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I'm a frisky little guy who loves to play and run around. I love other kitties. I am growing and should have my vetting done later in October and can go home after that.
Name: Milton
ID#: VA8091
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 09/27/11
Adopted: 10/29/11
Congrats: Renee
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to thank everyone again with alll your help, helping me find and get little Milton. Boy he is gorgous! He is so loveable. When I go to bed he comes in and of course wants to continue playing, (which by the way he never stops!) but after I say no more milton its time to go sleepy sleep, he comes up next to me with that ever so cute face and snuggles next to me always giving mommy kisses before we go to sleep. He stays with me the entire night, at least I believe he does. He is there almost in the exact spot when I wake up as when we fell asleep. But let me tell you as soon as he hears Jim getting up in to the kiitchen he takes off like a bat out of hell, and the games begin. Ming and Milton are getting along good I believe. They where both askeep together between Jims legs the other night, and they eat together. Milton however loves to run up to ming, or should I say sneak on Ming, jump on her back and try taking her down. For the most part she just lies down then he starts that ever so famous bitting of his, and she hisses at him. Then they start chasing each other around. When she is not in the same room as him she goes loioking for him. The bittting is starting to get alillle better, I squirted him with some water the otherday and boy he did not like that at all, he hissed at me,, then kissed me. and since he is tryiing to show some self control. He is eating like a champ and using the litter box great. We got to the vet tomorrow for check up and shots, and nails clipped. His paws are like hands and he uses them like hands to. He picks things up wtih them like he has thumbs. Very smart little boy. very smart. I am so happy with him and the whole experience with siamese rescue I can not say it enough. I only have pics on my phone of him but will get some some that I can download and send. Thanks again. I will let everyone know how our exam goes.
Take Care
Milton and Renee
Hi everyone,
Boy how time flies, I can not believe it has been six months since we have adopted Milton. Ming and he are best of buddies now. In the beginning I never thought the day would come. It really did not take that long for them to become good buddies. The sleep together, clean each other and love chasing each other all over the house. I was concerned that Ming would not be that friendly and playful with him but she proved me wrong. Milt has grown in lieaps and bounds, I can't believe he is the same little guy I adopted six months ago. I just saw his pic on your site and I could not believe it was him. He weight in at 6.9 pounds over two months ago. He gained two pounds in the first three weeks we had him., he must be at least 8 - 9 lbs now. He is slender but big and still growing. We knew he was gonna be a big kitty immediately by the size of his paws. He is a wonderful cat and I am so greatful that he is in our life. I have added a few pics of milt and one of him and his sister ming.
Thanks again for all you do!!!
PS I am thinking about adopting another little kitty jsut a thought right now, have to work on Jim which may take some time. Wish me luck.
(Last update: Apr 8th, 2018 12pm)
No new pictures yet
Name: Gwen
ID#: VA11114
Location: Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 10/04/15
Adopted: 01/23/16
Deceased: 04/08/18
Congrats: Joanne
Foster: Jennifer
Foster Notes for Gwen [VA11114] |
Gwen is great, she has very Siamese voice, and loves to talk! |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
How do I look? Sad? Really sad?? I am hoping to find my next home so I am trying the sad look in an effort to get your attention.......LOOK AT ME!!! Click on ME!!! I am a wonderful, happy gentle soul looking for my people!
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Gwennie is laying on my lap while I type this out on my phone. She has had some ups and downs getting used to living with us. I think she loves that she has two humans all to herself to boss around. She doesn't have to worry about any other pets invading her turf. She has food she likes, lots of windows to look out of, warm places to sleep, two litterboxes, and (unfortunately for us!) some nice kitchen counters to jump up on.
I honestly can't believe she's twelve and a half. She has the heart of a much younger cat. She's very curious, very smart, and she LOVES to play with some knotted up nylon ropes. She chews on them, snuggles with them, and will chase them day and night. (One is tied to a broom handle so it's like a fishing pole toy.) She lays on somebody's lap every day, which is nice. It may be because we live in Chicago and maybe she's cold here? The hardwood floors in the house seem to hurt her paws when she's running around, so we plan to put down some runners. (She's like Forrest Gump... Why walk when you can run?)
She is very particular about letting us pet her, and we've learned her signals. Lately, she wants me to lay on the floor with my eyes closed, and she'll rub her face all over my head purring. Next week, I'm sure she'll have a new preference! Haha. Since we were worried she might not like men, Shabbir has been designated Giver of the Catnip Toy. I don't touch it. It's their thing they have together, and she does seem to really like him.
She has had some tummy troubles since she came here. We have figured out that it's due to anxiety around changes in her environment. So we have a protocol to deal with her when vomiting starts. Scale back everything. Keep anything remotely edible away from her (cardboard, plastic bags, tape, etc) Keep her in her favorite room with her favorite blanket. Have her fast for 4-5 hours from food and water. And just be quiet. I usually sit with her for much of that time, because I can. It is like torture for her because she wants to be where the action is and explore, explore, explore. But Gwennie does not always seem to know what is best for her tummy!
Right now, her food is to continue the Iams dry food Jennifer used. And I'm giving her some wet food a couple times per day, Purina EN Gastroenteric. The vet recommended it for her vomiting. She likes it and can keep it down, so I will continue giving it to her. And I've been sprinkling Purina fortiflora probiotics on her wet food, which she LOVES. The first week she was here, she had horrible diarrhea, and the fortiflora might have been key to getting her stools to be well formed.
She has had zero accidents outside the litterbox. She is a high pee-er, like Jennifer said.
But all in all, I think she's going to work out fine with us. She can be the Queen here, and we enjoy how funny and curious she is.
Update April 18, 2016
Oh, Gwen. She is never boring. She doesn't do well with being left alone. If I'm out of the house for 5 hours or for a weekend (and having a petsitter come), she gets freaked out. This will be a problem when I begin working full time and she's home alone.
After consulting with some of you (thanks for your help!), we wanted to try adopting a nice older male cat to see if that helps Gwen when she is home alone. We brought home Farley, a 17 pound 10 year old orange tabby, on April 9. He is very, very sweet natured. He purrs as soon as you touch him, wags his tail like a dog, and is very easy going. He was fostered by a vet for a couple months, and she said he was very nice to her female cat, but her female cat bullied him. He got along with her dog.
So far, Gwen hasn't reacted all that well to him. I've been giving her Composure calming chews, and use Feliway wipes, which I think help. We were very careful that they not see each other or interact for seven days. We did swap them out of rooms, let them get used to each other's scents, tried to give treats near the door to his room (which Gwen wouldn't take). Gwen has hissed a few times at his door when she could hear him in there. The first visual introduction I did was on day 9 with Farley in his carrier, and I let Gwen see him. She looked at him with wide eyes for about 20 seconds, turned around, and went back upstairs. The second time she had a visual of him was through a window while I held her. No hissing, just seemed nervous. The third time, was through a cracked door with Shabbir on Farley's side and me on Gwen's side. Farley tried to be friendly and stick his nose in the crack. Gwen hissed. And hissed. And kept hissing, and then finally growled. Her ears were up, no bristled fur. But she growled. We closed the door, and considered that a setback. She had a visual of him today (day 10) through the same window. She was nervous, but no hissing or growling. Minutes later, after I put him in his room, she approached his door and smelled it, but didn't hiss. Then she went back upstairs and hid under the bed. She is definitely afraid, and she has been hiding a lot more, even from me. It concerns me, because I know at her last home (before Jennifer's fostering), she hid a lot and would only come out at night. Before, she would sleep on the bed with me at night, usually up against me. Now, she sleeps away from me, or over on her box by the window. She is not happy with me, even though I am very intentional about still spending a lot of time with her.
I really want this to go well. I think if any cat could fit in our situation, it is Farley. He is a big, sweet marshmallow, and I know he won't hurt her. He didn't hiss or growl. Just acted almost hurt after she growled at him. Perhaps it is his size that intimidates her? And maybe she got scared that he didn't back away from the door when she hissed? I think he wants to be her buddy, but she thinks he will be aggressive. I'll post another update when I have some news. Is this normal? If anyone reading this has any encouragement or advice to offer, please email me. Thanks!
Update, May 8, 2016
I didn't get any emails from anyone, but wanted to write an update. Very good news! Gwen and Farley have become buddies. They don't cuddle or groom each other, but they will sleep near each other and eat out of the same food dish.
We were just out of town and had a petsitter come as before. When I got home today, instead of the previous time when she had dilated pupils and was trembling and meowing/scolding me, she just came downstairs with her tail up, rubbed against me and went off to investigate my stuff that I just brought in with me. Piece of cake! This means Farley the tabby is a magician. I'm so so happy!
We integrated them very slowly. We used a baby gate to separate them, but allow them to see each other for a few days. She continued hissing and sometimes growling at him, but she was all bark and no bite. Now she doesn't hiss or growl.
2/23/17 update
Gwen and Farley still manage to get along pretty well, and I've even witnessed Gwen initiate cuddling with him twice! But she gets cranky with him sometimes, too, because how dare he affectionately lick her face so much?
On the health front for Gwen, not great news. In May 2016, she got pancreatitis. She is super tough and responded well to the medicine. But her digestive system has never quite been normal since she came to live with us. I've had to give her prednisolone and cerenia off and on since May. She HATES IT. We've tried lots of different foods, and I figured out her sensitivities for the most part. She's on prescription novel protein Royal Canin kibble and wet food. But she still throws up and experiences nausea. She was diagnosed in October with GI disease after an ultrasound showed that her intestines are inflamed. Her B12 levels were also dangerously low according to a blood test, so I give her B12 shots. We are still trying to determine the best frequency for those. Probably every other week. The vet originally suspected triaditis, so I was grateful she didn't have that.
Her vet moved, so I'm trying out a new vet next week who offers a mix of regular vet care and holistic options. They come highly recommended. She's lost weight and is around 7 lbs now. :(
Otherwise, she's our good girl. She's good in the litterbox. She loves stalking the birds at the window bird feeders. She loves to cuddle (laying on my legs right now!) and has stolen Shabbir's heart with her cute little tiny paws. She talks to us a lot. We are well trained to cater to her now. The only thing she has not trained me to do yet is to stop giving her mean medicine. Lol. Her nicknames have evolved into weasel girl, the raccoon, and funny buns.
Gwen had unexpected acute kidney failure that started 4/5/18 and the vet could not reverse with inpatient intensive treatment and iv fluids. We brought her home, and she was euthanized in our arms, at 7:30pm. We are devastated and will miss her an unbelievable amount. She was my best buddy. So loyal and affectionate. We loved each other unconditionally. I'm heartbroken.
(Last update: Apr 8th, 2018 3am)
Shy, but very sweet and needs a lot of cuddles ! And another cat please !
Name: Lola
ID#: VA8403
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/10/12
Adopted: 04/07/12
Congrats: Wayne
Foster: Heida
Notes from Home
She is a very happy kitty.
(Last update: Apr 8th, 2018 1am)
No new pictures yet
Name: Pippin
ID#: VA12009
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/15/17
Adopted: 10/07/17
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Carol
Foster Notes for Pippin [VA12009] |
I love to play with older kids!! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Hi Folks!! I'm Pippin. Meom says I'm a bit like a Hobbit, I am just a bit shy and reserved. I like to think of myself as being coy! I like to play with kids. They play fetch with me and I'm really good at that except I take the toys to my room. Then I come back for more! I like to play chase games with my brother J.J. I'm a good boy but I need some time to adjust to a new home. I don't kiss on the first date. I do like to counter surf just a bit. I'm an explorer you know. I'm more reserved than J.J. But I'll let you pick me up for a hug. The more toys you have in the house the better. I'm the athletic type, have to keep in shape. Meom won't let me play with these little birdies! I can't understand why. So com' on and ask about me and J.J. We're better entertainment than any reality TV show!
Purrs and chirps, Pippin
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
4/7/18 Pippin: Pippin was more adventurous of the two brothers, but he still stayed under the bed for 2 weeks. We honestly believe they talk to each other: 'I'm not going down, and you're not either!' Pippin used to come up on our bed to be petted and would purr and wash up....until I tried to cut his nails.... he carries a grudge. But he did come up for a few minutes yesterday so maybe I am wearing it down. I can pick Pippin up, and a hefty boy he is, but only for a few ear scratches and a kiss, then he's done! He loves the fire, and when it goes off, he sits in front of it and looks at me, 'hey, it's out, get it going!' He and Jasper sometimes sleep together, but often they end up in a fight. They have been called the Bowery Boys, and for good reason. When we see Pippin jump in with Jasper and the washing begins....soon the ears go back, the paws go up and they are off! Pippin seems very content to be left alone, but we're hoping in time he will want more human companionship. He defers to Jasper. if Jasper's on our bed, he won't come near. But he also seems happy and has a very good home. Sent two pictures. Cynthia
(Last update: Apr 7th, 2018 5pm)
Hi Folks!!
I'm Jasper but my foster meom calls me J.J. My brother Pippin and I are looking for a new home where we can be the only two kitties in the house. We like to race and chase just like young healthy boys do. Pippin likes to ambush me from his hiding spots.
We're a coy with people but when we settle in you can pet us and we'll chat with you. I like to be hand-fed chrunchy dry food from my foster mom. She has spoiled me to be sure. Sometimes I even grace her with some lap sitting!
So ask about Pip and me so that we can get acquainted! You might just love our antics. It's great entertainment! We're not the kiss on the first date types but we'll adjust at our own pace.
Chirp, chirp, J.J.
Name: Jasper
(FKA J. J., aka Jasper)
ID#: VA12010
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 04/15/17
Adopted: 10/07/17
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Carol
Foster Notes for J. J., aka Jasper [VA12010] |
J.J. can be on the timid side but when he settles in he is the definition of a Siamese! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
4/7/18 Jasper Jones, Man about Town: It has been quite a journey! These poor guys had no idea what happened to them, where was their Mama! First of all, thank you to Carol their foster mother. She knew them best, always with good advice and a great sense of humor! Jasper spent about 2 weeks under the bed, Then gradually we would see his beautiful face at the top of the stairs, then in time half way down the stairs. The stairs were his refuge as he was sure he could make it to the top and under the bed before anyone touched him! Christmas was a turning point and he began spending most of his time downstairs, sleeping wherever he felt like. He and Pippin have baskets to sleep in and a cat tree. We have a gas fireplace and that is where they have spent the winter in their baskets. Jasper has now taken to our bed during the day and has this funny little meow-growl. He loves to be petted and rubbed, BUT we cannot pick him up yet. We believe he is very happy, and he is very well cared for. I uploaded a couple of pictures. Cynthia
(Last update: Apr 7th, 2018 5pm)
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Name: Sam
ID#: VA12535
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/18/18
Adopted: 03/17/18
Congrats: Kurstal
Foster: Belinda
Hi there, I'm Sam the Siam! I was rescued from a hoarder situation in south western Virginia. So I am pretty used to being around other cats, but haven't really gotten the hang of 'people' yet. On the flip side, I DID get the hang of Litterbox 101, Wet Food Testing 2.0, and Catnip Toy Recess. Right now I'm super curious about the other kitties that live here and I really want to play with them. We chirp at each other and race and run all over the house. I'm still shy of fostermom, but I have let her catch me to rub my belly a few times. I'm all vetted and should be ready to go home in a couple of weeks.
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi All!
Sam is doing really well adjusting to his new home! At first, it was a bit of a challenge. He was a little shy and scared in the beginning. It took time for him to come out of his shell. I knew we were making progress when he started flopping down in front of me and would lay on his side, purring and waiting to be petted. A real love bug!
Once I felt he was comfortable in his surroundings and that he trusted me, I then had to start integrating him with my first kitty, Kevin (who is also a Siamese Rescue) – not an easy task! Although both cats were known to get along with other cats, the process was not overnight. After weeks of slow integration, a ton of research, and most importantly taking my cues from the cats, we had a breakthrough! I noticed that when the cats were separated, both stayed by the door for hours, as if to say, “Are you going to open this door so we can play, or what?!â€
They have now graduated to being great buddies! They are still ironing out some of the “kinks†in terms of who sleeps where, favorite spots, etc. but I do feel it is a great fit! They eat out of each other’s food bowls with no problem. Neither shows any aggression. Sam steals Kevin’s kitty bed whenever he can (even though he has his own plush bed as well!) While Kev seems to be the big boy on campus (at 16 lbs.), Sam (at 6 lbs.) isn’t a push over and gets in some “cheap shots†when they wrestle and play! Sam is happy to roll over and “paw†Kevin. I love to see them race from one end of the house to the other, occasionally “stalking†each other. It is hours of entertainment to watch! We adore both of them!
Since Kevin is a deaf kitty, I am hoping in time Sam can be his “ears†for him and let him know when people come into the room, when it’s mealtime, etc. Right now the only thing these two want to do is play!!
Sam has even adjusted to my two young boys, allowing them to pet him while he rolls over and purrs. He is such a beautiful addition to our family! Having Sam makes our family complete! Thank you to all the volunteers – Belinda (Sam’s foster mommy) Gail and all of the people from the Meezer Express who took time out of their busy lives to deliver such a beautiful boy to a loving family and change not only Sam’s life but ours as well. We are forever grateful!
(Last update: Apr 4th, 2018 9pm)
Name: Barry
(FKA Darrin)
ID#: VA12406
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Domesticshorthair
Date In: 11/18/17
Adopted: 03/03/18
Congrats: Peter
Foster: Kay
I'm a mixy boy with one blue eye and one partly blue eye but super sweet and loving. Out of iso and love the other cats and humans. I am not demanding but happy to be held or just petted. Becoming more active and playful each day. I am fine with dogs, too.
No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Darrin, n/k/a Barry White "Barry" because he is so chill and a real smooth ladies man with Pippi, snuggling her, grooming her...I tried to talk Pete out of this name, but he was determined. Sigh. Lol. Barry is SUCH a lover. Loves cuddles, pets, likes to lick your hand when you give him pets, coos and chirps. Loves playing with Pippi and sometimes they let us join in! We adore him.
Things are going well. Barry is doing great on the prescription food and his test came back negative for any parasites or tummy problems! The vet said we can try weaning him off of the rx food if we want to, but I want to give him a while before trying that. He has been through so much tummy stuff I don't want to mix things up on him just when things are settled down. He and Pippi are getting along, mostly. He is bigger than she is and sometimes play gets a little rough. I worry but the vet said if they are hanging around together, playing together, napping together then everything is fine. I have to keep telling myself that one or the other would run off and hide and stop coming back for more tussling if there was a problem...but they tussle so hard sometimes! Running and wrestling, wrestling and running! I get tired just watching them! Lol
(Last update: Apr 3rd, 2018 8am)
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