddle buddies they did play and always slept near each other. They both enjoyed sitting in the windows together watching the birds and squirrels. The first night after Dora died he slept in her bed (see picture). He had never slept there before and it was so sad to see. The weeks passed by slowly for him - he wasn't interested in playing and his sadness was heartbreaking.
Even though we didn't feel completely ready to adopt again so early on we felt it was necessary for him so began the search for a companion for Aberdeen. See attached picture of Aberdeen helping with the computer search. We finally found Lily and welcomed her into our lives at the end of March and as you can see from the pictures they have bonded and Aberdeen is back to his playful self. (Initially we were concerned that Lily's youth (she was around 8 months old) might be too much for Aberdeen and at first it seemed that way but we think her kitten antics was what brought him out of his sadness. Now they are buddies and rumble through the house together (usually when the lights go out at night!) They share the window seats watching the birds and it's fun to watch Lily learn from Aberdeen.
2018 - Can't quite believe Aberdeen has been with us for 5 years. He is slowing down a bit - his estimated age when we adopted him was 3 so around 8 now and he is not quite as rambunctious as he use to be. But he still can give the laser light a good chase around the living room. And he and Lily still love watching the birds and squirrels - although he isn't quite as patient sharing a window seat with Lily as he was with Dora. But I suspect that's because Lily is still a bit more animated in the window seat and he just goes and finds another window to sit in when she won't settle down. Shared some new photos - Enjoy!
(Last update: Jan 27th, 2018 3pm)
No new pictures yet
Name: Isabella
ID#: VA8597
Location: Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/10/12
Adopted: 12/22/12
Congrats: Derrick
Foster: Jennifer
Foster Notes for Isabella [VA8597] |
Oh my!!! What a wonderful, loving,purring meezer! She chats, purrs and loves to lap sit. It is hard to get pictures of her as she is usually too close to the camera. |
Foster Notes
I am SIAMESE princess!!!
My needs are quite simple. I like wet food for dinner and a human bean to hang out with, and a lap to sit on. I don't ask for much and you get a lot in return, which is my undivided love and attention. I just want to find my soul mate....I had a soul mate once before and I know I have another one in my future. Is it you?!
I am healthy AND beautiful, just ask Jen! I am loving, and SIAMESE with a capital S! Are you my future home?
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
(Last update: Jan 26th, 2018 3pm)
A little spice is nice, right? Well only if you've graduated magna cum laude from Siamese school, because I can be quite spicy. I guess that's what happens when your brain is working extra hard trying to figure everything out, and being a bit defensive when I think I'm challenged. I need a one or two person home, people very experience with sassy Siamese gals, an 'alpha' personality as Aunt Siri says. No other cats please, and definitely no small children. A dog? Well, I watch with interest, but suspect I could be bossy with that slobbering peon if pushed. Good in all habits, although active on my favorite scratching post, which does come with me.
Name: Zoey
ID#: VA11675
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/29/16
Adopted: 03/31/17
Congrats: M. Allison
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Zoey [VA11675] |
Zoey belongs with an experienced Siamese cat lover. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
Zoey has been home for over a month now, and is doing well. She is extremely smart, and has so much energy that it's sometimes hard to keep up with her. She definitely has an "in your face" personality, but also is very loving with a wonderful purr that I've been blessed with ever since she arrived here. She definitely thinks she is large and in charge! I think she's glad to have a home where she can be herself. We're still working on what is or is not acceptable behavior here (like NOT jumping on kitchen counters or knocking things on the floor from whatever surfaces she can get on), but things are going well. She is a wonderful cat. I think that some of her crazy behaviors are from being bored, so I'm trying to work on playing with her as much as possible around work. She eats well, and is very good at using her litter box, though is quite energetic at digging in the litter. Oh well, at least I can deal with sweeping the floor as long as she uses the litter box! Sometimes she'll sleep on the bed with me at night (almost right from the first night), and sometimes she'll sleep in her millie bed. Her health seems to be good, and I haven't seen any reason yet to be concerned or take her to the vet. As high strung as she can be, I'm not sure how she'll be at the vet's office, but my vet is good at dealing with "difficult" cats! She has not been the least bit aggressive with me - just very high energy with a high play drive. I think that comes from being so smart and still being young.
5/7/17 - Zoey is doing quite well, still biting some when she gets over stimulated, but not quite as much. I'm trying to keep an eye on her more to anticipate the biting for attention stuff. I took her to the vet last month for a general checkup, and the vet was pleased. She weighed 9.15 pounds, so a bit of a weight gain. She eats quite well - I initially was able to get her to eat some canned food along with the dry, but I think it disagreed with her system (she would vomit soon afterwards). Now she's back to having just the Merrick dry food, which she keeps down. She loves to play, and loves it when I have the windows open so she can sniff the fresh air and watch the birds. She is very smart, so seeing different things going on outside helps keep her mentally stimulated. I've gone through a lot of the freeze dried chicken treats, which she adores. No, she's not getting a lot of them each day, since I want her to have a more balanced diet, but I think she deserves a bit of a treat every day. She does love knocking things off of bookshelves and other surfaces - I think it's mostly an attention seeking thing as she mostly does it when I'm home. She is a sweet little cat, and quite the personality!
7/12/17 - Zoey is settling down quite well - she doesn't attack me nearly as much as she did when I first brought her home. I was worried at first about dealing with her when I first came home after having surgery, but she spent a lot of time sleeping on my lap when I was sleeping. She's down to not eating canned food any more - either she refused it totally, or her tummy got upset afterwards and she'd vomit. The dry food seems to work well though - very little tummy upsets. She still loves the freeze dried chicken treats, but I have to ration that! She's been a lovely cat to have around!
1/25/18 - Well Zoey has been here about 1 year now. She's doing well, behaves at the vet when I take her in for a checkup & shots, and still has loads of energy. Yeah, she's still young, so it's normal. I wish I had space for a kitty agility course - I think she'd have fun with it. She's so smart and full of energy that it would be a good way to settle her down in the evening and keep her mind occupied. I have to make sure I play with her when I get home from work since she'll attack me trying to get attention if I don't. I'm sure the attacking is her way to get attention, not something done from being mean or spiteful. She's very vocal (typically meezer in that respect) and has a wonderful purr. The pet sitter who took care of her while I was out of town over the week of Thanksgiving just adored Zoey! She's really a beautiful cat with wonderfully soft fur and bright eyes. This is definitely a cat that needs an experienced and patient adopter - she's not for the faint of heart or first time meezer adopter. She's still very much "in your face", but is a sweet cat!
(Last update: Jan 25th, 2018 10am)
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Name: Sophie Smith
ID#: VA11096
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 09/26/15
Adopted: 10/03/15
Congrats: Fabiana
Foster: Siri
There is NOTHING, just NOTHING, not to like about me!
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello there,
It's been over 2 years and I think about providing an update almost every month... But I talk to myself, I chat with Siri in my head and most of all I talk to Sophie's previous family a lot. (And unfortunately didn't get to really post it.)
I picture her previous family anxious to get some news and feel good about having to let her go.
I really want them to know she is doing well, she is a happy snuggle bug. Our family adjusted to her as she adjusted to us. It was a challenging road for my romboucious 10 year old daughter back then... At first Sophie was not comfortable with a loud, bold, and most of the time "running" human being... But time did the trick. It's wonderful to see that now, my daughter is calm enough to enjoy Sophie come to her lap, sleep on top of her and purrr.
Sophie enjoys the sun that comes from the bedroom window, is eating a healthy grain free diet and sometimes likes one brand of wet fish food. However she is still very picky and will only eat that one (with 2 ingredients in it) . Note - no chicken/duck or turkey ever for this one. She won't eat it.
There was a clear change around 1 year ago. It felt like Sophie had reached a new comfortable place with us and her new life. Maybe that was the final attachment moment for her. She became closer to me, sleeping on my face (literally) and coming to my lap frequently.
I have to admit that having her sleeping on top on my pillow every night is quite something - she will start as a long and lean kitty between my head and the headboard... Then will start to roll into a little fur ball - and there I am, no pillow left, living on the edge... Oh well :) perks of love I guess.
Still VERY talkative. We have long conversations about "things" :) Mostly I imagine her asking me - when are you coming back to bed? why do you have to move so much when I'm on the couch next to you? send these guests away, I don't want them around anymore :) Her manners are still impeccable.
We kept Soph's original bowls and toys. She brings us the little pink mouse to play and fetches as she seems to have done before. She never slept on her bed. I gave up... Im probably the one sleepping on "her" Queen size bed :) She also doesn't like boxes or water (which my previous Siameses did) but will keep me company, by my side, on my lap or monitoring from the bed as long as I'm home.
So there we go. Please thank you all again, all the volunteers, the wonderful transport team that had her meowing her 3 hour ride to meet me. It was a very stormy afternoon - it may have muffled the sound a bit...
You all are always on my mind when Sophie is sweet and cuddly, melting in my arms.
It was meant to be.
Love, Fabiana, Cecilia and Soph
(Last update: Jan 24th, 2018 12pm)
Hi, I'm Wildflower. I'm a very petite little girl, weighing less than 6lbs, so I could be a runway model. I came from a home with 'too many cars', so I know about other felines. I haven't met any here, since I have a slight head cold and my foster mom doesn't want me to pass it on. I found out yesterday what they meant by 'spay', but I am back to my normal self today. That means a lot of head-butting FM, and winding around her ankles. I love the attention, but I try to be sweet about it and not too pushy. I should be ready to go home in about a week, by the middle of July, once my belly heals and my cold is gone.
Name: Minnie
(FKA Wildflower)
ID#: VA12134
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/02/17
Adopted: 07/15/17
Congrats: Kay
Foster: Janet
Foster Notes for Wildflower [VA12134] |
A sweet little girl with no issues. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Minnie is a wonderful cat. It was love at first sight. Presently she has the entire upstairs of my house to herself. I have a gate at the bottom of the stairs to prevent the dogs from going up. She still is not too sure of them. Several times a day I sit on the stairs and reinforce the dogs to sit quietly. She is coming further down the stairs to see them. When she is ready, she can easily get around the gate.
She had a great well cat check-up with the vet. She is eating well and I am learning which flavors she prefers. I do add a teaspoon of pumpkin to her food each night. Her litter box habits are great.
Minnie is becoming a lap cat. She still does not want to be picked up but will jump on my lap as I read or snuggles with me on the bed. When I am upstairs she follows me around even if I just put her food down. She likes to sit on the bathtub ledge while I shower. It is funny to see her poke her little head around the shower curtain!
I have the perfect cat for me. I am enjoying Minnie and she is enjoying me. I cannot sing the praises of this wonderful organization enough! In the fall I am considering getting Minnie a brother so she can have a Feline playmate when school begins. Thank you very much!
Minnie continues to thrive in her new home. She enjoys eating and has filled out more. Her litter box habits are great. She is overcoming her apprehension about dogs and is joining us more and more downstairs. She is presently curled up next to me on the couch. The dogs are at my feet. Her next milestone will be sleeping with me- the dogs sleep in my room on the floor. She has indicated that she wants to come in the bedroom but does not stay. The only 2 habits I need to work on with her are walking on the kitchen counters and following me so closely I almost trip! Both are very doable! Minnie is fabulous and I am so fortunate to have her!
January 2018
Minnie continues to be a joy! She is a lap cat and we enjoy evenings together in my chair. Her respiratory issues seem to have been resolved. She received antibiotic injections every 2 weeks for 6 weeks, the last one in November and all cold symptoms are gone. She loves to eat-I need to be careful or she will gain too much weight. At night she jumps up on the bed, nudges me, and I lift up the covers and she snuggles into me. At first I was afraid the covers were too heavy for her and she might not get enough air. I no longer worry.
I said I would never get a cat tree. Minnie has a 6 tiered cat tree that goes to the ceiling. She loves to sit at the top and supervise what is going on. She gets along well with the dogs. Her litter box habits are excellent. The only issues are walking on the kitchen counters and scratching where she should not. The vet recommended Feliscratch and Feliway spray which I have just started to use. I got the perfect cat and am so fortunate to have her in my life. Thank you.
(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2018 7pm)
No new pictures yet
Name: Indy
(FKA Phil)
ID#: VA12454
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/22/17
Adopted: 01/13/18
Congrats: Shannon
Foster: Debi
Not with kids under 5
Now that I've had time to settle in I feel it's time to meet your acquaintance!
I'm an athletic boy and will enjoy watching the Winter Olympics with you, as I love to jump, fetch, play and roll over for tummy rubs. I know I could easily win a metal with my talents!
I do not kiss on the first date, but you can certainly give me lots of head rubs. I will even give you a purr!
My foster meowm does not feel I should go in a home that's active, as I am a very good escape artist and could get right out the door. I also give love bites, so young children would not like me too much. However, if you are looking for an active, athletic, smart meezer, I may be your match!
Let me hear your click and I will help answer all your questions!
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We adopted Indy (FKA Phil) and he arrived to his new forever home about 10 days ago. He's doing great! We changed his name to Indiana Jones, Indy for short, because he's a lovable explorer that seems to always find trouble :) He's a sweet, curious and happy boy. I think he's still trying to determine if he's going to be in this home permanently or if he's going to be shuffled around again. I promised him that he's here to stay! He's had zero adjustment issues, the extent of his adjustment is that he spent the first 24 hours wide awake exploring every nook and cranny in the house. Otherwise, he's doing very well - eating, sleeping, and using the litter box normally. He's climbs into bed with us and bring us his toys at 6am saying "Guys, wake up!!". We adore him and are so happy to have him in the family.
(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2018 1pm)
I'm Ivy, named after the rescue angel who saved me and called Siamese Rescue. I'm a bit under the weather right now, but do like my food, take my medicine, and know how to use my litter box.
The only thing I won't do right now is sit still long enough for meowmy to take some photo's of me, so the photo's she got don't show just how cute I really am.
You can also see my red eyes in some of them from my kitty cold, but that doesn't stop me from eating or playing.
It will be a few weeks yet until I ready to go home, but you can ask about me now.
Name: Phoebe
(FKA Ivy)
ID#: VA9735
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/11/13
Adopted: 01/20/14
Congrats: Lily
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Ivy [VA9735] |
Tiny little seal diva in training. Just as cute as can be! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,
I've had Phoebe (AKA Ivy), for just over a month now and wanted to let you know that she is doing wonderfully!! She's very healthy, eats well (very), has grown to 4.5lbs as of last week, and is a very loving, happy and playful little girl. She is also getting along fabulously with my other 2 cats. My female cat Etta, has taken on the role of Mama cat. She grooms Phoebe, sleeps near her, constantly checks on her and enjoys playing with her. Phoebe is also very talkative, loves to snuggle, can purr non-stop for over 90 minutes, and is such a delight to have around. She follows me around constantly and is a bundle of energy. Her creamy white fur on her body is starting to darken and she is getting very long. What joy she brings to my house!! I'm so happy and grateful to have adopted her. Thank you foster Mom for taking such good care of her when she was so sick, you saved a beautiful, precious little girl!!
Lily and Phoebe
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to update you on Phoebe. I can't believe it's been little over a year since I brought her into my home from Virginia. She has been nothing but a delight and a purrfect little girl in my household--I'm so happy and blessed to have found her. Phoebe is very healthy, growing quickly (7lbs last weight) and is getting her "big coat" colors on. What a loving, playful, and entertaining bundle of fur she is! She still gets along well with my other 2 kitties and I think they have finally gotten used to her vocalizing opinions. Thank you again Siamese Rescue for all you do, and I hope you have a happy and healthy New Year, filled with Lots of happy adoptions!
Lily and Phoebe
Hi Everyone,
I’ve been at my new home for 4 years now and I just wanted to report that I’m very happy and doing great! I’ve had no health problems and my Mom says I am very lovable and still frisky as a little kitten. I love to play constantly and then nap on my Mom’s lap. My Mom says I’m well behaved and I get along well with my other furry siblings. I’ve posted some recent photos of me. Since I haven’t posted any in a while, you’ll see I’m all grown up now. I’m told that I’ve turned into a beautiful big girl. I only weigh a little over 8 lbs but I’m said to be BIG on Purrrsonality.
Best Wishes to everyone at the Siamese rescue!
Phoebe and Lily
(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2018 1am)
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Name: Oliver
(FKA Octayvious)
ID#: VA12461
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 12/30/17
Adopted: 01/20/18
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Debra
Playful young boy. He is good around dogs. His hobbies include purring, playing and eating. His passion is the wet food he gets to eat.
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Notes from Home
Baby Oliver arrived last night! Absolutely beautiful and sweetest personality! 💖 Thank you!
(Last update: Jan 21st, 2018 1pm)
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