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Young, sweet, loving, playful, confident, outgoing, talkative seal girl - folks, it just doesn't get any cuter than this!
Name: Minka

(FKA Cupcake)

ID#: VA6583
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/26/09
Adopted: 09/19/09
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi everyone! It's official, I'm part of the family! Andy and Arli, my two new brofurs, are being nice to me. I got to sleep in the bed with everyone Friday night and last night too! There's even a dog here, but he's polite and doesn't even look at me. I'm not scared of him at all! He does a crazy dance sometimes, but only when he thinks he's getting food! I may have to try that! Mommy has decided to call me Minka. She calls me Minks too. I come when I'm called because I like that name too! I'm really happy here, lots of cool toys and places to go! Mommy is happy because I love being with her, but I also am trying to snuggle up to my brofurs. They are teaching me games and they even play chase with me! That's all for now...gotta go find my flashing ball! It goes round and round in this pink thing. Can't figure it out, can't leave it alone! Bye for now! Love, Minka Cupcake

Update....March 19th, 2010
Hi everyone! Today has been 6 months since I moved in to my furever home! I am so happy here! I play with Andy and Arli, my cat brofurs....and Andy and I share a special bond. I have returned to being a mommy's girl after a brief period of "You can't catch me!" I snuggle with her on the couch and sleep with her at night. The best part is when I hear her alarm in the morning....I go and crawl up to her face and say "Good Morning" with my purrs.

I have turned from a creamy white kitten into a stunning little seal point....I'm almost all grown up! Also, I have a new sisfur! Her name is Purrsia, (Clara was her foster name!) She came to live with us in January, and we get along very well! We play, play, and play some more! For the first time ever, all four of us cats get into chasing matches all at once! Used to be just 2 at a time....but not anymore! We have so much room here and so many cat trees and beds and toys....the fun never ends! Thank you Linda, Williene, Peggy, and Siri, for letting me be Mommy's girl. I am loved so much and I am very well taken care of. Today it is warm, and the windows are open. We are all sunning ourselves....and the fresh air is making us run around like wild! Happy Spring to all of you! Love, Minka!

(Last update: Mar 19th, 2010 2pm)

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Name:   Lady Cleo
ID#: VA5767
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
Date In: 07/06/08
Adopted: 03/08/09
Deceased: 11/18/13
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Truffles VA5939 and I are going to make a deal - I'll send all the potential female adopters to her if she'll send all the males to me.

Unike Truffles, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MEN and need that special man in my life to make me happy. As far as I'm concerned, women are only useful as servants - you know serving my meals, cleaning my house, scooping the litterbox - you get the idea. And my man' s lap should be available for me whenever he's home (ok, I'll allow some time for eating, drinking and using the litterbox too - but if you take too long, I'll come looking for you).

But like Truffles, I'm going to make you work up front to earn my love and devotion; so No, the best things in life aren't free. But I'm definitely worth the effort !!

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Notes from Home
Cleo is still very much a Daddy's girl as you can see from the attached pics. She'll occasionally allow me to give her back a couple of scratches and now even approaches me when it's time for the freeze-dried chicken treats. Although she still would prefer to be an only cat, she's content to co-exist with them as long as they don't attempt to share Gene's lap with her.
(Last update: Mar 18th, 2010 7pm)

I'm a very affectionate and friendly guy. I became the favorite at the shelter I was brought to, and even loved to nuzzle the shelter workers there. I love attention - and I love catnip toys! I've met the other cats here, and as far as I'm concerned they are no big deal. I would probably fit in just about anywhere - and that means *your* place too!
Name: Whiskers

(FKA Spike)

ID#: VA6595
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/02/09
Adopted: 09/17/09
Congrats: Josephine
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Whiskers is an awesome cat. He really makes our family happy. He's a good boy. He uses the litter box and scratching post.

He's buddies with Robby and that's good because Robby doesn't chase Autumn anymore. Whiskers made friends with Autumn. He often grooms her. He's very affectionate with me, but is shy to show his affections around Robby. Robby is definitely the alpha male.

He's also much younger that what was posted by Siamese Rescue. He was listed as 2 years old, however, he's grown much larger in stature than when we brought him home. The vet thinks that perhaps he was only 8-9 months old. His playful habits like hiding under the bed and catching our feet may also indicate that he's a kitten.

My kids love him, especially my daughter. He's good with them too. He lets me trim his claws without any fuss.

We couldn't ask for better. He's a beautiful boy on the outside and in.

(Last update: Mar 17th, 2010 3pm)

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Name: Cosmos

(FKA Poppy)

ID#: VA6719
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/12/09
Adopted: 02/13/10
Congrats: Adrienne
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Sweet, petite, curious, super intelligent, affectionate, chatty little girl seeking one furever home for the holidays! I have touch of tortitude, but I get along with male cats as long as I can run the show. I'm ready to go home today, so why don't you ask about me!
Purrs & Chirps,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Check out Cozzy's updated pictures!
(Last update: Mar 15th, 2010 9pm)

Hi! Cutie Patootie here!

I was born in a feral colony and lived there for a year until an angel whisked me away. Foster mommy says it's a good thing I'm so cute, because I'm still 50% Squirrel at this point. Hmmphh! I find that incredibly insulting. But I guess I am a little bit of wild thing, so you'll need to be patient as I learn the "Siamese Secret Handshake" and become part of the club. In the meantime, if you've got time to work with me, I'll repay you with years of trust and love. Just ask for Cutie!
Name: Mocha

(FKA Cutie)

ID#: VA4726
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/27/07
Adopted: 03/09/07
Congrats: Charlie
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home

Things are going fine for our adopted meeser. She just had her health check-up a couple of weeks ago and the Dr. said she was in fine condition.

Mocha (previously called "Cutie") has become a great pet. I would have to admit that she is probably the nicest, most loving, of the four Siamese cats we've had. The adoption went very well although it took her a few weeks to get comfortable in her new home. Now she runs the place!

Mocha must have been a fairly young cat when she came to live with us because she grew and matured considerably the year after the adoption. Her fur has darkened and she is a couple of pounds heavier ( 7.5 lbs now). She constantly begs attention and wants to be held all the time. It was almost 8 months before she would sit in our lap but now she trusts us completely. We play fetch almost every morning with her toy mice and lately she has learned to play with a small plastic ball. One of her favorite places is on a window sill that has a bird feeder just outside. The red squirrels tease her by sitting in the feeder just inches away with only glass separating them.

She is the first cat that we've had that likes to watch TV, especially the animal planet. She will sit in front of the TV and intently watch as if she understands what's going on, especially if the program has cats in it. Mocha is exceptionally good about using the litter box and keeping her food dish area clean. No bad habbits at all! She seems to have adjusted to indoor living as she never tries to sneek out the door. Mocha has made great gains in accepting company when they visit. She usually comes into the room to check-out visitors and occasionally will allow them to gently pet her. Our 15 mo. old grandson and his parents came for a visit last fall and she was most curious about the toddler and actually let him touch her a few times.

There isn't anything I'd change about her unless it would be to not beg for attention quite so much. She's a great cat.

I added a couple of recent pictures.....

(Last update: Mar 14th, 2010 9pm)

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Name:   Sammie
ID#: VA6790
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/10/10
Adopted: 02/28/10
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

Update 1/31/10 - Sammie here again just letting you know that I am still waiting for someone to decide that I'm the girl for them. I've stayed totally healthy and am such a snuggle bunny that foster mom can't wait to come into my room each evening and have me lie on her and purr and knead. I'm a dainty little girl who is extra partial to HER own people. I'm a little shy with strangers at first, but it doesn't take me very long to warm up. If you have a lap, a shoulder, a hip (while in bed) or a chest to share, I'll be right there for you - I love to be near you and on you. In fact, I even like to sleep with you under the covers. Be sure to ask about me. Purrs, headbutts and some face washing, too. Sammie

Hi - my name is SAMMIE.

Foster mom says I am a real SWEETIE.

She also thinks I am a real BEAUTIE.

Because she got sick, I lost my first MOMMIE.

I am sorta sad and LONLIE.

Will you please make me happy and be my new FAMILIE????

(Don't worry, foster mom knows how to spell. She was just trying to call your attention to me, SAMMIE.)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sammie is my little baby. We have completed two weeks of quarantine and she feels very safe and comfortable in my room. We snuggle every night and play everyday. She is wonderful. Today we are going to start introducing her to the rest of the house. I am sure she is going to be overwhelmed adn scared at times. Let you know more later.
(Last update: Mar 14th, 2010 12pm)

I am Da Woobie. Woobies give you comfort and make you feel secure. Things I do: purr, headbutt, twirl, plop down, knead, snorgle. I love my toys. I love cat nip bananas. I like to eat. I use my litterbox.


Nothing not to like here.

Name: Hugo

(FKA Da Woobie)

ID#: VA6029
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 11/23/08
Adopted: 12/20/08
Congrats: Mary Harden
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
I've had Hugo for 8 months now, and he is just a dear. He loves all of his toys (he has a big rat which he likes to carry around the house) and he makes use of all of the kitty beds in the house. He also sleeps in all of the chairs, sofas, beds, etc. He taught himself a trick to get treats. When we go into the kitchen, he stands up on his hind legs. Of course that gets him some baby food (cats love baby food).

Unfortunately Piggy, the 8 year old tortie chocolate point, can't stand him, but for the most part he leaves her alone.

Update 02/15/2010
Hugo has turned out to be a bit of a loner. He is a lap kitty, but only when he wants to be. When he feels the need, he stomps onto my chest, turns around and sticks his butt in my face and kneads on my stomache. And he is a heavy boy at 13 pounds. But if he needs the lovin, I'm happy to give it to him. Most of the time though he'd rather I didn't mess with him. He still makes use of all the toys and the cat trees. I already had a floor to ceiling cat tree in the living room, and I bought another one to go in my bedroom to try to give Piggy and Hugo more vertical space to try to help their relationship. That didn't seem to work, but Hugo sure likes the trees. He spends a lot of time at the top of each looking out the windows and sitting in the sun.

Hugo loves his new sister, Squeeky (VA6530). They play and wrestle and bat at each other from different levels of the cat trees, but I've also seen him licking her. He pounces on her, but Squeeky, at about half his size, isn't afraid to pounce back. She has no problem taking a flying leap and landing on him.

We were so happy this past Christmas (2009) that we finally had a kitty that would play with the Christmas tree. Hugo was still in his isolation room in 2008, so this was his first Christmas tree as well as Squeeky's. He and Squeeky batted at the balls at the bottom of the tree and pounced at each other through the branches. Squeeky even climbed a couple of levels.

All in all, Hugo is a very handsome boy and a nice addition to our family. Piggy may not like him, but the rest of us love him.

Update 03/13/2010
New pictures added!
And in case we get separated on the adopted pages, you can see my baby sister Squeeky's page here: http://va.siameserescue.org/Adopted.php?catID=VA6530

(Last update: Mar 13th, 2010 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Squeeky

(FKA Summer)

ID#: VA6530
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/09/09
Adopted: 09/12/09
Congrats: Mary Harden
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

That nasty kitty cold is finally going away and I'm starting to feel better. I'm even beginning to play with the toys here in my cage. Because I've needed lots of TLC, I've been monopolizing all Foster Meowm's free time but in a day or two she'll be able to start accepting inquiries.

As long as I keep getting better, I should be ready to go home the first part of September.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Summer's name is now Squeeky. She has a little squeak of a voice and she chirps and trills like a bird when she is playing. It's adorable. We got her so big brother Hugo (flame point rescue VA6029) would have someone to play with (since resident Piggy hates him). It turns out she is absolutely perfect. It took a couple of weeks of isolation and introductions, but Hugo and Squeeky are now best buds. They wrestle and chase and play with toys. She and Hugo chase each other around the house like wildmen, making all the rugs askew. Squeeky plays fetch with a little fluffy ball. She brings it to me over and over again and I have to throw it for her. If I don't get up in the morning she'll bring it to me in bed. If I'm in the bathroom she'll bring it in there (I kid you not).

A friend suggested I should change her name to velvet. That would be appropriate. She has black velvet ears and the softest fur. She even gets along ok with Piggy. We didn't know before we got Hugo, but apparently Piggy is a diva. I should have known since she is a chocolate tortie, but I'd only had two cats, and Piggy loved her big brother George. George passed away and we got Hugo, and the tortietude came out clear and strong. But she doesn't mind Squeeky too much. In Piggy's mind, Piggy is allowed to sniff and curl up against Squeeky all she wants. She even played with Squeeky's tail for an hour the other day. But if Squeeky decides to make any move toward Piggy, even a sniff, that is most certainly Not allowed. I'm seeing slow improvement though, so I'm hoping Squeeky will win Piggy over completely one day.

I've even taken Squeeky to see a friend at an assisted living facility. She doesn't make any fuss when she travels. It took her a little bit to warm up to my friend, but after a little while she curled up next to her and almost took a nap. Needless to say, my friend, a cat person, was thrilled.

Squeeky and Hugo have been to the Blessing of the Animals at church. Nothing bothers Hugo. He just sat in his carrier, with the front unzipped (yes, we were keeping a close eye on him), and looked around at everybody. Even the dog in the pew in front of us didn't bother him. Squeeky was still rather young and got a little frightened. I had her on a leash so I could hold her without having to worry about her getting away. At one point she saw Hugo's open carrier and crawled in right on top of him. He didn't seem to mind in the least. Of course everyone thought she was the cutest kitten there.

Hugo has taught Squeeky his trick to get treats. She now stands up on her hind legs also. Speaking of treats, Squeeky's only flaw appears to be that she has an eating disorder. She has no "off" button. I've been free feeding my cats and never had a problem with it before, but I have to ration out Squeeky's food or she'd blow up like a balloon. Luckily she isn't jumping up on counters yet (she has short little legs), so I can keep food on the washer for Piggy and Hugo and Squeeky doesn't get up there. The downside for me is Squeeky wakes me up between 5 and 6 in the morning for breakfast. But she's cute even when she does that. She sits next to my head and squeaks.

She's a lap kitty, a talker, she gets along with her brother (and to some extent her sister), she's soft as velvet, and she's the most adorable kitty ever. (Isn't it amazing how many most adorable kitties ever there are out there?)

Update 03/13/2010
Pictures from home are finally here!
And in case we get separated on the adopted pages, you can see my big brother Hugo's page here: http://va.siameserescue.org/Adopted.php?catID=VA6029

(Last update: Mar 13th, 2010 2pm)

Ciao, I'm Micio moro, that's Italian for 'dark haired kitten'. My brother and I just arrived and we like this cucina Italiana. We ordered meat-a-balls right away, but I think we are going to go for the all-you-can-eat buffet. You see, my brother and I missed some meals. When my mom-cat got trapped, the humans didn't know about us babies. I know they are trying to help. For 5 days we had no meals. We ate some twigs, seed pod, and leaves, but it's not what we needed, so it came right back up. We need meat-a-balls to live. We are so lucky the folks finally found us and got us into rescue.
We are a little shy, but I am braver than my brother, Cenzo. I'm going to show him that it's o.k. to get love from the humans.

Since I sang like an opera singer on the way here, my transport is limited to FL, for the time being, or until I learn a longer opera. hahahaha..........purr, purrrrrrrrrrrrr...........

UPDATE: We are extremely busy kittens. Hyperactive doesn't even begin to describe us. We are a barrel of fun, and have to be watched like a hawk!

That's me on the right! I'm smaller than my brother. Mama says I'm just about right, and my brother is ginormous.
Name: Zydeco

(FKA Micio Moro)

ID#: VA6528
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/08/09
Adopted: 09/06/09
Congrats: Marie
Foster: Mama Rosa

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
We have fallen completely in love with our 6 month old sweet Kitty. Zydedo is a member of our family and evan eats dinner with us every evening. He hangs out with us in the evenings and never misses kissing me goodnight every night! He loves to wake me up as well and is very patient and waits until my alarm goes off to come bounding into my bedroom and sits on my chest! This cat is so beautiful and wonderful! I wish I had 5 more of them!!
My Son is very attached to him and plays with him every day after school. Zydeco will fetch a toy over and over again and loves being chased and then chasing my Son, Thomas all through the house...they both end up panting at the end of each play session. I am so happy!

The only problem we have is Zydeco sometimes jumps up on the counter...which is a no, no. We have a water bottle and spray him and say "down" consistantly...He still "tests" us though.
He is so child like and funny!

Thank you for letting us add him to our family.

(Last update: Mar 11th, 2010 8pm)

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Name:   Chirp
ID#: VA6603
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/12/09
Adopted: 03/06/10
Congrats: Ashley
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hi there I'm sitting on the stairs just waiting to go to my forever home, All the fosters here are finding their homes, and I'm still here. Doesn't anyone want a sweet loving cat to be their best friend?

I'm a petite gal with a super personality and a funny tail. Hey, it's a conversation piece! I don't care for the other cats here but I sure do love people, and love to snuggle up right next to you at night when you're sleeping. If you're looking for someone to love, maybe I could be yours!


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Chirp is settling in quickly! It has really surprised me with how she's already coming to me for a pet or to sit on my lap. I think this initially threw me for a loop because I expected her to be a little scared or unsure of her new home at first. She came straight out of the carrier when we arrived home and started eating the food I had laid out within the first few minutes. I am amazed at the level of trust she has already put in me, allowing me to pet her and brush her (and even pick her up yesterday!). Chirp has slept next to me every night since she arrived here. It's hard to believe she's only been with me for 5 days! Looking forward to spending more time with her as we get to know one another!
(Last update: Mar 11th, 2010 6pm)

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