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"Little Lulu, Little Lulu,
With whiskers on your chin
Always in and out of trouble,
But mostly always in.

Though you're wild as any Zulu,
And just as hard to tame,
Little Lulu, I love you-you, just the same!"

Little Lulu is a LOVER with a captial "L"! She wants nothing more than to be held and cuddled and will return that affection with headbutts and kitty kisses. A petite bundle at less than 6 lbs pounds who will win your heart with her constant purring, ladylike chatter and adoring purrsonality.

Purrs and headbutts~ Lulu
Name:   Lulu
ID#: VA6410
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/23/09
Adopted: 07/19/09
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Lulu has been with us for 6 months.... and we can't remember when she wasn't a part of the family. She is so sweet and patient. Lets my children carry her around. Loves to sit with us, sleep on the bed. She's so affectionate. Over time she's gotten more and more talkative. Greets us at the door when we've been away for the day. She still loves to chase her mice. My children bought her a new supply for Christmas. Even Dad is completely in love with her - maybe even a little jealous that he's not her favorite human!

The description we got from the foster family was exactly on track. She's exactly what we expected. I will definitely come back to Siamese Rescue when we're ready to add to the family, and have recommended rescue to a number of people. Thank you so much!!!

(Last update: Jan 19th, 2010 9am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Leo

(FKA Luka)

ID#: VA4665
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/16/06
Adopted: 01/16/07
Deceased: 07/23/19
Congrats: Richard
Foster: Julie

I climb, play with furry little mice and fly through the air after sparkle tassles, jump in laps and nuzzle necks. I am not a big talker, but I make up for it with big, loud purrs. I can even purr and eat at the same time. Foster mom says I need a muffler.

I think I have found just about every nook and cranny in the house. Foster mom lets me hang out with everyone. Love them all-cats, dogs, old ones, young ones.

Sure would like a bean of my own to snuzzle with at night. Don't you need a pillow mate?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We've had Leo 3 years now and he is starting to become a nice, purring lap cat! He's kind of a man's cat as he seems to gravitate more to me and my brother.
(Last update: Jan 18th, 2010 10pm)

I originally came from a cat hoarder home with 40+ cats, so as you can imagine I didn't get much attention. But then I was adopted to a very nice place and a nice family. But life changed, and my adopter had to move from our big place to a small apartment, and I was NOT a happy boy with that change, so here I am back in rescue because she wants me to be happy. What would make me happy, you ask? My needs are simple - other cats, a patient and rescue-savvy person, and no confinement! I need room to run, as confinement makes me scared and upset. Once I get to know you, you can pet me with my feather wand - I just love feather toys! But I'm really a "cat's cat" and not a "people cat". I've come a long way in the 5 years I've been adopted, but I'm still not sure about all those cat/people relationships. If you've got a special wish for a buddy for your other cats, and have always wanted to work with a project cat, then ask about me. I'm a very handsome "old style Siamese" guy. This is an old picture of me (I won't come out long enough to let foster mom take a new picture - not yet, anyway) but I'm a bit darker and even more handsome now.

My adoption fee is sponsored - ask foster mom about that. And when she says a special home only - she really means that.
Name: Puma

(FKA Pumba)

ID#: VA5300
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 24 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/16/07
Adopted: 01/05/08
Congrats: Sheila
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Can't believe its only been 2 years since Pumba came home..... feels like I have always had him.

He is doing very well.... still loves his feather, but lets me pet him and brush him too.

He has the best personality, and is a sweet, sweet boy! I just love!

I sent a pic of my little Pumba-Loomba camping in his tent.... doesn't he look adorable!!


(Last update: Jan 16th, 2010 9pm)

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Name:   Mork
ID#: VA6368
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 3 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 06/06/09
Adopted: 08/02/09
Deceased: 07/22/12
Congrats: Paige
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I just wanted to let everyone know Mork is out of the spare bedroom and in with Tori and Ming. Mork is doing very well and loves the 8 foot (?) cat tree that he is the king of now. My vet is coming next week to give him another once over. Mork is the sweetest little boy and a good kitten. I am attaching some pictures and hope to send more soon.

It is January 2010.... time has flown by so fast. Mork has settled in very well I know his likes (food, LOVES WATER! we have taken baths together BUT not on purpose and rough play with my female kitten). Mork came to me at almost 5 lbs and is now a HUGE 11lbs. He isn't much into cuddling =( but we are working on that. He is too big not to cuddle with me. He likes to watch the snow fall and the rain stream down the windows or the shower door. He loves to eat paper so I try not to leave any cash laying around or bills unless I don't want to pay them and he just shreds them. He is very happy here and I assume due to him not being able to hear he is very very quiet which I dont mind since he can't hear me respond to his calls. He loves hard food more than soft food now and the 360 mouse I got him is just about on its last leg. It is hard for me not to continue looking for another siamese but for now I will stick with the 3 cats I have. My home is quiet and happy that all are settled and loving one another. I thank you all for what you do I love my kitties and want you to know Mork is where he is suppose to be and we wouldnt have it any other way (well I would like him to cuddle with me). More pictures to come in a few months.

(Last update: Jan 14th, 2010 9pm)

Here I am - the poster child for rescue. I'm only two, and I've been through more in that time than most cats experience their whole life. So what's my story? Let me give you the highlights, or low points would be more accurate. I was abandoned at the vet hospital my 'owners' brought me to. I was dehydrated, malnorished, full of worms, and had a something wrong with my hip. When the kind vet there examined me, she discovered that I have a healed broken leg, and an untreated hematoma of the ear. I can hear just fine, but my ear is permanently crumpled. While she was examining me, my 'owners' vanished. The vet staff tried to contact my 'owners' but no luck - which made the vet very happy because she said a nice boy like me deserves a real home who will take care of me. And so, thanks to her - here I am in rescue! Foster mom says that someone will love me in spite of my ear, and in spite of what may be a permanent limp. I think things are starting to look up for me, don't you? I'm a nice guy, I purr a lot, and I love attention. And I'd really love a nice home where someone would actually take care of me.

The nice vet here took xrays and did bloodwork, and the news is actually pretty good. My bloodwork is fine, other than I'm anemic because I'm malnourished. Foster mom says we can take care of that. And the good news is that I have a fracture of the pelvis. That doesn't sound like good news, but it is - that means I will heal up just fine without surgery, I just need some rest for a while. I will end up with a limp, but that's OK - I won't be competing in any cat agility contests. I'll bet you're not much of a competitive athlete either - maybe we can be couch potatoes together, what do you think?
Name: Roscoff

(FKA Mista)

ID#: VA6712
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/06/09
Adopted: 12/13/09
Congrats: Jerome
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
To All Friends of the great cat known as MIsta who has changed his name to go with his new home. He likes the name Roscoff. He feels it gives him a real personage to go with his tender heart. Roscoff is named after a small town on the coast of Britteny where we have spent pleasant times.

But good news! Roscoff has left his secure hiding place behind the water heater and is now contentedly sleeping in front of the water heater under the kitchen counter where we can see him!

He eats well and his personal habits are impeccable. He is healthy but still unnerved as who wouldn't be but he is beginning to feel at home. We are waiting for him to make further physical advances in making friends with us. He is used to a constant chatter in a conversational tone where he will have heard the name Roscoff many times so he knows he is among friends.

Regards to all,


December 20, 2009 Dennisport, MA

Sunday evening one week from the night Roscoff arrived as Mista:

Roscoff has made contact with us by coming up to be petted. He then came up on my lap. What a wonderful cat! He still needs to hide out for a few minutes from time to time. His health is excellent and and he is eating and drinking well. Another few days and I think he will feel right at home.
He is now sleeping in the living room with us in the cat bed that Jackie sent with him.


Roscoff is slowly settling in and still exploring. He comes out during the day when we are with him in the living room and walks around the house. At night he roams the house and sleeps in his bed in the living room. We did get hit by a fairly strong NE snowstorm with about 18 inches. And the temperatures stay below freezing in the day and at night have been about 15 degrees. Lots of shoveling. When we come in from the snow Roscoff has to run and hide from the strange and new sounds of boots and winter coats being put on or taken off. But he does not hide long. He now purrs a lot and seems quite contented. It will take him a while to get used to new people(to him) coming into the house but he will adjust as he builds his confidence.

Happy Christmas to all of Roscoff's friends!


Roscoff is very glad he has been in his new home for two weeks because he feels at home. He plays a great deal with his little soft toy gold fish. This morning he ran around the house and played for an hour and one half and then took a bath. He does not hide behind the water heater any more. I picked him up and put him in my lap and he purred and liked that although he perhaps would have like to run around some more. I put him down before he got restless. I think I could now pick him up without any fear on his part. So far he has not been introduced to any new people but that will happen this week.
It's great to have him here. He now has three places where he sleeps as he makes this place his own.
He meows when he wants to be fed and as a morning greeting but as yet has not given a real Siamese call but maybe it is because he feels so comfortable here. Again I restate, he is a wonderful cat.

Happy New Year to all fo Roscoff's friends,


Roscoff has met a number of new friends in his new home and he acted as if he were the official greeter! When people arrive who he has not met he goes to welcome them. He plays a great deal and continues to run about. Today he has jumped up on the bed and is now sleeping in the bedroom as if to make that room part of his domain. He jumped up on my lap last night and is most affectionate when he is neither sleeping nor playing. When he is in a playful mood he will follow me about and make fake passes and gallops into the other room. What a delightful little creature he is.



Roscoff is almost completely at ease in his new home after one month. Last night was the first night that he slept all night (as far as I was aware) at the bottom of the bed which was great. He runs around the house a great deal and will fall asleep with a sigh of contentment afterwards. He loves to play and be affectionate on his own terms which is just great. I hope to get some photos tomorrow and will upload them here as soon as possible. His is the delight of the household and friends with all visitors. In a few weeks some friends come on a four hour drive for a weekend and some of them will stay at the house. They all want to see this wonderful cat, Roscoff! He as yet has not been up in the loft of our rather small house. We have kept the stairs blocked but in another few days we'll see how that adventure will please him. I think he will love the higher level lookout and since he is so agile I think it will add greatly to his enjoyment in running around.

Thanks to all friends of Roscoff.


(Last update: Jan 14th, 2010 3pm)

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Name:   K. C.
ID#: VA6734
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/21/09
Adopted: 12/12/09
Congrats: William
Foster: Donna

K. C.

Just arrived and have made it difficult for Foster Mom to get a picture without the aid of Foster Pa. She can't get a picture of me because I want to have my face in hers!

I WANT TO BE WITH YOU! ALL OVER YOU. Got plenty of time for me? I'm a fool for love.

PS I have a fluffy Balinese tail - it has golden highlights. Check out my other photos.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
KC-Kitty Cat has made, we think, a remarkable adjustment to his new home. He is very easily spoiled and we think this is a habit carried over from his kittenhood and we truly feel sorry for his original owner who lost a remarkable animal. He is friendly with everyone who comes to visit. His is still a chow hound and he looks and feels like he is gaining weight. We sent you a photo of him and Max laying on the ottomen together on Christmas day. KC joined Max and we emphasize this was not Max's idea but we make good progress every day with this relationship. KC loves to play at bedtime when the lights are low and the dogs are asleep. Though he is open to play at any time. He thinks that he is in charge of the dogs and if they fight he breaks it up. Or if we discipline a dog he is right there ready to take charge. We truly enjoy KC and his personality changes a little every day. We were going to send you a picture but it looks to complicated for us. Thank you for everything we love our KC Kitty Cat. Carole & Bill
(Last update: Jan 14th, 2010 2pm)

I just arrived and am in Siamese Rescue culture shock. I am a bit puny for my age, but foster mom is working on pumping me up to a bigger and stronger girl. I am a happy purring kitten except when getting a bath. Believe me, that was no fun. But I survived so guess it wasn't so bad.
Bye for now, Karina
Name: Kari

(FKA Karina)

ID#: VA6685
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/18/09
Adopted: 12/13/09
Congrats: Marguerite
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Kari is doing great! One month on the 14th of Jan she has been here.
She is growing TOO fast, eats all the time!!! and of course the other follows!!!!
Plays all the time, with EVERYTHING!!
see new pictures below

(Last update: Jan 13th, 2010 6pm)

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Name:   Zeva
ID#: VA6550
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/17/09
Adopted: 11/08/09
Congrats: Sue
Foster: Cheryl

So ... if you watch the same TV show my Foster Meowm does you'll know who I'm named after ... that feisty female who has a tough as nails exterior but doesn't mind finding a warm lap to nap in either! Want to know more? Ask about me! I will most definitely need a playmate!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Zeva and Coco are doing great. They rumble around every few hours, play with some toys, eat and then sleep. They like to come to the office with me and for the most part stay out of trouble. They do like to climb up the back of the desk chair and have rearranged some pspers off the work table. Nothing serious. At night they snuggle in bed with me. Zeva is always on the right side and Coco on the left.

(Last update: Jan 12th, 2010 6pm)

I'm a Siamese mix kitten with plush, bunny soft fur. Is there Ragdoll in my background? Who knows, but whatever it is, I'm very very pettable with some major ear tufts going on. In any case, I'm darn cute and very friendly. I came from another rescue - and at that foster's house, I lived with both cats and dogs, so I can probably live at your house, too. Ask about me and find out!

I can be a bit "pushy" so don't consider me if you've got really mild mannered or timid cats. I will push them away from the food bowls, the toys, and your lap.
Name: Lexi

(FKA Elsa)

ID#: VA6757
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/07/09
Adopted: 12/24/09
Congrats: Pam
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Lexi is doing wonderful!! She is a big "purr bug" she loves to head butt, and have her belly rubbed. She's getting along really good with my beagles, Dixie and Pepper. Jagger, my lab is so excited he still scares her a little and she hisses at him sometimes. He REALLY wants to play with her!! I'm thinking a few more days ... She LOVES her tree too! I brought Otis home today, but have him by himself in my son's room for now. Don't want to scare him! Lexi walked past his crate when I brought him in, sniffed and kept on her way. I love them both!! :)
(Last update: Jan 7th, 2010 9am)

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Name: Sophie

(FKA Tawny)

ID#: VA5074
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/20/07
Adopted: 12/29/07
Congrats: Cindy
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Why should I come out? I continually get overlooked. Go figure. I adore other cats, and have absolutely no politics. I've learned that people are pretty cool too, they just have to give me a little time to settle in. I can't believe there's not another feline out there hoping for a companion, and a family interested in a very smart tortie gal like me.

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Notes from Home
Greetings from Charleston! I love all the sunshine and happiness here. Even though I've been with Mom and my family for 2 years now, I'm still very, very shy. I rather not be noticed at all. The good news is my brother Sebastian doesn't care about anything, he will play like a crazy man with me, but also snuggle Mom extra hard so I don't have to. I get to do the run by headbutts and biscutts, only when I want to. Oh yeah, I get to be the night-night kitty and sleep on the pillow next to Mom. Sometimes she forgets its me and pets me, so I let her. I think she is trying to be sneaky about it, it does feel good, so I give her some headbutts. Life is good!
(Last update: Jan 4th, 2010 2pm)

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