Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:20:23am |
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Hello, I'm Simon,
I came from a home with too many cats and not enough attention or care. I'm still scared though I enjoy it when Meowmy pets me, but I'm still a bit scared and I'm more comfortable when I hide. I am enjoying the good food and steady meals though.
I am going to need a kitty friend who isn't aggressive, but will show me the ropes and a very patient adopter, as I'm a shy, skittish boy, but love to be brushed. Meowmy said I can take my special tent bed home with me so I can hide when I feel scared.
Are you ready to take on a shy, timid boy like me? If so, ask about me.
Name: Simon
ID#: VA12541
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/26/18
Adopted: 04/14/18
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Simon [VA12541] |
Handsome seal, though scared and shy right now. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
Simon has adjusted very well to living with us. He still hides a little but he also spends a lot of time roaming around the house and exploring.
He loves to be petted and purrs and purrs. He can't seem to get enough attention and pushes against our hands so that we continue rubbing him.
Our only concern is that our other cat, Spot, and he are not getting along as well as we would like, but things are improving.
Simon continues to be a very active kitty. He loves to play. He would like to play with our other cat, Spot, but Spot will have none of it. There is a lot of growling and hissing going on. We hope eventually they will become friends.
Of course, it doesn't matter if things don't work out the way we would like. They are our forever cats and we are their forever people.
I will try to upload some pictures. As you will see, he is always moving and I have a lot of trouble getting a complete photo of him
(Last update: May 14th, 2018 4pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Bosco
(FKA Casper)
ID#: VA9180
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/13/13
Adopted: 05/11/13
Congrats: Carole
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Casper [VA9180] |
Playful boy! |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
Hi there,
I'm Casper, like the friendly ghost, only I'm not white, but a seal point. I just got here, and am trying to settle in. I like to play, and purr alot.
I'll tell you more as I settle in.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Caspers new name is Bosco, He is wonderful, extremely playful and loves to cuddle. He is an early riser. We're working on that, 4am is a little to early to eat and play, any suggestions would be helpful. He has settled in nicely. His vet appointment was Friday and all is well. He has gained a couple of pounds. Eating a full can of wet food and only snacks on the dry food which is perfect. I am extremely happy and love him very much, already. Glad we found each other do to your rescue services. He has a home forever for sure.
Bosco has now been home from more than a month. He has adjusted well. He weighs a total of 10 lbs. He really does not eat dry food much,about a can a day. He is still an early riser and wants me up with him however I am one to be up as early as he is... I believe he wants to eat or play.. He is very smart and know exactly how to wake me up including trying to take off my blanketwith his paws.. He does seem to find a window to look out if I don't respond to him bird and squirrel watcher, of course.... He is very playful and has taught himself how to somersaults while playing with a teaser, it very funny and enjoyable to watch...I have tried to video but extremely hard to catch.
So it's been over a year that Bosco arrived to his forever home. All is well and I am posting new pictures.. Love him so much we are very close and he communicates very well. He lets me know if his food is empty or if he has an accident.. Of course this usually happens early in the morning. He pets my face and meows.. He just doesn't like a mess on the floor from hair balls so I must clean it.. My boy!! I am definitely considering a friend for him maybe a nice girly cat..
3/18/2015 - Bosco is now a full grown adult cat. He amazes me, he is such a gentleman, mild manned, lovable boy slightly picky with his food lately. He is much in love with his new girl kitten friend "Peaches I adopted from a local foster shelter. They get along perfectly. He definitely needed a friend. I will update some pictures.
7/11/2016 - Bosco is doing just great he is the best cat ever...
(Last update: May 14th, 2018 12pm)
Name: Otto
(FKA Sammy)
ID#: VA12542
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/26/18
Adopted: 04/07/18
Congrats: Kaelyn
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Sammy [VA12542] |
cute little love bug! |
Foster Notes
Hi! I'm sammy,
I came from a home with too many cats so I was taken by animal control because I wan't being taken care of the way I should. One of the things I didn't have was enough food or any petting. I'm getting plenty of that now and loving it. I just can't seem to get enough of the petting. I roll over for belly rubs and love all the attention. Meowmy said I need to stay still once in a while so she can get some good photo's of me, but it's so hard. I just love to show her how much I love all the attention. She said she'd keep trying, so stay tuned!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Otto is a loving and playful addition to our home. He is best friends with our daughter, and has adjusted wonderfully.
(Last update: May 7th, 2018 8am)
Twinkie is one of Iris' kittens.....
Twinkie is smaller than her brother but is definitely the bravest and most curious of the pair. This mighty little meezerette loves to climb up on the cat tree and pounce! Lots of energy in a tiny, fur enhanced, flame point package. Her pictures do not do her justice - she has delicate peach points on her ears and tail and a tiny bit of peach around her nose. Her points are darkening as she grows.
Would love to go home with her brother - they are best buds.
Kitten policies apply.
Name: Bridget
(FKA Twinkie)
ID#: VA12108
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 06/21/17
Adopted: 08/19/17
Congrats: Samantha
Foster: Deirdre
Notes from Home
Bridget adjusted to her new home very quickly. She was out and exploring within a few hours of arriving (after an initial stay under the bed). She could spend hours playing with the tower of tracks toy we got her. She is also a great cuddle-bug. She will curl up and nap with us while we watch TV. My boys rush to see her and her brother as soon as they get home from school We just love them!
I can't believe it has been a month since this girl joined our family. She is doing great today, but gave us quite a scare last week! We still don't know exactly what caused it, but she came down with an infection that caused a high fever and, later, resulted in her walking in circles (which, luckily, appears to have been from an ear infection and not a problem in her brain). She spent 3 nights in the hospital. We, and her brother (who missed playing with her) were so worried. She came home Thursday and by Sunday morning she was acting just like herself - other then the shaved area on her leg where they had the IV inserted, you wouldn't even know she had been ill! We are so happy to have her home. She and her brother are back to running through the hallway and tackling each other!
Bridget has continued to do well after the brief scare with her health shortly after we got her. She has grown quite a but, weighing close to 7 pounds, but she is tiny compared to her brother. We recognize our bias, but we think she is one of the most beautiful cats we have seen. She is still more skittish than she was prior to her hospital stay, but she tolerates an occasional bath, and will regularly seek attention from my husband. I think he is her 'main' person, although she does crawl on me when we are sleeping at night to seek some scratches. She plays with the boys when they have the cat dancer and other interactive toys out, but she does not seek out attention from them or let them pet her. She and her brother are still great playmates - they love to chase each other and bat their toys around.
Six Months! Bridget has been with us for six months now. She is still more skittish than her brother, but she LOVES to be brushed. She also loves to snuggle and have you pet her in the middle of the night (I guess she realizes that we are not likely to jump up and take her to the vet or give her medicine once we have gone to bed!). As the pictures will show, she is a pretty lady who could spend all day sitting and looking out the window. She loves to watch the birds in our front yard. We just love her! Thank you for the opportunity to bring this sweet girl home.
Bridget is a year old now! She continues to be more nervous than her brother, but this has improved some. She will come sit with me and my husband and snuggle up with us. She still avoids hanging out around my boys - I think their unpredictability makes her nervous. My husband and I are more sensitive to her tendency to be startled by sudden/quick movements or loud noises. once we got her into her carrier (which is no small feat) she did a great job at the vet for her annual check up. He was pleased with her weight (just over 9 pounds) and told us to try to maintain it within a couple of ounces of where she is. She loves to sit at the window with her brother watching the birds who have built a nest right outside. She also loves to be brushed - she comes running when she hears us open the drawer where we keep her brush!
(Last update: May 6th, 2018 12pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Phoenix
(FKA Sno-Bol)
ID#: VA12107
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 06/21/17
Adopted: 08/19/17
Congrats: Samantha
Foster: Deirdre
Sno-bol is one of Iris' kittens.....
Playful, cuddly, super soft, fur enhanced, flame point kitten. Enjoys wrestling and chasing his sister Twinkie. He is also content to curl up next to you and snuggle for a nap. He has darker points than his sister and is growing into a beautifully flame pointed Balinese.
Would LOVE to go home with his sister - they are best pals and playmates.
Kitten policies apply.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Happy to report that Phoenix is doing great! He finally decided to do more than pick at his food, and started gaining weight. He now weighs more than his sister! He is still a bit more timid than his sister, but he jumps up on the bed with us to watch TV, and we've gotten a few purrs out of him. He loves playing with our boys.
Can't believe it has been a month since Phoenix joined our family. He is doing great - he has grown so much he hardly looks like a kitten anymore. His points are getting darker too - he is one handsome cat! He and his sister bring so much joy to our house - my boys rush in to play with them after school, and we love watching the two of them 'attack' each other. We are so grateful to have had the chance to adopt them!
Phoenix is now 7 months old and has continued to thrive. He now weighs in at 9 1/2 pounds (our vet has assured us that he is not overweight - just a big cat)! He is so sweet and gentle. He loves being brushed, tolerates occasional baths, and even sits on my 6 year old's lap. He has gotten chattier as he gets older, especially when we arrive home and he knows it is about dinner time. He lets you know that his bowl is empty and that he is ready for you to fill it. We keep the cat brush in a drawer, and when he hears the drawer open he immediately comes running. We all just love him.
Six Months! Its been six months since this boy joined our family - we love him so much! He is the most laid-back cat I have ever seen. He sits on my boys' laps, snuggles with us, plays with us, and generally gets into everything! Cute and funny, everyone who meets him just falls in love with him. He is over 10 pounds now - hard to believe he was a hard one to feed when he was a baby. He still loves his sister - as I type this they are batting one of my boys' Batman figures back and forth between them. We are so happy that he is part of our family!
Phoenix is now 1 year old! He handled his 1 year old check-up yesterday like a champ (including shots, ear-cleaning, flea treatment and a nail trimming!). The doctor said he looks great - at 13.5 pounds he is a big boy, but is the right weight for his size. He has been, and remains, the most chill cat I know. He loves to bat toys around, play in/with his water fountain (!), and engage his sister in a game of chase. Some birds have built a nest right outside our window and he loves to sit there, tail swishing, while the birds fly back and forth.
(Last update: May 6th, 2018 12pm)
What do you mean this isn't my own personal paw washer? What kind of place is this? Lousy accomodations around here. Someone save me please!
Name: Piper
(FKA Hessa)
ID#: VA7424
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/26/10
Adopted: 01/01/11
Congrats: Heather
Foster: Nancy
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
May 4, 2018 Hi everyone. Piper turns 8 in August of this year. She's our little problem child but we love her desperately. She continues to deal with pancreatic insufficiency and now early stages of massive tooth decay and possibly stomatitis. She's happy when we keep her teeth clean and meds balanced. Had a scare about two months ago when we thought she was going over the rainbow bridge but we got her to a new vet who helped us get her comfortable and she pulled through. Mom can't do that again though. WAY too stressful for everyone involved. She's a silly little thing when she feels good. Here's hoping she stays that way for a long time. Heather
January 3, 2014
I'm a tiny scaredy cat but Mom and Dad adore me. The jury is out on my brother Goose who can be a bully sometimes. I made www.catoftheday.com on April 6, 2012 (forgot to tell you last year!) and even though I hate having photos taken Mom managed to get a few of me for that. I am very healthy. I love to play with Mom. String is my favorite toy. No fancy toys needed for me! I am very loved and spoiled.
January 1, 2013
I've been with Mom and Dad and Goose for two years today. Time has flown and I am very happy. Dad is kind of scary because he wears big clunky boots that scare me but Mom says I am okay and I believe her. I love bouncy balls and laser light toys and most nights I will sit on Mom's lap which makes her really happy. I also sleep with Mom and Dad and some nights I overheat Mom but she doesn't move me. :) I play with Goose but have to set him straight sometime because he gets a bit pushy. I love to watch the birds and squirrels from all the windows in the house. I think I'd be a good hunter but I will never ever get the chance to find out Mom says. I will always stay inside. I'm glad I'm here.
January 14, 2012
I love my home. It has been a whole year since I came home to live with mom and dad and my big brother Goose. Mom says I am really good and I have just started sitting on her lap which pleases her to no end. My annual vet visit showed I am healthy but I hated going in. I may to be mad at Mom for a day or so. I love to ride around the house on Mom's shoulders. Goose and I play in the middle of the night including taking flying leaps onto the bed where mom and dad sleep. I am little but big in personality and my parents and Goose love me!
July 6, 2011
Little Miss Piper has been with us for a little over six months and is a good girl and a wonderful friend to us and her big brother Goose. She is tiny...a touch over 7 lbs. She's very selective about her food and is very dainty except when she wants Goose's toy. She will be 11 months old near the end of this month and has some lovely coloring. A tiny bit of white on one of her back paws, faint stripes on her legs and a barely there patch of white on her chest. She's gorgeous. If we could just get her to sleep later than 3:30 AM!.....we are thrilled to have her and Goose. :)
January 7, 2011
Piper (fka Hessa) is doing very well. She loves laps and playing. She is so tiny! Her vet visit on 1/5 went well. She did give the tech a hard time with her blood draw. She has met her brother Goose when he opened the door to her room. They were staring at one another and Goose was very polite. They play under her door with paws. She is anxious to be with us full time instead of in her room (okay, maybe I'm the one who wants her out with Goose and us!) She loves her time in the whole house while Goose gets to be in her room sniffing. She loves her Dad's lap. I sleep with her at night and her favorite place is splayed out across my neck! We really like this little girl!
January 15
Piper has been with us for two weeks. She has adapted with no problems and is already bossing her brother Goose around despite her small size and weight to his mighty size. She plays non-stop with us and with Goose and then drops for her nap. She has a tiny appetite and we have to be careful that Goose does not rob her of food. She is the perfect companion to Goose.
February 1, 2011
Little girl Piper has been here for a month and she rules the house! She is growing a little bit but big Goose is no match for her. Her teeny diva personality comes across during play time but otherwise she is very charming and loves to sleep with Goose for her nap and then us at night.
April 2, 2011
We cannot believe Piper has been with us for three months! She is growing (more slowly than her very big brother Goose) and is doing well. At 7 mos old, she is 6.5 lbs. Still tiny compared to Goose. She is very much the boss of us all and knows it. She is growing into some lovely markings including a white patch on her chest and stripes on her legs. She's very pretty. If she stay put long enough, an updated photo would be nice. Perhaps soon! She's very comfortable and happy and we are thrilled to be her forever home.
(Last update: May 4th, 2018 10am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Goose
(FKA Glen)
ID#: VA7295
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/19/10
Adopted: 10/17/10
Congrats: Heather
Foster: Kay
I really don't look like Yoda at all - I promise.
I think someone was trying to strangle me - they think they are holding my head in place for a cute photo, but I fooled them by squinting and flattening my ears out. Now foster mom will have the challenge of trying to get a really cute photo. Hmmmmmmm. Let's see how long I can give her a photo challenge.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
05/04/2018 Hi everyone - it's ME - Goose! I will have my 8th birthday later this month. I am very happy and still busy running the house and running sister Piper's life. Looking forward to warmer weather so we can spend the day on the screened-in porch. Mom and Dad laugh at me a lot. Apparently, I am very funny. I am still very big (18 lbs) but our vet says I am "big-boned". Mom says, nope you are fat. But I am loved a LOT. Hope Mom and Dad don't do too many vacations this year. Even though we have a great pet sitter in one of our neighbors, I still like life to revolve around me pretty regularly. Mom and Dad think I'd be a good cat to vacation with 'cuz I'm so laid back, but sister Piper is NOT the type. Mom and Dad will keep us at home, safe and happy, instead. Hope everyone is well in meezer-rescue land! Purrs and headbutts, Goose.
10/17/16 Happy Anniversary to me!! I am doing well. I am VERY fat (15 pounds) and Mom keeps trying to put on something called a "diet" but I am very persistent. Even my teeny voice wears her down. Imagine if I had a true Meezer voice! I still pick on my sister Piper ruthlessly. She's been pretty sick lately (Pancreatic Insufficiency) so she gets LOTS of attention which I do not like one bit. I think I was meant to be an only child but Mom hopes that won't be for a long time. I might be getting more cuddly with age. I love to sleep between Mom and Dad or on top of Mom at night. Sometimes she can't breathe very well when I do that. Here are some photos of me, if Mom can upload them properly. I'm pretty photogenic. One is of me in my favorite place - the screened-in front porch.
Hoping that everyone is as happy as I am!
10/25/13 Another year has flown by. Goose is still big, still happy and still mischievous! He has stayed healthy this year (thank goodness) and did well with a pet sitter staying with him and his sister Piper while we were away for a week this summer. (his mom was a bit of a wreck leaving him but she has recovered). He continues to be unimpressed with hugs and pets but will be the first to snuggle when we go to bed at night or when mom takes a nap. His hobbies have not changed much: eating and trying to open doors to all cupboards that are off-limits. He keeps us entertained, and we love him very much! Happy three year anniversary Goose!
10/17/12 Two years with Goose at home! Can you believe how the times flies by when you have such a wonderful family of two happy, rescued Siamese. :) Goose is a big boy at 14.5 lbs (we are still working on getting that down). We had a very BIG scare recently with a UTI which has made us change his diet radically and thankfully he likes it. Hopefully we will never have to experience another episode of that. Mom almost had a breakdown over that. Goose definitely is a cool weather cat. He is happy that the hotter weather is behind us. If he could stay on the front screened-in porch all day, he would. He has developed some new talents and picked up a crazy habit or two over the two years: he learned to open the freezer door so after a few times of coming home to thawed contents, we put a baby lock on the freezer. He also loves plastic so we have to be diligent about putting all plastic away. Even decorative baskets! Silly Goose. We love him desperately and are so happy he is part of the family. We look forward to many, many more years together.
10/22/11 We are happy to celebrate one year with our silly Goose.! As everyone says, the year flew by and we cannot imagine it without him. He is very happy and active. He has passed his annual vet exam with flying colors. He and his sister Piper weathered the east coast earthquake, hurricane, and flooding this summer (all safely inside of course) barely even noticing the weather except maybe the high winds and the power outage when I was complaining ! :) He is such a goofy and social boy. We really are happy and lucky to have him. Thank you SCRC!
4/18/11 Goose has reached his six month anniversary with us at home. He is very content and is easily roped into being mischievous by younger "sister" Piper. She has taught him to spill water from water bowls, to tear through the house at 3AM and to only come to us when he wants (okay, maybe he knew that one already). He's very, very sweet and laid back. Other than his food-driven habits and his now slightly overweight status, he is a very happy meezer. As I always mention, we are so happy to have him.
4/4/11 Goose has been with us now almost 6 months and wow has he changed and grown. He adores his little sister Piper who came to us on 1/1/11 from the SCRC as well. Goose is very, very smart. He opens interior doors and cupboards, fetches toys and is a very laid back guy. He is large and not super fast but he loves to play. He snores when he sleeps which is very endearing. Piper is teaching him how to nudge each faucet in the house to make the water drip. He has taught her about jumping in the tub after one of us has showered. He chirps to the birds at the feeder each morning. While he has grown out of sleeping on our laps, he still wants to be in whatever room we are in and of course, does take up half the bed at night. He is very happy and so are we.
Goose (fka "Glen") has been with us one week. He is charming, a blur most of the time and makes us laugh. It's rare to have him stay still enough to snap a photo of him unless he is napping. Personality Plus. We are so lucky to have him with us.
Our two week anniversary with Goose already! He has grown in size and personality. He keeps us laughing and is a joy. What a feisty and funny little boy!
11/16/10 Goose has been home for one month and he has us wrapped around his (growing) paws. He continues to amaze us with his antics on a daily basis. He has already grown so much that he no longer fits under some of his "hiding" places during play and is finding new places to hide and pounce. He is talking more with his little tiny voice and has me on a strict schedule. We love him!
12/4/10 Our little BIG boy is now 8.3 lbs at 6 months old. All his adult teeth are in now. He's very helpful with the Christmas decorations. Back to the vet yesterday with an inflamed eye. We were so close to having healthy eyes! He's very sweet, very forgiving when he gets his medication and is more chatty now in his little voice. He loves to be on our screened-in porch even in the colder weather. His thick coat (we're calling him a polar bear) keeps him warm.
12/28/10 Goose had his first Christmas. He took great delight in pouncing on the wrapping paper and playing with the ribbons. He has already "hidden" that majority of toys from his stocking. He experienced his first snow over the weekend that blew onto our front screened-in porch. It appears he was playing in it, sliding around, digging in it and of course, eating it. His weight last Thursday at the vet's was 8.8lbs. Still growing! We are getting ready for his little "sister" who will be arriving this weekend we hope. He seems intrigued by her room that we have set up. Hope it goes well! Happy New Year to all!
January 7, 2011 I have to say that Christmas and New Years was kinda fun. LOTS of toys and a fluffy bed. I have learned to open interior doors so I met my new "sister" Piper. I hear she's coming out to meet me this weekend. I've played with her under her door and when she is let out in the whole house, I am in her room. So far, I'm not to upset. I weigh 10 lbs to her 3.8 lbs so Mom and Dad will probably keep a close eye on me. I love to eat and can't wait to try her food if Mom will let me.
(Last update: May 4th, 2018 9am)
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