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I'm practicing my pouty look...you see I have to practice it because I do it so rarely! I am a happy, purry, playful little girl who loves to cuddle and really wants somebody who can be happy, purry, playful and cuddly with me!!

If that is you, please ask about me!
Name: Madison

(FKA Loretta)

ID#: VA6451
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/06/09
Adopted: 08/15/09
Congrats: Annette
Foster: Angela

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Madison has quickly made herself right at home! She is eating, drinking and using the litterbox very well. She is very playful and has a wonderful sweet personality. My 5 year old granddaughter Angelina is so happy to have her new little baby. She gently pets her and sings songs to her everyday. Madison really enjoys playing with our 2 year old Boston Terrier Toby. They are a riot to watch! I can't believe what a perfect match Madison is for our family. We love her so much already!

Sept. 17 her 1 month anniversary!
Madison is doing fantastic! She thinks she is a dog! We can throw a little toy ball and she runs for it, brings it back to us then drops it for us to throw it again!
She loves attention, which she gets lots of and is very gentle with Angelina. She still loves playing with our Boston, Toby. My husband has already fallen for her. He says she is the most beautiful cat he has ever seen! Well, we are all smitten with our little kitten. : )

Her 6 month anniversary! Feb. 22, 2010

Madison is the queen of our castle! She is such a character. She prefers playing with Toby our Boston and Bailey our Sheltie over our 14 year old cat any day! She will swat the dogs if they try to pass her without paying attention to her. They all run and chase after each other all the time. She sleeps with Angelina every night. Angelina loves her so much! We all adore our kitty!

(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2010 8pm)

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Name:   Deidre/NKA Patchouli
ID#: VA3932
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 12/31/05
Adopted: 02/19/06
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Jane

Well here we are, my mother and siblings. The four of us were brought to the shelter when our human mom went to the Bridge and there was no one able to care for us. This is strange to me so I am just a little shy but I love to purr and I really love to be petted.I get along well with other cats so just give me a little time to get use to living inside all the time and I will be a true lover and ready for a new home. Will you be ready for me?

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Notes from Home
Oh my, it's all about me! :)
(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2010 3pm)

Well, you can see from my picture, I'm a little depressed! I'm depressed that I haven't gotten a home of my own yet. That would really cheer me up! Actually, I only want foster Mama to think I'm depressed, so she'll type all the things I want her to say.
I would like to say that I'm a good girl. I don't have any bad habits. I love to eat. I am active, and playful. I like other cats, but it takes me a minute to get used to them. Some cats tickle my fancy and others don't. That doesn't mean I can't coexist with them, it just means I pick my best friends out carefully. I love to flop on my belly and have it rubbed, specially when I'm sleepy. I chirp.
I like to lay near-by you, against your leg. I might even climb aboard, once in a while.
I don't want to act so depressed, because I really am not. I'm a fun girl, who is just getting sick of waiting. Let's start our life together, k?

My transport is limited to FL, GA, SC or NC.

Name: Hadley

(FKA Prada)

ID#: VA6066
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/26/08
Adopted: 07/05/09
Congrats: Shawn
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hadley is very sweet and loving. She is also ridiculously well-behaved, a fact made all the more remarkable given she now shares her home with a rambunctious kitten. She's very patient with her little sister, although she is willing to lay down the law if need be. She's not a lap cat, but loves to get up on the couch and lie down next to you. She loves to sit in front of our deck doors and watch the birds and squirrels. Hadley likes to chat with us; she always chirps "Good morning!" and "Good night!" and we are always happy to hear it.

Hadley has become a lap cat! She has been on our laps for a couple hours each night for about 10 days now. Awesome Valentine's gift! She enjoys wrestling with her little sister and loves to play with all her toys.

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2010 10pm)

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Name: Cupcake

(FKA Yan)

ID#: VA6549
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/17/09
Adopted: 01/31/10
Congrats: Felicia
Foster: Cheryl

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Okay, so I didn't make it home in time for the holidays ... but I'm sure hoping I find myself a valentine! How can you resist this cute, little, pink, heart-shaped (kind of) nose along with my beautiful blue eyes (okay so they can be a little crossed when I concentrate on something) and not ask about me. I'm sweet, petite, loving, talkative, and most of the time I'm nice to other cats. I tolerate the dawg here too but give her a wide berth (and believe me she needs one!). My most favorite place is the bed and one of my favorite things to do is curl up with my people on that bed. Got room for me on yours?
Purrs, Yan

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Notes from Home
Cupcake is sweet little kitty. We are so happy to have her as part of our family. She is such a little lover. She has one of the cutest meows I have ever herd she sound like a like a kitten. And my gosh is she purr baby. She is loving life and her attention. She is a playful little snuggly ball of fur. I will post photos as soon as i can figure out how to get them off my phone. Thanks for helping us find our new baby.
(Last update: Feb 19th, 2010 2pm)

Do you like watching videos and eating popcorn? Good, because I like sitting in your lap or lounging on your belly while you do. I'm a big ol' boy who likes to run and play. Playing with other cats is fun. Sometimes I just play with invisible kitties. But when I can, I get onto Foster Mom's lap and get some lovin'. She says I look like a miniature big cat (you know - lions and tigers) walking through the house with my big paws and laid-back walk. And I have really good manners, and I'll talk to you sometimes, too. Can't imagine why someone would turn me into the shelter. Why not check me out today.
Name: Bailey

(FKA Tigger)

ID#: VA3927
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/30/05
Adopted: 02/18/06
Deceased: 10/12/11
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Eva


Notes from Home
It's been four years since we adopted Bailey, and I have to say, he really is my best friend. He is the perfect cat for my husband and I; loving when I want to snuggle, and playful when the hubby wants to roughhouse with him. At nearly 20 lbs, he is a monster of a cat (everyone jokes that we have a circus lion living in the house -- he's just a big cat) but doesn't realize how very large and in charge he is. He loves to go for rides in the car in his kennel to visit his four Meezer cousins, and he's been a trooper as we've moved from coast to coast over the past few years in our quest to finally settle into our "forever" home in Colorado. He's got mad love for all his cat trees, and a wicker basket full of toys that he spontaneously distributes throughout the house when he feels particularly playful.

I read back to my first email from Siri describing flame boys, and she was so dead on -- Bailey's never met a stranger he doesn't like, is "easy" and bombproof, affectionate, and prone to chin acne and allergies! ;) He's really been the perfect cat and everybody in my family and at work knows how much this big guy means to me.

He has a new baby brother (human) arriving in April, and so far, he loves the nursery and all the toys. I'm not sure he knows what's going on, but he loves to snuggle with my belly and get "massages" from the baby kicks and punches. I know some people get concerned about cats and babies, but I don't have any trepidations at all; he loves babies who visit the house and he is just so adjustable that I know he'll still demand attention and get the love he needs. He's my #1! I'm so thankful to the VA Siamese Rescue for bringing us together and for the guidance of Kathy H and Siri......whenever I'm snuggling on the couch with Bailey at night, I think about how lucky we were to be paired up with him.

(Last update: Feb 19th, 2010 12pm)

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Name: Squirt

(FKA Smudge)

ID#: VA6467
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 3 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/15/09
Adopted: 08/16/09
Deceased: 07/01/12
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Wow! so many changes in my young life. Born outside some where and then lost my mama. Picked up and brought to a scary place called a shelter. Then meowmy showed up and said don't worry little one, I'll get you out of here where you'll be safe, and here I am finally. All clean and comfortable in my new bed.

I am out and about with the other kittens here now and having a ball playing with them. I also love it when meowmy holds me to cuddle. Meowmy says I'm such a good girl, always using my litter pan, and talking to her. I also discovered the scratching post and love to stretch up on it and climb it, too. So many toys, so little time.

Now all I need is a forever home. Could that be yours??????????


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Notes from Home
Squirt is a very lively cat, has grown to almost as big as my older cats. She is very playful. She is aggressive in her play and has no mercy with the older cats. They play hard and rough and she loves it, She is not a lap cat. She has not yet chosen a person yet, there are 5 of us. But she does favor the children! She is a good girl with a big appetite and some great playmates. She still uses her bed that she got from siamese rescue.... and she likes to sleep on our heads! Very wonderful cat, so independant and bold!!
(Last update: Feb 18th, 2010 12pm)

Hi there! I'm Chi Po Mau. You can call me Mau for short. It's okay if you don't remember, because I'll follow you around and say it over and over until you get it right...Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau Mau.....

My old mommy got tired of me when I wasn't a kitten anymore so here I am. I don't understand because I'm still very much a kitten, just in an eight pound long and lean kinda way. I love to play, love to cuddle, love to scratch your furniture...oops? Did I just say that? But more than anything, I want to follow you around and chat. Can we talk? Can we be friends? Push that button.... you know the one...
Name: Roscoe

(FKA Chi Po Mau)

ID#: VA6759
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/13/09
Adopted: 01/16/10
Congrats: Christopher
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Chi Po Mau - or what we call either Mau or Rosco (can you tell we haven't settled 100% on his name...I think it will end up being both) is fitting into our family perfectly. I don't even think it took too much time before he was sitting on our laps, sleeping with us, harassing us for various things - food, toys, etc, and all other typical kitty behavior. We love him and we think he loves us! We put a bird feeder on our back deck which he likes to watch the birds come and visit - and of course lounge in the sun there too. We are still learning his likes and dislikes. We have found that he loves to go into our sons room and find small stuffed animals (see the picture with the stuffed eel) and carry them around the house and throw them up in the air. We really need to video tape him doing it - so you can see it in action!

Thanks so much for all you did to bring him to us....we are most grateful!!

The Frary's
Chris, Debbie, Connor, and Mau/Rosco

(Last update: Feb 17th, 2010 6pm)

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Name: Pretty Kitty

(FKA Lakshmi)

ID#: VA6150
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/20/09
Adopted: 03/19/09
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Carole

I'm finally starting to feel better and I'm looking forward to what my new life has to offer. Foster mom says that I seem to be a lover because the first thing I did once I felt like getting up was to go over and insist on some petting. I'm still getting stronger so there's more to learn about me every day. Stay tuned!

Love, Lakshmi

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Notes from Home
It's been1 year and Pretty Kitty has taken over the house; move it Dogs, she's coming thru ! Her congestion turned out to be Asthma, but we have that under control; our 10 year old Siamese had it as a kitten but hers is gone now.
(Last update: Feb 16th, 2010 1pm)

Wow, am I a gorgeous girl or what? And so is my buddy, Beloved! I'm a beautiful shorthaired girl with points just one shade darker than my mom's. They're sort of on the tan or lilac side of flame. My eyes are so big and blue and very expressive. I'm not very shy anymore, and I really like being petted and playing with toys. That pink feather toy is dead meat, I tell you! When I want something I also like to talk in my very Siamese voice. Beloved and I go as a pair since we're pretty tight and hang out in the same bed sometimes and play together.

Hey, New Year - New Opportunity to adopt the best pair of girl kitties ever!
Name: Lulu

(FKA Martha)

ID#: VA6698
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/26/09
Adopted: 01/10/10
Congrats: Ellen
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Lulu has made a remarkable adjustment to her new home. At first she was very shy - though she always enjoyed playing with Sunny. For more than a week, she would dive under the bed if I made eye contact with her. But soon after, she started to trust me. She kept her distance and was squirmy if I picked her up. But on our one-month anniversary, there was a major change. It's as though she officially became my cat. That night, she plopped down on my lap and draped herself over my legs. Something that has become a nightly ritual. I'm so glad I adopted two cats that had been in foster care together. I think it helped them make a faster transition to their new home. They certainly are the perfect cats for me.

(Last update: Feb 16th, 2010 12pm)

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Name: Sunny

(FKA Beloved)

ID#: VA6697
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Javanese
Date In: 10/26/09
Adopted: 01/10/10
Congrats: Ellen
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Me and my little buddy Martha are just the most gorgeous and sweet girlies ever! My points are a tan sort of flame - foster mom doesn't know what the fancy term is for it. Foster mom thinks Martha might be my daughter. We look so much alike except for our fur length. We go together because we're so close and really enjoy each other's company. My absolute favorite thing to do is snuggle and get all the affection I possibly can. Ask about us. We are some great looking cats with personalities to boot!

Hey, how about making a New Year's resolution to ask about us!

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Notes from Home
Sunny made a remarkable adjustment to her new home. She was playful and affectionate right from the start. But on our one-month anniversary, there was a major change. It's as though she officially became my cat. Now Sunny cuddles in bed and pounces on my feet when it's time to get up in the morning. She comes to work with me in my home office and sleeps next to me on the desk. What a wonderful companion!
(Last update: Feb 16th, 2010 12pm)

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