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Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: YAGO

(FKA Iago)

ID#: VA5987
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/08/08
Adopted: 11/23/08
Deceased: 11/01/14
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Yago walked out of the cage at the Virginia Center and into our hearts. He is a wonderful, loving addition to our family. In the winter he loves to nap on top of the warm dryer in his Millie bed....summertime finds him lounging in the sun on the screen in porch. We think he's great. Thank you Siamese Rescue !
(Last update: Nov 30th, 2010 5pm)

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Name: Kingston

(FKA Kingston)

ID#: VA6857
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/20/10
Adopted: 11/13/10
Congrats: Deidre
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I hope I have your attention now -

I am a 16 pound tub of loving, playful, catnip-enhanced mega-Meezer. I follow you everywhere, because I want love, and okay, maybe some kibbles. I stare adoringly into your eyes, stand on my feet to headbump your hands, race up and down the stairs with you (okay, yeah, no wise comments on how THAT's not helping my figure), and leap and play with the feather wand. I'd be fine with another cat, preferably a very playful female one (kitten?) and would adore it if there were older children who wanted to keep me racing and chasing as that would help keep me fit and trim. If you're looking for an outgoing, ever-involved, interactive and involved Meezer Man (think small dog), then I'm your man. An only cat, or a playful female, and I'd be in heaven! (I do LOVE those young ladies!)

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Notes from Home
Hi Everyone, on behalf of my family and myself I wanted to thank all of you. This rescue organization is absolutely wonderful. The love, care, and concern for the kitties is like nothing I've ever seen before. We thank you as does Kingston for his goody bag and toys from Aunt Siri. Aside from that, you'll all be happy to know that Kingston is doing great. He walked right out of the carrier and made himself at home. He is absolutely beautiful. I think we've all fallen in love with him. He's been called Kingston for so long, we've decided not to change his name.

Until Next Time,


Brief Update: 11-27-10

Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone. Kingston is doing well. During meal preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner I was draining / transferring pasta and spilled a few elbows on the floor...they were gone in an instant. I've never seen a cat who likes pasta, without anything on it. He also got to some of the turkey which was intentionally added to his dish.



(Last update: Nov 27th, 2010 6pm)

Mr. Sheva has finally gotten over the nasty cold that he had. He got a pretty significant "fever mask" from his ordeal, but in a few weeks no one will ever know as all that "gray" fur will be gone and he'll be as handsome as ever. If you want a cat that LOVES everything in sight, including his food bowl - be sure to ask forster mom about that, this is YOUR boy. He is one of the happiest, kneadingest and headbuttingest boys EVER. He just LOVES to give love and also LOVES to get it back. Be sure to ask about Mr. Sheva

Well, foster mom says that I can finally put up a picture of me. Remember, I got very sick at the shelter and have been under the weather and had a fever and the "yucks". I am doing SO much better, but I managed to get a fever mask and my eyes are still pretty red, but overall I'm doing so much better. Through it all, I've been such a WONDERFUL boy. I headbutt everyone and everything in sight, love to be held and cuddled (I even liked it when Mama Katie force fed me - it felt so good to be in her arms). My first gallery picture shows me at the shelter right before I got sick, so you can see what my face looed like before the runniy, red eyes and the fever coat. Give me a couple more weeks and I'll look just like that again. If you want a very loving, biscuit making, headbutting, laid back boy, be sure to "ask about me". I am reallya find!! Purrs and lots and LOTS of headbutts. Mr. Sheva.
Name: Mingus

(FKA Mr. Sheva)

ID#: VA7254
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/02/10
Adopted: 10/24/10
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Mingus is having a fabulous time in his new home! He spends most of his days chasing his older brother Vinny. He is about two pounds heavier than his big brother and delights in pinning him. However, Vinny is agile enough to require a good chase. Mingus loves to entertain visitors, once you coax him out from under the bed. Having the reassurance that visitors are there to give him snuggles, he mingles like a playboy, gathering the affections of everyone in the apartment. These two are an absolute stitch to watch!
(Last update: Nov 24th, 2010 6pm)

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Name:   McGuyver
ID#: VA5475
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/13/08
Adopted: 02/17/08
Congrats: Connie
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am settling into my new foster home. I am an easy guy so far. I am ready to get out but not sure if I like roommates or not. Right now I have one and he keeps sitting and watching me and talking a lot. So far I am just giving him hisses in hopes that he understands I don't want to be his friend. At least not yet.

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Notes from Home
Hello! This is McGuyver and I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I'm very thankful to have found my loving forever home and I know my family is also very happy to have a cute and (ahem) well-behaved (ahem) kitty such as myself in their lives. =)

Meowmy's promised me something extra special for the big day and I can't wait! I've overhead that I'm getting a big heaping bowl of shredded chicken breast meat in a delicate sauce, followed by a generous helping of chicken-flavored Temptations treats. Yummy! Of course, the usual food around here isn't too shabby the rest of the year, which may explain why my tummy is starting to resemble grandpaw's... I love how he heats up all of my meals during the winter months because he's worried the cold will shock my sensitive Siamese teeth. We "well-rounded" males need to stick together, especially since Meowmy and Grandmeowm are always going on and on about the importance of both cats and humans exercising and maintaining a healthy weight. Thankfully, Dr. Amy says that I am a very healthy kitty overall (except for those stereotypical Siamese teeth) and that I can continue to eat my usual amount for now. I'll be seeing her again in January for my annual checkup so wish me luck in distracting her from any diet-related talk with my adorable freckles (which everyone loves!), beautiful "puppy dog" blue eyes, and baby-soft meows. There's nothing wrong with using one's undeniably good looks to advantage, right? ;) Meowmy thinks that I may be a TAD vain so let's change that to "reasonably good looking"...

So what does a gorgeous...I mean, "reasonably good looking", cat such as myself spend my days doing? Well, it's not all fun and games, let me tell you! I get up at the crack of dawn each morning, then patiently bird watch or snoop on neighbors until someone's alarm goes off, which means that it's time for breakfast. Being the generous feline that I am, I allow one (and only ONE) press of the snooze button before I hop onto sleeping bodies and start meowing loudly into faces. That usually does the trick, but on the rare occasion, I've had to resort to batting at ticklish feet hiding under the covers or hanging from the curtains until the rod starts to break. They must like it when I do those things because it gets them up and out of bed in a jiffy and rushing to make my meal.

After the ladies head off to work, tis just me and grandpaw, and together we are the "Buddha belly buddies". =) When he tries to read the newspaper, I lay across the pages to prevent him from getting eyestrain. It's much healthier for his eyes to be looking at a "reasonably good looking" kitty rather than tiny little text anyways. Grandpaw's belly has a tendency to get chilled in the winter when he watches TV so I make the ultimate sacrifice and take cat naps on it during the afternoons. The purring sounds I make are purely to soothe him in case he sees something scary on the TV screen, whereas the biscuit-making motions are to reassure him that everything is fine. I don't know what grandpaw did before I came almost three years ago... he must have been a mess!

After my catnap and noontime meal, I'm usually energized enough to start on my "protection" duties, which include frequently checking the perimeter of the house to ensure that there are no intruders, human or otherwise. Those evil chirping birds are a constant threat, and the squirrels are not to be trusted. Meowmy is scared of creepy crawlies and I'm proud to say that I've tracked and/or caught my fair share of bees, wasps, beetles, spiders, centipedes, and mosquitoes in my day. She's not sure how they got into the house but she's always more than happy that I've alerted her to their presence. That's her cue to run and find someone to get rid of the intruders. Afterward, Meowmy breaks out the baby talk and starts gushing about how smart and brave and gorgeous I am. I pretend that such compliments are beneath a warrior such as myself but secretly I love them. If you tell anyone my secret, though, then I'm going to find you and bop you upside the head, which is something else that I'm fond of doing. ;)

After another catnap (or two or three), it's usually time for Meowmy and grandmeowm to come home. Being the dutiful son/grandson that I am, I sit by the door when I hear the key in the lock and welcome each of them home with some headbutting love. And then it's dinnertime, followed by playtime or another much deserved nap. Protecting my family from killer birds and bugs is an exhausting and never-ending job and I need my beauty sleep to preserve my "reasonably good looks".

Meowmy swears that I have an internal clock because a few minutes before midnight every night, I become a headbutting fool and start loving on everyone in sight because it's time for my midnight snack. Good thing everyone is usually a night owl so I don't have to shake them from their beds for a decent meal. The few times they've gone to bed early, I've had to break out my arsenal of attention-getting tools. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've resorted to meowing non-stop at the top of my lungs, scratching loudly on upholstered chairs and/or carpets, and jumping up on "forbidden" tables and countertops in order to get my beloved food. A cat's got to do what a cat's got to do...

After I've been fed, it's finally time to call it a night and head to bed. Meowmy recently bought a down comforter, which I HATE, because my cute little feet sink down and get caught as I'm walking around. It feels like I'm immersed in quick sand! Thankfully, Meowmy saw the error of her ways and purchased a wonderfully soft blanket to put on top of the evil down blanket, and now I can sleep in peace. I'm a "top of the blanket" sleeper, don't you know. After she settles in, I make my famous biscuits, start up my purring motor to lull Meowmy to sleep, then find the perfect spot atop Meowmy's legs to curl up and snuggle in for the night. She then kisses the top of my cute little head, grabs a corner of the blanket, and tucks me in warmth and softness. Ahh, pure bliss! And thus ends another busy day in the life of McGuyver, the "reasonably good looking" cat from Chicago.

I hope you've enjoyed this update because my paws are rather tired now from all the typing and I need another nap or two to restore my strength. And it's getting close to dinnertime so I better go remind grandpaw to start heating up my grub. Before I leave, though, I wanted to say "Thank You" again to everyone at Siamese Rescue for helping me and my family to find one another. Now I gotta run before my dinner gets cold... Love, McGuyver =)

P.S. Meowmy is still working on getting some nice headshots of me to share with everyone. She says that my pictures don't do me justice but maybe I can convince her to post some "reasonably good looking" ones... Bye!

(Last update: Nov 23rd, 2010 8pm)

Whew....somehow I was found & kept in a safe place until I could move in with my foster meowm...in the meantime I caught a cold, but I'm starting to feel like my old kitten self again! My foster meowm is going to take a photo shoot of me soon & I'm looking forward to showing off how pretty I am! I love to get in my foster meowm's arms & purr...I feel so safe & I love the food at her place, but I really want to find my forever home where I know I'll be safe & loved forever...I'm looking for love in just the right place!!!

Click on that button & ask about me.I can't wait until I come home with you!!! =^..^= Lucy Mae
Name:   Lucy Mae
ID#: VA7309
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/25/10
Adopted: 10/25/10
Congrats: John Emery
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Lucy has now been with me in Connecticut for a month, and we're both exceedingly happy! She is extremely playful and loving, and constantly amazes me with her innate intelligence. We've been having a bit of a 'bowel problem,' thanks to my vet - who is in the process of binge replaced. But her overall health is excellent, and she's growing up too fast for my liking, LOL.

I never, ever, realized what an amazing experience this whole process could be. Lucy is so affectionate that I feel truly blessed: we've totally bonded in just a few short weeks. Her foster meowm, Debi, did a fantastic job of raising a wonderfully rounded kitten, and I'll be eternally grateful for that - and the entire organization!/Users/steve/Desktop/CIMG0120.JPG

(Last update: Nov 22nd, 2010 4pm)

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Name: Chloe

(FKA Dusty)

ID#: VA7278
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 09/12/10
Adopted: 10/07/10
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Jay

They call me "Dusty". They said I looked like a little dust ball when I was born. Meowmy says I am especially beautiful and very, very sweet. I will do whatever you want me to do as long as you love me, and pet me and feed me, and love me some more. I love to play with almost anything, and I really want to come to live with you. Call me and we can be the best of furever friends. Oh, and Meowmy says that I purr all the time, just 'cause I love everybody.

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Notes from Home
Chloe is the purrfect addition to my multi cat/dog household. She is a no issue sort of kitten and takes everything in stride. I was concerned she might be a Diva when I first met her. She certainly had the princess thing going and I was convinced she was a tortie in disguise :) She tolerates the dogs, is respectfull of the geezers and she is a good match for her rough and tumble big brother Shady.
(Last update: Nov 7th, 2010 8am)

I am a gentle kitty with a kind soul looking for my place in this world. I came from a large cat population, however I would not mind being your one and only adored little girl or I could easy live with a brother.

I have very good manners. I always use the litterbox and I eat well. I get a little overexcited about food but I'm learning that it will come on a regular basis and I will have plenty.

If you have a patient, loving adult home please consider me. I am affectionate and loving and have a lot of lost time to make up for in that department. I am not sure about being carried around though...but if you will just sit down I'll come visit you.

If your looking for a pair consider my roommate George okay?

Purrsonally, Faith

Name: Twonky

(FKA Faith)

ID#: VA3287
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/03/05
Adopted: 04/29/05
Deceased: 03/31/13
Congrats: Suzanna
Foster: Teresa

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Twonky is doing well, but we have had a change in her health. She has hyperthyroidism. My goodness she was wild before she was diagnosed. I didn't get it. She seemed to be acting younger than her age, cavorting around the house and hollering at everybody. (She was a lot more vocal than she had been.)

She's much better now and has put on some weight again.

Twonky has a "love"-"I'm scared to death of you" relationship with our two daughters that we adopted several years after we adopted Twonky.

(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2010 6pm)

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Name:   Neville
ID#: VA5099
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/28/07
Adopted: 11/01/07
Deceased: 09/16/13
Congrats: Suzanna
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Kitchen tables are the best place in the house to get attention, aren't they? Or perhaps your bed would be better?

Tall, dark , dignified and mysterious! I am full of head butts and leg rubs. I was a bit miffed that I could be tossed aside after ten years of loyalty and neat habits, but I am discovering maybe my golden years will be the best ones yet. And I have lots of them left with lots of purrsonality to help your days be more complete. I have this thing called diabetes so I am a special adoption. (See my star? I even come with my own glucometer.) I am totally cool with dogs and felines. I need a pair of strong arms to adopt me because I like to be picked up and hugged once in a while and I am a big boy. Are you adopter enough for me?

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Notes from Home
Neville is doing really well. He has adapted to our two children who we adopted after him really well. (He knows when to make himself scarce.) His diabetes is much better. He's down to 1 unit of u100 twice a day!

He is such a sweetie! I don't know how we go along with him.

(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2010 6pm)


Delilah is feeling so much better and singing for her supper!

4/20/10 UPDATE~
Delilah is almost fully recovered from her mild cold. She is up and playing, eating and generally be a truly wonderful meezer once again! She adores attention and will daintly tap my arm to ger more pets and headrubs. What an easy-going lovebug!

Delilah is a beautiful, applehead sealpoint female. She loves everyone including dogs and other cats.

Purrs~ Delilah
Name: Squeaky

(FKA Delilah)

ID#: VA6937
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/11/10
Adopted: 05/01/10
Deceased: 09/17/12
Congrats: Thomas
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Squeaky (Delilah) is doing great! She pretty much made herself at home the first day, and after one month she knows that she is here to stay. She has a great personality, loves to visit with company (but is not a pest), and has settled into very good routines. She spends time in the morning on our screened deck watching squirrels, birds, and rabbits in the back yard and common area. She has a whole collection of toys that also get plenty of use. Her eating and litter box habits are the best. We boarded her for 10 days while we were on vacation, and she handled that very well too. We could not have found a more perfect cat.

Squeaky has been with us for six months now and is doing great. She had a busy summer watching all the birds, squirrels, rabbits, deer, etc in our neighborhood (she has not yet seen any coyote, foxes, or raccoons yet). She amazed us with her ability to chirp at birds! She is all Siamese with her behavior, and doesn't know a stranger when we have company. She has gained some weight, but is maintaining good weight for her overall age and build. She has had no health issues, is very neat with her eating and litter box habits. In the attached photos, you can see that she has learned to relax and enjoy life in TN.

(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2010 10am)

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Name:   Eleanor
ID#: VA7259
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 09/04/10
Adopted: 10/16/10
Deceased: 01/01/19
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
My sister and I are like two peas in a pod. We came from the same breeder, lived together for four years (though one of those we were practically abandoned without much human interaction, so we're the tiniest bit shy at first), but we're getting back on our paws so to speak pretty quickly. We've been alright with dogs (though we like the nice gentle ones, not the wild and crazy ones) and we've been around kids and that's fine too (though remember what I said about being initially a little shy). We go together (Marianne and I), so be sure to ask about both of us! One lap, one litterbox, one food bowl - it doesn't get much easier than that!

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Notes from Home
Eleanor has moved right in and claimed her new home without almost any hesitation. She ventured out before her sister Mary Anne and was ready to befriend her 2 new brothers as soon as she saw them. Like her sister, Eleanor is very loving although a bit shy. She likes to talk at times and loves to be loved. She and her sister have become a loving addition to our family.
(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2010 9pm)

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