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Hi there! My name's Meeko, here at foster mom's with my twin sister Malee.
I've lived here a week now and by golly I think I've got this Rescue business all figured out! I'm showing foster mom how I'm a busy, athletic, playful, happy, healthy, inquisitive, outgoing, hi-how-ya-doin'-now-let's-PLAY kind of boy. Nothing Meek about Meeko anymore - I'm Mister Meet-and-Greet now!!!
I do like my sister Malee VA6851 who's here with me, we don't have to go home together but if you want a matched pair, double trouble, or double the fun, you sure couldn't find a nicer twosome. (Check out our Double-Decker picture in the gallery!)
Gotta run! If you like your little boys handsome and happy, c'mon and ask foster mom about ME now!
Catch ya later - MEEKO!
Name:   Meeko
ID#: VA6846
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/13/10
Adopted: 03/06/10
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Two weeks and Meeko is doing very well. He is getting acclimated to the rest of the house and gets along with the kids great. He loves to play and nap in the sun till the birds land on the deck outside the window, then he is all business in stalk mode. He is a real playful cat and tears up and down the cat tree as if he is in the wild. He often cuddles up with me during the night. He appears to be very happy with his new home.

6 Months and Meeko is a very fun cat. Still is not a cuddly cat, but lots of personality. He makes you work for it. He loves to play and loves the kids. He has bonded with my daughter and prefers to sleep on her bed. Still hoping he warms up but he very fun and very strong and healthy.

(Last update: Sep 9th, 2010 4pm)

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Name: Miss Willie

(FKA Willhemina)

ID#: VA7048
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/11/10
Adopted: 08/18/10
Congrats: Julie
Foster: Carole

I'm told I have seal point diva potential. I'm not sure what that means, but I can tell you I need someone who is Siamese savvy, and doesn't mind a slightly talkative (and somewhat bossy) housemate. I may be an older kitten, but I'm still full of energy, curiosity, and into everything, so be prepared to have hurricane Willie blow into your life if you adopt me. If you think you fit my qualifications, please submit your resume by clicking on "ask about me" above my picture.
(I'm not a good traveler, so I need to stay within a 3-4 hour trip from Central Florida.)

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Notes from Home
09/07/10 09:45pm
Willie is doing wonderful! She has the run of the house now and is starting to play with the boys. She loves to be out on the porch and isn't afraid of anything. She sleeps all stretched out and plastered against my back. As foster mom thought, she has not shown any interested in the bed I brought home but Mauser is enjoying it very much. It's a little to small for him but he just lets his feet hang out. Willie hasn't broken anything yet but we have found she LOVES people food. I have caught her chewing or licking our food on the counter. We have since changed our prep habits. We are so glad to have her - she is so loving and quite the entertainer.

(Last update: Sep 7th, 2010 9pm)

Finally! It took awhile to get where I wanted to, but now I'm here and life is great! I started as a stray asking to come in, but the house was too full. Thanks to a lot of kind hearted people I made my way to VA where I've integrated with the crew here at the VA Center and I'm just loving life! I love people, and am very affectionate. I love other cats and play very well with others. And I don't run with scissors! (just kidding, sorry :) Anyway, I'm an excellent choice for someone, maybe someone like you?
Name:   Snowden
ID#: VA7177
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/31/10
Adopted: 08/21/10
Congrats: Kelli
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Snowden is doing great. All of his personality characteristics provided were definitely accurate. There is still a little trouble with family integration, but we are taking our time and spending lots of one on one time bonding. Snowden is beautiful and is such an affectionate cat. He loves to be petted and is always happy to see us. He is still very skittish, but we were prepared for that and have let him stay in his safe room, getting him out little by little.
(Last update: Sep 7th, 2010 8am)

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Name:   Mr. Blue Genes
ID#: VA7185
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/05/10
Adopted: 08/21/10
Congrats: William
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

UPDATE: August 15th. Oh, my, I feel SO much better now that I'm over my cold. I'm a happy, loving, face kissing, happy boy. I got some really great "blue genes" and am one of the handsomest blues you'll ever see. I love to eat, cat nap, play with toys and meet new friends, but MOST of ALL, I LOVE people. I'd rather eat when people are with me and then I'd like to spend the rest of the day in your lap. Oh, I might play some with the toys, but PEOPLE are my thing. I've met those two beauties with all the toes at the end of the hall and we are becoming friends. They like to talk to me even when I am in my foster room. We carry on great conversations. If you are looking for a laid back, easy going, handsome, talkative, sweet, lap cat, with fanatastic "blue genes", be sure to ask about me, Mr. Blue Genes. I'm your man. Hit that "ask about me button". Purrs and headbutts. Mrs Blue Genes

Mr. Blue Genes, here, saying "hi" and asking for your patience - I got that "shelter cold" and am pretty sniffly right now, but just as soon as I start to feel better, foster mom will post pictures and more about me. For right now, know that I am a very handsome blue boy with outstanding "genes". Just about as handsome as they come AND, I am a lover boy. Even though I don't feel very good right now, I hop up into foster mom's lap every time she comes into the room for cuddling and pets. Oh, how I love to be held and cuddled.

Give me a week and I'll be as good as new - more about me then. Purrs and headbutts, Mr. Blue Genes

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Notes from Home
Saturday, September 4:
Mr. Blue Genes here. Woah! That was one *long* ride. I was really good most of the way, but I think I'm going to dislike riding in cars for a while. I got to meet my new Meowmy and Paw Paw, but I'm still going to miss Foster Meowmy. She took really good care of me. My new Meowmy and Paw Paw tried to keep me confined to a couple rooms at first for my own good, but I wasn't having any of that. I made them open up most of the rest of the house for me. At first it was a little scary having so much space where bad things could be hiding, but now I'm King of the House and loving it.

Since settling in here, I've started to show my playful side. I still like spending time on laps, but in the mornings I prefer to gallop through the house and up and down the stairway. After a little of that, Meowmy gets out one of the wand toys and we have a great time. In return for that fun, I make sure that I seek out and neutralize enemy toes. I let those toes know who's boss, but I'm careful not to bite or scratch them. If Meowmy and Paw Paw are a little late getting up, I make sure that they can sleep in peace by attacking any toes I see moving under the covers on their bed.

Last week I learned that one of my more important duties is to help Meowmy change the bedding. It's my job to jump between the blanket and the comforter just to make sure that there's nothing crawling around in there. Meowmy thinks I do a good job. Another thing that happened last week -- Meowmy and Paw Paw had some friends staying over a couple nights. I was *loving* it. I got to meet all these new people and I enjoyed a veritable lap buffet. Woo hoo!

Just this week, Meowmy took me for my first trip to the new Vet. All of the people there fell in love with me and told me what a handsome guy I am. I already knew that, but I still like to hear it from others. The doctor gave me a complete physical and pronounced me fit as a fiddle. He said my respiratory system is clear and that the bit of sneezing I had been doing was just from being in a new place (sniffing stuff is really important, you know). He also said that there was no sign of active ear mites and that the itching should subside as the last of the debris comes out. I was relieved to hear that.

Meowmy and Paw Paw tell me that next week I may be getting a little brother. I'm really excited about that. I can't wait to meet him!

Well, enough for now. I need to go hide on the bottom stair and wait for a set of those enemy toes to show up. Gotta keep them in their place!

(Last update: Sep 5th, 2010 4pm)

I'm a little boy with a BIG tude, but I'm still sweet as can be! I'd like to strut my stuff right over to your house & steal your heart. I can come with with one of my sisters or by myself if you have a young playful kitty. Ask about me soon because foster mom says I'm a good catch & won't last long!
Purrs & hugs,
Name: Biscuit

(FKA Bandit)

ID#: VA7132
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/11/10
Adopted: 08/05/10
Congrats: Bridget
Foster: Debi


Notes from Home
Wow almost a month has passed since we welcomed Biscuit to our home!! He has been a great Joy, we could not imagine our home without him! Biscuit has adjusted quite well to his new home and his new siblings. Check out his pic of him and his Big Sis taking a catnap in between playtime!! Biscuit is not only full of fun and energy, he has that tender loving side too!! At night he will curl up beside me or my husband and go to sleep or sometimes with his big sisters!! Biscuit was most definitly the best fit for our home, thank you Siamese Rescue!!!
(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2010 11pm)

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Name: Gabrella

(FKA Gaia)

ID#: VA6996
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/18/10
Adopted: 07/18/10
Congrats: Angelique
Foster: Michael

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Ohhi! Its me again! I'm still here. Took new pictures like I promised! What do you think?? I'm quite petite, mind you, probably 7lbs or so at a healthy weight (and I'm getting there quickly!) I'm pretty much ready to go home now when I find the perfect mom or dad who understands me, and understands I've had a very tough life. I do love attention, though, and love to purrrr away, but I think I'd like a home where I can have a human all to myself. If you have a spot in your home and your heart for me, and you understand truly what rescue is, please ask about me. I'd love to have MY forever home after everything I've been through!


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Notes from Home
gabriella is my little princess kitty. she definately thinks she owns the place... she has the most petite meow i have ever heard. she's my shadow kitty. she follows me from room to room exploring each room while i do what ever it was i needed to do. she likes to sit in the front window and growl at the neighbors cat when it comes up on the front porch...i tell her that she doesn't look or sound as vicious as she may think she is...
(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2010 8pm)

Peek-a-Boo! I love you!

I'm a sweet and petite girl. I love laps, love to purr, will follow you anywhere, and don't mind dogs or other cats a bit. I would make a great office assistant. I'm sure I can learn to type soon! I already understand how to work the mouse.

I need medicine every day to help my thyroid work right. I don't mind taking it and it's not expensive. If you was a real lap kitty that will be your best buddy, click on Ask About ME!

Name:   Dakota
ID#: VA6970
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 24 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/10/10
Adopted: 07/25/10
Congrats: Angelique
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes



Notes from Home
dakota is my little snuggle bunny. she loves the decorative garbage can in my bathroom. she sleeps in it alot so i have been calling her my little oscar (oscar the grouch from sesame street)....she is cute with her racing stripe down the middle of her face.
(Last update: Sep 3rd, 2010 7pm)

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Name:   Lucius
ID#: VA7063
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/15/10
Adopted: 08/01/10
Congrats: Molly
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am trying to get adjusted to a more cushy lifestyle. The change from the shelter was a little scary at first, but now I have turned into a deluxe loverboy. I purr and headbutt and like the new chow. Some of my hollow spots have filled in and I'm looking good. Foster mom says I'm a big wussie so not sure about other cats until I get out of iso. The dogs were a little scary at first, but now we sniff noses so I seem to be an adaptable guy. I'm looking for a home so that I can give my humans a lot of love.

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Notes from Home
Hi Dolly and Catherine,

Lucius and I are both doing well. He's a cutiepie- very well behaved. He's also very playful. I'm adopting a 5 month old kitten to play with us in a week. That will be fun. I think he'll enjoy some more company. I got the kitty (a little tabby) from Animal Welfare League.


(Last update: Sep 1st, 2010 1pm)

I haven't found my voice yet, but I purr super loud! Foster mom says I'm a trooper and that she'll give me plenty of space to lounge in the sun and nap until I get my strength back from those kittens I just had.

In the meantime, I'm really loving and like the attention I'm getting and would love to have more of it! Do you have time to let me rest in your lap for an hour (or two)? Email foster mom if you'd be interested in lounging with me!
Name:   Melia
ID#: VA5842
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/04/08
Adopted: 08/27/08
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Jeannie


Notes from Home
Melia is now known as Sushi. She recovered completely from all of her medical issues at the shelter (including a scary time in quarantine) and is now a happy, healthy, rambunctious kitty.
(Last update: Aug 31st, 2010 10am)

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Name:   Savannah
ID#: VA7127
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/10/10
Adopted: 07/30/10
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Siri

A sweet girl with a softer personality, I've been out on my own, got knocked up and am working towards getting myself back on my feet. I have Balinesey type fur and a pleasing purrsonality, and while this place seems to be pretty good (warm bed, good food, soft music) I'm looking forward to a furever home soon!

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Notes from Home
Savannah is doing great - she is adjusting to her new home, eating well, and is very active. She visited the vet three weeks ago, and is in excellent health, but did try to make an escape attempt when I put her on the examining table. She enjoys watching the squirrels, birds and chipmunks from the windows in the mornings and afternoons.
(Last update: Aug 30th, 2010 6am)

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