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Hey, these humans aren't so bad after all! I was really scared when I got here and the big scary foster Mom came into my room..at least she seemed big and scary. But you know what? Two weeks here has made all the difference. I really think humans are pretty cool. I love sitting next to foster Mom or in her lap, love getting lots of pets and purring, and love love love those treats. I might take just a bit to warm up to you when I come home, but just give me a little time and patience, and I'll show you just how great my big personality really is.

Name: Punkin

(FKA Farrah)

ID#: VA10577
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/17/15
Adopted: 02/22/15
Deceased: 09/01/18
Congrats: Diana
Foster: Joy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Today is our 3 year anniversary of adopting our little Punkin. She is sweet little girl who has had her ups and downs medically. This last November, she was so ill, we had an appointment to euthanize her. She had lost weight. sleeping all the time, no eating or drinking, and she just looked like she was in pain. Took her to our wonderful vet, Dr Gigler, she put in her pawspice care with pain meds and IV fluids. A week later, she was a new cat. Pain meds discontinued in December, and she has been gaining weight and in general is great. She is so loving and can't get enough of my lap. We are hopeful for a long life for this little kitty. Thanks to Nancy Bontempi for her kind words and encouragement during her recent crisis.

Tonight we bid our little Punkin a farewell as she traveled over the rainbow bridge The past few months have been incredibly difficult for our family to watch her going downhill, Very little eating, a lot of drinking, lots of urination. Tonight she lost her bladder contents all over me. We made that call and took her in. She passed away peacefully in my arms. Thanks to all involved in bringing our baby home to us. Her short life was more meaningful to us that any other cat we have loved, Thanks for linking us up together, She will come tomorrow for good to join her other lost and loved ones. thanks to all of you. Diana W

(Last update: May 29th, 2018 11pm)

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Name: Queen Esther

(FKA Sassy Cat)

ID#: VA12392
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 11/11/17
Adopted: 11/28/17
Congrats: Janis
Foster: Kay

Super sweet, loving girl. Very laid back personality. Still in isolation so not sure of other cats yet. Would be wonderful companion.
That's me - Sassy

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Notes from Home
Hello! We are all enjoying life more since Esther came to live with us. Our veterinarian wanted her on a canned food diet only to prevent diabetes and also to prevent food getting stuck between her teeth. It is working out very well, and she has gained fitness and lost some round belly. She likes her indoor kitty grass too! Esther is busy in the mornings after breakfast with playing and discovering whatever looks interesting. Evenings are mostly for cuddling except when she likes to play "whack a mole" on the bed when there are feet under the covers! Though Esther is nine years old, she is as amusing as a kitten :) We love her very much! She got comfortable in our home so quickly that it seems like she has been here much longer than a few weeks. Our dog and Esther greet each other several times a day. It's really cute to see Esther rub up under our dog's chin while I'm getting their food ready to serve. Thank you all so much for getting Esther to us!

Esther is doing great! The only sad thing to report is that our dog of 16 years passed away a few weeks ago. Esther was a good friend to our dog even though they only knew each other for a short time. They would sit together on the floor sometimes. Our dog seemed to help Esther adjust to her new home quickly too, since our dog was content. So Esther is here for such a time as this! She brightens every day, and she sleeps on the bed with us every night. We love her very much :)

(Last update: May 29th, 2018 8pm)

A sad sob story to tell, I'm looking for a quieter home with friendly easy going cats (or as an only) but most importantly with a person who is interested in helping me feel reassured and comforted. The good news - I can get there and we have lots of details about who I am from the owner I've had for the past six months.

Name:   Bebe
ID#: VA9276
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/23/13
Adopted: 05/29/13
Congrats: Toni
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Bebé is becoming comfortable in his forever home. He sleeps in bed with me at night and loves playing during the day. I'm so happy that he's in my life! Thank you to all that were involved in my adopting him.

June 4,2013 Bebé is eating more now, bot dry and canned food. He enjoys his treats too. I caught him on the dining room table twice yesterday. I told him no, but kissed him as I lifted him off. I think he has me wrapped around his little paw already. :)

Bebé has a very healthy appetite now. He acts like he's chewing while he waits for treats. So cute!

Bebé update!

He is really getting comfortable here. often when he's on the back of the sofa, he'll come over and tap me on the shoulder to get my attention.
He sleeps with me every night and has to be in the same room as me.
He makes a chewing motion when he's waiting for his treats.
He lets me hold him a little bit now. I don't push though. He's such a special cat and I feel so fortunate to have him. He will be spoiled for the rest of his life!
Thank you.

June 23
Bebé was seen by the home vet, dr. Tuzo on June 18. He weighed 8.145 pounds. He had lost some weight but she attributed that to the stress of moving. When he first got here, he wasn't eating a lot. He has a very healthy appetite now.
I just want to give you an update on my little Bebé. When I got him in May, I was just happy knowing he had a great forever home. I never expected him to become the trusting loving at that I have now. He's even become somewhat of a lap cat! He cuddles next to me on the sofa and has started to sit on my lap. He's just so sweet and affectionate to everyone.
When I first got him, I couldn't open the front door. The sight of outside must have been too overwhelming for him. On Halloween, he sat at the door for three hours waiting for trick or treaters. :)
He follows me all around the house just like my flame point did. We took it slow and went at Bebé's pace. It was so worth it. I have a wonderful, lovable, and very happy cat now. He's spoiled rotten as he should be. His owner is pretty happy too.
We'll be moving as soon as I sell my house to a bigger house. But I plan to keep in touch.
You did good here! I am eternally grateful.

April 11, 2015
Bebé is still thriving! It took him over a year to vocalize his wants. His favorite pastime is playing on our iPad. He's definitely a lap cat now and follows me everywhere. He still prefers Spanish to English. What a perfectly happy cat...and meowmy!

May 30,2015
Bebé's two year anniversary. He's still going strong. A very different cat than the ones adopted. Happy and spoiled!

May 28, 2018
Bebé had his 5 year anniversary with me yesterday! He’s happier and healthier than ever. He really lives his little brother, Mizu

(Last update: May 29th, 2018 6pm)

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Name:   Clover (fka GA Cat 5)
ID#: VA12551
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/04/18
Adopted: 04/14/18
Congrats: Anne
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I came from a place in GA that was not very friendly for cats. I have been around other cats and need a kitty friend in my new home. I am a little timid but with patience and love, I will blossom into a wonderful companion. I need a quiet home so that things won't scare me too much.

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Notes from Home
Happy Memorial Day. God Bess Our Troops !!!

Giving everyone an update on Clover and Nougat. They are both doing very well. They get along as if they were together since birth. Very playful and full of mischief. I really tried to send some pictures and videos of them, I have lots, but for some reason I can't upload them.

I am going to try to have someone help me so you can see how they have progressed. I am very thankful for all that you did to help me make a decision in choosing a second cat. I was so apprehensive but cannot be happier with our choice.

Of course, it is a lot more work having cats again but the pleasure they give me is worth every moment. I really would like to set up a camera so everyone could see their antics and they have many. They are making up for lost time after having such a terrible start in life but they sure are loving life now. :):):)

Will update again soon !!! Anne

(Last update: May 28th, 2018 11am)

Sweet, healthy, but a bit shy until he gets to know you. Wonderful boy!
Name:   Kit Kat
ID#: VA11454
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/11/16
Adopted: 05/28/16
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jeanne

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Kit Kat's been here since @ 5:00 on Saturday. SO our plan was to set him up in the master bath, which is pretty big, with his litter in an open closet and food on opposite end. Put his carrier down near litter box, open door, and he immediately scurried behind the toilet in a corner and stayed there for HOURS. So I hung out by the toilet for quite a while sometimes calling to him and putting my finger toward him. All I could see were his bright blue eyes and his butt on the other side squeezed in by a wall. Hmmm. After a while I took food and put it around 6 inches from him. Nothing. Put my finger in food and under his nose. Nothing. Left again and came back. Food not touched so took it away. I scratched him under chin and behind ears. He purred. Thought I might be onto something. Gave up after half and hour and back to living room. He had access to master bedroom also. Came down again and no Kit Kat behind toilet! Progress! Where the heck is he? Under bed of course. We use that for lots of storage so he had to be really wedged in there.

We're watching TV in living room. Suddenly I see his little face. He's come up the stairs! Tom loudly says Kit Kat! He shoots back downstairs. A sighting!

We went to bed. I'm reading and Tom's sleeping. All of a sudden Kit Kat jumps on the bed next to Tom. Scared the life out of me. Then he gives Tom a real good head butt! Not just once. There's loud purring going on. He goes on top of Tom's chest. Tom is now awake and they're face to face. He jumps - meaning both of them. However Tom has now declared that Kit Kat likes him best. Kit Kat is now down by Tom's feet licking his toes. Tom likes it. Do I have a pervert husband and cat?? Kit Kat is now all over Tom and there's lots of petting and purring. Should I really be witness to this.

ANYWAY, Kit Kat eventually comes over to me. I get head butts and some licking. Full disclosure: I've never been in a ménage a trois, but I think I'm now in a menagerie a trois. Kit Kat settles down and curls up beside me. Not for long though. He doesn't like that I'm reading so head butts the book to get to me.

He eventually goes into his cubby hole under the bed. Mind you I have two cat beds scattered around and a cat tree in there.

The next morning we're excited to see what happens. We're both calling Kit Kat. Nothing. We go into the kitchen/den. Every so often I go into bedroom calling for him. Nothing. BUT food has been eaten and he's used the litter. I stay in bedroom watching TV. Kit Kat jumps up and on with head butts and licking. I bring out some toys. He's chasing the feather and playing with toys! At least a little. He hasn't ventured upstairs again that afternoon/early evening.

Around 9:00 last night here he comes. We both say nothing at all. He's slinking around and sniffing. He spots Tom's bare feet. Love fest of toe licking and feet pets. He finally jumps up with me. Head bumps. Sits on me for ten seconds. Sits beside me for about 5 minutes. He's antsy and very curious. Surprise! He goes downstairs, then upstairs with us again a few times. He is skittish. Everything is on his own terms or else he beats it to his cubby hole. Progress though.

As soon as we went to bed he was all over us. Got bored and went back to his cubby under bed. At 3:12 a.m. he came to visit. Hmmm. Visited for quite a while. Tom never noticed despite having a cat sitting on his belly.

We are now awaiting King Kit Kat to appear. We'll be leaving him alone for a few hours to play in a bridge tournament. Hope he doesn't have a kegger like our sons did.

6/11/16 Not sure I uploaded picture properly. Kit Kat drug his feather toy up two flights. He loves to play and is very engergetic. He likes to be in our company. He's still schizo though. He'll get on your lap, stare at you and purr - and then take off flying up and down stairs. He's also been sleeping on top of bed AND underneath it, but still hasn't used any of his kitty beds or tree. He looks out the window a lot at the birds. He allows me to pick him up and give him cuddles and this is getting better and better. His appetite is very good and potty habits great. Yay

6/21/16 Kit Kat is doing great. We now call him Bear and he's answering to it. He wasn't really answering to Kit Kat so we tried it. He has a perch by the window which he loves and watches the birds. There are many places for him to look out and he's at them all. Now for his daytime sleep, he's in the open rather than in his original cubby under the bed. He's very playful and very curious. I'm glad we're up early because he has scratch time with my husband and while we watch TV at night they have foot scratches. He is now always where we are. He allows me to pick him up for cuddles and pets but not for long. I've wrestled him into fur grooming, and I think eventually he'll go for it. He's really quick! He's still antsy, but much less schizzo. Good appetite an good litter habits. Again Yay.
7/6/16 Kit kat's name is now Bear Bear. He loves to play. Unfortunately sometimes it's in the middle of the night when he jumps on Tom. He's very curious and into everything. He comes when called, or at least looks, and the eventual we will come over. He's getting better at being brushed. He's still a bit skittish. This morning he snuck up on his food bowl. Can someone tell me why he's taking lysine? There is none left should I get more. He seems happy and content. I just wish he would sleep in his cat beds instead of my underwear drawer when it's open. Not a lap cat yet, but likes to cuddle beside you.
8/31/2016Bear Bear is doing great. Very energetic. Plays with everything including a plastic bag and toes. He's not a lap sitter though but he's getting closer. Sometimes he climbs up and stares at me. this may be for 20 seconds and then WHOMP he jumps away. He's coming more and more when called. I sometimes see him lying on Tom in the middle of the night. This is his own personal water bed. He likes to be close to us. So glad we have him.
10/30/2016 Bear Bear aka Kit Kat is doing great. If my picture got through, he's dressing up as Donald Trump for Halloween. He's now allowing me to groom him for 30 seconds. At least I'm getting some exercise chasing him. Forget the teeth though. I'm giving him those dentatreats on a daily basis and hopefully that will do some good. Even though he's not a lap sitter, he's very affectionate. He sometimes sits on my head. If I'm on the couch and he's on the cushion above me, he rests his head and front paws on my head. Can make for a stiff neck since I don't want to move. He's always around us, playing with feet and rubbing against you. It's totally on his terms. When he cuddles beside me I feel honored. I've been tempting him onto my lap with treats. He doesn't fall for it for long though. He's fun and very energetic, especially around 5:00 a.m. He's galloping all over and sometimes over us. There are times when he climbs up on one of us. He particularly likes Tom's belly. He's got a loud purr and has become quite talkative, especially around ice cream. Uh oh, gotta go. Trump kitty lost his hairpiece.

Bear Bear (Kit Kat) is very happy and healthy. He plays with everything. If I'm eating a chocolate, he'll grab the wrapper and run away and attack it. He'll sometimes bring it back to me so he can go fetch again. He's lost most of his skittishness. He climbs onto Tom for sleep and scratches. He'll nestle next to me for strokes, but rarely climbs into my lap. He'll climb onto my head sometimes in bed at 4:00 a.m. though. He follows me around, and he's at the door waiting for us a lot. Love him! He's now circling my legs - guess he wants treats. Thank you!

(Last update: May 28th, 2018 11am)

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Name:   Jasmine
ID#: VA12540
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/24/18
Adopted: 05/12/18
Congrats: Penny
Foster: Debra

Delightful older gal whose Mom went to the hospital and didn't come back. I purr and head butt and would love a home to call my own again. I love to give kisses when I am held. I love laps and purr and chirp. Very affectionate and am wondering if you have a lap for me and maybe even a bed for us to snuggle together in?

p.s. I just had blood work done on me in the last year and again this year and all is good.

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Notes from Home
Jasmine is a contented Siamese girl! Her funniest quirk: She loves one of her humans to be close by when she's eating, actually meowing to request an audience! She's the sweetest girl, giving kisses and snuggling nonstop, especially in the morning and evening hours. During the day, she enjoys sitting on her favorite sunny chair, alternately snoozing and looking out the window. Her new kitty sister Willow is okay by her, and they hang out together for down time. We couldn't be happier with this precious little girl!
(Last update: May 27th, 2018 9pm)

Looking for love and affection? That makes two of us!
Name:   Isla
ID#: VA12595
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/19/18
Adopted: 05/12/18
Congrats: Patricia (pj)
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
Isla is doing wonderfully. She had her vet visit on 5/25 and has gained a pound. My vet said she is nice and solid. We have started dog intros but moving at a slow pace. 4 dogs could care less, one sat there with his whole body practically smiling, he kept poking his nose through the baby gate. He looked up at me as if he were saying "mommy you got me a new kitty!" I think they will be best friends. The other 3 are in various stages of needs work.
Isla is bossy and lets me know every day that I am not up to her standards. She is being picky about her canned food. But we are getting it figured out. She is playing all the time now. We have great games in the evening when everyone has settled down. Her favorite game is bite mommy, but she is learning NO! All in all I am crazy about her. She lays on the top of her cat tree and looks out the bathroom window to watch the birds. She sleeps up there at night.
Thank you for finding such a wonderful girl for me! I might add she is very confident and nothing bothers her. She doesn't even acknowledge the dogs when they bark.

(Last update: May 27th, 2018 3pm)

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Name: Aku

(FKA Lee)

ID#: VA12493
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/15/18
Adopted: 05/12/18
Congrats: Montgomery
Foster: Carol

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hi! I'm Lee. My nickname is BonBon. Meom says that's because I'm like a sweet chunk of chocolate. She's silly.
I am on the chunky side though and trying to lose a little weight. I was getting insulin shots for diabetes but my meom has helped me go into remission. She says we're working on my diet to see if I can be a cat free of diabetes.
Meom says I'm just a love-bug! That is true. So if you have plenty of attention to give me, I would love that.
I would do best as an only cat because I really want all your attention to myself.
Purrs, Lee

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Notes from Home
Aku is doing just great. He went to the vet last week and Dr. Woods said that he was the nicest kitty he'd ever met. Aku climbed up on him and gave a bunch of kisses. His rabid and distemper have been updated and his blood work is normal.

At home, he's very affectionate but still not used to having a two year old running after him yelling "kit, kit, kit!" He is on an all wet-food diet and seems okay with it.

I'll send some photos along when I have a few good ones.

thank you for all your help!

(Last update: May 26th, 2018 12pm)

I'm learning to know my new foster home. This regular chow thing is pretty great! I'm a little beat up from my life on the streets, but I don't mind. I have a bit of a limp, but I don't let that slow me down. The doc took a big picture to see the inside of my leg, and she says that it looks like I hurt my knee a while ago and now it has "arnie-thritis." That's what foster mom is calling it anyway. I'm shedding like crazy, my eyelid is healing up from an injury, and I have a ragged tip on my ear. And you know what? Foster mom says I'm so adorable. She says my coat will get better and that my job is to just rest up, eat up, and be happy. I think I can do that!
Name:   Arnie
ID#: VA11422
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 04/17/16
Adopted: 05/14/16
Congrats: Laurie
Foster: Rinn


Notes from Home
May 23. 2018 - I love my humans and they really love me. Bella and I have bonded. I lost one pound in the last year, so Meomy thinks that is great. I went to the Vet this year for my annual checkup and I had bad breath from Gingivitis, so I had seven teeth pulled. I was kind of out of it for two days because of the pain medicine but feel better now and my breath is really great. I can still eat dry food. My Auntie thinks my ear is ripped because of the spay, neuter, release program, Meomy and Paw are not sure. Paw thinks it was a cat fight over some female felines. Meowmy is still super impressed with the Siamese Rescue organization, but she is way to busy to volunteer right now.

May 15, 2017 - I really like it here, Meomy and Paw are very nice. Bella likes me too, I ate too much at first and gained weight. The Vet said, lots of stray cats do this. Meomy bought a feeder that pops up twelve hours after I have breakfast and she puts Bella's food on the counter, that I don't jump up on. My name is still Arnie, cause Meomy's friends said I looked like and Arnie. When visitors come, I am very social, Bella hides, but that is ok, more love for me. It is warm here. Regular food is good. My right rear leg is still a little sore, but it does not go way out to the side, like it did when I got here. I can run down the hall like nobodies business. I love the Siamese Rescue people for finding my furever home I went for my 1 year vet check up. I like the Vet, but she gave me a couple shots, so I was not so sure about that. Meomy had to treat me for worms and a yeast infection in my ear, but now I am healthy, fat and happy.

November 19, 2016 - I cannot believe six months has gone by. Arnie is doing great. We love him.
He is a chunky monkey and he gained 5 pounds, now he weighs in at 15 pounds. I stopped the free feeding and now he gets food two times a day. it is hard to feed Bella separately and make sure she gets enough food, she has lost weight. So any advice on how to do a new food routine would be greatly appreciated. I feed dry food 1/4 cup two times a day and a teaspoon of wet food 2X a day. Arnie recently had very dirty ears, so we brought him to the Vet and he had a yeast infection in his ears. We are treating with ear drops two times a day, and he seems back to normal.

June 14, 2016 - Arnie is adjusting to life as an indoor cat with a Siamese sister, Bella. Bella seems to like her new brother, they get along but sometimes cat fight, which she did with her brother Coco, who passed, so I am not too concerned about that. Arnie loves to play, sleep, love and eat. He is always underfoot, I wonder how he got food as a stray cat, he seems to think it is always about him when I go in the kitchen. I am learning to groom him, but only have had success with one paw to cut his nails so far, am going to try again this weekend, with the help of my husband. He is a good boy, but can be a little growly and over exuberant in his loving ways (like biting my head awake in the morning....which he did twice). When he goes to the top of my pillow I move now, so he does not do it. He uses his scratching pads very well. We have three litter boxes, and when I clean them out, he is right there trying to figure out what I am doing. We love Arnie and all cat indications show he loves us too!

(Last update: May 24th, 2018 12am)

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Name:   Greyson
ID#: VA10741
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 05/09/15
Adopted: 05/16/15
Congrats: Donald
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
What she said! Although I have a voice of my own, trust me, so you had better like talking, interactive, in your face cats!

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Notes from Home

Well, I’ve been here 7 months and I think I’ve finally decided that this is a pretty good place to live. I was really scared when Camille and I first got here because I didn’t know what was happening. We had lived in our first home all of our lives and suddenly our dad took us to a place where we had never been and left us there. I know he didn’t want to do it but the sweet little girl who lived with us was allergic to us (whatever that means), and had trouble breathing. The nice lady at the Siamese Rescue place found us this new place to live and before long we went on a car ride to our new home. Let me tell you, I was scared when we first got here and pretty much lived under the bed for weeks. I only came out to eat, drink, and use the litter box. After awhile my new mom could coax me out to play with the stuffed rat that my first dad and mom had sent with me. They knew how much I loved the rat and thought I’d feel better in my new home if I had it with me. Boy I’m glad they did!

Cami and I were in a bedroom for a couple of weeks and she finally felt ready to explore. She’s a lot braver that I am so one night she opened the door to the hall and ran out and down the stairs. I followed but it was dark and I got scared and ran back up and hid under the bed. Cami was happy to have the run of the house after that but I was too timid to leave the bedroom. My new mom would come to the bottom of the stairs every day and call me to come down. After about a week I got lonely up there and would come to the top of the stairs, then a few days later I came down three steps, then the next day four or five steps, and finally I came all the way down and took a couple of steps into the living room. Who’s da MAN? I’m da MAN!

After a couple of months our new dad and mom took us to another place they call a “vacation home”. We were worried that they might leave us with more strangers, but they stayed with us and it was just the four of us, no new family to meet. While we were there, for some reason Cami decided that I was not her buddy of 8 years, but some evil stranger. She hissed and swatted at me, I growled and chased her. We got that sorted out and by the third time we went there we really liked it, especially the screened porch! I love to find a sunny spot out there a take a nap. The last time we went I walked over to the door to the porch and waited for Mom to open it. When she did, it was cold! “What have you done with summer?” I asked. She told me not to worry, there is a fireplace I can curl up next to until warm weather comes again.

I was afraid of new dad at first because he is big, but now I curl up with him in bed and on his recliner. I still am a little nervous when he is standing but I’m getting over that now. He calls me Stretch because I have long legs and love to stretch them out, even when I’m sleeping. I still think about my first family sometimes, but new mom tells me that they still love Cami and me and didn’t want to give us away. Then she hugs and kisses us for them and I feel better. Things are looking good.

May 23, 2016
Cami and I have been here for a year already! As soon as I felt secure in this home I began to train my people as to how I want things done. Not that I'm fussy about most things but it is an absolute MUST that my mom pick me up and hold me first thing in the morning when we arrive in the kitchen, even before she feeds me. If she forgets and puts my food down first, I'll yowl at her until she picks me up, and believe me I can be loud and insistent. Also, I have to be facing left with her left arm between my front legs and her right arm between my hind legs so her hands meet under my middle. I once saw a picture of a lion straddling a tree limb and I thought that looked cool and "kingly" so I thought I'd try it. Then with my legs hanging down I lean back into Mom and purr with my eyes closed and my front paws kneading the air. We both think that's a great way to start the day.

When Cami had to go to the vet's several times and even had to stay for several hours once, I surprised Mom and Dad by not hissing at her when she came home. They say I'm a calm good-natured guy because many cats do hiss when their roommate comes back smelling like a stranger.

The weather is finally warming up which means windows can be opened pretty soon. I'm really looking forward to hearing, seeing and smelling all of the outdoor creatures again!

May 23, 2018
What a change from last year! I lost my "sister" Camille and didn't know what to do for a long time. At first I thought Mom and Dad had forgotten and left her in our vacation home, so I would look for her every time we went there. I even lost weight because I missed her so much. After all, she made the choices for us and I just followed. I'm finally starting to learn the benefits of being an only cat. I get to eat leisurely, sleep wherever I choose at night and get lots and lots of pets, hugs and kisses. I'm also talking and purring more. I must admit that my ears get pretty cold without Camille wrapped around me, but I've learned how to cover myself with a little blanket in my Millie bed during the day or find a nice sunny spot around the house. We'll see how things work out.

(Last update: May 23rd, 2018 4pm)

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