Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:30:30am |
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Lover boy extraordinaire with a non-stop purr motor! Loves to climb up your chest and snuggle under your chin! Belly rubs are a must! Better get in line because this boy is a real gem:)
Name: Zephyr
(FKA Ben)
ID#: VA9394
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 07/11/13
Adopted: 07/27/13
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Christine
Foster Notes for Ben [VA9394] |
Oh my goodness - what a lover boy! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
I can not even begin to say how happy I am with my beautiful kitty Zephyr(Ben) or Siamese Cat Rescue! Thanks for bringing us together and thanks to all the great people who made this happen. What a great experience this has been for me and Zephyr too. He has integrated smoothly and effortlessly in to our home and he and Ari are fast friends. Most people ask if they were litter mates! Zephyr is indeed a lover boy, he is friendly,sweet,and very playful. He is still enjoying belly rubs( as am I, one rarely finds a cat who enjoys this). I named him after the west wind because when I first brought him home he was every where at once very fast for a kitten thought he might be part cheetah! Although he has calmed down he is still as fast as ever playing chase with Ari. I am so pleased to give this wonderful loving meezer a forever home. He and I (Sonja) bonded right away and Steve adores him. Although Ari lets him know shes the Queen of the house he seems to take this in stride and just love her up. Both kittens are growing up sleek and beautiful and FAST! I am uploading pictures for your viewing pleasure and will do so again when he is bigger.
Thanks especially to Dave and Christine for being so informative and personable you both are marvelous at what you do everyday!
Hello to all at Siamese rescue;
I am writing to give Zephyr's 6 mo update (sorry late). Zephyr has integrated into our home seamlessly. In fact he has quietly us wrapped around his paw. He is a fun loving affectionate boy who is extremely curious and adventurous.He is grown a great deal and is becoming a full grown meezer. He manages to allow our other cat Ari to be the queen without dominating him (quite a trick really). Zeph is an active healthy cat and very playful. I would like to mention that we pretty much solved the digging issue in the litter box by getting a covered litter pan. He still digs but less mess. I would say his most prevalent traits are a) his clown like silly behavior b) his curious adventure seeking c) very affectionate belly rub loving snuggle cat. OH and what a climber! I am so grateful we invested in a floor to ceiling cat tree on eBay or I would be in fear for the drapes hahaha. He has become very curious about the outdoors and I have sent for a cat walking jacket for him. I researched this and found an excellent solution for us to walk outside and get much needed exercise while being safe and supervised. Why should dog owners be the only ones to walk their pets! I believe Zephyr is an excellent candidate for this with his easy going adventurous nature. I am very excited about this and will update date you on his progress as we go. He is also an escape artist ie: no collars for this guy! he manages to get them off in less then a day now so the velcro closure on his new jacket seem promising and escape proof. I would like to thank you all again this is a wonderful organization and I am proud to be a part of it. please enjoy these photos
4/13/15- Hi, We are almost at the 2 year date anniversary with Zephyr. I wanted to let you all know how much we love having him as part of our family and that I personally consider it one of the best decisions of my life. Zeph continues to be a happy healthy cat. He is still a big love bug and a big mischief maker! We have to keep our toilet paper in a Zephyr proof container! According to our vet he just passed his 2 year birthday and we celebrated with a new cat cube and some cat nip. This year I am entering him in the calendar contest because he is SO handsome. wish us luck. Thank you again
3/14/2018 I Zephyr is doing amazing for the most part! We had a UTI issue this year we are in the process of addressing, with medication and a change in food he is responding well. This boy is a TALKER! as meezer lovers you know what I mean. Although I love him to bits and knew first hand what I was in for, I am sometimes concerned about what would happen with him if he had to be rehomed and I want you at the Siamese Rescue to know from me he is an avid "talker" and should (heaven forbid) the need arise please place him with someone who with be patient and understand that he is more then worth listening too! He is a smart loving cat who greets me at the door when I come home and we have a very strong bond. He is very active and I have taken to harness training him to get him proper amounts of exercise in a way that doesn't breach my contract and keeps him safe and healthy and happy. I got a harness online from a serval lover who makes harnesses that are hard to escape from. Zeph is a little houdini and no collar with stay on him long. Zeph and his sister are both indoor cats that get fresh air on harnesses and leashes. He is well trained and took to it like a dog. His sister is much more "cat" like and is more shy and stays close to us and the door. Zephyr will trot around the house sniffing and sometimes chews grass. This exercise seems not only appropriate but necessary for his well being, He stays in shape and is calmer and more playful with the right amount of "walking". When for instance weather or my busy life make it hard to get him exercise he can be restless,disruptive or even destructive( he shreds paper for 1 thing,fights with his sister for another). Over all he is gotten quite large. He is a fun loving happy go lucky cat most times and is a joy to have as part of our family. Thank you as always! Sonja
(Last update: Mar 14th, 2018 3pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Poppie
(FKA Popcorn)
ID#: VA11733
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 10/08/16
Adopted: 03/14/17
Congrats: Leah
Foster: Brit
Foster Notes for Popcorn [VA11733] |
If you're looking for a lap cat, you're looking at the right guy! |
Foster Notes
I am such a friendly fellow who loves to sit in your lap, snuggle up with you, and get lots of pets! I just love to follow people around and see what they are up to. I will be sure to let you know by patting you if you have left me for too long without any attention too, just a gentle reminder of course :)
Cuddling up on the bed with the humans to watch a movie or read a book is one of my favorite past times. I love nothing more than to nap on your lap or next to you and will purr away as long as a human is near me. I love to watch the birds and critters out the window from a comfy perch too.
I can't see too great out of my right eye since it is a little clouded over, but I get around just fine and have no qualms about jumping right into your lap!
If you're looking for a pretty chill guy who is looking forward to spending the rest of his life relaxing close to his people, I would love to meet you!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It's only been two weeks, but Popcorn is already a special member of our family. His new cat housemate, Mouse, isn't all that thrilled to have him, and he wasn't too happy to learn there was another cat on the other side of the bedroom door. But, they've both pretty much decided to stay out of each other's way--unless my mom or I wander past the treat jar.
Popcorn (or Poppie, as we've been calling him) settled in very quickly. He's curious, playful, loving, and really insistent that he be fed frequently. (That voice!) He likes to sleep on my bed at night, except for those times he feels the need to go "on a tear," usually around 5:30 in the morning. (Again, that voice!)
He's enjoying the spring weather, especially since it means he can sit in open windows and watch the birds and squirrels outside. He likes to play with the crocheted wand toy his foster mom sent home with him; we have a daily play date. He is also very much a people cat. We had company the other evening, and once everyone settled into a chair, Poppie made the rounds to introduce himself.
He also had his first trip to his new vet, and he behaved like a gentleman until they shoved some nasty medicine down his throat. He's unfortunately lost the sight in his right eye, but it doesn't seem to slow him down. Other than his cloudy eye, your would never know from his looks or his personality that he had been through some rough times in his life. We're so thankful that someone rescued him from the streets of North Carolina and turned him over to the wonderful folks at the Siamese Cat Rescue Center, so he could finally make his way to our home in Maryland. We're smitten!
Update at one month: We're still smitten, of course! Poppie is a smart little guy and already has us figured out. We still are learning new things about him every day. Like how he can't stand closed doors and wants to see what's on the other side of each one. And how he has a real sweet tooth. And how he must have been quite a hunter when he was living outdoors, considering how he likes to chase and carry around his stuffed mice. And how he really doesn't like being left alone for any length of time.
The biggest surprise has been in how he interacts with our other cat, Mouse. He's pretty jealous! Fortunately, she doesn't take any "stuff" off him. They've had a few boxing matches, but he seems to know when it's time to back off. I'll try to attach a photo of one of their more peaceful moments. Mouse is sleeping in the window; Poppie has claimed the prime spot on my mom's bed. The other photo is of Poppie in his favorite spot--sitting by the treatment jar waiting for one of us to go by and open the lid. (He managed to get his head stuck in it once. Fortunately, the jar weighs more than he does.)
I can't imagine how we got along without him!
Update one year:
Popcorn (Poppie) is a full member of the family. He's always looking for a lap...or for treats. He's playful, talkative, and funny. He pouts if we leave him alone too long. We've reached a detente when it comes to giving him his daily medication. He only hides under the computer desk (forcing me to get out the vacuum ckeaner) about once a week. The meds keep his stomach issues in check, and his appetite is good. (His poops can still clear the room, though.) Mostly, I love to stare into his big blue eyes. I like to think we're sharing deep thoughts. I'm pretty sure, though, he's just telling me to either sit down for a nap, or get up for some treats. Thanks again for a match made in heaven.
(Last update: Mar 14th, 2018 1pm)
Name: Carmack
ID#: VA11930
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/28/17
Adopted: 03/11/17
Congrats: Kristen
Foster: Siri
I'm a gentle souled sweet boy who eats a special diet and has a slightly sensitive stomach that is helped by a daily pred pill (SO easy to give me). I'm typical flame which is loving and friendly and sweet as can be, I get overwhelmed if it's too noisy and crazy though. But that one on one type relationship, we'll be best buddies!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
March 2017
Carmack - or Darcy as we like to call him, is settling in well at his new home. He has been here for 2 weeks now and has already picked a few favorite spots, like watching all of the students outside from the window ledge, hanging out on his platform, and sleeping under the coffee table. He loves to play with his wand toys and enjoys exploring in all of the highest spots he can find. He had just a few days of hiding when he heard noises, but is all adjusted now. We have lots of pictures to share!
Darcy (fka Carmack) has been home for almost two months now. We had a little IBD issue for a few weeks but we're in good shape now. I can't believe the changes I've seen in him. He is so playful and just loves his feather wand. He follows me all around the house and just cant get enough chin scratches. He loves to hop into bed in the middle of the night and has a couple favorite window ledges for watching people, birds, and squirrels. He has become a chatty little guy in the last few weeks, and will talk back any time you make eye contact and talk to him. He seems so comfortable now, we even got a couple of belly scratches in the other day. We are so happy to have added him to our family - thank you everyone for helping us give him his new home.
It has been 6 months since we adopted Mr. Darcy (fka Carmack). As he has gotten more comfortable he is getting so much more playful. In the last few weeks we have had some issues with him swatting us (no claws) and nibbling at our legs (nothing painful or serious though) and we decided he just needs to play more! He needs a lot of play/exercise and his favorite toy is a feather wand. He is so athletic and he jumps so high when he is chasing his bird! He loves exploring up as high as he can get, and he just owns the window ledges. He hates getting brushed anywhere except his chin, but he just loves chin brushing. No litter box issues at all, and his IBD seems to be under control with a minimal dose of the pred. We just love having him around and he is such a sweetheart. I'll put up some new photos of him as well. Thanks everyone for getting him to us!
We have had Mr. Darcy (FKA Carmack) for a full year! We can't believe it has been so long. Darcy is so patient and gentle. His sensitive digestion and mild allergies have only had minor flare ups and haven't caused any major issue. He just loves sitting in the sunshine and is so good about his scratching. He loves to play and jumps so high when chasing his wand toy or his string. He still has so much energy when he plays but he doesn't get into much trouble at all. He just loves to sit in the windows and everyone who meets him just loves him. The staff at the vet were just captivated by his beautiful eyes.
(Last update: Mar 12th, 2018 10am)
Name: Wanda
ID#: VA12499
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 01/20/18
Adopted: 02/24/18
Congrats: Aidan
Foster: Debra
Lovely little lady here. Likes to be petted and loves to play! Foster Mom's photographic skills are horrendous so please excuse the blurry photo. She will work on getting better ones so you can see how lovely I am.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Two weeks of sharing our home with 'Misha' (formerly Wanda) and we can't believe how lucky we are! She is the perfect companion, so affectionate and playful. She loves her mouse toy that she carries around everywhere with her, and she's found all the best spots for taking naps, including on unattended laptops - they're just so warm! Still learning some etiquette - apparently it's impolite to lick the rim of other people's glasses of water (especially when you have your own water bowl), but it's hard to stay mad at this adorable little cat!
(Last update: Mar 10th, 2018 2pm)
Nothing not to like here. I traveled, I purred. I had a bath, I purred. Had my manicure, I purred. Had a hairdo, I purred.
I came, I conquered, I purred.
Name: Oz (TGAP-The Great & Powerful)
ID#: VA9075
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 02/16/13
Adopted: 03/09/13
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Siri
Notes from Home
Hi Siri and David,
Oz has really settled in and has become a welcome member of our family. He gets along with everyone....the other cat, the dog, the humans.....my almost 6 year old granddaughter is crazy about him and they play well together.
I didn't change his name because it really seems to fit him! His is mostly called Mr. Oz or Ozzy....
He has perfect litter box manners and has a healthy appetite! All in all, he is a great boy!!
Thanks again for everything.
Judy Englehart
Wow! It's been two years already!! Oz is a great cat. He is loved by and loves everyone in my family. (Ok, sometimes he gets in little spats with Zelda, my son's 14 year old cat. They are just like siblings..sometimes they disagree but you can also find them next to eachothertaking an afternoon nap.) I am so glad that I adopted him!
(Last update: Mar 9th, 2018 5pm)
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Name: AJ
(FKA Apple Jack)
ID#: VA12245
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/20/17
Adopted: 09/01/17
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Mama Rosa
I'm Apple Jack! I am a hoot! I've never met a stranger. I am outgoing and secure. I arrived at this place a headbutting fool. Nothing not to like about me. I am playful and have a small voice, that I don't use too much. I am a bedbuddy and still like to stretch out on the floor by myself. I love interaction and being petted. I'd be good with your older children too, I am SO very gentle. But they would have to mind the door CAREFULLY as I want to go where ever you go.
I need a home with another cat so that I don't get lonely. (dog may be a possibility, depending on personality)
My new MOVIES are up! Mama says that I'm too fast for a regular photo, but movies show me off really well.
Oh! You noticed my ear? Yep. But all you need to do is a bit of PHOTOSHOP and it will be perfect. When they hauled me off the streets they gave me the 'once over' and took my kitty-nuts off and tipped my ear. I did get some good food though. Then they were going to send me right back to life on the streets, when rescue angels stepped in. Mama says it's not going to grow back, but it's ok because it will be a reminder to us about how close I came to living a life without love and affection. It will be so good to come live the sweet life with you!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
AJ is doing amazingly well. He is very comfortable in my house and especially likes to sun himself in the sunroom. He hasn't noticed the birds outside yet. I'm surprised. He eats very well and uses kitty litter without any problems. He and Robin (my dog) are doing well. They are trying to figure out how to play with each other. It is fascinating to watch them try to adjust their play styles. They have a ways to go yet before they cuddle. It's hard to have kitty toys around because they are too small for Robin to safely have in his mouth and he does grab them and run. Therefore AJ has some playtime in the sunroom with Robin shut out. I love AJ and thank everyone for making it possible for him to come to my home.
10/4: AJ has been with me for 1 month now. It is hard to believe. He is totally settled in. He finally met his Vet ( Vet had knee surgery and just returned to work). He was, of course, deemed healthy. AJ doesn't like being examined, but he loved the chicken pieces he got as a treat. He has grown quite a bit. I can see that he is taller and longer. He weighs 9.5 lbs! I have been feeding him three times a day, but may cut out his bedtime snack soon. He is, however, looking for food all of the time. I think this must reflect back to his time on the street. Last night was the first time I let him into my bedroom and he and Robin (dog) both slept with me. It took awhile for them to settle down, but then it worked out well. AJ is an amazing kitty and he is the perfect fit.
3/9 AJ couldn’t be more perfect! I am so lucky to have him. He is a de ar and he and Robin are great friends. Robin does chase him some and AJ takes it in his stride. At night they sleep on my bed together and often groom each other. AJ is very affectionate and responsive to occasional verbal corrections. He loves to play with running water and now has a kitty fountain. One day I found him curled up in the bathroom sink, so cute! I’m attaching that picture. He is a very handsome boy and has darkened in color some.
(Last update: Mar 9th, 2018 4pm)
Oh, boy, foster mom says that I am so nice! I'm a big boy who is just full of love. I like to play a little. I love to be petted and brushed. I don't really like the woofers here, but other cats might be OK with me. I'm still letting foster mom know my social preferences. I could easily be your one and only, too. I'm going to get my toofers cleaned. I eat a special food to help keep my pee healthy (for now... I may not have to always), but I like it. I love to purr, purr, purr, and I'm really laid back. I like to talk to you too, just a little. I'm a big boy with a little voice. Foster mom thinks that's funny, but I don't see her point! I don't know what everyone is waiting for. I'm just about perfect! So ask about me!
Name: Bruno
ID#: VA12079
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/03/17
Adopted: 09/09/17
Congrats: Susanna
Foster: Rinn
Foster Notes for Bruno [VA12079] |
Oh, such a nice, mellow boy. |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
Bruno has been with us for almost four weeks now, but it feels like he's lived here much longer. He has adjusted much quicker than I ever imagined. Actually, within 30 minutes of bringing him home, he was on my lap. Last week he had a check-up with his vet, who instantly fell in love with Bruno too. Bruno loves to play, which is surprising for an old dude. I think he has toys in every room now! However, he is the second cat I've had who shows no interest in the laser pointer. Most cats go bonkers for those, but not Bruno (or Avalon). Such smart boys! Bruno sleeps with us every night, and it's clear he misses us during the day. We are so happy to have this wonderful big boy in our lives!
March 9, 2018
Bruno's been with us for six months now, and the adjustment is going well. We've been traveling more than we anticipated, but Bruno is learning that we always come back. However, after a rather emotional time apart for Bruno early on, we learned that having an overnight sitter is a must if we're away for more than one night. He is still sad if we're not home by dark, but not distraught. It's still early in our relationship, so we hope with more time he will grow accustomed to our routine. The extra daylight in the evening will help too.
Bruno is a very happy, playful, old guy! He loves looking out the windows, where the birds and squirrels like to taunt him. We got him a window perch for the holidays, where we find him most mornings.
He's a world champion snuggler, and loves to squeeze himself between me and the sofa cushion where he likes to be cradled in my arm. He's super playful, and lately has taken to swatting ankles when we pass by - sometimes he even goes for the knees!
He's been a real trooper through a minor kitchen floor remodeling. This boy just goes with the flow! We have him on a half wet/half dry diet, which he loves! He's no longer on a Rx diet, but his dry food is the urinary health formula just for good measure. He still "leaks" on occasion when sleeping, but isn't misbehaving or marking. I may have some additional tests run on his next vet visit just to see what's going on. I suspect it has more to do with the back leg weakness/neurological issues he developed years ago.
Bruno is an absolute treasure! We are so happy to have him in our hearts and home. He has been a true comfort to me!
(Last update: Mar 9th, 2018 9am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: chloe
(FKA Izzy)
ID#: VA12236
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10mon
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 08/13/17
Adopted: 09/09/17
Deceased: 01/25/18
Congrats: Natalia
Foster: Kay
Settling into the new foster home. A little overwhelmed with new people and places so no instant friends for me. Has been with other cats in past so should be fine with other kitties. Still in isolation and will get to see more personality when iso is finished.
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Notes from Home
Chloe has been put to rest on January 25th, 2017. She died of FIP.
(Last update: Mar 9th, 2018 7am)
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