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I am a fun loving, sweet fella looking for a forever home. Why in the world someone would dump me in a feral colony I do not understand, someone saw right away I did not belong there and contacted rescue. I know I am lucky, now I ready to find that wonderful thing called a forever home.
I am a very sweet boy, like to talk but not excessively. I do not jabber and jabber, that is too undignified, just talk when I have something important to say, like feed me, pet me, hey need some company. scratch me,. .
My foster mom has put me on no kids under 5, not because I am mean to them but because I am a door darter. I am not telling but she thinks that is how I ended up on my own, so I will need a very deligent house hold that can make sure I do not get out again.
So if you are looking for a sweet, undemanding guy then ask about me.
Name: Sandy

(FKA Blue)

ID#: VA5553
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/23/08
Adopted: 05/03/08
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Renee

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
We can’t believe Sandy has been our baby for 10 years, already! He had some health issues a few years ago, but is doing great on his Rx diet; his well-kitty check-up was last month. He’s affectionate, and a family favorite! When carried, he drapes his head over our shoulders, and he has the plush-est fur we’ve ever seen on a cat. We will always be grateful for the rescuer who found him in with the feral colony (and knew he was not feral), for his foster, and for all who helped transport him all the way from Miami FL! He is our sweet, sweet boy!
(Last update: May 3rd, 2018 9am)

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Name: Archer

(FKA Q-ball)

ID#: VA12267
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/28/17
Adopted: 10/29/17
Congrats: Nicole
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
******Special Needs Kitten********

Hi folks, Q here. Who knew that a guy my age could already have cataracts? But alas I do and we don't know what that means for my future. Will I loose some of my vision, all or none of it? There is also the risk that I could develop glaucoma down the road and that would mean eye drops, yuck!! I am going to see an eye specialist soon and hopefully they have the answers.
But I am really sweet guy who loves laps and playing with my foster siblings here. I am a bit overwhelmed at first in new situations but once I get comfortable there is no stopping me. Oh I am not very fond of loud noises, so a quieter home for me please.

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Notes from Home
Archer is doing wonderfully. He’s showing every sign of being a cuddle bug. He takes a nap on me every day and seems very happy. He and Otis aren’t best friends, but they do play together most days when Archer wants to play chase and gets Otis to join. They don’t really fight, although Otis will either walk away or give Archer a bit of a swat if he wants to be left alone.

He’s also been to the vet and she said everything looks fine.

His favorite toys are the catnip bananas you guys sell and the strings on my sweatshirts.

He’s basically perfect. I can’t believe my good luck in getting him.

I’d add pics but I can’t seem to get that to work.

6 month update -

Archer is a wonderful addition to the family. He is so full of curiosity, and he wants to be near me when he isn’t tearing around the apartment hiding tinsel balls everywhere (I found 20 of them under my dresser!). He is very sweet and affectionate. He loves his cat tree, tinsel balls, tissue paper, and wand toys. Sometimes when he wants attention, he gets so happy he starts drooling. All in all he is a playful, sweet tempered, adorable little guy.

Also, he’s been to my vet twice now (initial visit and to clear up a respiratory infection he had when I got him) and she says she can’t see signs of cataracts in his eyes. So we’re not sure he’ll ever have any eye problems, but we will monitor it with his yearly visits.

I love Archer to pieces and he seems pretty happy as well. He’s lying on my chest as I write this. He’s a wonderful boy.

(Last update: May 2nd, 2018 2pm)

I'm Babbles, and I'm I very loving boy, but very shy. I'd love a quiet home with maybe one cat for a friend. I do take a while to get brave enough to come to you for pets, but if you have the patience enough to give me the time, I love it once you do. I also love wand toys to play with.

Do I sound like a boy for you? If so ask about me.

Babbly Boo
Name:   Babbles
ID#: VA11984
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/19/17
Adopted: 04/29/17
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Babbles is doing great! He has been home for two weeks and this "shy" cat is busy exploring the house. He is eating well and is very playful. His favorite toys are the peacock feather and play tunnel. He trills whenever he is near one of us or wants us to pet him. He will walk down the hallway to his room hoping one of us will follow him to play and get rubs. He loves his belly rubs! He is a very sweet, gentle cat. He is still a little skittish if you walk towards him suddenly, but if you get down on the floor with him, he rolls over and just loves to be stroked.
He already found his favorite places to nap, and to watch the birds from the windows from each room. He is very interested in the refrigerator whenever we open it! And he loves to explore the closets!
We really love him and he is a lot of fun! He has adjusted well to our household.

August 18, 2017
It's been almost 4 months since we brought Babbles home!
He's been a joy! He's very soft-spoken but talkative with his little trills. He is a little afraid of meeting new people, but he is very comfortable with us here at home.
He sleeps on our bed now some nights and not just at the foot of the bed, like he used to, but right by my side. He doesn't last long, but he comes back throughout the night. He still doesn't like to be picked up; he will purr for a couple seconds, then get stiffed-legged and want to get down.
His funniest thing is when he runs into a room, hoping we will follow, then plop down on his side as fast as he can for one us to pet him. We call him our "fainting goat". We also taught him to "sit" on command. We are now working on "up" so he will come up on the couch. At night, he hides under the table, and "attacks" our legs as we walk by.
Babbles is doing great and has earned his many nicknames that we have given him!

May 2, 2018
Babbles has fully made himself at home here with us this past year. He truly is a great cat. He is very loving and affectionate and no longer shy. He finally sits on our laps on the couch and sometimes sleeps in the bed. He's having fun with running water from the sink and tub faucets. He is very nosy, always following us around the house. He is the king of the castle (or so he thinks). We all love him!

(Last update: May 2nd, 2018 12pm)

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Name:   Ripley
ID#: VA11990
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 03/24/17
Adopted: 04/22/17
Congrats: Jackie
Foster: Debra

Looking for a handsome flame boy? Well, look no further! I love to get pets and I am very people oriented.

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Notes from Home
Just wanted to send a note to everyone involved in getting him to us as we have now had Mr. Ripley a week! After initially manically exploring every nook and cranny of our apartment, Ripley has finally begun to settle in and test out some of his new toys and the MANY new sleeping surfaces now available to him. One of his favorites is the heated throw blanket (surprise, I know) which we shared all weekend for naps.

Overall Ripley is doing well and settling in nicely. Our first vet visit went totally fine - clean bill of health - and he is more affectionate and relaxed with every passing day. He prefers to sit next to us on the couch while we're watching TV, which is one of our favorite pastimes and exactly what we were hoping for in a little Siamese. Thank you all again for bringing him to us!

5/1/2018 (1 year later): Ripley's been a wonderful addition to our home this past year. He is still incredibly friendly - and every day when we come home from work he jumps up from his nap and greets us at the door and tells us all about his day before settling down on the couch with us. He has been obsessed with the little Zaney's stuffed mice... there are at any given time 5-10 of them scattered around our apartment, and every day they all change places and he chases them all around the apartment. Ripley's been working on his Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/talentedmisterripley/

(Last update: May 1st, 2018 8pm)

I Just arrived here over the weekend, but foster meowm already thinks I'm a "Hunka, Hunka, burnin' love". I have also been burnin' up with fever from this awful shelter cold, but they took such good care of me at the shelter that I am on my way to feelin' like my old loving self. Meowmy said I have to take medicine for a while more yet but that it will make me feel much better. I really believe her 'caus I take it without a fuss.
I can't wait to get upstairs in a room with another kitty cause I like company. I also like petting, rubbing, scritching, cuddles.......what ever you have time for. I will reach out and touch you with my paw for more if you stop before I've had enough. I have been on my own for so long that it feels sooooo good to have lovin' again.
Wouldn't you like a big ole mushie seal boy like me to love on??? Why not hit the ask about me button before someone grabs me up and you loose out.
I'll be waiting.
Mai Tai
12/12/06 Update: I'm here!!!!! I'm upstairs. See me sitting on the bed? Well, so far I spend most of my time under it, but Meowm coaxes me out with that special chin scritching and I sorta flop and roll around until before I know it I'm out. I met two of the residends here and we got along fine. I wasn't brave enough to play with them, but we sniffed noses and .....well you know...and that was fine with all of us. Meowm mom says she'll wait till I'm feeling braver till she introduces me to the dog. She also said that my color will darken to a beautiful rich seal color now that I'm feeling better. What you see here is the last of a "fever coat". So if you think you'd like a big, timid, lover boy, to let her know.
Mai Tai (but she's been calling me Tai (Tie).
YIPPEEEEEE I'm free! Meowmy let me out of my room and I explored all over the house. Some of the "ladies" here are grouchy, but a few are fun and that old guy is my buddy. I still hide sometimes, but then I'm right back out to see what I'm missing. I even watched television for the first time in a long while, while I was sitting on meowmy's lap. Such fun.
Name: Albermarle- Albie

(FKA Mai Tai)

ID#: VA4632
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/02/06
Adopted: 12/30/06
Deceased: 01/05/18
Congrats: Craig
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home

I am sad to report that Albie passed away just after New Years this year. He had been sick for several months with what the Vet thought was a form of intestinal cancer. He put up a valiant fight and was a favorite of everyone up until the end. Albie was a very special cat and was loved by all. He had a very good life and brought a great deal of joy to our house. He was my buddy and is sorely missed.

It is hard to believe that it has been four years since Albie came to live with us. He is as much of a joy today as when we first met him. He has made himself very comfortable in his new home and has even become somewhat of a lap cat (see pictures). He is still shy around strangers though and will head to the basement when people come over. Over the years however he has become braver and will now at least venture out to see who it is.

Albie is very set in his daily routines, from the first moment in the morning until the last at night. He has his preferred spots in the house but generally likes to hang out wherever we are. He still enjoys his toys, especially the stuffed orange "creature" we brought from Jeanne's house. He also enjoys playing chase and hide and seek with Sophie. They never became "best friends" but do seem to get along and respect each other's spaces.

Albie has become a very loved member of the family and I can't imagine our lives without him.

(Last update: May 1st, 2018 4pm)

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Name: Tai Chi

(FKA Puddin)

ID#: VA8917
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 11/10/12
Adopted: 01/19/13
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes

WANTED: My very own home for Christimas!

Puddin has really come out of her shell since meeting the other cats here at McMeezer Manor. She enjoys sunning herself on the back of the sofa and keeping an eye on all the action. She enjoys laser light time and playing with the furry bird wand toy.

Absolutely gorgeous, apple headed, chocolate point female! What a sweetheart; slightly longer, "soft as a bunny" fur; and HUGE, round baby blue eyes that will capture your heart.

Puddin is now fully integrated with the six resident cats and our dog, Solo. She, enjoying daily brushing, tuna treats and just hanging out with her family. This beautiful girl that could be your best cuddle buddy. Looking for a loving, quiet home of her very own.

Purry Christmas wishes~ Puddin aka Baby Kat

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Notes from Home
April 30, 2017

I have been remiss in my updates! Tai Chi continues to rule the roost, to no one's great surprise. Spooky has passed on, but about a year later we adopted Nessie. Tai Chi has not yet forgiven this, & they do not get along. We have worked out a house sharing option that works well enough. Each cat has their own spaces, & we swap off on the common areas. Perhaps as they get used to each other's scents more they will come down off battle stations. To apologise, I have purchased a hand-crafted, extra tall sisal scratching post from Top Cat, only the finest American workmanship for her majesty. Of course the $20 post from Petco was rejected out of paw. Tai Chi loves scaling it, perching on top, & bending over to swipe at her tail. Mommy's new recliner has met with favor as well, as I was kind enough to put it where morning sun hits it. Maybe Mommy will even get to sit in it, one of these days.

April 16, 2014

Tai Chi is napping on the sofa as I update. It snowed again last night, so a cat's only proper response to that is to curl up & hibernate. She continues to be happy & spoiled rotten, despite the unfortunate incident of the bathroom rug. Her favorite time is early morning when I just wake up. She comes up for petting & we lay nose to nose. She is not a loud purrer, but I can feel her rumbling under my hand.

Tai Chi & Spooky are still not what we would call great friends, but a certain understanding has been reached. Everyone has their spots picked out, & the only disputes are over the catnip toys. All is well.

October 7, 2013

Tai Chi has settled in completely now and has become princess of the house (Spooky is still the queen, thank you.). Every part of the house has been investigated and rearranged to suit. We were worried this summer while our roof was being replaced that perhaps Tai Chi would be frightened by the noise, but she handled the disruption quite well. The only problem was being confined to my bedroom for the duration - wants Owwt! Naoowww! Fortunately, the workmen are gone and all is back where it belongs.

No real problems to report, just a fondness for clawing my nightstand. Since my previous cat had already started on that, no big deal. We did have to have a talk about other wood objects, though. Apparently a carpeted scratching post just doesn't have the same feel.

All in all, Tai Chi has become happy, sassy, and rhguenwkt67788. And helping me type. Thank you, Tai Chi.

Lexi is doing great, settling in, though still not too sure of the whole thing. Has investigated her room very thoroughly, discovered how to open the closet by herself, & helps me pick out my clothes in the morning by jumping into every open drawer. Not too interested in leaving the room yet. It's scary out there! Fortunately, my robe makes a nice security blanket.

Lexi has had another name change, she is now Tai Chi. She chose this name herself by shadow boxing with her paws, especially when she is upside down waiting for petting! Tai Chi went to the vet yesterday (was delayed one week due to our Northeast blizzard) and met everyone there. Still a little gingivitis to work on, but our new oral care crunchies should take care of that. Otherwise in splendid health and was much admired by everyone, as is her due. Aspetuck Animal Hospital also complimented Siamese Rescue on their excellent vet records.
Tai Chi has found the living room couch and is in love. Big fluffy pillows and a picture window, yay!

(Last update: Apr 30th, 2018 6pm)

Laid back and mellow. Seeks out affection and loves being in your lap.
Name:   Aakil
ID#: VA12534
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/18/18
Adopted: 03/10/18
Congrats: Julia
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Hi! My second update on Aakil.. we have renamed him Cooper, and he is getting along better with Chloe (formerly known as Trouvee at Siamese Rescue). They have started playing together and will mostly play tag and wrestling. Cooper will also try to sleep near Chloe sometimes. He is bonding more with my husband and wants to sit or sleep next to him. He also loves to watch the squirrels and birds outside. Cooper is also learning our schedule, and will greet us at the door when we come home. He has also taught us he only likes the floor cardboard scratch posts and tuna wet food. Nothing else would do for him! He’s a sweet kitty, yet independent with strong likes and dislikes. It has been fun to get to know him!
(Last update: Apr 30th, 2018 1pm)

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Name:   Spanky
ID#: VA12001
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/01/17
Adopted: 04/27/17
Congrats: Nina
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm the shyest of the three brothers that came in, and also supremely loving! That's all 20 pounds of me! Yes, I need a little weight loss program (okay, a big weight loss program) but with some snuggles and kisses thrown in for snacks it shouldn't be too hard. Every day I get a little braver, so in the right home with some super snuggling, I'm going to be one big snuggle bunny!

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Notes from Home
4/30/17 ~ After three full days, Spanky is slowly coming out of his shell and coming out of his cave to greet us when we come into his temporary room. He loves to be brushed. He is a very purry boy! We have been giving him Purebites freeze dried chicken as treats to try to wean him off the cheaper dry food he has been eating apparently his entire life. He has shown no interest in wet food so far, but we are going to try some of the chicken or tuna in pouches to see if he likes that. For now, we have also moved him over to portion controlled dry Royal Canin High Fiber Gastrointestinal formula, which he seems to like. He is eating and drinking well. He hasn't "met" my other cat yet but they made eye contact when we first brought Spanky in and Spanky hissed at him. They are separated but I have been petting them both with a sock and then sharing it with the other to try to get them used to each other's scent. More to follow.

5/7/17 - So it has been 10 days and Spanky is slowly acclimating. He is such a sweet lovey cat! We moved him to more expansive quarters upstairs, where it is much quieter. He is adjusting well and has really come out of his shell. He has started very tentatively exploring the rest of the house when Cassidy is closed up the the office. We introduced them slowly yesterday - so far Spanky has been hissing and growling, but he has not gotten all puffed up with ears back. Cassidy is just meowing at him and occasionally howling and using Spanky's litterbox to try to assert dominance. Spanky doesn't seem overly fazed by Cassidy's antics so far. Spanky has seemed to make the transition from the junky dry food to high quality canned food. He really likes Wellness Signature Select in the Skipjack Tuna flavor. He is still eating about a half cup of Royal Canin High Fiber also, but he does not free feed during the day. I weighed him with me on my scale, then weighed myself and subtracted the difference. Spanky weighs about 18 pounds now, and we go to my vet this coming week. Fingers crossed he and Cassidy come to a truce or detente of sorts soon.

5/21/17 ~ Spanky is freely wandering around the house and not hiding! He and Cassidy touch noses frequently, but Spanky still hisses at Cassidy right after. But no growling or other distress is visible, so I think we're on our way. Spanky readily climbs up and downstairs now - mostly to follow me around when he wants attention! He is able to jump up on the beds now. He went to the vet, where they fussed over him and pronounced him a handsome gentleman, and we found out that he does weigh 18.05 pounds now. He seems to be eating enough and he doesn't seem particularly interested in Cassidy's food. However, Cassidy seems to be somewhat interested in Spanky's food. Their food bowls are in different locations on the first floor. Spanky seems to be adjusting really well and he continues to be a sweet, purry, lovey boy. I am so grateful!

Hard to believe it has been a year! After a few ups and downs, Spanky has completely settled in. Sadly, he and my elderly cat did not ultimately like each other much, but after Cassidy passed away a few months ago, Spanky became the only cat and he seems much happier for it. He is completely adorable and very talkative! He is a really sweet and cuddly boy. With our vet's approval, Spanky has completely adjusted to portion controlled, canned no grain food and gets more exercise now. As a result, he has lost about five pounds since he initially came to Siamese Rescue and is down to about 15 pounds now, which has helped make him more agile. He is a wonderful boy!

(Last update: Apr 29th, 2018 9am)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Maxie

(FKA Annalisa)

ID#: VA8566
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/26/12
Adopted: 06/16/12
Deceased: 04/27/18
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Donna


Notes from Home
Today is a sad day for us, our beloved Maxine is no longer with any pain. She truly will be missed, especially by her playmate Sydney.
(Last update: Apr 28th, 2018 10am)

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Name: Bella

(FKA Bloom)

ID#: VA8433
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/23/12
Adopted: 04/28/12
Congrats: Barbara J
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

Bloom where you are planted......right? Well I am taking up some space in Kentucky for the moment, but looking for a great home. It is spring and blossoms are blooming!



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Notes from Home
According to the Vet Bella (Bloom) is very heathy & about 13-14 yrs of age. Her teeth are still good. She just lies around most of the time & eats, sleeps & goes potty. The only exercise she gets is when the stray cat (who adopted us & became a house cat) chases her. She still purrs a lot & loud & likes to sleep in bed with us at night. She is now 16 lbs. She only eats 1/2 can Fancy Feast twice a day (shares with other cat & does eat a little hard but not a lot.. But she doesn't do anything so gains weight. Jennifer , she still has same old habit of not burying but our other cat Midnight buries hers when he does his. Poor guy. We still love our Bella & vet said she is a geriatric not senior. I know who she feels I just turned 74. Lately she is favoring my husband more & lying on his desk all day.
.Keep finding good homes for these meezers. Thank you. This is our third Siamese. Other 2 were over 17 & almost 20yrs old when they passed.

(Last update: Apr 28th, 2018 10am)

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