Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:22:20am |
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Came riding in on a horse and I'm getting settled in at the farm. The barn isn't too bad and I will be in iso for 10 days. This certainly beats the mosquito filled outdoors that I've had to camp in before rescue. So far it looks comfy enough and dinner is served somewhat on time.
Oh yeah I delivered my awesome personality as promised and set up camp with the locals. I even like the canine here and would fit well in many situations. It doesn't matter whose lap I land on either..I enjoy affection but I am not a pest. Foster mama says I'm absolutely delightful. Fun, fun, fun is my motto and I am a trilling little boy too.
Name: Toulouse
(FKA Bonanza)
ID#: VA2990
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/28/04
Adopted: 11/25/04
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Teresa
Notes from Home
What a sweet loving cross-eyed boy :) NKA Toulouse (Goose)
(Last update: Mar 8th, 2010 8pm)
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Just arrived. More information soon. (I'm dog experienced!)
Name: Chillbo
ID#: VA6340
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/28/09
Adopted: 06/20/09
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri
Notes from Home
Oh Boy, My people keep saying Happy Birthday Chillbo !!!! I think something special is going on today. There are some more of those heavenly catnip toys (they make me soooooo happy). And for some reason my people think I like to be tortured by feathers. I attack like a good cat - can;t they take the hint. Gotta go - it's supper time. I don't know about you but I surely can't miss a meal, Have to keep up this manly physiique.
We have turned Chillbo into a real Yankee!!! He trusts no one who enters thru the front door (Except our Niece- He has a REAL CRUSH on her). He loves to look out the sliding door to the back yard - in his cat "tree", where he is becoming quite the bird watcher. Chillbo finds the squirrels very annoying. He is learning the differences between Cardinals, Blue Jays and that Woodpecker with the funny red head.
He loves to play ball, with anything round. Tissue paper balls, ping pong balls (they bounce down the stairs best) and those balls w/bells in them. Oh yeah, moms bathrobe has a great belt to chase too. Chillbo latest is crawling under the covers @ night to snuggle. Now if only he would sleep past 5am !!
Don't Aunt Siri, but the food up here is pretty good. I've gained a couple pounds.
Happy Holidays to everyone. Can't wait for Sandy Paws !
(Last update: Mar 1st, 2010 5pm)
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Name: Lilly
(FKA Hilda)
ID#: VA6767
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 12/16/09
Adopted: 02/13/10
Congrats: Christina Tsai
Foster: Kathy
Foster Notes for Hilda [VA6767] |
You won't find a sweeter gal than Hilda! And her fur is bunny soft. |
Foster Notes
Hi! Hilda here :) I'm a young (but past that crazy kitten stage :)), healthy, affectionate, playful, and as you can see from my photos, very, very pretty girl :)
Foster Meowm thinks I will be fine with other easy going cats or I can be your one and only. What do you think?
Hope to hear from you soon.
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Notes from Home
My furever mom lets me in with whatever she does. I iron for her. I drink tea with her. I clean up
her shopping bags, I even got on the ladder to help her. She told me I am her best girl. I love it here.
(Last update: Mar 1st, 2010 11am)
Well, I have finally gotten settled and I am just meeting the others--what's the big deal? A couple of them are a little weird looking but hey, I can be open minded. I am having the best time running up and down the steps, playing with toys and gettings pets nonstop from meowm. And yes, I do admit, I got high on the catnip cigar--hope I don't get arrested. I will fit in most anywhere and be your best buddy ever Once I get spayed so I quit this "come hither" yawling, I will be ready to go. Look at my latest pics! Ask about me--cmon!
Name: Sofia
ID#: VA6259
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/14/09
Adopted: 05/03/09
Congrats: Roberta
Foster: Sally
Foster Notes for Sofia [VA6259] |
I am easy going, good natured and will fit in anywhere. And, I am pretty darn cute to boot! What's not to like? CLICK THAT BUTTON! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
February 2010:
Sofia has been with me now nearly 10 months. She delights my life every day. She has one sister, Lucy a stunning blue point of 1 year old that came in June when she was 4 month, and a little brother that came in our home a month ago, he is 4 month-old and named Pablo. Sofia adored them and she has never had problem with them since day 1. Love to play and snuggle with them and she is the queen of the house. The 3 of them always sleep with me. She is a very pretty cat, and I am so glad she is here with me. The 3 of them are wonderful and soon we are going to be moving in a big house with a great fenced garden...Thanks Siemese rescue for allow me to adopt her!
(Last update: Feb 28th, 2010 9pm)
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Name: Solomon
ID#: VA6494
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/25/09
Adopted: 08/22/09
Congrats: John
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Think teenage boy who has been sheltered up till now, not exposed to things like brushing or toys or much loving, but is interested in learning. I'm a little apprehensive of these newer things, but I'm getting the hang of them slowly but surely. I need a quiet home, a playful outgoing girl to model after would be ideal, and someone with some patience and interest in helping me achieve my potential would be great. Good health and very handsome come with the package!
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Notes from Home
He's come a very long way in a very short time, and I'm overjoyed at his progress. I spent a lot of time getting him acclimated to the new environment, and let him have 'his' space as he needed. Early on he claimed the space under my bed as his own, and would hang out there for long periods of time, only coming out to briefly explore, eat, and steal socks (he has a collection under the bed).
Since those early days, and with constant reassurance, he's become a completely wonderful cat. While still skittish at loud noises, he's otherwise become much bolder, comes out when I have guests, allows them to pet him, etc. When it's just SoloMonster and I, he's my little shadow, usually within 3-6 feet of me if not sitting directly on my chest or lap.
He's taken over the foot rest to my chair and half my desk as his own. I set him up with a bed on the desk, and he's learned to curl the blanket over himself. People think I cover him up, I don't, he tunnels under a corner then twists around, usually bringing the blanket with him. He's now almost never under the bed (except when he's hoarding socks) as he has claimed a place atop the pillows as his nighttime sleeping area, and despite his snoring I've never minded him sleeping up at the top of the bed since he's typically pretty compact, only occasionally sticking his paw in an ear or eye when he stretches.
His favorite toy (of the 27 I've bought him) is a long piece of packing twine, he'll play with that for literally an hour if you let him. He's my very active, very vocal little buddy. He's very engaged in play activities, but also likes to just sit and watch out the windows from his 'nest' on my desk where he also sleeps the day away in whatever sunshine we get in winter.
(Last update: Feb 27th, 2010 1pm)
Sigh. Still at foster mom's house. I'm just a loving young lady who wants to be someone's constant companion. I like to follow Mom into the bathroom and sit on the sink while she takes a shower. I chat with her frequently, and I follow her around the house. The other day she decided to clean out the garage, and I must have followed her up and down the basement steps 10 times while I helped her put things away. I like to sit beside her, rub my face against hers, give a few love nibbles or kisses on the hand. And now I've started becoming a lap cat. Mom has been feeding me well, so I've developed a little bit of a pudgy belly, but that means there's just that much more of me to give you love. I'm a little aggressive with other cats, but I get a long with Mom's Greyhound okay. I'd probably rather be your only companion if possible.
Do I sound like the one for you?
Name: Tima
(FKA Catima)
ID#: VA6556
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/19/09
Adopted: 02/13/10
Congrats: Sandra
Foster: Eva
Foster Notes for Catima [VA6556] |
Sweet companion who is a bit hissy with other cats. Would do well as an only cat but could be integrated with others. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
She had a great vet visit. She is actually only 2 in age according to our new vet. She has adjusted beautifully- is eating VERY well now lol. And has learned to start using her pet bed to cozy in.
(Last update: Feb 27th, 2010 8am)
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Name: Hope
ID#: VA6718
Location: Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 11/12/09
Adopted: 12/06/09
Congrats: Vince
Foster: Jennifer
Foster Notes for Hope [VA6718] |
Hope is tiny and sweet, just like a chocolate treat! She is rather vocal, but just a lovebug! |
Foster Notes
Hi there! I am staying at the Kentucky Meezer Motel, and I will let you know in my loud, raspy meezer voice if my standards are not being met! I am over my kitty cold and now I am purring and headbutting and just waiting for you to ask about me.
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Notes from Home
December 8, 2009
Hope has been home now for two days and is adjusting very well to her new surroundings. I'll try to post some pictures soon!
January 6, 2010
Hope continues to do really well. She is such an amazing cat! I had my family over on Christmas Eve and she knows no strangers. She was out and about the whole time everyone was here and made her presence known to all. She takes every opportunity to sit on my lap that she can and pretty much goes wherever I go around the house.
February 25, 2010
Hope has become the "queen" of the house. She is a wonderful kitty and continues to do very well.
(Last update: Feb 25th, 2010 1am)
I am such a happy cat. I am going to have a new home and a meowmy and paw that will love me and it will be my forever home.
Name: Lex
(FKA Sawyer)
ID#: VA6811
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/23/10
Adopted: 02/10/10
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Jane
Foster Notes for Sawyer [VA6811] |
Sweet cat |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Lex has come a long way already. He is adjusting well and although he's not a lap cat, he does like to share a room with us and has even been known to sleep at the foot of our bed. He has decided the food suppy is dependable and he does not have to eat his "sister" Zoey's dinner as well. At our vet visit we learned he gained 1.1 pounds in the 12 days since we brought them home. Having been found living with ferals he was very thin and needed to gain weight.
He loves his chin rubs and is no longer spooked when Zoey races by. Although they aren't buddies yet, they are sharing the cat tree without a fuss now.
We're very pleased with our Lex, he is a beautiful boy.
(Last update: Feb 24th, 2010 2pm)
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