Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:28:52am |
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Woohoo!!! I am a mover and a shaker, check out my video and my pictures, yes, some of them are blurry! That's because I'm not standing still, I'm talking, I'm walking, I'm exploring, I'm prancing (yes, I prance, up and down), I'm one busy gal with an agenda! And loving? Well that goes without saying!!!! (I came with roommate Cardamon, we could go together if someone wants a pair that they know gets along and doesn't want to have to integrate, he's the goody two shoes and I'm the naughty princess :) (UPDATE! He's MUCH better, and that makes me MUCH happier and generally easier going! Life Is GOOD!)
Name: Rummy
(FKA Angelina)
ID#: VA7178
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/31/10
Adopted: 08/14/10
Congrats: Ellie
Foster: Siri
Not with Female Cats
Notes from Home
Rummy has been very slow in deciding this is going to be her new life. She is very sweet and will allow you to love on her, but is just getting to the point that she will ask for attention.
She will stop and lay down on the stairs so you have to stroke her before you can finish claiming the stairs. This has been as close to asking for attention she has come till just a few days ago, when she did asked for a lap. She likes her screened in porch and does not seem to mind the cold, although she does not stay on the porch very long.
(Last update: Jan 14th, 2011 10am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Sookie
(FKA Piper)
ID#: VA7338
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/09/10
Adopted: 12/04/10
Congrats: Kirsten
Foster: Michael
Hi there! Just arrived with my brother and sister! I'm the "middle child" of the group! But I'm still very curious and am constantly on the go! Still teeny (just a bit over a pound), I'm the smallest, so its going to be a few weeks before I'm ready to travel, but ask about me now to get a head start!
Purrs and headbutts,
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Notes from Home
Sookie (aka Piper) and Saki (aka Pixie) are both doing well. They are checked in with the local vet in Alexandria. They are two very playful kittens and Saki can fetch his toys! Sookie had developed a small edema from her spaying procedure, but has gone away on its own. Saki had a little URI when he first arrived, but is doing better.
Sookie is doing good and full of love an energy. She is ALWAYS purring! The vet had issues trying to listen to her heart beat because she wouldn't stop purring. She likes to sleep on my neck and be the center of attention.
(Last update: Jan 11th, 2011 1pm)
Whew! Finally made it out of that noisy shelter! Settling in here with my brother and sister, we got some growin' to do, but we'll be ready to go home in a few weeks! I'm very curious, quite a climber, and love attention, so ask about me today to get a head start!
Name: Saki
(FKA Pixie)
ID#: VA7339
Location: Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/09/10
Adopted: 12/04/10
Congrats: Kirsten
Foster: Michael
Notes from Home
Saki is doing well, and seems to be all over his cold and sneezes. He loves to play with his mice and likes to growl at his kitty toys. He can also play fetch and return the kitty toy in my hand. He understand the word "No." He also likes to have his belly rubbed.
(Last update: Jan 11th, 2011 1pm)
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Name: Cleopatra
(FKA Pickles)
ID#: VA7361
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 2 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 10/22/10
Adopted: 12/05/10
Deceased: 09/01/13
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Kay
Hi there - I am just hoping to get out and start exploring soon. Foster mom says for a little tyke, I already have that Meezer voice and I like to talk. I've been a little under the weather and my temporary mom is trying to help me feel better. I'm eating well and trying to grow up to be a big girl but I think it will take some time. I am very playful and love to climb up the sides of the playpen. Toys are great fun.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
All is well with our Cleo. Our first month has flown by. We are thrilled with what a great match she is with our other kitten and our family. We've had to deal with a few medical issues, the two kittens shared their past medical stuff. Our Perseus gave Cleopatra Giardia and Cleo gave Persie her eye virus. It was to be expected they are best pals. They eat, sleep and play together. They clean each other too. They are both are on medication and continue to mend. The medical issues haven't slowed them down, they are both a riot to watch at play. Cleo is a sweet little girl. She is active and yet very willing to be held and is easy to purr. We feel blessed she is part of our family.
(Last update: Jan 10th, 2011 7pm)
I'm on page 1. How can this be when I'm a Princess? I am curious, smart, active, loving and still waiting. Foster Mom has put fancy collars on me, photographed me in every pose, and made me sit still for all of the sessions... It's been almost a year and I would make a really good kitty for just about anyone. Please?
Princess Troi
Name: Daisy
(FKA Troi)
ID#: VA6717
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/10/09
Adopted: 12/02/10
Deceased: 02/01/17
Congrats: Dana
Foster: Patricia
Foster Notes for Troi [VA6717] |
I am a unique little girl. I am curious, strong and very intelligent. I quickly learned to use the cat tree for scratching and I like to please. I'm not much of a lap cat but I always want to be near you! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Daisy is doing great and she and Rollie and Monty are all getting along extremely well! The three of them sit on the recliner with me and Daisy sleeps under the covers right by my chest every night. She is such a sweet and tiny little thing and she is as soft as a bunny! Even though she's about half the size of the boys, I've caught her chasing each of them under the bed a couple of times (all in good fun!) and it's hilarious!
The boys and I are so glad she's a part of our family and things couldn't be going better! Thanks again to all of you for bringing Daisy into our lives!
(Last update: Jan 8th, 2011 5pm)
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Name: King Cesar
(FKA Cesar)
ID#: VA6998
Location: Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/21/10
Adopted: 06/20/10
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Williene
Life's already complicated enough, right?
At least one thing ought to be EASY, right?
OK, I'm going to make it easy for you, right now, right here.
I'm adorable.
I'm sweet.
I'm happy.
I'm playful.
I'm outgoing.
I'm loving. (When I'm through playing!)
I'm just all-around totally cute.
If that's what you're looking for, ask foster mom about me! It'll be EASY, I promise!!
Purrs - Cesar
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Notes from Home
King Ceasar is in da hiz-ouse!! I am lovin' my life and my family. It is amazing how fast I grew in 6 months, I am taller and longer than my older bro-furs and sis-furs! For a while, I thought perhaps I would never grow into my handsome face-look at me now. I run, I jump, I talk, I slide, I pounce, I give kisses and I'm working on my barking. Yep, I taught my kanine bro how to bird watch and now, he's trying to teach me how to bark. I am having so much fun here. My meowmy really enjoys it when I jump into the litter box as she cleaning it. She laughs at me everyday when I do this, so I can't let her down-I have to keep this tradition up. Besides chasing this pesty red dot that shows up every now and then, I absolutely love clawing walking on the bottom of bed mattresses, chairs and sofa's. Meowmy thinks it's cute too 'cause sometimes I go so fast that when I'm done, the hair on my back makes a snapping noise while it stands up in the air. I am the happiest cat ever.
(Last update: Jan 7th, 2011 9pm)
Name: Gracie
(FKA Snowbelle)
ID#: VA7368
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/23/10
Adopted: 12/04/10
Deceased: 11/09/11
Congrats: Jeannie Judd
Foster: Carol
Foster Notes for Snowbelle [VA7368] |
Super-sweet girl, but can be bullied and stressed by a bigger rowdier cat - she'd be perfectly happy as an only-cat and would be all the company and entertainment you'd need! |
Foster Notes
Must be Only Cat
Hi there! I've only been here a few days but foster mom says I'm just about the sweetest, most gentle kitty she's ever seen. I came out of the carrier purring when I got here and I've only stopped purring for mealtime and naps. Still pictures just don't do me justice, be sure to CHECK OUT MY VIDEOS to see how loving I am! Foster mom chose this picture of me 'cause this is how you're gonna see me a lot - rolling happily on my back asking for tummy-rubs and making air-biscuits with my snow-toe pawsies. It makes her smile - don't worry though, I've got lots of right-side-up pictures in my picture-gallery so you don't have to strain your neck to look at me. :)
I'm a soft, playful, friendly, attention-loving girl with perfect manners - only reason I lost my home was that I am so sweet I don't stand up for myself with bigger, rougher, rowdier kitties. I got bullied and that made me very sad. I'm so loving and playful I could keep you happy all by myself, right now it looks like that might be best for me but we'll know more as foster mom gets to know me better.
So far I'm nothing but sweet, sweet, sweet - if that's what you're looking for I might just be the girl for you!
Purrs and air-biscuits -
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Notes from Home
Wow! I’ve been here almost a month already! When I arrived early in December, my Mom and Dad were very intent on following the rules. They wanted to be sure I was not stressed from my whirlwind travels and had bought a new gate to limit my access. Silly gate, I took one look at the gate, and then looked at the den it was blocking off – then I sailed right over that gate. When Mom and Dad stopped laughing, they put that gate away and I had the full run of the house. I even slept on the bed that night!
When they realized how much I like to be at their (well, at least Mom’s) eye level, they got me a cat tree. But when they saw me sizing up the distance to the top of the armoire, they moved it to the other side of the living room. It’s also GREAT to sleep in; check out the picture Dad made of me lounging on the top!
Aunt Carol told them how much I LOVED catnip. Since I got here, I’ve taken up smoking catnip cigars. I find it VERY stimulating! Take a look at my “smoking†pictures Mom posted.
Our only bad day was the day they put me in the crate and took me to the car. I thought we were doing so well together! I thought they loved me! How could they betray me like this? Then we got to the office where everyone wanted to talk to me and love on me. Even the man in the white coat they called Dr. Schindler said I was a very healthy and beautiful girl. Then they put me back in the crate and we all came back home! Yeah! I was such a happy, happy girl!
Mom says I’m a very sweet girl, lots of fun to play with and a great bed buddy. She also says I’m going to live here forever.
(Last update: Jan 2nd, 2011 12am)
Name: Mojo
(FKA Blaze)
ID#: VA6990
Location: Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/16/10
Adopted: 06/21/10
Congrats: Ann
Foster: Diane
Foster Notes for Blaze [VA6990] |
Fun, affectionate, smart, snuggly. All I need is a person to calm me for meals. Are you that person? |
Foster Notes
I'm a LOVER! Nuzzle, nuzzle.
I snuggle.
I play,
I don't get into things other than laps.
I am totally fine with other cats and dogs.
Blaze is very affectionate and calm. Typical snowshoe should fit in anywhere. Really nice kitty.
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Notes from Home
My name is Mojo. My parents gave me that name for a reason. I am a three year old Snowshoe and am very comfortable in my fur. I found myself on the streets at a young age. I just walked out the front door and before I knew it I was having an adventure. I don’t know what the problem was, but I let this man pick me up and before I knew it I was in a foster home, with 10 other cats. And what a bunch of party poopers they were! I was the only one running around causing mischief. But I didn’t care. Hey! You take me as I am. You know,…..my way or the highway!
My new parents-to-be stopped by one day while I was powdering my nose in the sand box. They saw me, and they were done. Who could blame em? They also grabbed this little cutie named Mia as well. Man, she had a tough early life….you would not believe the stories she told me. Anyway, off we go to the new house. I met the resident matron there, Snappy. I let her know that I was the new man of the house, and she agreed but showed me she was the boss! What ever. I am pretty comfortable with everyone. What’s to worry about, right? As long as they keep the chow coming and scoop the box every now and then, I’m fine. I gotta admit that I do like these people, though. But they are easy. All I gotta do his give them my adorable act and I get picked up and scratched and cuddled. I purr a little bit and that prolongs the action. Looks like I’m gonna grow up to be a big boy. I guess I have big bones.
I spend my days sitting in my tree, looking out the window at those pain in the #%$@ birds. Man, they’d better hope I never make it outside! When I’m not taking a well-deserved power nap, I play freight train with Mia. This involves running through the house at break neck speed and messing up the throw rugs. I guess I’ll stick around until something better comes along. But all in all, life is good. Gotta go now…..it’s lunch time somewhere in the world and I don’t want to miss out.
(Last update: Dec 26th, 2010 6pm)
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