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So here's the deal:

Two cats, we go together.

We must have: Lots of attention, YES! Go wherever you go, YES! Have our special rat toys from IKEA, YES! (Well bring some to get you started). Sleep in your bed, arms, on your head, chest, YES! Have lots of good conversation, as we like to talk, MEOW!!!!
Name:   Camille
ID#: VA10740
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 05/09/15
Adopted: 05/16/15
Congrats: Donald
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home

My buddy Greyson and I came to our new home seven months ago. We loved our first family and they loved us a LOT but they had to give us up due to health problems that we created for their toddler. Some unlucky people just can’t live with cats. Anyway, I was ten and Greyson was eight when we had to move. That can be hard for us felines because we don’t like change. However, I’m very adaptable and decided to make the best of it. I loved my first dad, so my new dad and I formed a bond pretty early on. At first I spent most of each day in my cozy Millie bed that I brought with me from the Siamese Rescue place (they are really nice people there!). I wasn’t sure if Grey was really Grey after we got here so I hissed at him if he moved too close to me, but then I’d leave my Millie bed to curl up with him under the bed at night to comfort him. He’s such a wuss!

I’m very curious and, unlike Grey, I couldn’t wait until we were free to explore the whole house after our isolation period was over. I went into the room our new mom and dad call their office and investigated every desk, shelf, box, chair and window sill. I especially like the printer because it makes neat noises and slides paper out. One of these days when my mom isn’t looking I plan to get on it or in it just to see what makes it work. After Grey finally worked up the courage to join us in the rest of the house I started to feel like this could be home for us from now on.

Once we felt at ease with our people they took us to a place called their “vacation home”. Be sure to read Greyson’s story to see what happened the first time. We’ve been there four times and we like it more each time. I like that I can jump from the kitchen counter to the top of the refrigerator, to the top of the cabinet over the refrigerator, then across to a display shelf, across the shelf and through a railing to a landing on the second floor. From that landing I can also reach open beams across the living room where I can strut around and show off. Dad and Mom don’t like to see me do that, but I am a cat and we do stuff like that, especially high-flyers like me. I also like the screened porch where I can sit and sniff the air for the scent of wild turkeys, deer, chipmunks, foxes, raccoons, the occasional bear and whatever else is out there.

We like to curl up with our people and spend the night in bed with them. They say we’re very good cats and we always use our scratching posts and litter boxes. They also tell us our first mom and dad taught us good manners. We didn’t touch any Christmas decorations here, not even the village and the tiny people in it that Mom sets up for the holidays. I think life is pretty good now.

May 23, 2016
My buddy Grey and I have lived here for one year now and we are doing very well. OK, I did have a little problem a few months ago when I started leaving little wet spots wherever I sat, but we found out that I had a urinary tract infection. The vet prescribed some medicine that Mom and Dad had to give me twice a day that cleared it up. I wouldn't normally talk about a thing like that, being a lady and all, but I mention it because my people were amazed that I took the medicine so well and didn't claw or fight them even once! True, I did resist a little just to show them that I am a cat. Also I think I have some allergies that sometimes make me scratch myself or chew and lick my hair off in spots, Then I'm given 1/2 an antihistamine pill the vet recommended and I'm fine, Mom and Dad say I'm worth whatever they have to do because I'm such a happy little love bug.

Grey and I spend time separately pursuing our own interests around the house (mainly finding sunny spots in which to sit) but always, always sleep together. Grey has the coldest ears ever and he needs me to curl up with in order to warm them. We're just happy to be here.

Deceased July 14, 2017 - She was fighting 3 battles with her health. She is now enjoying herself over the Rainbow Bridge where she can run, jump, explore and purr like she once could here.

(Last update: May 23rd, 2018 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Miya
ID#: VA9929
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/25/14
Adopted: 04/16/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

I'm Miya. I was turned into a shelter when my owner developed allergies after 5 years of living with him. Geez!!!!! that shelter was a scary place, but it's not too bad here so far, except for that bath. Meowmy must have thought I was stinky or something, but I feel good now, especially the brushing she gave me.

I need a little time to get settled here, but can't wait to have a real forever home. Think maybe it could be yours?

Ask about me and maybe it could be!


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Miya is still a joy to our family and is doing really well with all her siblings (she has a Meezer brother and canine siblings, too). She sleeps right in the middle of the whole brood and she is just the absolute sweetest thing. She continues to be very skiddish around sudden movements and noises and we cannot pick her up but we've learned that's just Miya. She has chosen my husband as her "main" human but she spends almost as much time laying on my lap or stomach. We are so glad to have this girl as a part of our family.
(Last update: May 23rd, 2018 3pm)

My foster mom says I am sweet as can be and getting more affectionate by the minute! I get so excited for dinner I make biscuits and purr while I eat, and I am very patient with being picked up. I love to get pets and rub all over my foster mom's legs, especially when she tries to leave my room - I just want her to stay here and hang out with me! I only have one eye, but I get around just fine and still love to lay in the window and watch all the birds and critters outside. I am pretty relaxed and take everything in stride, and I would really like a home where I can get lots of attention and pets. I don't mind the other cats here or the dog, even when he likes to sniff right in my face - I just rub right on him and carry on my merry way. I would love a home where I can get lots of attention, maybe with someone home a lot so I can follow you around the house!
Name: Loki

(FKA Eggo)

ID#: VA12360
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/25/17
Adopted: 11/23/17
Congrats: Krystal
Foster: Brit

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hello Everyone! I have been in my new home for a little over 2 weeks now. I arrived Thanksgiving day and was put in a cat room with so many cat trees! It was awesome. I have 2 brothers and a sister. So far they are ok with me and I am just happy to be out of the room and explore! I have 3 humans to love me. Two of them are home all of the time and give me lots of pets and love and sometimes (don't tell Mom!) a few bites of chicken or turkey ;). Check out my pictures to see just how happy I am. Chirps and Biscuits!......oh and my new name is Loki. After I settled in Mom discovered just how mischevious and charming (disarmingly) I am!

Well it's been a month and I am really starting to learn the ropes to my new home. My new mom finally has some time off so that she can get to know all of my wonderful quirks and character. I am super energetic and love to play play play! Along with my wand toy that came with my take home bag I have tons of furry mice, waffle balls with bells inside them (that I love to pick up and carry with me everywhere and play with them) and a circular ball/cardboard scratcher that is so much fun! I also love my room which has a maze of cat trees that go around the room and 3 of them face a window so I have cat TV too!!! So far everyone has accepted me. I can get pretty hyper but Mom just steps in and tells me no and tries to divert my antics to a toy so that I don't annoy my brothers an sister too much. I love Big Dad (grandpa) he loves to spoil me and give me bits of chicken and turkey. Big Mom (grandma) is also very sweet. I love hanging out with her in the kitchen cause well...she cooks alot and maybe she will give me some of the wonderful smelling stuff she fixes! I am a very happy kitty....Purrs and Biscuits....:)

Happy 2 month anniversary to me! I love my home. I play all day and I have so much cat TV to watch in so many sunny spots. My new siblings all play with me (well kind of) my sister plays with me the most. She likes to run up and down the hall and let me chase her. I have a blue tunnel that is too much fun! And lots of mice to chase and balls....and I have discovered the bed in Mom's room is just soooo comfy!!! I have made myself right at home. Purrs and Chirps :)

3 months!. My sweet personality is really coming out. I slow blink Mom lots now. I even let her pick me up and snuggle me every day but then I have to go! There is so much playing and exploring I have to do! I am no longer afraid of the treadmill when mom uses it. Instead I sleep happliy in my cubby in the cat tree until she is done. I am also sleeping on the bed at night with everyone. I am very happy! Purrs and Chirps :)

Here we are at 4 months. One of my brothers has discovered just how much fun the blue krinkle tunnel is. Now we play all day with it; moving it around the house and hiding from each other. My Grandpa also plays peek a boo with me on my favoirtie couch while Mom is working. He is so funny! He adores me...but what is not to love? I'm so happy. Just check out my recent picture...see that smile? Yeah I'm napping in my favorite spot....life is good. Purrs and Chirps :)

5 months. Still very happy. Mom got new cat shelves and another new cat tree. I'm completely spoiled. Purrs and Chirps :)

Can you believe it's my 6 month anniversary?!? MEOW! I think I hit the jackpot.....After lots of kisses and cuddles from Mom I'm coming around to this whole affection thing. I started coming up to Mom and giving her full body rubs when she is just doing normal stuff (like not feeding me or giving me treats) it makes her soooo happy! I also like sleeping beside her against my own pillow or near her head or feet. I'm still super playful but I have an older brother who likes to chase me and wrestle. And my Grandpa likes to toss me my favorite furry mice when I sit on my perch on the cat tree in the front room. I just knock them back and forth with him ...it's fun game we play. Very happy kitty. Purrs & Biscuits.

(Last update: May 23rd, 2018 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Alastair
ID#: VA8879
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/27/12
Adopted: 12/29/12
Congrats: Julia Ann
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Sweet kitten. I can go home alone but will be a great match for my sister Amelia. We get along very well but then I get along with everyone. I am a happy kitten full of life and love. I love to play with little mice, balls, and some of the toys that have been hand made.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sir Alastair is now 7.5 lbs! Gained one pound in two weeks. He is VERY active; always in to something; happy as he can be and friends with Col Gray. Never met a stranger. When I have friends or others over, he wants to be in the middle of everything!! Has learned to sleep all night from my other two. When I say "bedtime" he is right there and likes to sleep under the covers. We are a happy family.....

5/2/13. Sir Alastair made it to 9.1 lbs in April. After being a "door darter" for two weeks, he and I finally learned how to keep that from happening. I play with his wand for couple of minutes before leaving and he is happy! He and the other kids are now on my deck (way up!) in mornings. Alastair loves to watch the geese; the birds tease him, and just simply laying in the sun.....He is becoming a wonderful teenager/young adult. So gorgeous, very particular about his coat, lap cat, and climber!! Still sleeps under the covers....

What a mess I am! I am very intelligent, can make my human laugh and curse, love the other kitties in my house, eat like I have missed meals daily, now weigh 10.5 lbs, still have my very blue eyes and pink nose and paw pads! I had my first chance to meet all my human's relatives over Memorial weekend and had a ball! Never a dull moment and all the attention I would ever want. Tried to sleep with the brother, who doesn't like to sleep with pets -- I just returned to Mom and curled up like I had never tried anything else!

When my human had to go away for work in June, two of her friends took care of me and my cohorts. Even tho I know that jumping on kitchen counters is a "no no" I took the opportunity to scare them witless with my HIGH jumps!! When they told me to get "down," I just smiled, laid down on the counter and looked cute. Both friends just laughed at me -- so I got away with it again!

I LOVE playing with my wand, pulling down towels from bath rods (!), curling up with Colonel Gray, getting my ears scratched when my human is in the bathroom and sleeping under the covers. Miss Little Bit has taught me a new joy. When my human is sitting, just appear in front of her, turn around and put your rear end in the air for a scratch -- it feel soooo good! I also like to jump on the computer when she is working to get attention. AND, getting on top of refrigerator, china cabinet and my climbing tree are also favorite things.

I am now a really handsome boy who loves my life and my vet thinks I am something really special! So does my Mom.....
Love, Sir Alastair

Alastair had a birthday August 22. He is 1 year old! a teenager with all the angst, energy and playfulness of a teen! I am uploading photos since he is such a looker now! He loves on Miss Little Bit, plays with Colonel Gray until they are both worn out and loves two neighbor dogs -- one a greyhound! Is now right at 11 pounds and will eat anything in site. Still doesn't like getting nails clipped but stands it when in the mood. Loves his climbing tree by the window and his toys. Sleeps with Colonel Gray and me every night. What a joy he is. Thank you, Siamese Cat Resciue Center for my little mess of a Siamese. We adore each other.....

12/28/2013. It is hard to believe I have been with Mom for a year. I am a gorgeous 12 lb boy who loves to play,, loves my fur mates, loves my neighbors' dogs (there are 5 around here who love to come visit me!) and loves my Meowmom! My vet thinks I am one of the most handsome boys she has ever seen! Play, oh do I play all day, every day! But at night I love to cuddle on Mom's lap and sleep under the covers. Christmas is one of my favorite times. I love my tree w/ all the lights. Mom put some decorations low so I can bat them around. I'm happy, healthy and love my life! Thank you, Jane and Marcie for helping me fine my forever home!!!!

I'm a true adult now, though I still think I'm a kitten sometimes! In the past 5 years, I've lost 3 of my fur friends, added 2 more and now my latest little buddy jumped off the porch when the carpet cleaners came. Me, I just went to closet as the vacuum cleaner doesn't even bother me! We are still looking for him, but I can smell him outside the front door sometimes late at night. My Meowmom works with community cats and involved with several resuce organizations, so I've had to teach 4 kittens how to be a cat in the last year. It's been fun teaching them how to play, how to chase my tail and then theirs, how to eat nuggests, and how to love sleeping with Meowmom. I miss them for a while, but 3 have found great homes. The last one Mewomom calls her foster fail (the one that jumped off the porch) I'm a really healthy little man at 12 pounds. No health problems at all, and I like my vet pretty well. (I have to guard the others as they turn into whimps at the vet!) I'm still the leader of the pack and make sure everyone else knows it. I'm still Mom's favorite I like to think and I make sure she knows that I'm the first! The only two things I don't like are nail clipping and getting that awful Advantix monthly. Otherwise, I am a cool cat!!!

I have a new address close to old one: 1015 Lake Heather Reserve, Birmingham AL 35242. Cell and email remain unchanged.

(Last update: May 22nd, 2018 11pm)

Maxx and I are a pair. You can read our sad story when you read about Maxx. I may have been dealt a few bad cards in my life but I'm not letting it get me down. Initially I'm a little shy but once I'm comfortable with you - I'm a complete and utter lover boy. I can't get enough petting. I'll sit with you, on you and love to be held. With me in your house, you'll never be lonely.

With me and Maxx in your house I don't know why you would need any other cats. Just in case you already have cats Foster Mom is going to see how we do meeting her three girls. That won't be for a week or two as we need to see the Vet for a check-up and maybe get our teeth cleaned.

Do you have room in your heart and your home for a couple of great guys?
If so - ask about me, Memo, and my buddy, Maxx.
Name:   Memo
ID#: VA9017
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/06/13
Adopted: 03/30/13
Deceased: 05/21/18
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Diane


Notes from Home
Memo remains a love-bug. He and brother Maxx are happy and healthy. He visits the vet periodically and looks sleek and healthy. Of course, every time I sit in my favorite chair, I expect that he will be right on my lap, purring and stroking my chin with his paws. The "boys" do fine with me at work all day. They are good company to each other and to me. I will send along a photo.

03/25/16. Memo is doing OK since Maxx's death. But he calls out for Maxx just as he did when Maxx was alive and Memo had not seen him for awhile. Thinking already of getting him a companion. He remains off his food a bit.

05/16/2016: Memo has accepted Bandit into his realm. They went through some really silly and mild hissing at each other during the integration process. Memo did not want to share me and the bed with Bandit.. That went away this past weekend.. Bandit prefers outside the covers and Memo prefers under the covers. Memo does not have as much fur and Bandit. When I left this morning for work, they were chasing each other and pouncing. I like to think that Memo is happier with a companion.

05/21/18. MEMO was euthanized today because of advanced renal disease. His lab level for BUN was >135, and therefore off the chart. My beautiful boy had lost nearly half his body weight and was weak, even in his notorious yowl. I held him close as the medicines ended his life. I felt great gratitude for the years I had with him and with Maxx and with Bandit. Thank you, wonderful volunteers. I felt rareness was that he was in my arms.

(Last update: May 21st, 2018 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Reeses

(FKA Skittles)

ID#: VA9604
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tonkinese
Date In: 10/15/13
Adopted: 10/26/13
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Siri

Tossed outside where I got an awful eye infection, I have now recovered and am one TALKATIVE friendly Tonkinese! Check out my video two minutes after I arrived, I'm all about being your best buddy!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I have had this sweet-heart home only for about 30 hours of which probably half have been in my arms or lap. This cat has a PhD in lap sitting. Gentle and trusting. He cuddles up with any one who picks him up and crawls up your shoulders. Does not like closed doors and sounds like a cougar is howling - not a tiny cat.

Nov. 7, 2013

Have changed his name to Reeses. He is a warm chocolate color and sweet like candy. Went to the vet - health all good. He has settled in well at the house - but a bit scared of my dog. Maybe while a stray he had a run in with a dog.

Just a sweet gentle cat that is a professional lap sitter and tries to steal my pillow at night.

Nov. 25
Took Reeses to a Vet eye specialist to see if anything further could be done for his eye. The vet confirmed he is blind in his right eye and there was nothing further that could be done. Siamese rescue got him over the infection and he came to me healthy and happy. Or as Siri says - grateful for a second chance. The Vet did give him an age estimate closer to 4 or 5 years. Apparently, cats around 6 or 7 develop something in their eyes that he does not show in his good eye.

He appears to have settled in well, my other cats have accepted him - almost from day one he is such a mellow cat. He loves people - but still not too sure about dogs.

July 7, 2014

Reeses is such a great cat. Large personality, very confident, gets along with cats, dogs, and any person who crosses his path (a potential back scratcher). At the same time he is so very mellow. No matter where I am sleeping in the house - he finds me and crawls right next to me. He is a furnace during the summer - a bed warmer during the winter months. I wanted to name him cougar since he has this loud cry that he gives when he is searching for someone to pick him up and hold him.

I am so very happy with him. Even my other cats are totally fine with this mellow guy.

Sept 27, 2014 Adopted another Siamese Rescue cat in September. Reeses loves him. Check out the video :


Well almost 2 years with Reeses. Great cat. Sleeps on my bed every night, hops on my lap to watch the evening news, hops on my lap in the morning to read the newspaper, hops on my lap when at the computer....you get the idea - world class lap cat. He is a talker too! He has discovered that if he goes in the bathroom it echos. Therefore when he wants attention he goes in there and "talks" very loudly. Usually I walk over to him and say Reeses! and he just runs away - it is a game for him. Besides a great people cat - he is a great buddy for my other cats. All cats seem to accept and love him too. He is not the prettiest cat - blind in one eye and lost his tail - but he is the best cat. Highly recommend a Tonkinese!

October 27, 2017 Well I have had Reeces for 4 years now and they have been great. Velco cat, loud Meezer voice that he loves to use, plays with other cats, will go up to my dog for kisses - just an all around great cat. Had vet visit - and he needs to loose weight - he loves his food too much.

Just to note that Reeces is well and is such an Ambassador cat to any of the fosters I get. As soon as their isolation period ends he goes straight to them and gives them a big headbutt and starts grooming them. Of course after that nice welcome he goes straight to their food dish to see if there is anything interesting there. Best cat ever. Loud talker, great bed warmer and always to be found on my lap. What more could I ask for??

(Last update: May 20th, 2018 10am)

I recently arrived at foster mom's house and she says I'm a little plump - ummmm - I think that means I'm on a diet. I am sweet and loving with adults but don't like younger children but teens are ok. I am laid back and a great lap kitty. I get along fine with other kitties.
Name: Miss Izzy

(FKA Bizzy)

ID#: VA9915
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/15/14
Adopted: 03/30/14
Deceased: 05/17/18
Congrats: Ann
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Hi! Bizzy has a new name, it's Sasha. Sasha is settling in nicely and is a sweetie pie, loving girl who loves to be brushed and petted and snuggled. She is full of energy and loves jumping for her cat dancer and tennis ball! Enjoying nose time through the gate right now with Simba (VA9905) with promising results. Just a beautiful girl.

4/9/14--Bizzy (aka Sasha) is doing great. I decided that her name, Bizzy, fits her better since she's so kittenish and playful. She is getting along fantastically with Simba, which is such a joy for me. They love each other. She's a beautiful girl, very loving and full of beans! She loves to dash through her kitty cube and play with her "hockey" mice. She is my constant companion and I'm so grateful to have her in our family.

5/5/14--Wanted to let everyone know how fabulous Izzy is doing! She's been on a slimming program which is working! She's incredibly loving and she and Simba are settling in and have gotten their routine down. If Izzy's catmom weren't such a technical ditz, there would be some pictures to share! Promise to send some for both Simba and Izzy, soon.

3/31/15--Celebrating our one year adoption anniversary! All is well. Izzy a loving, playful, sweet girl. Just love her to bits. She is a constant companion. She is quite active and chases Simba around the house! They get their regular exercise! So happy to have her.

3/30/16. Second happy year together! Miss Izzy just as sweet as ever. She has lost a little weight (!) and has been trouble free. She's an active girl and we have our regular playtime. She likes to make "star fish" paws when she's happy. Just love her. Felt like I hit the jackpot. Thank u for making her possible.

3/30/17--Year 3 of happy "got you day" and all is well. Miss Izzy just a complete joy. She is definitely the queen of the household with Simba as her loyal subject....she continues to be the sweetie girl, very loving, affectionate, playful, great personality. Loves to give nose time. Healthy and happy. Just feel so lucky to have her (and Simba) who are the best kitties ever! Love, love, love them!

5/18/18--It is with a very heavy heart that I write to say that I had to put Miss Izzy to sleep yesterday. She had developed a neurological condition and was deteriorating physically and mentally. The vet was wonderful, having pulled a lot of strings to get us into see neurologists at Tufts Animal Hospital. There weren't good treatment options so I had to make the very difficult decision to put her to sleep. I am heartbroken as Izzy was a loving, beautiful, silly, alpha girl. Simba isn't sure what's going on and I can't tell if he misses her, yet. At some point I want to get him another companion as he and Izzy got along really well.

(Last update: May 18th, 2018 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   LeiLani
ID#: VA12336
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 10/09/17
Adopted: 11/12/17
Congrats: Roslyn
Foster: Kay

Very sweet lovable kitten. Cuddly and great with other cats. Very playful and active. Purring machine.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Now at our six-month anniversary, we can happily report that Zuzu LeiLani has become the purrfect addition to our home. Zuzu has full run of our home and she plays nicely with her doggie sisters. We love her so much. Zuzu continues to be an extremely affectionate cat, who is a purring machine. Zuzu is growing up into a cat with a lot of confidence. Zuzu safely observes her feathered siblings while being supervised by us.

Thank you.

(Last update: May 16th, 2018 9am)

Active, energetic, outgoing, playful and overly confident in a 6 pound body! Oh,and did I say loud and lapsitting? Yes I have a little of each.
Name:   Dixie
ID#: VA10704
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/11/15
Adopted: 04/26/15
Congrats: Toni
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
4/27 (day after delivery): Wow, what a great cat! :) Real love-bug.

Dixie settled in immediately last night. She ate two small helpings of the wet food and nibbled the indoor through the evening. Drank water, used her litterbox for both functions.

Very funny: with three bed-choices, she slept on my pillow with her feet in my hair! I love her voice! She makes little chirping noises and her meow is very sweet.

May 7: Dixie is a Darling! She is happy, playful, and affectionate. She eats very well, both wet and dry food. Here are some pics. I've videoed her, but she's so fast she races off the screen all the time! LOL Will continue to try. :)

May 22: Dixie's passion is playing! Watch here here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLVoSnU_n0s&feature=em-upload_owner

June 16: Dixie continues to make herself right at home. She's gained a little weight and her coat is rich and glossy now. She takes very good care of it! Lovely voice and personality.

Dixie has now been with us for almost 5 months! Hard to believe - it feels as though she's always been here. :) She's gained some weight and filled out, now looking very grown up at age 2 and an eighth! Lost her skittishness (except once in a while) and only wants to play, play, play!

April 26, 2016: One year anniversary and this is the most beloved cat in the world! She is maturing beautifully, but still very playful and soooo loving!

April 27, 2017: Two years and we still adore her. She runs the household and is strictly a one-woman cat, although she will tolerate the man of the house, if she feels so inclined.

May 14, 2018: How can one small cat so completely and perfectly dominate two grown-ups? Dixie is the light of our senior lives and she makes every minute a joy. She has matured into a beautiful lady with a personality like none I've ever experienced in a cat. She plays non-stop in the afternoons, has a regular routine of "sleeping places"—we always know where to look for her just by checking what time it is. ha ha Dixie now weighs about 8 pounds and has a fur coat that is like silk. She is the center of attention when anyone visits and now, after three years, she comes out to see who's visiting. She still has a "thing" about hands, so she has to sniff the fingers before you can touch her. Dixie is the best cat ever!

(Last update: May 15th, 2018 6am)

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Name: Mason

(FKA Mr. Big)

ID#: VA10712
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/13/15
Adopted: 05/09/15
Congrats: Miranda
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am busy recovering from 20 extractions (HOLY MEEZER!) so stay tuned while I feel better and start exploring and sharing more about my personality. Please watch my videos in the meantime!

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Notes from Home
It took a couple days for him to feel comfortable in his new surroundings. He has already bonded with me. He lays on me purring and is very content. He is eating well. We still have to go very slow with him. If he hears a loud noise he runs to his Millie bed. Every day I start to see a little bit more of his true personality coming out. He Has started playing with toys, which is nice to see. He is a sweetheart. He also had his first veterinary visit and did very well. We are treating him for an upper respiratory condition as well.

Mason is doing wonderful! He is officially out and about with the other cats and of course Star. Sooner than I thought! He still has a room that's all his own with his litter, beds and toys. If he hears a loud noise or someone new in the home he chooses to go under my bed now. But if I'm alone in the room and pat the bed he will come out to join me. He stays out most of the time now. every day making more and more progress. He sleeps touching me every night and Star is usually on top of him! He loves carry toys in his mouth so I purchased his favorite ones and he likes to carry them to bed. He is such a love bug! He is interacting with my 2 other cats as well. He loves my son too. He also finally found his voice! I hear a chorus of Siamese voices around 5 am waiting for breakfast! I am very proud of him! He is a wonderful boy.

He is still doing terrific! He is very loving as he sleeps with me every night. He never hides anymore. Very comfortable in the home even when their is company over. Loves my son and loves his toys. Learned to use several scratching posts. It's as if he has always been with us. He is the only cat I have that loves digital images and can see them apparently very well. He loves to watch TV but his favorite is the iPad! He has his own apps but he also loves funny dog and cat videos on Facebook! He pauses the screen and scrolls on his own. He is such a character. We love him!

Mason is doing wonderful! we moved into a new home and it didnt take him as long to adjust as I thought it would. He sleeps with me every night and stills wakes me up early to eat! He purrs very loudly and has learned to cry for treats just like Star, his mom. He loves his automatic toys and Star learned how to put them on for him to play with.

(Last update: May 14th, 2018 7pm)

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