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Foster Mary has decided to mark me "no kids" cuz she fears I might be a door dasher. I showed lots of interest in the front door the day of the big snow storm. Foster Mary said she was testing a theory with me and I might have answered why I was found all alone, outside in the cruel cold world (with no front claws thank you very much to whomever did that - not). I have a keen interest in what lays beyond that door even with a foot of snow on the ground. It's not that I couldn't get along with kids but we know how little kids are when they run in/out of the house.
I am getting along fine with the resident kitties, but if that big tabby boy doesn't stop chasing me up and down the stairs he might find out that I'm as big as him. I find it's easier to simply run away from him.
The girl cats here mind their own business but the little sealie girl here - vavavoom!!!! She's a cutie pie. Too bad she's more than twice my age.
I'm a lover not a fighter. I love people too!
Name: Ghillie

(FKA Theo)

ID#: VA7498
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
DateIn: 01/09/11
Adopted: 01/29/11
Deceased: 01/18/19
Congrats: Lee
Foster: Mary

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
First two weeks: Theo's name has been changed to Ghillie. He has been a delightful addition to our home. He is enjoying equally well his lap time and nap time. His playtime keeps us entertained as he leaps after his wand toy and rolls around with his balls. It seems he really likes his new humans because he is grooming us, which is endearing.

The most charming of all is, in the early morning when he is very vocal, and pushing his little head into the outstretched hand, demanding a certain touch.

Love this beautiful boy!

(Last update: Feb 12th, 2011 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Saraphi
ID#: VA7425
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/27/10
Adopted: 01/08/11
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

Ok, I admit it - I'm shy and I'm still scared at all the things that have happened to me. But I do love other kitties and I purr up a storm when Foster Meowm holds me even if I'm not too keen on it right now. She says it's just going to take a little time and patience for me to realize that no one is going to hurt me.

I'm young, I'm healthy and and as you can see from my photos, I'm beautiful. I'm a tortie which means that I also have some spunk even if I haven't displayed it yet. It also means that you'll never see another cat that looks exactly like me !! I'm unique - one of a kind !!

Go ahead and ask about me and I could be under your tree Christmas morning !

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi All, Saraphi is doing well. She eats, sleeps, and uses her litter pan as any normal kitty. Her social skills are still low. She will come out for the other cats but otherwise she is nocturnal. She still hides all day unless she feels there are no people around. Im hoping in time she will come around a little more so we can give her the attentions she deserves!
(Last update: Feb 8th, 2011 9am)

Need a companion to keep you warm during the winter months and hang out during the summer months? Then I'm your girl!

I am a loving cat who will return your affection with head bumps, tummy flops and snuggling. I am looking for a nice home where I can nap in the sun, and fill your life with love and joy.

Please contact foster meowm if you'd like to hear more about me!

Name:   Chloe
ID#: VA6905
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 03/21/10
Adopted: 12/22/10
Congrats: Vickie
Foster: Jeannie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Chloe has been at her forever new home for 2 weeks now and we could not be happier.She actually slept with me the first night after arriving from her fostermommy's house.She looked around when she first arrived then went directly under my bed and stayed until about 7pm,she then decided there was to much stuff to find out about.We have been sleeping together ever since.She loves to sleep on my pillow and 'knead' my head.She purrs alot but is not very chatty.She loves her food and does very well with the litter box.We have moved since she came to me and we both are alot happier now that it is quiet,we neither one could rest before so now we can we only hear cows and chickens an dthat is music to our ears.We live out in the country and it is so quiet,and ours.We have a very friendly landlord who also loves kitties but chloe is still somewhat shy but is coming around.She likes the quiet to so much better than we had.We are just as happy as can be.
(Last update: Feb 1st, 2011 4am)

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Name:   Lila
ID#: VA7294
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 09/19/10
Adopted: 01/23/11
Deceased: 01/26/14
Congrats: Herbert
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Oh pooh! I'm in time out yet again. Won't you please spring me from this place?

I've got a problem. I love people and love to be cuddled and held and told how beautiful I am. I love Foster Mom and she takes good care of me but she has cats and I really don't like other cats. I am constantly getting into trouble because I chase her cats. I'm a tiny little girl but I'm absolutely fearless and chase those other cats (who are way bigger than me!) every chance I get to show them who's the boss around here. When I do that, Foster Mom scoops me up and I get a time-out in the foster room. What can I say? I get a lot of time outs.

If I could be your one and only girl, I'd be good as gold. I'm a world class cuddler, a good eater, and am meticulous about using the litter box. I need thyroid medication once a day but you just have to rub it in my ear and I'm very gracious about it.

Please ask about me and bring me home. If I could be your only girl, I promise that I'll be good and won't need any time outs!

PS...If you don't want me how about taking those other cats that live here so I can have Foster Mom all to myself. Don't tell her that I wrote this or I'm sure I'll get yet another time out.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Here is a picture of Lila in her new bed. She loves the bed but she also loves to sleep with me at night. She is a real snuggle cat. She has an appointment at the Vets next week so that the Vet can get to know her and he can she how she is doing on her medication. More notes later.

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2011 5pm)

I can't decide! I can't decide who I like more, cats or people!!!! I'm a gal with a loving heart looking for both a human bean and a feline friend to love. I had kittens but lost them, and thus I'm really craving other cats. I'm well socialized and loving, and I really love human beans. I haven't lived with woofers before so I'm kind of a newbie in that area, but I might be willing to learn. So if you have a household that needs a friend, human or feline, would you consider me?
Name:   Rita
ID#: VA7080
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/24/10
Adopted: 07/25/10
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi! We love our little Rita, who actually is getting so big already! She is the most beautiful, sweet kitty. I am often amazed by the accuracy of Siri's description of her - "I'm not sure if I like other cats or people better." She sure loves that little Andy, and us too. She really enjoys getting rides in the baby doll stroller. I'm so happy we kept that! It's her special bed. We couldn't be happier with her and her little brother Andy!

Rita's fur is almost all gray now! (except around her chest and neck). Good thing we didn't change her name back to Snowy! She is getting cuddlier and cuddlier. She loves to head butt. I'm attaching some current pictures.

(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2011 11am)

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Name: Joy

(FKA Tina)

ID#: VA7386
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 11mon
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/04/10
Adopted: 12/11/10
Deceased: 06/01/10
Congrats: James
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


I was a shy little girl when I first came to stay with foster mom and dad. But not anymore!!

I just love to be where the action is now. See how relaxed I am? I am just chillin' on the floor here at foster mom and dad's house:) Don't I look comfy?

Know what would make me even more comfy though? A home of my very own:) I am cute and petite with soft fur and tiny white toes on my back feet. I love laps and pets, and BELLY RUBS - they are the BEST!!!! And I love the other kitties here too.

I would love to come home for Christmas. Do you have room under the tree for me?


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Notes from Home
Joy is simply delightful!!! It was a difficult month until Hope was given a clean bill of health however, now they are both adjusting to each other. They are having a great time running around the house & the Christmas trees!!! We even witnessed Joy grooming Hope last night in our bedroom. They are still having their moments of sassiness but we believe they will be great friends.
(Last update: Jan 18th, 2011 2pm)

Just arrived. More information and pictures soon but so far Foster Mom knows I'm a vocal girl when I'm not getting what I want like out of this isolation thing! All I want to do is play and cuddle. I am not shy at all and Foster Mom says "I'm very well adjusted". It will be a few days before I can meet the other cats but I'm pretty sure I'm going to like them. If you are looking for a wild and crazy kitten then I'm your gal and you better ask about me quick before somebody else beats you to it!

Name: Rambova

(FKA Fantina)

ID#: VA7417
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/18/10
Adopted: 12/18/10
Congrats: John
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Rambova gets along very well with Valentino. She likes to play with a feather toy and snuggles on laps.
(Last update: Jan 18th, 2011 8am)

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Name:   Poppie
ID#: VA7174
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/29/10
Adopted: 11/20/10
Deceased: 02/19/12
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Jennifer

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Have you ever lost a loved one? Me too, it hurts doesn't it?
Have you ever felt like you will never feel love or be loved again? Me too.
Have you ever been scared of any new situation? Well, me too!! Looks like you and I already have a few things in common!!!
My owner passed away and I miss having that constant 'love' and 'attention' in my life. I am easy to get along with and I don't mind being picked up and thrown over your shoulders like a sack of taters! I have stellar litter box habits. I purr a lot and love to sit by you, even when you are on the computer. I just want to be next to you. Don't you want to me next to me? The searching stops here! My name is Poppie and I am in a RESCUE program so please, RESCUE me. You are looking for a cat to RESCUE, right? I need that love and attention that I once knew and had and I know you have it to give. I can't wait to ride on your shoulders and see your home.

xoxo with purrs,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
1/15/11 Hello- Wanted to update on Poppie. She has I think over 2-3 weeks without a trip to the vet-Yeaaaa!!! She is really filling out-such a pretty baby. I went to see her and Mom on 1/9. She is spending less and less time under the couch-new people and sounds will still send her there for hours but this is to be expected. She loves to sit next to Mom or be in the same room. I had Mom hold her while I trimmed her nails and she was very calm and compliant. She let me hold her and pet her. I will be doing this every 3-4 weeks. She was giving Mom little "love nips" and got carried away and Mom had to get an antibiotic. I told Mom to not allow any any TEETH behavior-zero tolerance and to hiss at Poppie when she attempted this as that is what mamma cat does. Mom practiced her hiss and so far no more nips. Poppie was just testing as to who is boss. Mom said Poppie is very talkative and Mom talks back to her all the time. I call Mom daily for an update and to check on both of them. Mom is slowing down a bit at 83. I am so glad she has Poppie.
(Last update: Jan 15th, 2011 9am)

Hey! What about Me too, foster pops says I can be home by Christmas and do I have a story for you.
My story starts with I once was lost, but now am found.
There is a wonderful women saw me in the driveway of an apartment she was looking at. When she rented the apartment and I was still there 2 weeks later even though I was sick she took me in . She introduced me to foster Pops, BJ and Trish. Now I have a room all of my own where Foster Pops is making me feel better and plays with me. I really like being petted and held, it's like having a home again.
Name: Ming II

(FKA Me too)

ID#: VA7396
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/09/10
Adopted: 12/06/10
Deceased: 11/06/12
Congrats: Holly
Foster: peter

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Ming II is doing quite well. She has taken over the house and has both my husband and I waiting on her. We have begun her integration with our two boys and so far are they think she is just passing through. She went to the vets and got a good bill of health with just one more worming needed to clear up a few round worms. She is a funny cat. She chased one of my boys (Tonkinese) under the bed and then they both engaged in some feline swearing (growling) then after a few minutes she must have become bored as she rolled over on her back and put for legs in the air. Seconds later she lowered her legs, closed her eyes and fell sound asleep, snoring like a truck driver! How wonderful to see her personality unfold and in just five weeks. On the flip side, we have a ways to go with her aggressive behavior. It is less aggressive but still she has a short fuse. It is better but it is a daily challenge. She has her very good days and fairly good days.

Thanks for letting us adopt her. Make that, thanks for letting her adopt us!

(Last update: Jan 14th, 2011 7pm)

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Name:   Binky
ID#: VA7453
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/08/10
Adopted: 12/26/10
Deceased: 12/14/11
Congrats: Carl
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Ooooh you are in for a treat! Very high energy naughty boy Meezer, that's me, ready to rock and roll, probably need someone to rock and roll with, knick knacks beware! I'm athletically inclined, busy bee in my bonnet, and going to need an experienced owner ready for my loving but slightly challenging antics!

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Notes from Home
Binky is settling in nicely and is actually less of a "brat" than we expected! Elsa absolutely adores him and is working hard/steadily/puposefully on building their bond. You should see him run to greet her when she gets home from work each day - it's really endearing and brings her great joy. He's getting along pretty well with Schindler - no spats/fights/wrestling matches to date; they love to chase one another, especially in the evenings - sounds like a herd of tiny elephants charging through the hallways and up/down the stairs. Binky still does not know what to make of Ivy - will cautiously approach her from behind and sniff at her tail; still tends to hiss at her if they meet head-on; has not shown any aggressiveness. Ivy essentially ignores him - probably a VERY good dog for a cat with no prior dog experience. He's eating well, knows where to find the litter boxes, has staked out a few favorite spots for lounging/naps and enjoys his toys. Have had him examined by one of the Internal Medicine specialists at my clinic - essentially a clean bill of health with the exception of some concerns about his gingivitis - will likely soon have him examined/evaluated by a dental specialist and see what they think the future may hold. SIRI - check your email for a copy of the physical exam write-up for his records there.
(Last update: Jan 14th, 2011 6pm)

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