Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 14th, 2025 2:07:39pm |
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"Little" sister of Brienne. A ready made family. Head butter and likes to chitter at you.
Name: Margaery
ID#: VA10861
Location: Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 06/20/15
Adopted: 12/28/15
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Diane
Foster Notes for Margaery [VA10861] |
Petite girl just ready for cuddles |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Margaery has found her perfect sleeping place at night - on top of meowm! No matter what position she wants, Margaery is there, purring and nuzzling for as long as her human will nuzzle back. She is a delightful young addition to our family, even though she's not as thrilled with her feline siblings as she once was. No matter, she rules the sewing room. Sweet, sweet, sweet!
Margaery continues her sweet ways. She loves to find hidden spaces for naps, climb to the top of the cat tree and then carry on a conversation, tell me when her food dish isn't full enough to suit her highness.
10/9/17 Margaery is curious and always checking out what I'm doing. She loves to be groomed. Her favorite place is still way on top of the cat tree.
Margaery has found a new special place where she can be the queen of her abode. She is loving and playful and doing well.
(Last update: Feb 10th, 2018 8am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Tropicana
(FKA PI (formerly Tropicana))
ID#: VA5514
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/29/08
Adopted: 02/10/08
Deceased: 08/09/18
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Jan
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Tropicana has been with us for almost 7 years. She continues to be the peacemaker, loving all the cats and especially the dogs. She has lost most of the weight she brought with her from the shelter and now weighs less than 12 pounds. Her mellow meow has been diagnosed as being due to kitty asthma so she's been treated with meds that help her breathe better. We love this youngest of the fur gang.
Two years have flown by since a very frigid and snowy weekend when we drove to IN to pick up Tropicana. (Not anything as bad as the current weather here.) She has remained such a sweet, gentle, loving kitty who loves nothing better than a meal and then snuggle time on the bed. She ADORES both dogs and often tries to get Jane to wrestle with her. If the wrestling doesn't happen, she's happy with a few doggy nuzzles. She is still on her special diet but has only lost about half a pound of weight. But that's more to love! We are delighted that she is home furever with us.
Tropicana continues to be the love of our doggies.....and us. She had major urinary surgery last fall and since then has been eating a homemade raw diet, resulting in weight loss and better urinary output in the proper places. She spends as much time as possible with the dogs because she seems to think she is one. She grooms Jane's ears and nuzzles her over and over. We love her and her gentle ways.
8 years have flown by. Tropicana continues to be the constant companion of the doggies. She quickly became friends with Darcy, adopted about a year ago, and Stella, adopted 7 months ago after our previous doggies passed. She still nuzzles both dogs and gives free ear cleanings to Stella who outsizes her by 40 pounds. Tropicana's weight has stayed at a normal weight for another year of eating a raw diet. She still has snuffles but we are treating and she seems to be happy. As gentle as ever, she welcomes friends and family of both 4 and 2 legged variety.
10/9/17 Tropicana remains a constant gentle spirit here, usually near the dogs or her dad.
Tropicana is our gentle girl with everyone, but most special is her relationship to the dogs. She adores them!!!
(Last update: Feb 10th, 2018 8am)
Looking for a new mom and/or dad. A real lovebug!!!!!
Laid back and sweet. Looking for a furever home where he can be adored for the rest of his life.
Bonded to his sister, Lacy, this is a ready made pair for a family wanting a loving, laid back pair of kitties.
Name: Freddy
ID#: VA12378
Location: Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/03/17
Adopted: 01/27/18
Deceased: 04/16/18
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Diane
Foster Notes for Freddy [VA12378] |
Ready made pair of well vetted seniors |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Perfect cat! Freddy is the ideal ambassador for Siamese Rescue. He gets along with all the cats and our dogs and is often found greeting guests in our home. He had discovered that hubby has a lap during the day and often can be found on it. Just a perfect addition to our fur gang.
(Last update: Feb 10th, 2018 8am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Samnang
ID#: VA9622
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/20/13
Adopted: 02/08/14
Congrats: Thomas
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Samnang [VA9622] |
Handsome, affectionate, intelligent and vocal - what more could you want !! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Snuggle me silly, that's what I say! I'm a lovely distinguished seal gent ready for a lap, a kiss, and some lovin'. I will whisper in your ear, share your bed, and love you unconditionally!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I can't believe it's been a year since I picked up Sam on the New Jersey TPK. He is my sweet Bud. He is vocal, active and attentive. We play hide and seek and chase chase each other through the apartment. It must look hysterical; this big guy chasing a cat and then running away from him! I love this sweet guy. I felt that Sam needed a cat companion so I adopted a young (less than 2 yrs) purebred Siamese girl named Becky. She's been with us since October. Sam adores her. He follows her everywhere, they sleep together and play constantly when not napping. He definitely acts like a big brother. Becky loves her Sam.She chases him and hides and of course pounces on him and Sam follows suit. He will actually "call" her to play with him. It was they best decision to adopt Becky. It keeps him active and happy.
February 8, 2018
It's been four years with Sam and he's now 15. Happy, healthy and active. Becky who I adopted about 3 years ago is his constant companion. She's 4.5 years. The two of them just zoom thru the apartment and spend the rest of the time snuggled together. I just adopted a new girl; Oona, Becky's daughter who is an oriental shorthair. Oona looks nothing like her mother except for her blue eyes.I wanted to get another cat because Sam is 15 and in good health now. The best time to introduce another cat was when Sam is still active and healthy. I didn't want Becky to be alone when Sam passes. Sam is so laid back and fine with the new addition but the girls go from being besties to hissing frenemies! Becky doesn't like sharing me.
All three are in great health and spirits.
(Last update: Feb 8th, 2018 1pm)
Name: Ella
(FKA Georgette)
ID#: VA12130
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/01/17
Adopted: 08/06/17
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Siri
Surgery went well for a dislocated hip, and I have six weeks of cage rest. That takes me to mid to early August. I could go earlier if someone has a low key confined area for me, or I can be held for you if we are a match. The best household? One I won't get tripped over or kicked by mistake (no bouncy dogs, rambunctious kids); one that isn't all stairs (though some day I'll be fine with stairs) and one that wants a gentle souled cat, for in my true bluepoint nature, I'm very soft and gentle and sweet!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Good morning,
Alex and I decided to rename Georgette as Ella. She's doing very well and has gained some healthy weight. Super lovey dovey.
We are at the stage where she and our other cat are eating their meals on opposite sides of the door. You can see her on YouTube at the above link.
Good evening,
I'm not sure if this shows you a date, so it's September 7th. Ella/Georgette has her vet appointment on Monday. We're still working with her and our current cat, though they remain at odds. She's been exploring the condo a bit at a time with supervision (while our current cat is sequestered in her room). It will take longer than we thought to integrate them, and I feel like the goal is tolerance at this point. Should be attainable. They have set boundaries with each other when given the opportunity.
Hoping for the best,
Good afternoon,
It's 2/6/2018 and the 6 month mark of when we adopted Ella.
She and our other cat have been roaming the condo together since 9/26/2017. It's going well enough, but unfortunately Ella is a bit of a bully. We're separating their food bowls now for meal time and giving our other cat some personal time. We'll see how it goes.
I'll attach some of my most recent photos of Ella to this page.
Best regards,
Jennifer Munson
(Last update: Feb 6th, 2018 3pm)
I'm a sensitive, shy boy looking for a patient owner who will let me gain trust in my own time.
I'm also one gorgeous cat with not a mean bone in my body.
Ask for my write up if you're interested. I'm ready to give it another try.
Love, Oliver
Name: Oliver
ID#: VA11829
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/23/16
Adopted: 02/04/17
Congrats: Richard
Foster: Donna
Notes from Home
I wanted to send another update. Oliver and I are doing very well (Rich has been out of town for a few weeks so they will have to bond when he gets home). Oliver shadows me some (once he feels our dog is not paying attention to him). He cuddles on the cough with me and sometimes in the bed at night.
I even got him to play with one of our cat toys last week. It was so adorable! The toy was a long feathery thing on the end of a wand (it actually used to be our other Siamese rescue's favorite). He watched intently from the moment I started waving it around so I knew he was interested. I kept going and he finally took a tentative swat. Then he became more sure of himself and eventually tried to "catch" it in his mouth and run off.
We love him! No problems with our other cat. Hobbes (the german shepherd) sometimes gets excited and tries to chase him and bring him dog toys to play with. Oliver is starting to realize Hobbes is harmless and stand his ground. I came out into the kitchen this morning and Hobbes was standing in front of him wagging his tail and he had dropped his dog toy right in front of Oliver, hoping he would play.
So, again, we are all doing well and I wanted to update yall on helping facilitate an excellent match.
Hi All-
Wanted to share an update on Oliver and the rest of the family. We have had him about six months now and all is well. when he is not napping, he is following me around. He's also very fond of his meals. He sings to me each morning when we get up, until I feed him. when he sees that I have a can of his food, he races me into his room and then watches (not so patiently) while I dole out his breakfast portion. He scarfs it down and then comes back out into the living area for his morning scratches. that's our routine,
He also tries to get sneaky and finish Zoe's breakfast if she doesn't eat it all at once. We lovingly call him a raccoon because we feel he,lurks around looking for extra food. I don't want him to have too much extra weight on him, given his history of having hip surgery. So, Rich suggested I turn his following me into a form of exercise. That was pretty funny. I tried once and would get up and walk in a circle around the house. He did follow but then caught on after the second round.
He is giving Zoe more space and she is getting braver and will actually leave her room now to hang out. They aren't cuddling....yet, but they are definitely heading in the right direction.
As always, thanks for helping us bring Oliver into our family!
February 5,2018
It's our one year anniversary with Oliver and the family is doing well! He continues to get more comfortable with us and let his true colors shine! He's playful (only at certain times of the day), loves to sing to us when it is time to eat, and curious (we keep finding him up on the counters looking for something tasty). I think he has even tried one of my kale chips! So, we love him and he loves us and all is well!
(Last update: Feb 5th, 2018 3pm)
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Name: Cocoa
(FKA Caramella)
ID#: VA3296
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 04/09/05
Adopted: 07/30/05
Deceased: 02/04/18
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Mama Rosa
Mama says I'm growing like a weed! I've been here at the Etiquette and Finishing School for Young Siamese for 16 weeks and look at me now. I'm polite, and loving and use my box like a pro. If you touch me, I purr! I can't ever get enough 'lap time'.When I find a lap, I squeal with delight! I really want a Mommy or Daddy to bond with. I love sitting upside down on you, like a baby.
We were a good group of students, but guess what? All my siblings went to their forever homes, and what about me?
I have a surprise for my new family too! I'm one of those amazing color changing cats! See, us Torties start out pretty white, then within our first year or two, our coats change to gorgeous shades of Meezer colors! Get lots of baby pictures of me, because I won't look this way for long! The best is yet to come.
5/12/05 UPDATE: Mama says I'm getting to be so lanky and svelte. All ready to go. I just need you!
6/13/05 I tell you, I'm changing colors!!!! Just look at the gallery photos of when I was a tiny baby. Look over my right eye. See? Don't miss the show! Pick me, and watch the whole thing.
6/29/05 UPDATE I heard Mama say to Daddy that she thinks I have a little bit of a 'lady beard' going on. Is that the reason I'm still here? Should I not find a home because of a little unwanted facial hair? I'm still dreaming of that furever home anyway.
7/11/05 Still here. I don't know why. I'm perfect. No issues, Cuddly, girlie girl. BUT, the good news is: I am now big enough to go to a home with children. I can take care of myself. I am a big girl now.
I would really like to have another active kitty to play with. I don't like being alone.
7/19/05 I have found a nice playmate, fellow foster Stellina. We have a lot of fun. It would be nice for us if we could come live with you together, I promise (mostly) to leave your other cats alone, 'cuse we have so much fun together. I think she needs me, and I need her too, so I don't get lonely.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Look what a pretty girl I grew up to be!
I am the Hostess with the Most-est here -- the Siamese Rescue Goodwill Ambassador to all of Mom's foster kitties. I get them settled in, introduce them around, and make sure they are comfortable while they are here.
I'm just about the sweetest cat you've ever met!
Cocoa’s Foster Mom told me she was ‘the perfect kitten’. She was also ‘the hostest with the mostest’, helping me foster many a kitty, showing them around and introducing them to the other cats and teaching the kittens manners. She was just about the sweetest cat you could ever imagine. The only problem she ever caused was preventing vets from hearing her heart because she was purring too loud.
I said goodbye to her Sunday night after 13 wonderful years. She will be sorely missed.
(Last update: Feb 5th, 2018 12am)
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