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I am out of isolation and loving it. A princess should be able to do what she wants to do, not be locked up. I have a new friend here, Qwilleran, and he and I are keeping each other company and really enjoying life. Now all we need is a forever home. WE could easily go together as we get along like we have been together all our lives. I have room service at my beck and call, and yes I have a glass door so I can see everyone else but I want a forever home. If you have room for me and maybe Qwilleran that woud be fantastic. I am a petite girl, I love to be brushed but do not like being held. I love to sit on you and come to you but when I want to. I can be shy with strangers but adjust quickly. Do not let the white ring around my eye put you off, I am not a white ring eye Siamese, that is just from some eye meds I had to have in the shelter due to a cold I caught. My hair will grow back just as pretty as ever.
Name:   Princess
ID#: VA6320
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/16/09
Adopted: 06/28/09
Deceased: 09/30/14
Congrats: Natalie
Foster: Renee

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
7/12/09: Princess was ready to venture from my bedroom & the bathroom (where her litter box & food were kept) within a few hours of being in new surroundings. She darted out to meet my gold lab the first night. By the end of the 1st week, she had made her way around other rooms in the house & made play friends with my gold lab. She likes to start pretend fights with the lab to get her to chase her around the room & will then roll over & play kissy face with the dog once she catches up to her. She's curious & gets into things if you don't keep them up along with doors shut. She'll investigate and knock them over causing spills, messes. She likes to start play time in the wee hours of the morning which wakes me up. I've had an incident of her trying to scratch my couch (even though she has scratch post & scratch box) & another where she went into another room & urinated on a bed. We're trying to curtail the rooms she can enter & I purchased a play cube (tent she can hide in) along with more balls with bells to try to entertain her more. I'm trying to be patient & understanding. She'll allow you to pet her a little, but is very independent, which is fine.
(Last update: Jul 12th, 2009 9pm)

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Name:   Brielle
ID#: VA6397
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/16/09
Adopted: 07/03/09
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

I'm playful, petite, and affectionate once I get to know you which only takes a few minutes. I'm quite the athlete who enjoys wand toys, especially if feathers are involved! Check out my new pix and ask about me today!

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Notes from Home
Brielle is showing her Siamese diva personality. She's not too over the top but gives us enough to show us that she wants to be in control. She'll play until she drops and goes absolutley crazy over the multicolored ball you sent home with us in her goodie bag! She had her vet visit on Friday and was the perfect little kitty and they all oohed and aahed over how pretty she was and, of course, she agreed with them. She's not wanting to be picked up yet but will come over and briefly sit on your lap or flop by your side. We think that she and Rikki will do well once the are together as they both LOVE to play and run. Will send some pics soon.
(Last update: Jul 11th, 2009 5pm)

I may be gimpy on one back leg, but I've got a voice and personality to make up for it! I wandered into a feral colony and a trap, neuter and release program - no issues here, I just stood next to the trap waiting for my turn to be picked up and loved! An old injury on one of my back legs makes me limp, but it's healed as best as it can and doesn't bother me much at all. If you'd like an outgoing talker who is interested in everything and very loving, then I'm your man!
Name:   Rikki
ID#: VA6326
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/22/09
Adopted: 07/05/09
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Just wanted to give everyone who helped with bringing Rikki home to us and update. He is adapting very well to his new digs and having a blast having the run of the house. He is a great mix of lover and playboy. We are amazed at how well he has adapted with the limited use of his right rear leg. He's not climbing much yet but I'm sure that will come. He had his vet visit and she fell in love with him and his story...Thanks to everyone who had a hand and heart in bringing Rikki to us...
(Last update: Jul 11th, 2009 5pm)

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Name:   Jasmine
ID#: VA6230
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/01/09
Adopted: 04/19/09
Congrats: Sherri
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Don't I look like the sweetest thing? Just arrived and what a headbutting, purring machine I am! More information soon.

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Notes from Home
I wanted to drop in and say what a joy it is to have Jasmine in our home. She is just precious. Jasmine can be timid, but each day she grows more and more comfortable and secure in knowing that this is her home and she is where she is truly meant to be. When she first arrived she spent quite a bit of time hiding under the bed, but that has become a thing of the past. The best part of having Jasmine is knowing how happy and appreciative she is. All I need to do is to talk to her and the motor starts running. It has been a wonderful experience watching her explore and claim her home. But the best part is not only being happy that she is here, seeing how happy she is here is the best part ever!
(Last update: Jul 8th, 2009 9pm)

I am so much fun.....I just love life right now. I was found outside, scooped up by a good samaritan and then off to rescue where meowm has this wonderful tall cat tree that I love to play on. And all the toys...wow! I follow meowm everywhere just like a little woofer and am just the happiest little girl. Ask about me so I can be your new best friend.


Name: Missy

(FKA Shyla)

ID#: VA6297
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/05/09
Adopted: 06/07/09
Congrats: Sharon
Foster: Sally

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,
We have changed Shyla's name to "Missy" She is just a wonderful addition to our lives. She is so full of life and energy. We took her to the Vet's this afternoon to get the claws trimmed and she was very good through that process. She passed the first Vet visit with flying colors on the first week that we got her. She eats well and just loves to play with all her toys. We purchased a "Robort Litter Box" and she used that just as soon as we got home after the transport.. They are rather expensive and hoped that she would use it and she never hesitated.

She loves the water in her bowel, and likes to spread that around. She also loves that water in the bathroom, and loves to jump into the bathtub and likes to lay down there as well.

She is an early rise usually around 5:00 a.m..I get up early so that works well. She sleeps with us sometimes and other times in my chair in the living room.

Thanks for all your help with adopting Missy. You have made Herb and I and Missy most happy.

Sharon & Herb Morrill

(Last update: Jul 8th, 2009 3pm)

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Name: Jax

(FKA M. C. Moose)

ID#: VA6343
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/29/09
Adopted: 06/24/09
Deceased: 06/22/19
Congrats: Laurie
Foster: Frani

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
You know my name should probably be "Lucky". I was once somebody's baby; I was cared for and loved. Somehow, I ended up outside in the cold. A nice lady fed me for a while and once she saw that I was not only handsome, but also friendly, she took me home. My savior knew about Siamese Rescue, got in touch with them and here I am. I adore nice people and have not met a lap that I didn't love. I have started to meet some of the other cats who live here and mostly I just explore. I am an ace door darter. I have been able to bolt out of my room to check out the rest of this place. Foster Frani can't believe I can sneak so well. For that reason, I can't go to a home with children younger than 10. You may be wondering about the name. Foster Dad gave me that name. My whole name is: Mister Chocolate Moose ;) because I am so sweet. I may be sweet but I am not a good traveler. My transport area is with in an hour drive of Boston, MA.

M.C. Moose

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Notes from Home
Dear Siamese Rescue,

We are on our second round of isolation after (We decided to name him Jax!) Jax darted out of his room and went after Zigi....He has settled in again very well..a little crying once in a while. Zigi is doing great, she knows he's in the bedroom sits outside the door once in a while and is doing all her same things daliy...like falling over for belly rubs, playing with Mum & Dad and getting lots of love as always. Jax is a wonderful boy and I know this will blow over..we are 100% committed to him!!! He also like Zigi is very loving...sleeps in our arms all night...we can kiss him a million times a day and he loves it...very smart..when we leave the room and say "stay" for the most part he lays back down on the bed. He has air conditioning, music (Country!) a new round kitty bed as well as a 4 foot cat tree under the window. He is going for his Vet check 7/11/09 and will also be tested for heartworm!! Tx

(Last update: Jul 8th, 2009 8am)

Just arrived. More information soon. Brother to Bailey! Maybe we could go together?
Name:   Barnum
ID#: VA6019
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/18/08
Adopted: 12/10/08
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Yes we were told, the brother and sister pair of Barnum and Bailey were available if we wanted them. Be aware, however, that both have been rescue kitties from early on, and were very very suspicious and shy with people. Bailey, the female, in particular, we were assured was hard to approach. But even on the trip home in mid-December I began to suspect a bait and switch deal had been perpetrated on us. Bailey, the supposedly super shy one settled into her travel crate curled into a ball and slept like the 6 1/2 month baby she was. Barnum, on the other hand, hunkered into watchful kitty mode. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt by thinking he was just being protective of his sister.

They both started out slow and shy at home, especially with people. Soon the assumption that they seemed to have that my husband and I were merely a relatively competent staff seemed true. Day by day, however, Bailey began to see that it felt good to be admired and petted and even brushed provided one did not hold her for those activities. By mid-February Bailey would jump on the bed for her lengthening periods of petting. Finally by mid-June Barnum has allowed an occasional quick pet. Except when (on his terms naturally) he is about to be fed. At that time (usually bedtime) he falls in expectation before my husband and demands his affection for a while.

Since neither of these now-year-old kitties had any real experience of home before us,they have taken a while to understand that they are now in their forever home, though it is hoped that one day Barnum may trust us even more. We would not part with either of the kids. Bailey's athletics and Barnum's curiosity about things and how they work are a joy to behold. And when they get in one of their spells they can leave us in tears of laughter. Thank you, Siamese rescue for these two wonderful additions to our family.

(Last update: Jul 5th, 2009 8pm)

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Name:   Bailey
ID#: VA6018
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 11/18/08
Adopted: 12/10/08
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Just arrived. More information soon. Sister to Barnum (how did you guess?). Snippet of a gal, little shy but breathtakingly lynxy. I'd like to go with Barnum if possible!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Yes we were told, the brother and sister pair of Barnum and Bailey were available if we wanted them. Be aware, however, that both have been rescue kitties from early on, and were very very suspicious and shy with people. Bailey, the female, in particular, we were assured was hard to approach. But even on the trip home in mid-December I began to suspect a bait and switch deal had been perpetrated on us. Bailey, the supposedly super shy one settled into her travel crate curled into a ball and slept like the 6 1/2 month baby she was. Barnum, on the other hand, hunkered into watchful kitty mode. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt by thinking he was just being protective of his sister.

They both started out slow and shy at home, especially with people. Soon the assumption that they seemed to have that my husband and I were merely a relatively competent staff seemed true. Day by day, however, Bailey began to see that it felt good to be admired and petted and even brushed provided one did not hold her for those activities. By mid-February Bailey would jump on the bed for her lengthening periods of petting. Finally by mid-June Barnum has allowed an occasional quick pet. Except when (on his terms naturally) he is about to be fed. At that time (usually bedtime) he falls in expectation before my husband and demands his affection for a while.

Since neither of these now-year-old kitties had any real experience of home before us,they have taken a while to understand that they are now in their forever home, though it is hoped that one day Barnum may trust us even more. We would not part with either of the kids. Bailey's athletics and Barnum's curiosity about things and how they work are a joy to behold. And when they get in one of their spells they can leave us in tears of laughter. Thank you, Siamese rescue for these two wonderful additions to our family.

(Last update: Jul 5th, 2009 8pm)

Want a beautiful love bug? That's me! I just got here after a month in a noisy shelter and all I want to do is get love and love and love and purr and purr some more. Fostermom promises to get a good picture of me soon - it's not easy 'cause all I want to do snuggle and purr and rub.
Name:   Adah
ID#: VA4234
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/11/06
Adopted: 07/03/06
Congrats: Lynda
Foster: Paula


Notes from Home
Adah is a great cat! We all love her. SInce she joined our family 3 years ago, she has made us happy. We can't recall what it was like around here without her. The children are now 8 and almost 5, and Adah is their favorite and she is theirs.
(Last update: Jul 4th, 2009 6am)

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Name: Jasper

(FKA Ray)

ID#: VA6261
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/15/09
Adopted: 05/09/09
Congrats: Gina
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Hey, guys, I'm doing great. Today I get to be out with the rest of the cats. So far I'm just having some fun exploring and talking in my chirpy voice. Once in a while I have to find a spot to hang out and when foster mom comes looking and calls to me I answer. I'm just sort of doing my own thing and curious of the other cats, but I pay attention if they aren't interested in me. (How could they not be interested in me?) Foster mom thinks I'm a little older than the 10 months the people said I was. We'll see what the doc thinks on Monday when I get my exam. So far I'm being true to the reputation of flame point boys - laid back and lover boy.

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Notes from Home
Hello! I'm quickly settling in at my furever home, where I get to run around and play! My name is Jasper now, and I have this cozy spare room all to myself where one of my new "furparents" sleeps in the room with me every night so I'm not lonely. I'm still learning I probably shouldn't run over them when they're trying to sleep, but I'm sure I'll figure that out someday :-) There's another cat here, my big sister, that I haven't really met yet, but I get to meet her in a week or so. I've only been here for 4 days so I'm still adjusting to life in my new home, but I still love to purr whenever my furparents come and spend time with me! Love, Jasper

UPDATE: I'm getting along better with my big sister, but she's still wary of my lurking about her. I still act like an oversized kitten, running and climbing on everything I can! My big sister and I share food: she seems to like my food more than hers, and I like her food better than mine. Yummy! I get lots of attention from my furparents, as does my sister; they make sure we know we are loved and cared for. Maybe someday I'll stop nipping at them, but maybe I'm still learning how to behave. Love, Jasper

(Last update: Jul 2nd, 2009 11pm)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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