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I'm beginning to settle into my new foster home and get comfortable here. I am a very happy girl. When foster Meowmy or Paw Paw come into the room, I chirp and purr and purr. I also like to rub against their legs and show them how happy I am.

I must admit, I might be a little overweight but I still look good in a bikini. I faithfully use my litter pan and I'm getting used to the food I'm being fed. I'm getting something called "diet" food for some reason or other.

Please ask about me, I will make you a wonderful family addition.


Name:   Gabrielle
ID#: VA6065
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 12/24/08
Adopted: 03/04/09
Deceased: 04/09/09
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Vangie


Notes from Home
My beloved Gabby passed away on April 9. My husband and I are devasted. She was a wonderful girl. We will miss her forever. Love mom & pop Borey
(Last update: Apr 14th, 2009 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Maddi
ID#: VA5747
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/25/08
Adopted: 09/28/08
Congrats: Melinda
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Do you have a quiet home for a little princess snowshoe gal? I get along with other cats really well and am looking for a home with another nice male cat to be my buddy. I LOVE OTHER CATS! I'm a little shy with new people, but I warm up quickly once I see you're ok. Can we chat? Love, Maddi

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Notes from Home
Maddi has come a long way since we brought her home. She comes looking for attention from us all the time. She will also let us pick her up and hold her now and she loves to play. She copies alot of things her brother Simon does. We just love her.
(Last update: Apr 14th, 2009 9am)

I am out of isolation and I don't care much for other kitties. I could tolerate another kitty if it leaves me alone, and I am definitely not playmate material for another kitty. I am glad to be in a better situation since I arrived very thin and grumpy. I purr and like to talk and be held a little but not dedicated lap kitty. Mimsy.
Name: Skye

(FKA Mimsy fka MMMim)

ID#: VA6135
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/07/09
Adopted: 03/15/09
Congrats: Pam
Foster: Kay

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Mimsy is now Skye (as in Isle of Skye, the McLeod family stronghold) - but she is also earning quite a few endearing nicknames - Mearcair (gaelic for "quicksilver") and Meer-cat - for her tendency to rear up on her hind legs and peer into spaces that she is considering exploring (and because she is "no mere cat!" :>)
She has adapted very quickly to her new home and now has the run of the place. She is still a little skittish around strangers (and has her favorite little hidey holes that she can dart into if need be) but she comes when called and meets us at the door if we've been out. She is very vocal and has a number of different little sounds to communicate her needs - from the siren "I'm-starving-feed-me-now!" to the soft chirps that say - "if someone would dangle this mousie I could chase it". She has developed an attachment to a little purple feather duster type toy on a stick - or what is left of it, after about 1,000 pounces. She is fond of dragging it around behind you until you pick it up and make it dance so she can snatch it again. She still won't sit on our laps and barely tolerates being picked up, but is quite happy to climb up in the middle of our chests and purr us to sleep when we go to bed at night.
Her energy and lightning quick reflexes have given us many smiles...we had forgotten the joy of having a kitten in the house. Pictures as soon as I can get my camera working again.
Oh , and almost forgot...she went to meet Dr. Al (our vet) and did great. He pronounced a healthy and confident cat (and I think she even liked him :>).

(Last update: Apr 13th, 2009 12am)

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Name:   Bert
ID#: VA5647
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/02/08
Adopted: 03/21/09
Deceased: 03/18/14
Congrats: Candi
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Update: 3/3/09 - Hi - It's Shamrock O'Bert here wishing all of you a Happy St. Patrick's Day this month. With my flame pointed fur, blue eyes and my fashionable bow-tie, I could be Irish, you know. Maybe this month the "Luck of the Irish" will come to me and I'll find my forever home. Remember, I'm a big boy who loves to be with my people and I'm a very good boy. No one knows why I'm still on this page and not in my forever home. Wish me some "Irish" luck.

Purrs and Headbutts from Shamrock O'Bert.

2/16/09 After all those "hat" pictures, I'm still here and I'm still waiting for my forever home. Will you please help me out? After all I am BERT!

B - Big Budedy Bert - all 17 pounds of me
E - Everyone's friend - if you are a person or a dog, I'm not real fond of other cats
R - Really easy going, loving, handsome, big, headbutting and a good eater
T - Thoroughly wonderful cat - no health issues at all, terriffic with the literbox and a real treasure for someone!!

Please hit that "Ask about me Button". Headbutts and purss, Bert

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Notes from Home
Hi All,
Well, it's been almost 3 weeks now that Bert has been in his furever home and I must tell you he's settling in fabulously. In fact, it's like he's always been here. My friends ask me all the time "How's Bert?" and my response is "Bert's GREAT!!!", because he truly is.

We were able to let him have full run of the house within about 4 days after he arrived. I moved his food bowl and litter box to their permanent locations after 1 week and he's never looked back since. He hasn't displayed any of the issues we thought he might have and didn't want anything to do with his Millie bed until I washed it and I've never seen him look twice at his blue cube thing at all. It's like when he got here he left all his old baggage behind and has been moving forward ever since.

It's funny that Katie thought he wasn't a lap cat because sometimes I think he would take up permanent residence in my lap if I would let him. Morning, day, night-it makes no difference to him, he loves my lap. He already has me trained to give him is crunchy treats each morning before I have my breakfast. He's found a great spot in our front bay window for his King Bert pillow. It's one of his favorite spots .

We had our first visit to Dr. Tobe last week and he was definitely not happy with me pulling him out of his new home. But once we got back home, he was fine within about 30 minutes. I think he realized that he's going to get to stay. He's a little skiddish still with some noises and doesn't like for either of us to walk around on the hard floors with hard soled shoes, but other than that, he seems to be fine with most of the usual stuff that goes on in a house.

Lonnie & I can't begin to tell you how wonderful we think Bert is and that he couldn't be a more perfect cat for us than if we had ordered him. Make us wonder if he's so perfect now, what will he be like once he really settles in. He'll be running the house!!! He's very smart and loveable and I look forward to coming home in the evenings to see him. Those big blue eyes of his just make your heart melt.

Thank you so much for allowing us the previledge of adopting Bert. He makes us very happy and we truly belive he's happy too.

Furever yours,
Candi & Lonnie Vaughn

(Last update: Apr 9th, 2009 9pm)

Just arrived but I made myself right at home. All the way to my foster meowmy's house I talked to her in my finest meezer voice, kneaded my blanket, and rolled over in the carrier trying to get her to love on me. Well!!!! I got the best hugs and scritches finally and a brand new Millie bed all of my own. Right now I'm trying to knead it into a pancake with my big feet. Oh.... did I mention that I have extra toes on all four of my dainty feet? .
UPDATE: Well I've been here 18 days, and Meowmy says she just loves me to death! I had a tooth pulled, and all my shots, and though I have a heart murmur I came through everything just fine. I am eating everything she gives me and now she is letting me explore the house, I met some of the other kitties here, and some hissed at me so I just walked away. Two are pretty friendly so we touch noses and say hello, but I would much rather sit on Meowmy's lap and help her when she works on the computer. The dog here want's to kiss me (UGH!!!) and I just hiss at her and walk away. Now I would really like my own forever home to finish growing old in.
Are you that really special someone that would want a sweet, purring, kneading, headbutting geezer girl like me? If so let foster Meowmy know!!!

Purrs, headbutts, and kitty kisses,
Name:   Jada
ID#: VA4030
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/04/06
Adopted: 04/08/06
Deceased: 02/25/11
Congrats: Jeanne
Foster: Jeanne



Notes from Home
These three years have flown! When I adopted Jada I thought I'd be lucky to have 6 months with him as he was in such bad shape health wise. Now 3 years later he is still going strong. He does have good days and bad days, but most of the time they are good. He is my "soul kitty". He has come to the cat shows in Roanoke with me and gretted visitors at the Siamese Rescue booth, and charmed everyone with his paddle paws and opinions about everything. He literally walks all over me and loves to sleep on my face at night. It's a constant battle to get him to move over so I can breathe. I love him dearly and feel so blessed to have found him!
(Last update: Apr 9th, 2009 9pm)

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Name: Tai Chi

(FKA Angus)

ID#: VA6141
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 02/14/09
Adopted: 03/07/09
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Just arrived and am in iso so not much info to share yet. I can purr really good and foster mom says I have good manners so far. No shelter sniffles so that is good. I like to talk and roll around on the shelf but have managed to not fall off yet. I'm still a kitten so no little kids and need a kitty buddy.

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Notes from Home
MOM calls me a LUB - Luverboy! I am having so much fun playing with my adopted meezer seezer Mulan (Noelle)! We chase fur mice together, play cattle stampede runs up and down stairs and all that udder kitten stuff.
Dad and I are very tight - I love the big guy and he is helping me relax when my toes are massaged.
My vet lady doctors - all 3 of them, have fits over me. They are very partial to Siamese patients and either own one or have owned multiple meezers in the past. I had to go back to see them this week, cuz I have a scratch on my eye. Mulan has this guilty grin on her face, check it out on her update (Noelle). Now Dad gets to put ointment goo in my eye each day.
Did you know I am computer literate? I sit on Mom or Dad's lap and put my paws on the keyboard to type and love to watch the screen. Mom is teaching me to read! She's a teacher and loves her students dearly - two and fur legged ones.
PS Check out updated photos of me under Noelle's (Mulan) info.

(Last update: Apr 4th, 2009 10am)

Desperate for love and attention, I was left outdoors when my family moved, and picked up by another loving family, but they had 7 other cats. I was bottom of the totem pole and got picked on, so now I'm looking for a home where I can be the king of all I survey. I love to snuggle, to lay by the computer, to lap sit, and to play fetch. I do itch to get back outdoors so need a family that is very dedicated and careful about keeping me inside.
Name: Chakan

(FKA Simon)

ID#: VA6162
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 02/25/09
Adopted: 03/15/09
Congrats: Samantha
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Simon does not seem to know his name, so we have changed it: Chakan (1st name), Chao-fa (2nd name) (Thai names meaning Forever Man and Crown Prince) and is starting to respond to his name. He is changing as he's with us longer--more vocal with his little meow, and charges around the house having mad half hours and knocking down anything in his way! He and Ambrose (meaning "immortal") are getting along fine and were both found sleeping together under the bed covers during the day this week! Ambrose has been teaching Chakan--who learns quickly. Chakan has been shown by Ambrose where to sharpen his claws, to cry for his food early in the morning while we're trying to sleep, how to walk over our heads in the middle of the night and to scrape at the wall by the litter box. The only thing Chakan is struggling to learn is how to relax while we brush his little teeth. . .

Last week the vet marveled at how healthy this (now 11Ib) boy is and what a great disposition he has--we were very proud!

Probably one of the funniest experiences with Chakan so far was on day 2 of his adoption when i had him in the bathroom with me while i took my morning shower. I looked around and there he was!! He had joined me in the bath tub and just stood there with his face getting wet with an inquiring look about him.

The rattle snake tail performance takes place from time to time and he appears to be almost putting himself into a trance like state when he does this.

We've been working hard for the past 2 weekends on our screened in porch, repairing some of the lattice work so that the boys can go out there and enjoy. Chakan seems most appreciative of this as he is passionate about wanting to experience the outdoors.

(Last update: Mar 29th, 2009 12pm)

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Name:   Simon
ID#: VA6095
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/15/09
Adopted: 03/06/09
Deceased: 07/03/10
Congrats: Norman
Foster: Cheryl

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Are you kind of shy? So am I! Maybe we're meant for each other. Don't give a second thought to those young whipper-snapper kitten types. A more mature, settled gentleman is just what you're looking for ... and that would be me. I just love to spend time with my foster folks. They sit with me and I'm happy. They pet me and I'm happy. They talk to me and I talk back because it makes me happy. If I could find myself a nice quiet, calm household without too much ado I'd be happy there too! I'm not sure if I'm all that fond of other cats so maybe I could be your one and only if that's not asking too much.

With purrs, headbutts, and a little drool,

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Notes from Home
Simon is making himself at home in Lilesville. He seems to have moved his offical throne from the bed in the 3rd bedroom to the living room sofa. He definitely has a healthy appetite and has no litterbox problems. He often welcomes us when we come home and follows us around the house. Although he still isn't a lap sitter, he will sit right beside you and keep you company. He loves petting and brushing and especially a skull massage. Last week Simon had his vet visit for a dental cleaning. He was NOT happy about having to go back in the carrier or having no food/water 12 hours. But once he was there and afterward he was a champ. I think he has forgiven us. We love him and I think he's starting to feel the same way. It's almost as if he's always been part of the family
(Last update: Mar 26th, 2009 7am)

Hi there! I am a happy and active little lynxie girl and just love life in general. My family was going through a divorce and couldn't keep me anymore so I moved in with meowm. I just love to play and run and jump and if you call my name, I come running. Meowm says I surely am a little angel! I am in great shape and have the softest and most beautiful coat and am a little long and lanky just like a good meezer should be. I have a great personality and just want to be loved. Let's schedule a play date. Come see about me okay?

P.S. Meowm will try to slow me down enough to get some good pictures of me.
Name:   Angel
ID#: VA4795
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/10/07
Adopted: 03/25/07
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Sally

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
After over a year in Maryland we retired and moved to Rio Rancho, New Mexico last summer. Prior to moving, I had a thorough physical, blood tests, etc., and was found to be in perfect health. I was an absolute "Angel" on the long road trip and love my new digs in NM. Although I miss watching squirrels in Maryland, I am quite fascinated to sit in the window and watch bunnies, lizards and an occasional road runner. I will be going in for a physical with my new doctor when my year is up. Life is good here in The Land of Enchantment.


(Last update: Mar 25th, 2009 12pm)

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Name:   Chin Chin
ID#: VA5636
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/24/08
Adopted: 03/07/09
Congrats: Julia Talyia
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Feast your eyes on the most intelligent and most attractive seal gal you will ever meet. If you have a PhD in Siamesology, I'm your gal.

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Notes from Home
Well, I have been home for 3 weeks now. I have discovered just about every tight corner in my new home to squeeze into, but myfavorite spot is up nice and high on top of some storage cabinets where my favorite bed stays. I met the big man downstairs a few times, his name is Kodi and he is a big baby German Shepherd and I like to give him a hard time and then run away and watch as he looks around confused as to where I dissapeared to. People are pretty cool too, I have made some new friends, I just don't like that guy my Mom calls her Dad, not sure why yet, maybe he will grow on me. I love to play with pink ribbons and wind up mice and every so often I just go nuts and run through the whole house tackling anything that moves. My mom laughs so hard when I catch things as I run by and spin around. I love to talk to my Mom and I will definetely protest if I don't like something, but if you say I must, then I will, and I won't put up a big fight. I am hoping that my Mom gets a bird feeder for outside my favorite window for this spring.
(Last update: Mar 24th, 2009 7pm)

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