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Superbly nice gentle souled cat given up when my owner was deployed. Stay tuned as I settle in and get over this cold!
Name: Angus

(FKA Brian)

ID#: VA6221
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 03/28/09
Adopted: 05/01/09
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
It's been six months since we adopted Angus, as we now call him. Brian was to tame a name for such an overpowering personality. He seemed so nonchalant when we adopted him, but, soon we found out he is a power to be wary of. Nothing scares him in the slightest and our snooty princess "Fiona" found in short order that he could not be bossed around. It was hiss, hiss and ignore for several weeks, but, Angus would not be ignored. So, they finally made peace and the fun began. They take turns chasing each other and they are well matched in speed. Of course since girls are more cunning, Fiona, often takes him by surprise by hiding behind something , then the chase always goes up the staircase, into the master bedroom, up some more stairs and onto the bed. Angus is big and a little on the heavy side, which gives Fiona an advantage. Her jumping capacity is far greater than his, so even, if he's right on her tail, she jumps to the highest point and looks down at him with a smirk. We crack up in laughter all the time. We are so blessed to have them in our household with all our thanks going to SCRC, and especially Siri who worked so diligently with us to make it all possible.
(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2009 7am)

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Name:   Buff
ID#: VA5717
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 28 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 06/14/08
Adopted: 09/20/08
Congrats: Jane
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Foster Meowm says I'm one of the most laidback and easy-going cats she's ever had. Nothing seems to faze me. I get along with all the other cats here and will probably do fine with a dog too as long as it doesn't chase me.

Even though I'm 12yrs old, I'm very healthy, my bloodwork looks good and I have purrfect litterbox habits. I'm still playful and best of all I LOVE people and attention !

Take a chance on me and I can guarantee you won't be sorry !

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Notes from Home
He's doing very well for an "old fella." He can still knock around a catnip mouse with the best of them.
We had a vet visit 10/29; he got distemper & rabies vaccines and a general exam. Doc says he's ok. He has "runny" eyes, so he's on an antibiotic ointment for 10 days.
My "Little Buddy Buff" is as sweet as ever; still my little cuddle puss. He loves everybody. Shea is still not friendly, but she doesn't run away from him, tho, the paw still comes up as a warning.

I call him my "Little Buddy" - that's his official, on paper name now.

Even though I was taken with him the 1st time I saw him on line, I was extremely hesitant to bring home an older guy after having lost 2 old fellas a few monthe before, but he stayed on my mind and finally, he's home.

Both of the vets that have seen him ( I changed in October) were EXTREMELY impressed with the notes Joyce had kept on him. Anything they looked for was in the file.

Little Buddy has been just that. He's my lap cat & cuddler.
Sometimes he seems a tiny bit feeble and other times he's kicking the daylights out of toy mice and charging all over the place after them.
His litter habits are impeccable.
We have a little scratching problem, but we're working through it: a very loud "no" or "bad" gets through to him (hearing loss).

My other cat, Shea (non-meezer) has warmed up VERY slowly - her hissing and screeching has stopped, but she really still doesn't want anything to do with him and he seems to want cat companionship very much.

Thank you all for everything - I am so happy that you saved him!

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2009 3pm)

You MUST love true Siamese, you MUST love talkers, you MUST love distinguished older gentlemen, and you MUST love me. Sure, I need to diet just a bit, after all I've got 15 pounds of love behind that yowl. Don't think I give two hoots about much other than my food, a lap, and an ear to listen to me. If you're one of those True Seal Siamesers, then let's hook up!
Name:   Austin
ID#: VA2965
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/17/04
Adopted: 10/30/04
Deceased: 01/21/10
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
At 17 years old Austin is still doing absolutely great healthwise! His bloodwork in February was almost unchanged from what it was five years ago when he first arrived at Siri's B&B and his kidney functions remain perfect.

He's claimed the chairs in my office as his throne (which one depends on his mood of the day) and can usually be found there although his absolute favorite spot is on Gene's lap - there have been too many times to count where he's smashed through the newspaper announcing his presence with a true meezer yowl that will crack windows as Gene attempted to read it. He definitely loves and prefers his dad and immediately claims his lap whenever possible ! He remains extremely vocal, likes to carry on very loud conversations (we believe he may be partially deaf) and complains if his dry food dish isn't completely full or the water is lower than he expects it to be.

It took almost four years for him to feel comfortable with the other cats and we had some issues but several times recently I've found him on our bed in close proximity to a couple of them.

A comfy chair to curl up, full dishes of food and water and Gene's lap is all it takes to keep Austin completely happy.

(Last update: Oct 31st, 2009 4pm)

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Name: Archie

(FKA Archimedes)

ID#: VA5235
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/18/07
Adopted: 10/14/07
Congrats: Sara
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

"Eurika - I have found it" - I have found foster care and know that I will have a happy life with a new family in the near future. Foster Mom, Katie, told me that. "Eurika - I have found it" - Great food, a warm bed and a room of my own with a view. "Eurika - I have found it", lots of love and people to take care of me. "Eurika, I have found it", birds, squirrels and chipmunks out the window to watch run around. "Eurika, I have found it - toys galore and a BIG scratching post of my own. Even though I am declawed, I use it often. "Eurika, I have found it" - laps and couches to sit on and purr. If you would please adopt me, like my namesake, I would shout, "Eurika, I have found it" - a forever home. I promise to be very excited, but will wear my beautiful coat when I get out of my carrier. I won't run through your house shouting "Eurika, I have found it" in the buff like my namesake did when he got out of the bathtub. .

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Notes from Home
Archie is a very happy kitty! We are thrilled that he has been part of our family for the last 2 years!
(Last update: Oct 25th, 2009 4pm)

Here's the thing about me: I'm a big ole momma's boy who lost my momma. I was very close to her and I'm still working things out. I do like foster-mom, I give her head-bumps and chin-snuggles and I really do love when she gives me a good back-rub, but every now and then I need some quiet me-time to remember my momma-mom and figure out how I'm going to fit in in this strange new world.

Foster-mom says she can see that I'm the kind of boy looking for a tight, deep, forever-bond with my next mom (or dad, I like guys too) but I'm going to need someone who really understands that the Siamese heart may have to take things in baby-steps at first. With time and encouragement and unconditional love I'll find my way all the way back to giving unconditional love in return - if you have the love and patience to give to a healing heart, you might just be the one for me!

Name: Scully

(FKA Tino)

ID#: VA6554
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/18/09
Adopted: 09/19/09
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Tino, now Scully, is doing great. He is still very skittish and especially shy of noises. He love to run, jump and hide behind furiture to "get the drop on you" when you come around the corner. He has taken his rightful place as Dog Ruler and snuggles up to the back of our 13 year old greyhound for warmth. Thanks for our new furkid and all your hard work. Bob and Barbara
(Last update: Oct 21st, 2009 7pm)

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Name:   Murphy
ID#: VA3403
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/24/05
Adopted: 07/11/05
Deceased: 12/25/16
Congrats: John (jack)
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
First Prize: Best Friend Potential

I'm a silly billy. I'm a loofy goofy. Watch my video! I'm a roly poly 13 pound lug with a love for attention and conversation and interaction. I'm strong willed and don't like to be told what to do, but hey, us handsome intelligent guys often don't. I'm looking for a very best friend to be mine, and I guarantee we're going to have lots of great fun together. I chirp and chuckle and follow you everywhere!

Hey, and I've been so-o-o good, Aunt Siri says she thinks I'd be just fine with a laid back feline lady friend!

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Notes from Home
Murphy is a very contented 'senior' cat. Now 17 pounds because he's a couch potato just like me. He's not really a 'lap' cat (good thing since he's so heavy), but he's always lying right up against me on the couch or in bed.

He's current on all of his annual vet visits to Stonecrest Vet, last visit September, 2009. I will send some updated pics soon.

Jack McCole

(Last update: Oct 21st, 2009 1pm)


Let me tell you what happened to me. I was wandering the streets in Camden when I was picked up and taken to a shelter. I'm not sure what a shelter is but there were lots of other kitties and doggies there, too. It was kind of noisy and I was in a cramped cage but it wasn't so bad. I had all those folks there wrapped around my little paw.

I was there for a little while then, all of a sudden, I was whisked away and put in a car. Don't know what that was either but after a while, of all things, I was given a bath. They tried to tell me it was a spa but it sure felt like a bath. But that wasn't too bad because after that I was wrapped in towels and held really close. I liked that and I purred and purred.

Now I have a room all to myself. I get good food, get visits from foster meowmy and paw paw and have bunches of toys and nice comfy places to sleep. This isn't bad at all but it isn't home. If you would like a really nice snowshoe meezer, ask about me. I would love to have a family to call my own.

Name:   Mokey
ID#: VA6228
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/31/09
Adopted: 04/19/09
Congrats: Tori
Foster: Vangie


Notes from Home
Mom and Dad decided to call me Monster after a LOUD first night where I kept them up the whole night. But they soon realized that I am no monster!

My favorite activities include carrying my balls around the house in my mouth, playing hide and seek with dad, watching mom study from my convenient seated position on top of her book, scaring house guests in the middle of the night and the best of all chasing the LASER!

It has been a perfect match!

(Last update: Oct 20th, 2009 10pm)

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Name:   Winnie
ID#: VA6456
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/11/09
Adopted: 09/05/09
Deceased: 02/26/19
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I need a very special adopter since I am a very special girl. I don't handle stress well so can only travel 4 hours or less to my new home. I also have a problem with my right eye. I do not have 100% vision in that eye.
I am also similar to a human preemie in that I am way behind other kittens my age.
I am almost 2 lbs now. I get tired and need my baby naps. Foster mom says I am special - I know I am special but she says it is a different type of special. She says that it is still a little early yet to tell how bright my light bulb is going to be :)
With some of these challenges, I need someone who has good kitty care experience and will be able to tell if I might be needing vet attention or special care attention - eating well and functioning relatively normal.
The other thing I need is a kitty companion who will not get too rough with me or be mean to me.
I have just learned to play with bell balls and furry mice and I am a super cuddle bug.

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Notes from Home
We brought Winnie to Florida from Virginia and she had quite a trip. She had 6 hours in a car, overnight in a hotel, a drive to drop off the rental, a busride to the airport, a bevy of fans taking photos and admiring her at the airport. One of the security guards told us no mountain lions allowed on the planes today! LOL! She did great on the plane alll except for liftoff and then on to another bus ride to another car ride to FINALLY get home! She did great with all of her adventures and when we put her in the carrier in the hotel to go to sleep not even a peep until 6:30. She is checking out her room and is too little to get up on the bed yet but no shame in trying! She does love hiding under the dustruffle to play and she is a great playgirl. Today is two weeks since we picked up Winnie and she is a very lovey girl. She has gained .8oz and eats like a little piglet. She is on Albon for two weeks but is very easy to give medicine to so that is a plus. She was quite the hit at the vet's office everyone was oooohing and ahhhing over her and she just lapped it up. Winnie is not so thrilled with our 12 year old Sabrina she is not sure about her and Sabrina is taking her time getting close to Winnie BUT it's only been a few days that they have been around each other so we are still hopeful that they will end up buddies. Although, we were worried that Sabrina would be the hisser it turns out that Winnie has taken that job and really gets worked up when she sees Sabrina. Sabrina on the other hand just looks at her and walks away when she acts like that. She loves to play and RUN!!!!!!! She is especially fond of her cube that Kay gave her and feathers they are fantastic! All else is well and we think she is pretty fantastic too - now if she would just be nicer to Sabrina :)
Well it's been six weeks today since we all had that big adventure and Winnie is growing like a weed she now weighs 4.8 pounds which is about 4 pounds bigger then the first picture of her we saw. We like to refer to it as the sucker picture because she suckered us right in with those blue eyes! She has now seen the light as is no longer hissing at Sabrina - the tides have turned and now it is Sabrina hissing at Winnie. Winnie still loves to run and that usually involves chasing Sabrina so when Sabrina has had enough the hisses starts but that does not deter Winnie she is pretty fearless and the only thing that we have seen her run from is the vaccum, so a little hissing isn't going to scare her off. Actually, she thinks its a game Sabrina on the other hand not so much :) We think they are this close to a sleepover! We do go out on the lanai on the leash and we have seen lizards, ants, other bugs, birds, rabbits, and of course the pool. Not so fond of the pool thing we are pretty sure she will not be trying to go in there anytime soon too noisy and wet. Although, we love cold stuff, licking the inside of the refrigerator, or a sweaty glass, she even stands in front of the freezer when the door is open and she likes cold and we live in florida that figures. Well, that's all for now check out my new photos because I am really cute :)

(Last update: Oct 17th, 2009 5pm)

I'm much more suave and debonair than my brother Genghis. I call him Genghis the Goofball ... hee ... hee ... hee.
Name: Toby

(FKA Khan)

ID#: VA6538
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/12/09
Adopted: 09/12/09
Deceased: 03/01/15
Congrats: Dean
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi everyone this is Khan, except my name now is Toby. I am having a great time at my new home and have decided that this is a good place. I really like it when all my uncles and aunts come to visit - they pet me and play with me all the time.
I got some good news this week, I am getting a sister! I am really excited because even though I get lots of play time with my family it is just not the same as with another kitty. My sisters name is going to be Tara and I am ready to share my cat tree and play gym.
Right now I am sleeping on my Dad's lap pretending to watch baseball with him - but I am really just sitting here so that he will rub my chin and tummy.
Thanks to everyone who took such good care of me and got me to this great home you are all GREAT!!!!!!!

(Last update: Oct 16th, 2009 11pm)

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Name:   Meow
ID#: VA3310
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/18/05
Adopted: 10/15/05
Deceased: 01/01/08
Congrats: Kaethe
Foster: Karen

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Do I look lovable? I should be. Here at Foster Moms B&B, life is good, but she promises it is going to get better. Foster Mom promise us, me and my companion Manny (VA 3309) that someday we will be adopted and have a forever home. What more could a Meezer want? Foster Mom says we are great fosters, no trouble at all. I talk but it is more like a squeak, Foster Mom laughs at my attempts to talk, Manny does all the talking for the both of us. He doesnt talk too much mine you, just when we are hungry and want a hug. Loving you is our specialty, we promise to love and cherish you for the rest of our days. We love just being with you, we are the bestest companions. So please, I repeat myself, please, ask about us, you wont regret the day you opened your home and heart to us. I know Foster Mom would be happy to answer all your questions. Hugs and purrs for now, Love Meow.

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Notes from Home
Meow passed away in November 2008 from cancer of the belly. According to the vet, he was really 20 years old. In true geezer meezer fashion, he was loving and sweet right up until the end and seemed as sad to leave us as we were to have him go.
(Last update: Oct 15th, 2009 9am)

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