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Miss photogenic here. Scroll through my pix and you'll see! I'm sweet, sassy and too cute for words! I'm looking for a home with a feline playmate and humans to adore me. Ask about me today if you can handle the cuteness!
Name: Sam aka Sammy

(FKA Sasha)

ID#: VA12525
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/11/18
Adopted: 03/11/18
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Sam (Sasha) is doing great! She is very happy with her adopted brothers, Bubba (same age) and Otis, 10. They play all the time and eat like pigs. She is definitely the leader! I wanted to thank all of you for taking such good care of her and trusting her to me. Especially thanks to Melanie for fostering her, Emily for helping me with the adoption and the Meezer express for bringing her here. Thanks so much and when I can, I will send some pictures.
(Last update: Mar 25th, 2018 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: luna


ID#: VA12228
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 08/12/17
Adopted: 09/21/17
Congrats: Maria
Foster: Michelle

I love to snuggle on a lap and will lay on my back for tummy rubs until I fall asleep. I also love to play with my sisters, so I require a playmate, but a male would be best. I am cute, cuddly, and just plain sweet, so you better ask about me before someone else snatches me up!



****Check out my new videos!!!!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Its been 6 months since I brought my little sweetheart home. We decided to change her name from Moonbeam to Luna, similar meaning but a shorter. She's a dear little kitty, very cuddly and sweet she loves snuggle. She is very playful and mischievious when she wants attention. She's also very shy it's taken a long time for her to warm up to my husband. She follows me everywhere we're a pair. She's not to keen on new people it takes her a while to warm up but when she does her little sweet personality shines through. She loves absolutely loves belly rubs it's her favorite thing. We have to watch her she has a sweet tooth, apparently loves vanilla cake and frosting. She managed to pry the cover off a brthday cake and eat some lol Now we know we remove any temptation. Love, love Lune, she's truly a part of the family. Thank you Siamese rescue xx
(Last update: Mar 24th, 2018 11pm)

I am making my place here and yes I am a little shy but oh so sweet and loving. I am a petite girl and I love to give head butts and plenty of loud purrs. Foster mom says I am very pretty, what do you think? .
Name:   Mally
ID#: VA6052
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/06/08
Adopted: 02/08/09
Deceased: 11/01/17
Congrats: Brett
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
August 13, 2009: Mally has made a permanent home with us since February. We are all very happy! She loves to play with her mega-turboscratcher, especially if we play with her. She has a big appetite, with previous digestive issues gone (we have kept her on Miralax daily). She is talkative and affectionate, and will now allow us to hold her for several minutes. We are so happy to have adopted her....We love her very much!!


March 24, 2018:

Our beloved Mally crossed to the Rainbow Bridge on November 22, 2017. In the almost nine years that we were privileged to have her as part of our family, she did give us "all of the love we need(ed)" as Jane's foster notes said, and we attempted to give her all of the love she needed in return. Over the years, she blossomed considerably from the shy cat that was afraid of things and people that she was unfamiliar with (and could not see well given her poor eyesight) into a bold cat, that was loved by all that she met. She enjoyed visiting Virginia Beach and smell the ocean. She loved to be with us at home and to be brushed and given us head butts. She was very independent minded, but was very loving.

Mally developed intestinal lymphoma but due to her fighting spirit, and her wonderful oncology team that said she was a favorite patient, she went into remission twice and had a good quality of life up until she developed additional complications that were likely the delayed result of the injuries she sustained before rescued.

Mally gave us infinite joy, and was truly "one good kitty." We will remember and miss her always. Thank you to SCRC for rescuing her and allowing us to be her guardians.

Brett (and Laurie)

(Last update: Mar 24th, 2018 8pm)

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Name: Scarlett

(FKA Selma)

ID#: VA12520
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/11/18
Adopted: 03/06/18
Congrats: David
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am a petite girl at 6lbs. I am a wee bit timid upon first meeting but friendly and talkative. I love to receive pets and don't mind being picked up but not too sure about lap sitting. I am learning about toys but sometimes I get scared so will growl. a quieter home with adults would be best.

I do have very specific needs when it comes to the litterbox. Foster Meowmy can explain it all to you when you inquire about me.

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Notes from Home
Well, where do I start. I am getting adjusted to my forever home, my command post is my perch on top of my cat castle. I spent the first week sleeping at night in the nice carpeted enclosed area under my throne. But now I feel perfectly fine to stretch out and nap or sleep out in the open. I keep my trim figure, I like to exercise about every 3 hours. I have taught my humans this really cool game of "I cry... you come" It's really cool. The best time to play is like 2 am, 4 am, and 6 am after a light morning meal. I have made a royal selection of a tightly balled McDonald's biscuit wrapper as my official and only toy ! Let all of you subjects drift off to sleep... then when they least expect - SURPRISE !!! you stand up on you royal perch start crying. Continue to cry until the come to your royal court. Then you look at your official royal toy while making a medium voice rrrrrrrr-ing cry and look them straight in the face. First one to blink looses. Have them throw your royal toy out of the bedroom and down the hall, you then descend from the royal castle chase, capture, kill the royal toy and proudly meow! Start again with the rrrrrrr-ing cry until they come, pick up your royal toy and throw it again. Repeat chase scene and victory meow. Keep this up for at least 15 minutes and you should get reward with a toss down the stairs to the first floor. You impress them with your lighting speed descending steps, chase, capture, kill and that all important proud meow and repeat rrrrrrr-ing cry. Don't forget - EVERY 2 hours !! Any less and my humans seem to forget what to do.

I am suppose to meet my new vet in about 2 weeks... I currently still have issues with cat carriers. My new vet told my humans to leave the carrier out so that I have to see it and just in case he gave them a very small dose of kitty Prozac if I still have issues. I am suppose to try to have some evening meals served in my carrier in the next few days.... I'll have to have to get back to you on that.

WHEW, This is hard on my paws... I need to take a nap. I will report back later.

Scarlett, formally Selma (new forever home, new life, new humans (who LOVE me!) thus - new name)
Thanks to the SiameseRescue who cared enough to take in this former unloved, discarded former little street urchin thrown out like trash - shower me with love, attention, medicine and developed this REALLY great group of humans to care for me until they found the perfect forever home for me.

(Last update: Mar 24th, 2018 2pm)

Foster Mary can tell you tons about me and I hope it'll be all good.
Things haven't been great for me these past two years but it's looking much much better.
Got some trust issues we'd have to work on but rest assured foster Mary has been getting inside my head (so to speak) and she thinks I'm a really good girl (and she tells me that a lot, and I like it!)
Name: Kimiko

(FKA Kimmi)

ID#: VA12509
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/27/18
Adopted: 02/24/18
Congrats: Victoria
Foster: Mary

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home

Kimiko is a wonderful sweet cat who has worked her way into my heart. She is progressing nicely. We are doing things on her terms and that is working out very well. She will come and sit next to me on the couch for loves and brushes. She loves her brush. She also like her food! We have supper together every night. I get my human food and she gets her favorite wet food. If I do not do it on time she chirps at me. She has the sweetest little voice. I did not think she knew how to play, and then discovered that she likes to play on her own not with a human . She may work up to that though. She still gets startled easily. The door bell is so loud it makes both of us jump. I am so pleased to have Kimiko in my life.

Victoria and Kimiko

(Last update: Mar 24th, 2018 11am)

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Name: Dazzle

(FKA B'dazzle)

ID#: VA9003
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/29/12
Adopted: 01/26/13
Deceased: 03/23/18
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
A real seal point beauty who likes to be "in charge". My name should tell you how truly beautiful I am - so beautiful that I will B;dazzle you!! I don't think much of other cats, but tolerated that CB that I shared a room with. We came from the same shelter. I really like my "shelf-bed" and my soft purple blanket. Just a real beauty that somehow got out and my familty didn't find me. Hope you "find" a space in your heart for me. I just need a new home and family for the New Year. Will that be YOU? Purrs, B'dazzle.

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Notes from Home
March 24, 2018. Mom and Dazzle were doing great. Mom had some illness, memory problems and a hip replacement so she now has a caregiver coming twice a day who also assisted with Dazzles litter box and water fountain. Yesterday on my weekly visit we dropped her off at the vet for her shots and some grooming as Mom had felt some knots in the fur on her stomach. Much to our shock the vet said the fur problems were not knots- they were cancerous memory tumors in all of her glands. He did x rays and said the speed and aggression that these tumors showed made him give Dazzle 2 weeks to 2 months. He gave treatment options all with a poor prognosis so Mom decided to put her down. It was a shock. Dazzle had the greatest home she could hope for with the perfect person to love her. We again thank you for all you do.

January 2017. Mom and Dazzel are still doing well. Mom is 89 now and I bought her a soft side carrier to decrease the weight. Dazzle needed to go to the Vet to check some areas on her skin that she was scratching and get her dental. They have to knock her out through the carrier to even get close. I helped get her there. When Mom went to pick her up she said there was a huge black dog-bigger than a German Shephard. Dazzle was in the carrier doing her thing. It looks like a Hollywood horror movie about a demon being locked up in a box. The hissing, yoweling, growling, flopping around, throwing herself against the sides of the carrier that punch out- it is really terrifying for anyone near her. Well I guess the dog was petrified and the owner had a very difficult time calming the dog down. The vet always lets Daz leave early because when she regains consciousnesses she disrupts the entire office. Dazzle got home and of course was fine. You were very very right about her being a one person cat. She forgave Mom in a day and is back to napping by her side again. We hope the antibiotic and cortisone shot will do the trick for her itchy skin because no one in their right mind would attempt to pill her. She is Mom's princess and has never shown that extreme aggression towards Mom but anyone else is fair game. Most of time she is quiet and ignores visitors if they ignore her and do not make eye contact and they do not disturb her. Dazzel is a very luck girl to have found the furever Mom that she did. I pray Mom outlives her. God bless you all for the work you do.

Mom and Dazzel are doing great. She is really a princess and does not like anyone but Mom and even that is on her terms. I have a bitter sweet story.. Mom gets a cat magazine. There was a story about how you should get the cat used to the carrier by putting it in view so the cat will not freak out when it has to go to the vet. Mom took the carrier out of storage and set it in the basement where Daz could see it. Daz was looking at it while Mom went upstairs. Mom said she heard the most pitiful cry. Dazzel sat in the basement for almost 20 minutes crying. Then she would not talk or go near Mom for the rest of the day. I think she thought Mom was going to send her away. Well it passed and Daz is now ok with the carrier and back to normal. Mom said she had her housecleaner do the outside windows and Dazzel followed her all around the house growling and hissing at her from the other side of the glass. Thats our baby. I will try to attach some pictures.
Feb 2014. Mom and Dazzel are still going strong. They have their routine. Mom says Daz yells and gives her dirty looks when she leaves but is always glad when she returns. Mom plays with her often, must have 50 different toys to choose from. Daz has it made. When I come over Daz will supervise my visit. Daz really hates everyone other than Mom. The oxygen supplier was afraid to come in the house because of her growling and hissing . She has never bit or attacked anyone but what a show she can put on. Other times she will just sit and be quiet or sniff your hand but do NOT try and pet her-she is insulted. Daz sleeps on the bed with Mom and always wants to be in the same room with Mom but not a lap cat- yet. Mom said Daz will occasional sit on the arm of moms recliner so she is progressing. Mom has big windows where Daz can watch birds or deer and defend mom from these intruders in her yard. Daz remains very healthy. -Deb

(Last update: Mar 24th, 2018 5am)

Foster mom says that I am a bit sassy, but I like to think that I just don't put up with any stuff. I could be ready to go home in just a few weeks if you would like a lovely flame girl to light up your life.
Name: Mango

(FKA Mariana)

ID#: VA12263
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/28/17
Adopted: 09/23/17
Deceased: 05/23/18
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Nancy


Notes from Home
New Pictures posted
(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2018 8am)

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Name: Li Ling

(FKA Milkshake)

ID#: VA11814
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/13/16
Adopted: 03/21/17
Congrats: Luci
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Where is my special lap? I am about as perfect as a cat can get! Loyal, talkative, snuggler, perfect litter box habits.

Please bring me home!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
LiLing is doing well and is really affectionate and happily adjusted in her new furever home. Oliver and LiLing are still going through an an adjustment phase, but things are really improving between the two of them. LiLing is losing weight as the vet suggested. She has lost .65 pound so far and we will have her weighed periodically at the vet to keep her on course.

June 14, 2017
LiLing now knows her new name and comes when called from another room. I use a little sing-song way of saying her name and she has started to run to me when I call her. LiLing is no longer being placed in her room during the night to prevent her from chasing Oliver and tormenting him. Oliver and LiLing are now able to be in the same room and behave in a civil manner. Oliver tries to keep close to me for a little protection when moving from room to room but most of the time it is not necessary. LiLing has lost a little bit of interest in charging him and I guess some of the fun has gone out of her game. They have even been seen sitting on the counter within a few feet of one another for a short time. Since LiLing is not confined to her room at night she has not yet started to join us in the bedroom. Oliver and Mataji sleep on the bed but LiLing has not started this routine, but I believe she will in time. However, she does jump onto the bed early in the morning and want a little snuggling. She also wants me to get up and feed her. She is still watching her weight and is looking slimmer and quite lovely. She is the biggest sweetheart ever, and I love her.

On November 8, 2017 LiLing went to the vet for her annual wellness exam and vaccines. Prior to my adoption of LiLing she had an operation for a two inch mass on her mammary gland which had been malignant. When I adopted her she had a pea sized lump on her chest right near the operation site. My vet saw this on LiLing's initial visit to my vet and said we must keep an eye on this lump so it does not get bigger. It has gotten larger. On November 13, 2017 LiLing had an operation to have this lump removed. The incision was about 3/4 inch long but due to scarring from the initial operation it was troublesome and therefor had some bruising. She was a perfect patient at the vets and also for me when she came home. Oliver was so glad to see her and later the next day I found them sleeping together on our bed . Who would have thought that would ever happen? Today I got a call from my vet and the biopsy said it was malignant also. She said that her lungs were clear and there was no spread to any surrounding areas. This does not mean it could not reappear elsewhere. I will be vigilant in the event another lump appears, but right now all is well.
On a sadder note, Mataji passed away on November 9, 2017. He was 20 years and 6 mo old. I will forever miss that guy. He was amazing. November was not a good month for me.... but time marches on. LiLing is a pleasure to me.

Jan 19, 2018 - LiLing continues to be healthy and is very happy....but right now a little more clingy because she is a little bit jealous. LiLing now has a new sibling! I have recently rescued a Bengal kitty to keep LiLing and Oliver company. (I rescued her in honor and memory of Mataji.) Sarabi is a female, about 2 years old, but I do not know her birth date or anything about her past. She is a pure bread Bengal, I have been told by the rescue group, but I do not really know that, as there is no paperwork to prove anything. I don't care anything about that anyway except that I gave her a loving home which she needed. LiLing is having fun playing with Sarabi and they are very active together. As a matter of fact, all three of them play together very much and enjoy each other's company. LiLing has never climbed to the top of the cat tree until Sarabi climbed up there. Didn't take long until LiLing climbed up there too and claimed it for herself one day. All three of them seem very happy with the new arrangement and that is what matters the most. I am happy too....now my home is complete.

March 22, 2018 - Today LiLing had a vet appointment to see if there is any sign of cancer for which she has had two involved operations. Dr. Journel took two different radiograph views and both views proved to be clean and clear!! Nothing suspicious was determined. She lost 1/4 pound since November 2017. This is a good thing as we are watching her weight and trying to get it down by another pound or so. I am so very happy to hear this good news. She will go back to the vet in Sept or Oct for another check-up. I really want to keep on top of things with her and keep her healthy and active. She is such a pleasure to me. LiLing did not like the trip to the vet and meowed loudly in the car the whole way there. In the waiting room she continued to meow. I asked to have her back toenails clipped and she hates that procedure! Then she meowed all the way home, too. I was glad to get her home and out of her carrier. Now she is calmed down and happy once again.

(Last update: Mar 22nd, 2018 11am)

Up for a whole lotta loving? Then you might just be interested in 18 pounds of me! Evicted and living in a car, good thing it wasn't a VW beetle! Here I am, ready for you, if you have a larger sized lap! I've lived with other cats before, so no problems there that we know of - stand by while I get ready for my videos and pictures!
Name:   Simba
ID#: VA9905
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/14/14
Adopted: 03/22/14
Congrats: Ann
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Simba is doing great! He's settling in so well. I had a couple of dear friends come over for dinner to meet him (Sue & Jeff) and he inserted himself between them on the couch and let them give him belly rubs! He was such a sweetie and had no anxiety at all. Obviously he's had good interactions with people and has learned to trust. He's so loving and is eating and playing with his catnip toys. Such a joy to have! I'll try to upload some pictures later this week.

Thanks to all who helped get Simba to me. He's a wonderful kitty, I love him to pieces!


Simba has been settling in nicely. He is a wonderful cat, so loving, so easy-going, so gentle. He's doing great, loving his Millie beds and his new companion, Bizzy, who joined our household on March 30th. They are best buds. We're working on the weight loss program! Having an energetic housemate helps! I feel so lucky to have found a beautiful kitty in Simba. Just love him and am enjoying him so much.


It's been a month since Simba joined my family and it's like he's been here forever! He continues to be a lovey boy, very social, enjoying life. He's lost a little bit of weight and we continue to work on that! His coat has gotten really shiny and softer. He doesn't like to have his toe nails cut, however.....but he's good about using his scratching post and pad. Just a joy. Love him more each day!

5/5/14--Simba has been on a diet and he's lost a couple of pounds. His coat is absolutely gorgeous, so shiny and no more dandruff. Will send pics as soon as I can download them. He is such a loving boy and we're one big happy family!

3/31/15 Celebrating one year anniversary! Simba is wonderful! We had a scare a few months ago where Simba was coughing. Took him to the Tufts Animal Hopsital and they did a complete workup. He was on antibiotics and prednisone. I also switched his dry food (he was having both wet and dry food) and with the treatment and new food routine, he's completely recovered! He's been back to the vet for follow up and all is well. He's the best cat and I absolutely love him. So happy to have found him!

3/25/16: Simba, Izzy and I just celebrated the 2nd anniversary of "got you" day! We are just livin the dream with this guy. Simba is the best cat and continues to enjoy his forever home with us. Just love, love, love him and am so grateful to have the pleasure of his kitty company in our home. I'm happy to report that SImba has been in great health --no issues. He HATES having his claws trimmed, so we visit the local groomer who has a special touch. He continues to be a cat nip junkie so I regularly indulge him and keep the vacuum cleaner handy since the toys are ripped to shreds in minutes. Looking forward to many more happy years together!!

3/25/17: Year number 3 of total joy with Simba! On a scale of 1-10 he's an 11! He's healthy and a total love bug. Absolutely the sweetest guy ever. I feel so lucky to have him.


Simba is doing great! We had a well kitty visit a few months ago and his blood work was perfect! As the vet said, "he's a beautiful cat". Simba continues to be a joy, a real snuggler who loves to sit on my lap when I read. He is a cat of a lifetime!

(Last update: Mar 22nd, 2018 10am)

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Name:   Dixie
ID#: VA3270
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tuxedo
Date In: 03/28/05
Adopted: 08/01/05
Deceased: 09/13/18
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Mary

WHAT!!! I'm not a meezer you say. Phooey. I've got meezer 'tude aplenty.
I have points. Look at these black spots on my legs, those are points. Well sort of. Look at the lightning bolt on my forehead. I should have been Harry Potter's familar but I simply couldn't leave without my MaiTai (VA3271).
Okay so I don't have blue eyes. But mine are big and expressive.
I have tons of purrsonality. Literally loaded with it. Foster M chuckles at me every evening when I lay at her feet and roll onto my back for belly rubs. I even get them before the resident dawg does. I figured out if I lay on my back at Foster M's feet she'll rub my belly first cause she has to walk over me to get to that dog. Smart, huh.
Yes I do go with MaiTai (VA3271). We've been together for 8 years and wanna stick together. We aren't snuggly bunnies, but I'm like that old sweatshirt you don't want to part with (even though it's 2 sizes too small). It's comfortable and that's the way it is with myself & MaiTai.
I've lost 3 pounds since becoming a "foster" cat. I'm looking pretty darn chic even if I do say so myself.
I'm really good with the other cats. I've developed a friendship with one of the resident meezers. She's pretty cool, even though she's a petite little flower. She panics when I chase her...and that's a LOL moment.
I am so priceless rescue isn't even going to charge an adoption fee to the lucky person who adopts MaiTai & myself. So I might not have points or blue eyes, but you get bragging rights to having a priceless kitty.
Check us out. It would be so nice to be home soon getting belly rubs from you

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Notes from Home
Dixie, the elderly one, is still with us. I believe her anniversary date is coming up.
She had a bit of a "spell" recently but a few days of sub-q fluids and some syringe feeding got
her right back on track. I think the kitten I recently fostered stressed her out. Good to see the old
girl back on her feet again.
Dixie, now about 20 years old, is doing quite well. Probably the only non-meezer on these pages but she came to be with a meezer for fostering. Dixie stayed and MaiTai (now at Rainbow Bridge) was adopted. Obviously Dixie was as well but she's still with us after 14 years. She recently had a dental and amazingly her first extraction. I know reality will kick in soon as Dixie ages; but our hope is to have her with us for a long time to come.

(Last update: Mar 22nd, 2018 10am)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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