Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:26:34am |
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LOOOOOVVVVVVIIIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!!! Yes I should have been called Romeo, check out my video. It took me all of five hours, I mean minutes, I mean seconds to settle in, practice my headbutting purring adoring-you technique. If you'd like me to look at you with my bedroom eyes, then quick, jump in line. While I haven't met kitties yet, so far the guesstimate is that I'm going to be fine with everything and everyone, because I just want kisses, and as far as I know, cats, dogs, kids, people can all be good at kissing!
Name: Ernest
(FKA Ridgeway)
ID#: VA7126
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/10/10
Adopted: 07/29/10
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Siri
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
Ridgeway has a new name... Ernest. He is named for Ernest Hemingway who kept only polydactal cats. Ernest has been with us for a month, and he is settling in well. Ernest is very smart and curious. He has lots of energy, especially after eating. He "talks" to us often, and loves to have his chin and neck scratched. When our youngest child left for college, we thought we would be the king & queen of our castle once again. Ernest has quickly established himself as king!
Since Ernest has thumbs, and a high level of intelligence, we are thinking he can learn how to write, and someday will follow in the footsteps of his famous namesake.
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2010 6am)
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Name: Trisha
ID#: VA7081
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 06/24/10
Adopted: 08/14/10
Congrats: Amanda
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Trisha [VA7081] |
Beautiful, loving little cat. |
Foster Notes
Not with Female Cats
Just arrived. More information soon, but meowmy said I am a total little love bug. I just can't help myself, I love peope. I'm not sure about the other cats here, though, so until I'm out of my isolation time on July 4th, we'll just have to wait and see.
Check out my video's though, and you'll see how sweet I am.
7/4 Well my Iso is up, but I've gotten a kitty cold and will have to stay away from the other cats for a while longer. I am still a lover to meowmy, though and roll over for petting when she comes in to see me.
7/9/10 Well, I'm feeling good now and had my bath today. Meowmy was very pleased at how good I was. I'm almost ready to go. Now all I need is my special person. Is that you??? If so, hit the ask about me button and we'll see if we're a good match.
I'm all better and out now! Check out my new photo's and my u-tube video. Just copy and paste the link
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Notes from Home
Week 2 has begun and Trisha has settled in nicely. She has finally found the downstairs living room, last wed we opened the office door and let her explore on her own pace. She has set up her own little perch on the top of the sofa by the window and doesn't seem to care about the front door when its open. We have moved her food dishes down yesterday with no issues and put a travel litter box upstairs where the permanent one was placed and moved that one down stairs. Right now shes still using the one upstairs more often but is starting to use the one downstairs as well. She has definitely become more playful especially in the evenings. She is very fond of shoe strings and those little mice you guys sent with her, she loves those things, she will throw them in the air and just go crazy chasing them. The only minor issue we are starting to see is "love nips" as my grand mom used to call them. If you stop petting her before she is done, even to change a channel or look at your phone, she will rub against your hand a couple times then she will bite at your finger or top knuckle, nothing hard just enough to get your attention. When she does this I tell her no and set her down but it does not seem to be working to well. Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks!
(Last update: Aug 28th, 2010 9am)
Name: Sanouk
ID#: VA6973
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 05/13/10
Adopted: 07/05/10
Congrats: Jacqueline
Foster: Jeanne
Hi there! I'm Sanauk (sa NOOK), which means enjoyable, festival. Meowmy said I looked so cute and playful when she first saw me and thought that would be a good name for me.
I need to have all my vetting done and to grow some so I can get my education, so I won't be ready for my forever home until around the third week in June. I'm a little upset right now being awayfrom my mama and siblings, but meowmy said she'd help be get brave.
Rules here at Siamese rescue say I need another kitten or young cat to play with, so keep that in mind when you ask about me. Also my transport will have to be limited to one day only, as I'm too little to travel too far, so make sure you're in the transport area if you want me.
For now...........
Check out all my videos!
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Notes from Home
My Foster Mom, Jeanne, told my Mom that I was a wild child and that I might calm down once I wasn't in a cage as much, but this hasn't turned out to be the case. I'm still a wild child and my Mom loves it!
(Last update: Aug 20th, 2010 5pm)
Name: Sparky
(FKA Nicholas Sparks)
ID#: VA7007
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/29/10
Adopted: 06/19/10
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Siri
Friendly, chirpy, great with words, if you're interested in some sparkle in your life, I may be the one! Stay tuned for more info as I settle in!
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Notes from Home
August 19, 2010: Sparky is a total LOVE!! We can't imagine what life was like before him........he is absolutely amazing. We love him SO MUCH!!
(Last update: Aug 19th, 2010 10am)
I hate to be rude and shout, but..........
ATTENTION ADOPTERS!!! Celebrate your independence by adopting a TORTIE!!
It's a little known fact but, July is Tortie Appreciation Month!!! Who would have thunk that? The month celebrates the joys of adopting torties and you can't celebrate if you are without a tortie. It is a darn good thing I am still available for adoption, so you could adopt me and we could celebrate together!! Come on, hit that button at the top and lets get the party going! I am ready for my next adventure!
Purrs & Chirps,
Please, if I am not in your transport range, consider my foster sisters, Carrie Anne (VA 6445) & Newt (VA 6984) They need a home too!
Name: Orla
(FKA Xandra)
ID#: VA6906
Location: Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 03/21/10
Adopted: 07/18/10
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Jennifer
Foster Notes for Xandra [VA6906] |
Xandra is just a fantastic meezer. She is very talkative, funny & entertaining and easygoing. She is a good traveler, so don't be afraid to ask if she is out of your transport range. Xandra is located in northern Kentucky, less than a few hours to most larger cities in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
08/18/2010 ... It's hard to believe that a month has passed already. My cats have always had Irish names, so I changed Xandra's name to Orla (gaelic for "golden princess" - and the names of King Brian Boru's sister and daughter). Within an hour or so of getting her home, she was walking the halls like she owned them. Oh who am I kidding? She DOES own them! I had forgotten how "kitten-ish" a soon-to-be two year old can be, but her antics definitely keep me laughing. Thank you so much for rescuing this sweet baby from the streets of Indianapolis and nursing her back to health.
(Last update: Aug 18th, 2010 10pm)
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