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No I have not been into Santa's milk, but with my Christmassy name and sweet personality I sure hope he can bring me a home of my own soon!

(FKA Noelle)

ID#: VA6051
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/06/08
Adopted: 02/07/09
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Angela

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi Everyone!
Tai and I are happy as can be in our new home. We take turns beating up on each other and I am the probable cause of a teeny superfical corneal scratch on Tai's eye - I really didn't try to scratch his eyes out, cross my tail and everything.
One day I took an adventure in the bathroom closet and found a hole that I squeezed through leading to spaces underneath the tub and on to the rafters in the attic above the garage. My Dad was pretty upset with me when he had a sixth sense attack that I was MIA. So, the hole is now blocked, but my little adventure is locked in my memory bank furever.
I am the wake up call each day - 4:30, 5:00, 5:30 AM. I like to butt my head and purr and nip and tuck at fingers. Mom thought she was the only early birdie in our nest!
Thanks for reading my purrsonal update.
PS In case you don't know - Mom and Dad adopted Tai (Angus) one month after I came to their house. He is my meezer geezer flamous brother. I'll post some photos of Tai right now, since Mom is having trouble posting them on his update. Of course, she had no problems posting on mine, cuz I am purrfect.
Loving my life In TN with my faux brother Tai and owners. Don and Judy got suckered into being volunteer transporters with SRC and they have put some miles in their car helping to take other luccky meezers like me to their new home. I hope you can see the photo just uploaded of me - when the Christmas tree was put together, wow, it was my own personal staircase!

(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2010 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Shadow

(FKA Knight Shadow)

ID#: VA6001
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/11/08
Adopted: 12/23/08
Deceased: 12/31/11
Congrats: Nora
Foster: Siri

One very sad easy going guy who hasn't been given a lot of reason to continue to want to live. I need lots of TLC and reassurance that I won't just be dumped again and left in the cold to fend for myself. The shelter was told I was a stray, but I know the real story, and it ain't the kindest one......

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Notes from Home
One year after coming here, Shadow is an essential and much-loved member of the family. Even Duffie, our older cat, who was quite suspicious for months, has finally decided that he is OK. How could she not? Shadow is always gentle, patient, tolerant, deferential (to a point...he can be stubborn in pursuing what he wants, though always without dramatics or anger). He moves from room to room to be with us, retreating to his old rescue center bed only when he wants some serious sleep as opposed to the many hours of light sleep he gets near us. He has many favorite spots..on a rocker in my study, on a blanket on a sofa in our living room...but mostly he just loves to jump into laps and get love for a while. When he has had enough love, he jumps off and curls up for a refreshing nap. The only time he ever gets worked up is when we play a game every night of pitching hard treats down a wood-floored hallway. Shadow goes in hot pursuit, giant bushy tail swishing madly. Sometimes, having no front claws, he loses control and skids on the floor, but he twists around to resume the chase. When he misses one he growls at me--as if to say "stupid human!" Even Duffie has started to copy his love of treat chasing. He has brought such joy to our lives....the only thing that makes us sad is thinking of him wandering the streets, cold and scared and hungry. Thank God you saved him...such a gentle soul deserves all the happiness that a cat can have.
(Last update: Dec 23rd, 2009 1pm)

Heads up true meezer lovers~ if your search includes:

*soft. slick seal point
*awesome purrsonality
*head butting fool
*total loverboy
& professional lap warmer

Coltrane is your cat! This guy is the quintessential sealpoint siamese. He is mellow beyond belief, adores attention and is perfectly content to sleep in your arms for as long as you can hold him. His easy going personality includes liking other cats, dogs, all people, any food, any litterbox, any bed, any lap, being carried around like a baby.....

You get the idea....what a find! This guy makes people LOVE siamese!

Click on "how to adopt" to hear foster mama Jan gush even more ~
Name: Harry

(FKA Coltrane)

ID#: VA5352
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/15/07
Adopted: 12/22/07
Deceased: 02/14/18
Congrats: Paula
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Harry is doing great. He just got a new brother that is a 4 month old papillon puppy named Teddy. They are already best friends and love to chase each other around the house.
(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2009 12pm)

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Name:   Petunia
ID#: VA6508
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 07/28/09
Adopted: 11/01/09
Deceased: 11/16/13
Congrats: KRISTINE
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm finally over that nasty shelter cold and am feeling much better! I'm a bit of diva who takes time to learn to trust. But if you have a quiet home with another more confident kitty and are willing to work for my affection, I'd love to talk with you today!

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Notes from Home
Hi All Petunia here “Tunni or Tunia”

All is well here and I am very happy w/ my new Family. I'd say it was a good integration; I am happy here and feel like I have been here forever. I still can't believe it has been only almost 2 mths.

The Girls - Lucy & Nala 10 yr old Himmies accepted me w/ no issues. Lucy and I are doing pretty good, but still not ready for her motherly ways. Nala was the one Mom worried about b/c she took a while to warm up to Buddy (VA6279). I came home on 11/01/09, Nala didn't even see me that night and for some reason Nala was back to herself. Nala - life before Buddy...not sure why but we are not going to complain (Mom told me). Nala even plays w/ me on her terms. Nala makes sure Mom doesn't see us and if Mom catches us Nala stops and acts like nothing going on. I guess it is b/c she is the Alpha around here. (Note: Nala is 2 paw declawed and has 3/4 of her teeth removed) Go figure?!

Now, there is Buddy my friend. Believe it or not he was the last to warm up to me after a few days. We have been good friends and teaching each other things. We have a blast playing and I get a little rough for him, he is learning though and getting up to my speed. My foster Parents sent home a cube w/ me, Mom bought another one and Buddy and I roll them all over the house. Nala likes to get into one of them and we play Queen of the Castle. We (Buddy & I) zoom by her and swat until she gets fed up.

Mom and I are still learning each other. Mom says I can be a bit of a Diva at times (?!),
I am such a love bug, cuddle, love tummy rubs and sit w/ her on the couch on MY TERMS
...Humm can't understand what she talking about. If I am sleeping or walking by and don't want to be touched I growl. What's wrong w/ that? Don't pick me up, either. We have an understanding - She let's me do what I want and we are just fine. Though, I will say I am starting to like being told I am loved and getting a few random pets and kisses.
I enjoy the freedom of being able to sleep where ever I want and that Lucy, Nala and Buddy all get a long. Then you put Mom into the picture we have become a happy family. I couldn't ask for more.

Thanks to all that helped me at the SCRC and Happy Holidays!!

Tunni >>^..^<<

PS: A Special Thanks to Melanie and Brian for my Little Princess

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2009 12am)

I grew up with 15 other cats! and dogs! And it was messy and yucky and stinky! But that's okay, it gave me good experience to base my future life on! So if you have cats, dogs, or kids, I think I'm fine with all of those things! And I do need a feline friend to play with please! Am I cute or what?
Name: Little Buddy

(FKA Captain)

ID#: VA6279
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/25/09
Adopted: 05/17/09
Congrats: KRISTINE
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Hello again Buddy here….

I can’t believe it’s been 7 months and Mom and I are doing good and still learning things about each other. I still have my space issues. Though, I just love to rub & rub, give head butts and get under Moms feet in the kitchen or if she is walking around.

The funny thing is I actually found out I have my comfort zones in the 2 bathrooms. Mom has a water bowl in one of the bathrooms I can play in (if Mom leaves a toilet seat up, I still make a mess LOL) and the other bathroom I can lay down and let her pet me but not my belly!! I have even learned that being brushed and combed is a good thing…Feels soooo good but just on my back, neck and sides. I even purr and roll around. Lucy and Nala (The Girls 10 yr old Himmies) taught me to roll a while ago.

Since Mom adopted 11/01/09 Petunia (Tunni) VA6508, things have changed a lot around here. I have a new playmate and great friend. The Girls have relaxed and are able to enjoy their quiet time now w/ out looking over their shoulders. Tunni is helping me out a lot and vise versa. I have showed her the ropes around here and have gotten her to like playing in the bathtub without water. Still does not change my love of water, I even drink from the sink now! Speaking of water, Mom bought us kitties an early Xmas gift a Pet Water Fountain to drink from and Tunni & I love it!!

All in all things are pretty good around here, no complaints. Mom has her hands full in the morning’s b/c we all have to greet her when she wakes up, but not all at one time we take turns. For the most part we all get along as long as Tunni and I respect The Girls. The best part is that Tunni and Nala play on Nala’s terms and allow me to join them. Lucy sometimes tries but she prefers to lay in one of the many cat beds to watch over us to make sure we behave.

Tunni has completed our family and look forward to having her settling in more and me getting more comfortable and slowly learning this trust thing. This love thing is great. I know my Mommy loves and accepts me for who I am.

Thank you to all that helped me at the SCRC and Happy Holidays!

Little Buddy –“Buddy” >>^..^<<

(Last update: Dec 21st, 2009 9pm)

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Name:   Peony
ID#: VA6639
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/27/09
Adopted: 11/21/09
Congrats: Dorsella
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Pet Me ! Pet Me ! Oh yes, I love my back scratched ! That feels sooo good ! Let me snuggle into your hair or nuzzle your neck. Nah, I'm not quite ready to curl up on a lap yet, but give me time.

Hey, you have a wand toy - goody, let's play !

Ok, so I'm kind of shy until I get to know you - what's wrong with that. No one knows how long I lived outside having to fend for myself and my kittens until a Good Samaritan took us in and we were safe and sound with plenty of food. Then homes were found for all my babies and I came into rescue with a few stops along the way.

I'm young, I'm healthy, I'm playful, I have impeccable litterbox manners and best of all, I really like other cats !

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Notes from Home
Peony is just a sweet little thing! She is still very skittish but can't resist her urge for a scratch or to play. She's willing to overcome her fears to get a little attention. We haven't even been able to pick her up or hold her because of this but I'm willing to wait. I'm used to older kitties and have to get used to her desire to play so much. What's great is that she plays by herself which is very entertaining for us. She is just so adorable!
12/21/2009 My little girl is just as delicious as always. She had her vet visit this past Tuesday and did very well. She was a little bit of a terror getting her into the carrier but she was a perfect angel for the vet. Go figure... We love them round and were told by the vet to cut back on her servings a bit so we are definitely going to watch that more. We are so in love with her and are so happy to have her as an addition to our home.

(Last update: Dec 21st, 2009 7pm)

Hi there!

Are you looking for a handsome devil? Look no further! I'm sweet, happy, outgoing, playful, and most of all, handsome! What more do I need to say? Oh, yeah, I use the litter box like a good boy.

Click on Ask About ME for more info!

Name: Reilly

(FKA Andy)

ID#: VA6668
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/15/09
Adopted: 11/10/09
Congrats: John
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Reilly, what a character. He loves everything,
his new home, sister, mom, dad, will not pass up any lap, wants all the attention. He is getting so big we told him we might change his name to " Fat Cat".
We love having him, just like his sister he is beautiful.

(Last update: Dec 17th, 2009 2pm)

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Name: Reagan

(FKA Laurel)

ID#: VA6667
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/15/09
Adopted: 11/10/09
Congrats: John
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

I'm a sweet and petite little lady. I love laps, love toys, and although it takes me a minute or two to warm up to you, once we've met, we're friends for life. I use my box like I should and like to chat too.

For more info, click on Ask About ME!


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Notes from Home
Regan is happy in her new home. She is still a little shy but she loves to be in your lap on her terms. She is still half the size of her brother(Reilly) but is growing like a weed. I don;t think she will ever be as big as him. We are sure we did the right thing keeping them together. She thinks her brother is the "cat;s meow". She is beautiful. We love having her in our family.
(Last update: Dec 17th, 2009 1pm)

Wild child alert! Meet Pandora, a spunky little girl with a purr motor that never stops and quite the diva attitude. She may be little but she doesnt let that stop her.
She lost her mommy too young, and doesnt always know how to interact with other cats. She needs a cat buddy, a cat that is very patient and also playful.
Pandora would not do well in a home with children, as she is convinced hands are the best chew toy ever.
If you are an experienced cat parent, who is ready for a little spitfire in your life, ask about Pandora!
Name:   Pandora
ID#: VA6491
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/25/09
Adopted: 11/30/09
Congrats: Summer
Foster: Heida

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
This is Pan (aka Pandora). I've been living at my new home for a little over two weeks now. I came home a little after thanksgiving. I love it here, lots of room to run and jump. I also got a little buddie to play with now, her name is Holly, we have fun playing chase all though the wee hours of the night. I just love to chase and be chased, I also love boxes. I'm also a bit of a trouble maker, I look for things to get into. Being around a christmas tree was an adventure, lots and lots of shiney, dangling things to play with. I used to steal them from the tree and play, but i've been getting better with that. I don't much like being picked up, but on occasion i'll let you, but only for brief periods of time. I also love sleeping under the Christmas tree with my new buddie, the tree skirt make a comfy sleepy spot, but I usually mess it up. Well, i'll update again soon, thanks....
(Last update: Dec 16th, 2009 6pm)

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Name:   Chip
ID#: VA6544
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Tonkinese
Date In: 08/17/09
Adopted: 11/15/09
Deceased: 01/01/14
Congrats: Dee
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Distinguished gentleman looking for a home where I can enjoy a good chat, some good chow, and some good company. Fairly easy going, I like to be involved in the day to day activity, prefer not too much hustle and bustle, and while I tolerate other cats, people are where my preferences lay.

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Notes from Home
Chip doing very well . Had to pass the food giver test (expanding his palate) & overcoming frequent hairball tootsie rolls. Started adding smidgen of olive oil to his food & daily brushing. Worked up to 1/4 tsp. now with every meal. Stopped hairballs completely. Made coat shiney & added to his overall stamina & weight. Eats w/vigor Wenuva Chicken & Fancy Feast if it contains anything tuna. He looks very good! Still a bit spooky w/ noises he should be accustomed to, but settling in nicely. Studies my 6 month old grand baby when I babysit. Appears gentle & curious mostly from a distance, but lingers to supervise. Is respectful of baby's things & is sociable when baby's parents return.Siamese can be protectors of family members it seems. Is not pre-occupied with entryway, but I'm always on alert there. Looks outside from windows at neighbors w/ only momentary interest. Loved playing w/ the feathers-on-an-elastic cord until he held elastic tension down too long & it bounced everywhere when he let up, scaring the daylights out of him. Sits under the Xmas tree looking up I'm sure wondering where it came from all of a sudden. Ordered Pedi-Paws, the gadget that files claws versus clipping them. Will be interestingly a challenge when it arrives. Chip has excellent litterbox standards. Only had one incident just outside his covered litter box. Chip is long & lanky. Found out his head was in inside far corner & his bum hung out just over the edge of the opening. I started laughing-mistake. A few feet away he sat down & intently watched me scoop up the poop just outside the opening. I think he understood what happened because it never happened again. To avoid embarassment, he now keeps his assets inside the box & faces out the opening. Too funny! He's always at my side or not far away. Sprawled out he is more than half my length. Hubby loves the way Chip's sleep spot warms the bed before he gets in it, then Chip becomes a leg warmer for a while. In cold Massachusetts, Chip is an energy saver we don't have to plug in for heat. He's just purrrrrfect for us & we love him!
(Last update: Dec 15th, 2009 4pm)

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