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I agree with everything my sister Moon says...I know who wears the nickers in the family! We are a pair & we are well behaved kittens....well for kittens anyway! Better lock down any breakables, as we love to jump & play! Christmas tree....well....

If you're looking for a nice pair of siblings, please consider us! Our foster meowm thinks we are beautiful meezers!

Name: Raphael

(FKA Tate)

ID#: VA12429
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/10/17
Adopted: 01/13/18
Congrats: Wilma
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
I could not have wished for sweeter, more adorable kittens. Raphael is turning into a lap kitten. He curls up on my knees for hours at a time while I’m at my desk, sometimes with all fours in the air. When I have to get up for some reason, I can pick him up in a ball and put him on the chair seat, and he barely wakes up. Then I come back and reverse the process, and he just goes back to sleep. Such a Zen kitty.

He also does the heavy lifting when it comes to my cooking instructions. His sister, Ariel, waits in a strategic location while Raphael winds around my ankles meowing to make sure I get dishes done right, and to the right place, pronto. He leads the escort right to the table. He and his sister almost never object to what’s for dinner. We’re exploring various healthy menu options.

I am just getting to some updates I had on file but neglected to post that go back to January (it's now July (sorry). I am so wrapped in these two! They are the sweetest, most loving, affectionate and smartest (of course) kittens! They love videos and TV, seem to recognize themselves in the mirror (so don’t become aggressive with the reflection), and I think they are learning very quickly. Everything is going very well despite the early morning exploration expeditions to kitchen areas that require a little kitten removal for safety. The initial teething issues Debi described seem to be calming, but with a little gentle disapproval, neither Ariel nor Raphael has been aggressive on this.

Six month adoption anniversary. Ariel and Raphael are now a week shy of a year old, and I have two quite different little characters on my hands. Ariel is an adventurous little huntress and Raphael is a complete lover. Could have named them Diana and Cupid, or Aretmis and Eros.

These kitties are two completely wonderful little beings. They are gentle, loving, talkative, interactive and, depending on how hungry or sleepy they are, follow me around, sleep on my desk, sack out next to me at night, curl up in my lap or otherwise demand ear, chin and belly scratches, each to a different degree. They are starting to like being brushed, tolerate claw clipping (front and back) pretty stoically, but HATE getting their teeth brushed. Too bad, we will persist.

As for Raphael, he appears sometimes not to have a skeleton. He often spends hours on my lap when I’m at my desk. He sometimes wraps his paws around my forearm and goes to sleep, seriously compromising my computer skills. When I have to get up, I pick him up like a pizza box and he barely wakes up. At times when he does wake up, he gets up on the desk, sits on my keyboard facing me, and gives me head butts until I give him my undivided attention. He is inclined to give little love bites, but when I warn him to be gentle, I get a few licks. How do you ignore that?

I could not have wished for two more wonderful kitties.

(Last update: Jul 17th, 2018 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: McKinley

(FKA Stormy)

ID#: VA12630
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/22/18
Adopted: 06/15/18
Congrats: Michele
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Beautiful, young snow shoe girl who's had a rough time of it. She's on the mend now and looking good. Ask about her and I'll tell you as much as I can.

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Notes from Home
McKinley is doing remarkable for only being with us one month. She's definitely picked out her favorite spots for lounging. She's extremely playful and enjoys our morning and evening play times. She's still a bit skittish when you approach her, but frequently will turn back around and come ask for pets. She definitely wants to be in the room wherever we are. She follows me around like a baby chick to her Momma. When McKinley is feeling lovey she'll run herself under my chin and around my head purring loudly. She gives great head bumps. She's starting to come around and lay next to me on the couch. She'll venture onto my lap but it doesn't usually last very long. Her nickname is Monster. She is seemingly always looking for trouble when she's in her playful mood. She knocks everything off the coffee table (as all kitties enjoy doing). She likes to steal eyeglasses off the table especially. She chews on things like a puppy. She really is such a joy!
(Last update: Jul 17th, 2018 4pm)

Perdita means "lost one." In "The Winter's Tale" she was beautiful. Yep! That is me. Beautiful and I was lost in the woods where no one lives.
Name: Khaleesi

(FKA Purrdita)

ID#: VA12655
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/13/18
Adopted: 07/01/18
Congrats: Lynn
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
Khalessi is doing justgreat. Adjusted so well to everything - she will be the "mother of dogs and people" soon at our house!!! We love her!!
(Last update: Jul 16th, 2018 11am)

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Name:   Litten
ID#: VA12456
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 12/23/17
Adopted: 01/13/18
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Brit

Foster Notes

Thanks for stopping by to check me-owt! I am an extremely affectionate boy who loves loves loves attention. I will climb in your lap, let you hold me, and rub all over your legs, anything to make sure I get some attention! I am young and energetic and if I can't get the human's attention, I also love my scratching post and laying in the window.

The other cats here are OK if they keep to themselves and don't steal the attention from the humans. The big dog here is fine too since he can't jump on all the things I can, so I just bounce away from him when I need to. All the food I have had here is fine, I am not very food motivated and just like to have some dry to snack on here and there. I do have quite a meow and will let you know where I am in the house, I just want to make sure you can find me to give me all that attention!

As you may have gathered, I really just want a forever home with a meezer-savvy person who can give me all the attention I know I deserve! Please ask my foster meowmy about me if you think you might be that home!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Litten has been doing well with us. He didn't answer to the name, so we call him Sal now. Short for Salazar. He was very suspicious of our Miss Kitty at first, but he has become more submissive to her. He was a bit of a bully at first, but I think she's set him straight. They are no longer separated, and it has been pretty smooth. I think he is a little stressed about her, because she tries to play tag sometimes, but they are getting better each day.

Sal nipped and scratched us a bit in the first week or so, but that has subsided. He doesn't like when we reach down to pet him when he's on the floor. It makes him nervous. We have wondered if maybe someone at his home before he became a stray might have hit him or pushed him around. He also is easily surprised if he doesn't see our hand coming when we pet him. We now make sure he sees our hand coming, and it seems to be working fine.

Sal loves making bread on soft blankets, chasing the laser pointer, sleeping on the bed at night, watching the washing machine, watching tv and snagging the other kittys food. He also licks our hands like a dog. he seems in good health. He eats, pees and poops regularly.no litter box issues. We love him already!

2/13/2018- Sal is doing well. We've all adjusted to his new name and he answers to it. We call him "Sallie" sometimes and he comes when called.

He and our other cat are getting along and both have free range of the house now. They will play chase each other back and forth, but it has only ended with an unhappy meow once. They disengage easily and sometimes it seems like he's asking her to play.

We have been trying to figure out what's going on with his hair on his back, because he started to lose some again after being in our house about a week or two. It's not severe, but we think the hair loss started back up around the time he started munching on the dry food we've been feeding the other kitty. Got a higher-quality grain-free food that is turkey. No chicken, no seafood, no beef in it at all. If things don't change in 3-6 weeks or it gets worse, we'll check in with the vet. This doesn't seem stress-related, as his other behavior is normal.

He loves the cat tree and scratches on it frequently. He also loves our landlord, who is a little odd and sings to him whenever he visits our apartment.

Happy anniversary to Salazar! We love our boy so much and have had such a wonderful six months with him.

Sal is headstrong and loud, with a real talkative Meezer meow. He lets us know when he's not interested in our touches, and he's real interested in food. He runs around like a maniac, especially after using the bathroom.

Oh -- and he loves Steve, his dad, so so so much. He claimed Steve from the first night with us. He rarely does this with anyone else, but he will climb up on Steve's chest and rub his face on Steve's. He follows his mum around whenever she's at home, but that's just because he wants to help with whatever she's up to.

He sleeps on the bed every night. He chases our lady cat, but she sets him straight with a firm tap. He's playful, but sometimes submissive.

Sal gained a bit of weight so far, so we've switched him only to wet food, and no dry food to snack on. It appears to be helping. We also discovered early on that he has elevator rump while peeing, so we made homemade litter boxes out of plastic totes to keep the pee from leaking out. No issues since.

Sal also developed a pretty nasty cough and wheeze in March, but we discovered it was some allergies. Thats also the cause of that hair loss on his back. To be sure, we got an x-ray and also discovered a deviated septum! That explains his nightly snoring.

Sal is the sweetest cat, in a rude way. He'll nip or grab you with his paws, but it rarely breaks skin and he's very predictable. He's especially rude to strangers, but warms up quick. He eats bugs too. We love him, and are so happy we picked this guy to spend our time with.

(Last update: Jul 15th, 2018 9pm)

Gentle, loving boy looking for a nice quiet forever home.

Must stay inside transport area.
Name: Franco

(FKA Mr. Meow Chicka Meow Meow)

ID#: VA12451
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/18/17
Adopted: 01/14/18
Congrats: Kathleen
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
July 14, 2018:

It's hard to believe that it's been six months since Franco came home furrever. I can't believe there was a time when we weren't together because I can't imagine my life without him now.

Some of Franco's favorite things include: laying in his cat bed, which I put under my bed; laying on the ottoman with his blanket; chasing toys; trying to play with his sister (she is still a little reluctant but progress has definitely been made); snuggling on my bed.

As a whole, Franco adapted very quickly to his new home and family members. Even when I take him home to my parents' house to visit, he may hide for a day but the next he will strut around like it's always been his place.


It's been two weeks since Franco moved to his furrever home and he has adjusted so well! Like his bio described, he was a bit timid at first and hid under my bed, but after a couple of days he was up and going around my room. We've integrated him and Juneau and they seem to be getting along as well as you would expect two cats meeting for the first time. Fortunately, neither one show any malicious behavior, as they are only very curious of each other. I expect them to become very good friends (and siblings!) over the next few weeks.

Yesterday (1/27) I took Franco to the vet for his checkup and everything looks good! We expect to visit again in July to update his rabies vaccine. As for his eating and litter box use, everything appears to be normal.

It's been so great having Franco here with me. He sleeps with me every night and greets me promptly as I get home from work. I'm looking forward to furrever with him!


Feb 14:

Life is still wonderful with Franco! He and Juneau are definitely curious of one another but not yet best buds (I'll give it time!).

(Last update: Jul 14th, 2018 10am)

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Name:   Sweetie Pie
ID#: VA12087
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 06/08/17
Adopted: 10/09/17
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Trish

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Although I'm enjoying my stay at the Italian B&B for Wayward Siamese, I'm looking for my fur-ever home. I have excellent manners - including dealing with my litter box. I greet Meown Trish with a friendly meow when she comes into my lovely second floor room, complete with huge people bed, and wicker kitty house, I like looking out the front windows, and I adore my fake fur white bed which Meown Trish say that I may take to my new home! I'm mild mannered, and while foster Meown thinks I'm pleasingly plump, I can move around like a kitten. I had a bit of surgery, plus got my toothies cleaned, and everything is fine. Generally my health is very good, according to my check-up. I had a birthday earlier this summer, so now I'm 10!

I'd like a quiet home where I can be the gentle lady of the house. Will it be with you?

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Notes from Home
Update 7/14. I kept waiting to update hoping I'd eventually get a picture of the 2 cats together but sadly it has not happened. I am continuing to keep the cats separate. When they are in the same room accidentally SP will chase her, not as aggressively. My old cat is scared of her and I'm not sure they will ever get together. The older cat is 18 years old. SP doesn't like dogs either when a friend brings one over. She is friendly to everyone and is beautiful and we love her.

SP has been healthy and active, sleeps a lot, eats well. My vet recommended 1/4 tsp miralax/day for the small hard stools she was having and it works great!.

(Last update: Jul 14th, 2018 7am)

Hi, my name is Bunny. I came here quite scared and very skinny, but I am now gaining weight and getting braver.

I'll probably always be a "ghost" cat when you have company, but if you take the time to win my trust, I'll sit next to you and purr and talk to you while you pet me. I still don't like to be held, but do like being close to you.

I know I'm special, and will need a special, patient, adopter. Do you think that might be you? If so, ask about me and maybe I can become your special girl.


Update; I'm finally brave enough to stay out of my playpen all the time. I do ok with all the boys here, too!
Name:   Bunny
ID#: VA10737
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 05/04/15
Adopted: 07/05/15
Congrats: Connie
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Well, after a week of laying in the floor singing"China Girl" to her,the little fluffer nutter has become more outgoing. She never did answer to Bunny for me so I re-named her Michiko Ame, or Mimi for short. She sleeps with me and lets me know when it's time to get up and fill the food bowl. She loves her wand toy and her cat tree, but under the couch is still her favorite nap spot. Every day is better and better and I couldn't ask for a sweeter kitty. 8-1-15

Four months later and an almost completely different cat has emerged! She is so sweet and playful. She jumps a foot in the air to snatch her wand toy and gets the kitten crazies every night. She's interested in everything and not bothered by noises at all. She has been behind the couch only when I had a weekend guest, who she actually came out to see! In short Michiko has come so far out of her shell that it's amazing. She gets called Queenie more than Fluffernutter these days because she is definitely the queen of the house. I'm so happy to have her.

We've passed the six month mark with flying colors. Not only is she sweet, she has become a real talker. Her assortment of mis and mers and merfs are a kick, except at five in the morning! SHe loves to give me the stare, as though using kitty ESP on me. I don't think it's working that well, or maybe she is always thinking of treats.. The birdfeeder has kept her entertained this winter and Santa brought her some new feather wands to pounce on too. I think she is a happy kitty. I know I'm a happy owner. .

It's been 3 years now and we are very happy together.

(Last update: Jul 12th, 2018 11am)

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Name: Max

(FKA Maxwell Smart)

ID#: VA10069
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/08/14
Adopted: 07/12/14
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

I was left behind when my "family" moved, but now I am safe and indoors. I survived with the neighbors feeding me and sleeping in kids playhouses....Looking for a family to love me and never, ever, leave me behind again!

Maxell Smart

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Notes from Home
Watch "Cocoa puff and his laser light 2" on YouTube
Cocoa puff and his laser light 2: http://youtu.be/wB82Rra_fokMax and his new toy: http://youtu.be/J4Vhfd57rxI

New name Cocoa Puff

Watch "Cocoa puff and his laser light" on YouTube
Cocoa puff and his laser light: http://youtu.be/OKqLX3_jxsw

New name since adopted but never changed here Cocoa Puff formally Max

(Last update: Jul 12th, 2018 11am)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Saki

(FKA Ferris Mewler)

ID#: VA10840
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/13/15
Adopted: 07/11/15
Congrats: Sandi
Foster: ShirleyBo


Notes from Home
Went back to the vet today to get my final distemper shot! The vet said everything looks good and even cleaned my ears! I weighed in at 3.6 pounds... eating is one of my new favorite hobbies!

I am becoming a big boy! Recently I had a bad bout of diarrhea but the doctor gave me new medicine and I am starting to feel better. I really enjoy playing with my go-cat mouse. I carry him all around the house so I don't have to share with my sister. In the morning when mom lets us into her bed I am a snuggle-machine! I even started to sleep with my sister and will groom her during nap time. Purrs, Sake

Hi! It's me, Sake! I have made tremendous progress with my toileting since the last update. Stools have been solid and regular since switching to a new fancy food that is grain-free (almost 3 months now!). Eating is my favorite part of the day. I am super cuddly and will let anyone pick me up. Mom thinks I might be part rag-doll because I just melt into your arms. I recently got a new toy ribbon that is simply the best. I chase it and jump after it, and once I catch it I take it to another room so nobody can steal it back from me. I hate being brushed, but mom says that I should get used to it since I have long fur. Oh well. Life is hard when you're this spoiled :) Purrs, Sake

Hello! Can you believe it? I turned one last month! Not much has changed about me, I still love food and getting scratchies and chasing my cat-teaser toys! My favorite new hobby is watching my meowmy run on the treadmill. I wait until she is done and then I jump on and roll around on the warm belt, it's just purrrfect! I haven't had issues with the potty and still love the new expensive food that meowmy serves me. Sometimes I eat so fast that I throw up, so meowmy feeds me a little bit many times a day so I get all the nutrition that I need! I am quite energetic, especially after I eat a meal. I chase my favorite mouse and do flips in the air trying to catch it! Meowmy keeps trying to get a video recording but I am just too fast for her! My sister Sakura and I love watching the birds and squirrels outside our favorite window. I chatter whenever I see my arch-nemesis, the cardinal. Until next time! Purrs, Sake

I'm two! Where did the time go? I just had my check up with the vet and was told that I have a "perfect" body condition - probably because of all the exercise I get chasing my mice. I recently discovered bubbles, which I try to catch before they disappear. I am also becoming a seasoned vet traveling in the car. I wear a harness and nap on the backseat while mom & dad drive my sister and I to grandmom's house. All is well in Sake-land :)

The birthday boy is three! This year we had a big change at home - meowmy is now fostering other homeless kitties for SCRC! I really surprised her with how gentle, kind, and social I am with all of the fosters I have met. I have a sweet soul :) I was sick for a little bit this winter, but luckily I recovered well and all my testing came back negative, no signs of any underlying conditions and boy did I get A LOT of tests. Meowmy said it's better to be safe than sorry. Well, I'm back to my old self, chasing my favorite moppy-mice and a new puffy ball that meowmy bought me. I still hate getting brushed but alas, I don't think I can talk meowmy out of it because she says I need it to be handsome and matte-free. Oh well, so goes the life of a fur-enhanced kitty cat. Purrs, Sake

(Last update: Jul 11th, 2018 11am)

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Name: Penny

(FKA Lilith)

ID#: VA12332
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/08/17
Adopted: 01/07/18
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Shy sweet gal, need to lose a little weight, my owner passed away and now I'm back at the Center hoping for my next home! Really frightened at all the changes :( I need a quiet one on one relationship with someone who wants to build a friendship and then we will be Best Feline Furries!

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Notes from Home
July 10, 2018

Penny (fka Lilith) adjusted quickly to her new home. Within a week she was exploring the whole house. She got back to her normal weight easily and now grazes without overeating. She is still a little jumpy but likes attention, especially getting her head scratched, occasionally she even ventures onto my lap. Thanks to all who helped bring her home!

(Last update: Jul 10th, 2018 3pm)

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