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Willow is a sweet, sassy girl looking to be the only cat in a household that will shower her with love. She has never met a stranger and has never found a lap that she didn't love! If you are looking for a cuddle bug, Willow is the girl for you.

Name:   Willow
ID#: VA12480
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/07/18
Adopted: 03/30/18
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Diane

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
4/2/18 Willow was very nervous her first few hours home. We gave her space, and she warmed right up! The last two mornings she has heard my alarm, sniffed my face, and meowed for breakfast. Her favorite spot during the day and at night is our big bed! She especially likes snuggling with my husband, which he is very much enjoying. After her morning breakfast, she sits and watches our guinea piggies (live cat tv!). She has already found a place in our hearts.

4/7/18 Willow is such a sweetheart! She snuggles with my husband and I in the evening right between us. Then she sleeps at the foot of our bed. She wakes us up to be fed pretty early, and then goes in her "quiet chair" where she warms herself up in the sun when the kids are waking up. She meows at us when she sees we are leaving-so funny!

4/17/18 This cat is well-loved. Our children go to find her each time we come home from an errand, when they wake up, and before they fall asleep for the night. She is hilariously vocal when she acts like she hasn't eaten in days. ;) The vet gave her a good report, was very pleased with our kidney-care food choice, and suggested that she keep losing weight. We limit her meals, but boy is it hard to limit those treats to just a few! Our three kids each like to give her 2 small treats about 1 million times a day-ha! So, we are trying our best to keep her weight at least the same, if not less. She is spending a lot of time in our main kitchen area instead of just in our bedroom. I think this is the final sign that she has really settled in. Her favorite spot is our big yellow braided rug in the middle of the kitchen where she sprawls out to see all the action (and watch the guinea pigs).

6/4/18 Willow is full of spunk, hilarious, and a cuddlbug! She has found some favorite spots throughout the house: a spot in my closet, a lookout on my bed (and curled next to me at her daily 4:15am cuddle time), a blue chair in our upstairs reading nook where the sun shines in, and on top of the couch where she can look out the window. My piano students always give her a pat hello each lesson, and our kids are forever giving her treaties. I think the vet is going to say she has gained a bit of weight since the treats are flying out of the box! She is eating, drinking, and sleeping well. She really has the cats-meow of a life. Willow has added so much to our home, and we are very thankful for her.

(Last update: Jun 4th, 2018 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Kitxu
ID#: VA11433
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/26/16
Adopted: 06/04/16
Deceased: 01/01/18
Congrats: Clarisse
Foster: Lisa

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Are you looking for a lap cat to call your own? I am about as purrrfect as they come. I'm looking for a quiet home where we can snuggle up and talk a bit and maybe even throw a little catnip around. I'm ready to go home so go ahead and ask about me!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Just wanted to let you know that Kitxu passed away last November,
He was well loved by my mother and he died quietly on her bed.
He adjusted well, became very comfortable and friendly and enjoyed
The company of my mom's labradoodle.
Thank you, Wendy Spaulding

(Last update: Jun 4th, 2018 5pm)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name:   Jovie
ID#: VA12516
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 02/10/18
Adopted: 03/17/18
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Jovie is doing very well! The shy little kitten who came home is blossoming into a real tiger. She's still a bit nervous around new people and isn't sure what to think of the dog sometimes, but around the family is a complete doll.

Introductions with Luca went so much better than we ever could have expected. The two of them spent days talking with each other under the door and when they finally met face to face it was love at first sight! They are best friends and we always see them playing together and cuddling in their basket.


Jovie loves nothing more than to tear around the house like a crazy thing chasing a toy, her big brother Luca, or her tail! She is still a little shy and will not jump up into our laps for attention, but she does love cuddling up next to her favorite person on their bed for a nap. She just recently started venturing into the living room to check out what is going on and has even hopped up onto the couch with us a few times, so she may very well end up being a lap cat eventually! She has also become quite the little helper/supervisor, especially in the kitchen! No food gets made or dishes cleaned without her sharp eyes keeping track of what is going on. We just love her sweet personality. It has only been a little over two months, but we already can't imagine living without her or her big brother Luca!

(Last update: Jun 3rd, 2018 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Luca
ID#: VA12518
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 02/11/18
Adopted: 02/25/18
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Lucky Luca!

This handsome young laid back flame boy with large blue eyes was found wondering the streets all by himself in the freezing cold.

Luckily for him, he was picked up and taken to a local Animal Shelter. There he was rescued by a very kind lady from the Siamese Rescue. Now he has found himself inside, warm and finally safe from the dangers of living outside.

Lovely Luca is friendly, outgoing and seems to do well with other cats and seemed fine with the very large dog he met at the Veterinary Clinic.

Lord Luca loves his food, has excellent house manners and purrs away when petted.

Lap cat Luca enjoys time with his family in between exploring his new kingdom.

Lithe Luca is slim, agile and full of life.

Loyal, but lonely Luca now just needs a loving family to include him in their lives.

Limitless love from the lovable Luca.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It's been about two weeks since we brought Luca home and he is settling in quite nicely. He purrs like an engine, plays like a fiend, and eats like a small horse! He was a little overwhelmed by the great big house at first but he is now happily exploring and establishing his territory. Our enthusiastic dog was also a bit too much to start, but now that she has calmed down and been reminded of her cat etiquette they are becoming used to each other. We don't let them interact without supervision yet, but we think they are well on the way to peaceful coexistence, if not friendship!

Luca is such a sweet and loving boy, everyone who meets him falls for his charm!


The whole house is Luca's domain now and all its residents are his subjects- with the exception of little Jovie who is his co-ruler! When we adopted Jovie about a month after Luca they took to each other right away, talking to each other under the door during Jovie's quarantine period and becoming instant best friends once introduced face to face. It's so fun to see the pair of them tearing around the house playing with each other!


A visiting family member commented that our previous cats left some pretty big shoes to fill, especially our old boy Benjamin, but that Luca was doing a grand job filling them! If he isn't sleeping in the sun or watching birds he is almost always in someone's lap or underfoot. He particularly likes to sit in people's laps when we are playing board games. If the game happens to have lots of plastic pieces he will reach up and try to take a few for himself! Luca's philosophy is if he wants something it belongs to him, whether it's a cat toy, a bug, a dog treat, or a piece of chicken on someone's fork. It has only been a little over three months but we already can't imagine living without him or his little sister Jovie.

(Last update: Jun 3rd, 2018 10pm)

Now feeling comfortable at Foster Meowmy's and she says I'm a tall lanky boy.

My sister and I like to play with our toys and especially if Foster Meowmy tosses our favorite ones for us.

I have to go home with my Sister Bee aka Bisu of 3 years as she gives me courage.

Name:   Parker
ID#: VA11183
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/06/15
Adopted: 03/17/16
Congrats: Carmen
Foster: Jo

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
6/3/2018: Parker is still doing well, and still sleeping with and on me any chance he gets. I had to relocate from Atlanta, GA to Birmingham, AL, and he seems to have adjusted well.

Parker is doing well and is not having any problems. He sleeps with me at night and any time I lay on the couch, he gets in my lap and goes to sleep. He likes to play and occasionally tolerates a bath from his sister, but his favorite pastime is sleeping on my lap.

(Last update: Jun 3rd, 2018 8pm)

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Name:   Baron
ID#: VA12248
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/20/17
Adopted: 12/02/17
Deceased: 12/04/18
Congrats: Pete
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
No other kitties, thanks very much - just me and you and we'll be great! I'm outgoing and loving, a good ambassador cat, not keen on dogs and too overstimulated for small kids, but with an experienced owner I'm great - everything you'd want a Siamese to be without too much of any one thing. Good in my habits, if you go off to work, I'll take a snooze, when you get home we can chill on the couch and watch old movies!

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Notes from Home
It is one week now since I adopted Baron. The first night he was very curious about his new home. He walked every where with me and constantly craved my attention which I happily obliged. He slept on my bed and on my lap. He's been eating and using the litter boxes without any problems. As for drinking it seems he doesn't like the taste of tap water so he drinks out of the toilet. But he will drink water from his bowl when I closed the toilet lids. Yesterday I bought a water fountain hoping it will remedy the problem. However I don't see him drinking from it. My mother stopped by today and he warmed up to her and played with some new toys she bought him. She suggested I let the tap water stand out for 24 hours before pouring into his bowl. Maybe that will cleanse the chlorine that's in the tap water and see if he will drink it. I will monitor his drinking for the week before I take him to the vet. Maybe the vet will have some suggestions if Baron still won't drink from the fountain or the kitty bowl. Other than that he's a sweet cat and I am happy to have adopted him. I enjoy having him at home and I'm sure he's happy being in his new home.

It's about 1 month now since I adopted Baron. He's settling in his new home quite well. He likes sleeping in a covered bed that I got him when he feels like it. He loves sleeping on my lap and he still likes to sleep on my bed with me. He's finally drinking the water from his kitty bowl. I bought spring water from a grocery store and that seems to work, however, I still have to close the toilet lids as he still reverts to his old habits. He does still vomit from time to time. I don't think it could be from the food. I think it might be from something he swallowed while cleaning his paws and fur. I've not seen any hairball, so maybe instead of vomiting hairballs he vomits food? He does eat well. He will let me know when he wants my attention by pawing at me.

I didn't realize it's 6 months already. Time sure does fly fast. Baron and I get along very well. I've gotten to get to know him better. When I have my hearing aid on I can hear him meowing when I get home from work. I talk to him so he knows I'm listening to him. He likes to follow me everywhere and give him attention when he wants it. I feed him canned food for dinner and this is what I give him: Blue Healthy Gourmet indoor mature chicken entree pate. He likes it, but I've noticed that he rarely finishes it all up even if I give him just half a can of food. For dried food he likes Blue Wilderness mature with chicken. I also feed him Blue Wilderness sensitive stomach because I thought it might help reduce vomiting, but it doesn't. I've noticed that he vomits only from eating dried food not canned food. He vomits once in a while and usually it's a small amount. And I've noticed in the vomit that it contains undigested food. It's like he just swallows food without chewing. Maybe that's why he vomits? His eating habits are the same, no changes. My friend teased me that maybe Baron has a bathroom fetish. He's probably right because Baron seems to be obsessed with my two bathrooms. Every time I get up to go to the kitchen or bedroom Baron will run to one of my bathrooms. Which leads to his peculiarities: drinking water. I noticed that he liked drinking water from the bathroom sink, so I've placed kitty bowls in both of my bathroom sinks. For a while Baron liked drinking from them. But now he likes drinking water from my bathtub. He likes to drink leftover water after I shower. I hope he won't get sick. I'm keeping an eye on him. I also fill up a bit of water in the bathtub so Baron can drink water there. So far he likes doing that. On occasions he will even drink water from a container that I've reserved for watering my plant. One thing's for sure Baron is not a boring cat.

(Last update: Jun 2nd, 2018 1pm)

Foster Mom says I am purrfect in every way. Super friendly, loving, good manners, good appetite, neat litter box habits, I love to snuggle and be with you and wind around your legs and purr. When you pick me up I hug into you. Foster Mom says she can't imagine anyone not falling in love with me.
Name: Loki

(FKA Harker)

ID#: VA12588
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 04/10/18
Adopted: 04/29/18
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Loki is doing great! He and Luna love to play and snuggle. He is such a sweetie!
(Last update: Jun 2nd, 2018 9am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   JJ
ID#: VA7695
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/04/11
Adopted: 06/01/11
Congrats: Dorothy
Foster: Stephanie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
So I'm JJ, a young tortie Siamese female. It's taken me a few days to get settled in, but here I am. I was in tough situation for all of my young life, but things are getting better now.
I'm neat, and petite, and I have great manners with my litterbox.
I'm a sweet girl who loves to love you, but I'm still just a little bit shy about being held and cuddled. You can pick me up and rub on me, but I get worried at first because I don't know what you want to do to me.
I'm kinda skinny right now, and in fact you can feel my bones. But don't worry! I'll gain it back. I just need to get my spay in a couple of days and then I'll be ready to talk about going home with you!
So ask about me, and maybe my brother Grayer when he's feeling better!

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Notes from Home
I renamed my beautiful cat Zoe. It suits her. She is very healthy and happy with me.
(Last update: Jun 1st, 2018 11am)

I am just the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, who has had a bit of a rough time lately. I was at a shelter, then in a foster home, then in a home, and now I'm back and rescue. And you know what? I'm confused, I'm scared, and I'm still just as sweet as a kitty could be.I want to be held close, to cuddle on your shoulder and purr my beautiful purr. I want to sit in your lap. I want to follow you around. I just want to be near you. Can you do that for me? I will even play a little if you have a wand toy, although I'd mostly like to be snuggling with you. Please ask about me, and I'll give you years of snuggling, purring, and love.

Princess Jasmine
Name:   Princess Jasmine
ID#: VA9796
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/08/14
Adopted: 01/26/14
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Joy


Notes from Home
Jasmine has been with us for a little over a month, and has settled in quite well. She doesn't have any personality conflicts with the other girl cats, and when Dexter crowds her personal space, she bops him on the head and he backs off (even though he's more than twice her size).

She's very gentle, bright, and affectionate. I telecommute, and she'll often jump up onto my lap in the morning and just sit there all day while I work (sometimes she'll climb up and drape herself across both of my shoulders for a while). She has a pretty impressive vocabulary; there are distinct differences in the sounds she makes to indicate that she's hungry, she wants to be petted, she wants to see behind a closed door, and so on.

The pictures on the site didn't do her justice; she's one of the most beautiful and dainty cats I've ever seen. I still find myself startled by how blue her eyes are.

Jasmine (also known as PJ or Princess Tiny Feet) is a gem. She's been with us almost six months now - she's adorable, sweet, and funny.

5/31/2018: Wow, it has been four years this January that Princess Tiny Feet (that's what we call Princess Jasmine now) has been with us. We have moved twice and she's been a champ each time. She's the sweetest. I lost my other Simaese, BooBoo, this February, and PTF has been on my lap to comfort me every chance she gets. She can sense when I am sad and comes to comfort me. The vet discovered a heart irregularity so we could not have her get her teeth cleaned as the anesthesia could endanger her. But she is in great health otherwise, "perfect bloodwork."

(Last update: May 31st, 2018 9pm)

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Name:   Paley
ID#: VA11730
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 2 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/07/16
Adopted: 12/03/16
Deceased: 05/01/18
Congrats: Tracy
Foster: Debra

I am super sweet and cuddly. I LOVE to get in laps! I get along with other kitties and with doggies too.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
12/20 - Hi everyone! Paley has been doing great and is settling into his new home. He's been with us for 2 weeks now and has been just adorable, cuddly and a joy to have from his first day here! He's super sweet and just has such a great personality. He loves to play fetch with his favorite ball and carries it in his mouth back to me and will meow at me until I throw it again. He's become very demanding and let's me know without a doubt when he wants to play, eat, or snuggle!

The big news this week is that Paley has begun a slow introduction to Maxi, my 10 year old tabby, and I'm happy and relieved to report so far so good. Maxi will hiss at Paley when he gets too close, but Maxi will just sit and watch Paley explore the house and hasn't shown any signs of aggression toward Paley other than the warning hisses when Paley tries to get too close to him. It's early days yet and Maxi is still wondering who this new cat on the block is invading his territory, especially when Paley went right over and laid down on his favorite spot under the Christmas tree! For now Paley is still separated in the bedroom but each day is spending a little more time freely roaming the house. I still want to give it a few more days of observing my two kitties together without any major incidents until I feel comfortable leaving them together unsupervised.

I've uploaded a few pictures to share with everyone. Paley has been hard to take good pictures of because he doesn't like to stay still whenever I have my camera out!

Happy Holidays!

(Last update: May 31st, 2018 6pm)

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