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Hi - I'm Zeda and I'm a very sweet and loving girl. I love to have people around me, sit in laps, be loved on and kissed as well as cuddled. I have lived with other cats and dogs before, but would probably be happiest as an only cat with my "special" person to care for me. Do you have catnip sacks at your house? I'd love to have some of those to play with as well as toys on a string. SO, if you can give lots of love and can provide me with just a few necessities, I'll be your special girl forever. Love and purrs, Zeda
Name:   Zeda
ID#: VA4930
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 05/22/07
Adopted: 08/11/07
Congrats: Abigail
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I adopted Zeda at a really tough time in my life. As I was starting grad school in a new place, a tragedy happened in my fiance's (now husband's) family. Having Zeda there with me when it was really hard to meet new people because of how sad I was gave me a friend who always greeted me happily when I came home, cuddled when I needed it, and gave me unconditional love in return for playtime and food. She got me through the first year of grad school, and when my husband and I got married and moved in together, we decided that she really might like a kitty companion. After talking to Zeda's foster mom, Katie, about it, she recommended Duncan, a mellow young Lynx point boy. We brought Duncan home, and after a careful integration period, the kitties did great together. That was almost a year ago now and they continue to become closer as kitty siblings. Everyone who comes over to the house remarks on how friendly and sweet they both are, and our cats have convinced several "non-cat" people how great kitties can be! We love them like they're our children and are so thankful that ours is their forever home!
(Last update: Aug 12th, 2009 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Daphne

(FKA Rose)

ID#: VA5771
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/06/08
Adopted: 08/10/08
Congrats: Emily
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

Yes, I really am this cute. I'm a little more subdued than that rowdy kitten here - Blossom! - but I still like to run and play. I like to climb onto foster mom's lap, and I'll even let her hold me for a minute or two. But then I'm off to the races again - I'm a kitten and there is so much to do, and so many toys to play with! I'm a smart little girl, and have taught myself to scratch the scratch mats and the cardboard scratch boxes. I'm all up to date on my vaccines, I've been spayed, and I'm ready to go home. Will that be with you?

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Notes from Home
Daphne "The Doodle"-

Hello to all my Siamese Rescue friends!!! I have spent one year with my MEowmy and Paw Paw, and I am soooooo happy!
I live in New Jersey, on a little island in the middle of Lake Hopatcong... I have a BIG porch that I sit on all day where I sniff the breeze rolling off the lake. It is very relaxing!
Sometimes I sit in the window and try to lure the chipmunks closer to my house- I wish I could go outside, but I think my mommy would cry if I ever did, she would never let me!
I truly am my Daddy's Girl. I like to sit on his lap when he gets home from work, and he gives the BEST chin scritches around! I get a lot of hugs and kisses- even when i don't really want them!
My mommy likes to pick me up and squeeze me.. she calls me her "Shortie Tortie." Then my Grammy comes over and does the same thing!!! My grammy just bought me a new Cat Tree that I love to climb and scratch... I love her!
But the BEST part about my new home is my big Brother, Phinnaeus. Phinny is 7 years old, and he is a BLue Point Siamese. We love eachother a lot, and are always together. We love to wrestle and play and run around. Phinny is very gentle, he lets me win all the time, even though he is bigger than I am! We sleep together and cuddle, Phinny always rests his head on my big soft belly.
We were featured on TV!!! We won Pet of the Week on News 12 New JERsey cause we are so cute... and we got to advertise for Siamese Rescue!
We have a very nice vet.. his name is Dr. Sniderman- he likes to give us kisses and hugs, and takes good care of us. Mommy is greatful that he is so loving and gentle!

Things are great here, and i am so thankful I was placed with my forever home by Siamese Rescue- who knows where I would have been without their help? They can be assured I am safe, and cqared for, and LOVED beyond any words!! Maybe a little too much sometimes!!
Ok, gotta go.. mommy just made some fresh Tune and Catnip treats... I have to beat Phinny or he might eat them all!!!

(Last update: Aug 10th, 2009 10am)

Foster mom says I'm a beautiful little kitten, and very purry. I have a good appetite, and I use the litter box like the proper little lady that I am. I was with other kittens at the shelter, and liked them very much. I'd probably like to go home with another kitten or someone to play with. I'll be letting foster mom more about my personality soon. I have a little bit of a cold from the shelter, but just a little one! It hasn't slowed me down one bit though.
Name:   Sheena
ID#: VA6432
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 06/28/09
Adopted: 07/19/09
Congrats: Annette
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Sheena is doing great on her two week anniversary. She is now out and about the house with no problems and sleeping in our bed. She is currently in front of my monitor, helping as I type this. She is very self-assured and shows great common sense in dealing with the older cats. She was a good choice for a multi-cat house.

Quenby, our rescued chocolate point, has taken Sheena under her wing, and is showing her the ropes. Lily, our seal point, is still a little grumpy about things, but isn't making a big fuss. Mr. Tod thinks she's great as long as she doesn't pounce his tail too much. The two DSH torties aren't big fans, but the elder, Esme, ignores her as long as she keeps her distance. Chloe, the youngest, is having hissy fits when she sees Sheena, but hasn't gone out of her way to be aggressive. All in all, I think it will all settle down nicely.

Sheena is an extremely sweet kitten. She is very affectionate. We couldn't have made a more perfect choice.

Here are links to a couple of videos I took on her first trip downstairs:


(Last update: Aug 2nd, 2009 4pm)

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Name: Leo

(FKA T-cube (NKA Leo))

ID#: VA6028
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/23/08
Adopted: 01/31/09
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Yes I know I'm cute and adorable and I would really look great under your Christmas tree, but foster mom says no way! I won't be big enough to go home until around Valentine's day. So if you can see me with red hearts and some weird little squirt who runs around wearing a diaper and carries a bow and arrow, then ask about me.

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Notes from Home
Leo (FKA T-cube) is growing and thriving. He is about 9 months old now, and has come so far from the sickly orphaned kitten he used to be! He is bouncy and lovable and full of fun. He doesn't know the meaning of the word "stranger," and rushes to help us answer the door each time the doorbell rings. He even stays around when the toddler grandchildren are visiting, so you know he is REALLY friendly!

He greets us each morning, climbing on the bed and chirping like a little bird, wanting his head rubbed. He also does this last thing at night, settling down on somebody's chest or lap for some very loud purring and rubbing.

Leo gets along well with Greyson (almost 1 year) whom we adopted just a couple of months before we got Leo. The two boys play together quite a lot and share toys and food without argument. Our geezer "crabby tabby" Kallye is a bit less tolerant, however, so Leo just steers clear of her.

From the very beginning, he has eaten like a champ, although he doesn't seem to care too much for any canned food. He eats a few bites and then wanders away. His litterbox habits are perfect.

His only bad habit is climbing onto the kitchen table! If our chairs aren't pushed in all the way, he uses one to help him get to the tabletop, where he has attempted to sample wine, beer, and of course, whatever is on the plates! If no food or beverage is there, he just lies down. Needless to say, we are trying to prevent this behavior.

It is hard to capture his cute little face with the camera. But I shall try.

(Last update: Jul 30th, 2009 9am)


I'm here cuz the new baby was allergic to me - nothing I did wrong. Goodness gracious--just when I was feeling better emotionally I got a darn shelter cold. Sneeze, achoo, and here comes another sneeze! Shoot--so we don't know about dogs or other cats yet---just that I am very, very friendly and a real sweetheart.

Happy Summer!

Love Bug

(Yep BUG is my real name and the one I've had for over 3 years now so I'd like to keep it okay?)
Name:   Bug
ID#: VA6344
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/30/09
Adopted: 06/27/09
Congrats: Sally
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
We're all getting along great! Bug is a wonderful girl and we are so happy we found her. She is feeling and doing great!

We're just waiting for her fever coat to grow out so she can look like her old self again!

(Last update: Jul 27th, 2009 9am)

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Name:   Pepper
ID#: VA5820
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/27/08
Adopted: 07/09/09
Deceased: 03/01/17
Congrats: Sean
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Will you PLEASE get with the program? You say you're looking for one friendly nice easy going good habits galfriend? Well you must need glasses is all I can say! I'm staring you right in the face! What? I'm upside down? Well stand on your head, you silly person!

New Movie Added!

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Notes from Home
Pepper is continuing to adjust very well to her new home. We had our first visit to the vet yesterday and she's in tip-top shape. She could afford to lose a little weight, but she already knows that. She's become quite the diva in her own right, but that's certainly part of her charm.

She's a definite lap kitty and loves "helping out" with work, which means sitting directly on top of the laptop so that we can't work :-)

She's starting talking a bit more, and makes it quite loud and clear when it's time to play. This girl may be "quiet", but she certainly has a voice when she wants to use it.

(Last update: Jul 23rd, 2009 9am)

Look at me - such pretty tortie coloring and then those dark points. Foster Mom says I am one friendly cat! I like to purr, and I've been resting and eating a lot. I'm ready, though, to be loved and to follow my person around. I'm not a big talker, but I will greet you to let you know you're not alone and that I love you.

If you can handle a fairly quiet, mellow kind of girl, then I'm you're tortie! And you should email foster mom to find out more about me......:)
Name: Mattie

(FKA Perdita)

ID#: VA6023
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 11/21/08
Adopted: 01/18/09
Congrats: Karin
Foster: Jeannie


Notes from Home
Just received notification that we have had Mattie (formerly Perdita) for 6 months! Time sure does fly when you're having fun! I am happy to report that Mattie has decided to adopt us as her furever family! It took a while. She wasn't sure about the kids (they sure are loud) or the dogs (they had impulse control issues), but we worked with her and I took some spectacular advice from the Meezer team about working with the woofers and controlling their impulses. I'm thrilled to say that Mattie has now settled in quite happily. She freely roams the entire house and even visits the living room!!! She is a really sweet girl. She has absolutely charmed the socks off her daddy and has become quite the daddy's girl. She does not like to cuddle, but loves to be petted and played with....which she gets lots of at our home. She loves to eat and will tell anyone around that she is hungry and needs to be fed (even if she has already had her dinner). Her new nickname is "moo moo". Thanks so much for all that you guys do. We couldn't be more pleased!
(Last update: Jul 20th, 2009 9am)

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Name:   Sadie
ID#: VA6064
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/24/08
Adopted: 01/18/09
Deceased: 04/19/11
Congrats: John
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

I'm a bit confused right now - I've been bounced from home to home. The last home I had lasted two weeks - they said that I was a bit shy, but good with dogs and kids. They said I used my litter box, and never scratched the furniture. But they said something about being "allergic" and off to the shelter I had to go. And now here I am. I'm a pretty seal girl with a white milk mustache and white feet. I talk a lot, and like to stick out my tongue at you. I was very friendly at the shelter, so give me a couple of days to feel secure again, and I'm sure I'll be back to my old self in no time. Check back soon for updates and pictures of my pretty self!

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Notes from Home
Sadie is doing fine it has been 6 months and no problems so far she has been warming up slowly but surely, she will allow petting on her head but not for too long, she does not liked to be picked up for more then about 3 seconds and wants down,definitely not a lap cat. Lately she is starting to follow me around more wanting to know where i am and what i am doing. Every morning she waits on the dresser outside the bathroom for me to come out to feed her, this is the time when she wont leave me alone rubbing against me and purring till she get her food. She likes dry and canned food mostly she licks the gravy off the canned after i smash it into small pieces she can swallow since she only has 4 teeth but that doesn't slow her down much, she eats plenty of dry.It is fun to watch her play she will be laying on the floor and suddenly jump up run in circles like shes attacking something and then go flying down the hallway and back again and attack some more, she also loves the laser mouse. Overall we are glad to have her here and enjoy her company,hopefully she will continue to progress and one day we will be able to pick her up and hold her.
(Last update: Jul 19th, 2009 2pm)

Well, Meowmy says she's in love! She told me I am the cutest little thing she has ever seen and that I look just like one of her meezers. Maybe she is my cousin???
Well anyhow, if you are looking for an loving, headbutting, cute, soft, unusual kitty, then I'm the one for you! I even got a star because I'm so special!!!!
Name:   Tamara
ID#: VA5007
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 06/22/07
Adopted: 07/14/07
Deceased: 10/20/14
Congrats: Jeanne
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes



Notes from Home
Tamara is as sweet as ever. She loves people and will climb up a mans leg for attention. With those 3 legs she can outrun the rest of my kitties up and down the stairs. She is amazing, and so beautiful. She just had her vet exam and loved on the vet as she was pronounced healthy. She often goes to the cat shows with me as an ambassador for Siamese rescue as she greets folks who come to the booth. She is a pure joy to have and is adored by all my friends.
(Last update: Jul 14th, 2009 6pm)

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Name:   Tuti
ID#: VA5595
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 03/22/08
Adopted: 07/13/08
Deceased: 08/01/12
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
HEY! Give me a shout, will ya???? I'm a good gal, really! Easy going, a little silly, opinionated, and drop dead gorgeous.....

Note: Prefers people to cats

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Notes from Home
Thanks so much for remembering our special day. Tuti has won
us over completely. She's got us well trained to her routines.
She seems to be even more interested in getting petted than in
eating. That's a first for any cat I ever knew, but she has
been very healthy, happy and relaxed with us.

She's actually gotten more mobile since she's been with us.
Though she still doesn't jump, she has learned how to climb up
into certain chairs from the floor. Nancy and I think perhaps
she just spent entirely too much time in a carrier when she
was with her former owner, and never got to learn how to do
cat things. She's making up for lost time now, though.

I have been taking some pictures this week to send to you, so
you can see for yourself how she's doing. I see that all of
the cats we were considering adopting have found furever homes
now. I was especially relieved when I learned through the
website that Leon and Tilly were adopted.

In honor of Tuti's anniversary, and to thank you once again
for everything you did to help us find the right cat and to
support us after we brought her home, Nancy and I are making a
donation to VASRC. Our family wouldn't be complete without

(Last update: Jul 13th, 2009 12pm)

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