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Hi, I am ready to pack up my bags and head for a new home. It needs to be my forever home because I am tired of make believe. I thought I had my forever home and then I was taken to the shelter. I am doing great with the other two cats in my foster room and I appear to be very healthy now.

update 10/19 I am loving, sweet, healthy, and did I already say loving. Yes I am.

12/5/10 Foster mom says she wishes should could come up with a clever bio to help me get noticed but all she has come up with is that I am sweet, playful, like other cats, and just a wonderful cat.
Name: Annie

(FKA Anyssa)

ID#: VA7293
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/18/10
Adopted: 01/08/11
Congrats: Janice
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Annie has adjusted well and is such a little scamp. She loves to sleep in the bed and help her big brother hunt for lizards.
She is still adjusting to the big sister but soon a group hug.
Annie has learned to use the scratching boxes like a champ. She is just a sweetie and she loves her crinkle balls.

(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2011 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mocha

(FKA Fawn)

ID#: VA7531
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/29/11
Adopted: 03/09/11
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Frani

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I got a cold so my owner took me to the shelter. Don't you think that is a bit of over reacting? But the shelter had so many cats that they couldn't help all of them and I ended up on Death Row for a cold. But my Angel saved me: she took me home, got me into Rescue, made me all better, had cats I could play with and she found me a home. Alas, it was not to be a forever home, because the girl cat who lived there first did not like me at all and probably didn't like any girl kitties.

So after almost two months I was back into Rescue with other foster. My foster has boy cats and girl cats too and we get along pretty well. This place is OK but I would love to have a home of my own with nice cats who would play and love me too. If you have some cats like that, please ask about me. My foster, Frani,will get right back to you.

Purrs & Cuddles, Fawn

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Notes from Home
After a week of being secluded and playing footsie under the door with my sister, I was finally let loose and have the run of the house. Its a big house with lots of rooms to hide in, but I prefer the water bed as it is a very warm place. The food is great here, plenty of it and I will tease my sister and eat from her bowl also. We have been chasing each other around the house, playing hide and seek and looking out the windows at all the animals waking up to greet spring, if it ever gets here. I think I'm going to like it here.
(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2011 8am)

Just arrived and I'm a teenie weenie yet, but am doing well. Meowmy said I should be big enough and finished with my vetting by August 10th, but if you'd like to get on my list now and choose me, you'd better hurry. She said I'm so cute, I'll be gobbled up quickly. Gee, I hope that doesn't hurt!

Meowmy said I'll need another cat or kitten to go home with/to, but with all the kittens here, I'm sure there is a boy out there for me, too.

So I'll be waiting to hear from ya,

Copy and paste the link below to see my video!

Name: Lucy

(FKA Chloe)

ID#: VA7095
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 06/29/10
Adopted: 08/28/10
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Friday, Sept. 17 2010. Lucy had first vet visit and received high marks on everything except kindness toward vet's assistant! She was really feisty. Had her rabies vaccination and weighed in at 3 lb. 14 oz., so she's making good progress on weight gain.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011. Lucy has been with us for about 6 months now and she has really taken over! She knows she's the QUEEN. Her buddy Jake, also adopted from Siamese Rescue, is her devoted slave. He waits for her to wake up and then gives her a bath from head to toe. When Lucy wants to play she makes sure Jake takes care of those needs too, even if he doesn't feel like playing. She sometimes plays rough, but Jake never uses his claws on her. Lucy is absolutely gorgeous, and knows it. She likes to show off her long legs. When she wants love from her humans, she stands on her hind legs with forefeet on human's knees and makes a squeaking sound that says "Pick me up and hug me NOW!" She gives great head-butts in return, then falls asleep in your arms.

Lucy is prominently featured in Jake's diary called "Adventures of Jake the Cat," available upon request.

(Last update: Mar 22nd, 2011 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Jake

(FKA Oakley)

ID#: VA7207
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/15/10
Adopted: 09/04/10
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

I just arrived with my brother Curly Joe & I'm so happy to be here at my foster meowm's B&B! Foster Meowm tells me that I have beautiful baby blues & I just love to get in her lap & purr & purr...that gets me rubs you see...I love rubs! She also tells me that I look just like the sun & sand with my pretty coloring! If you are looking for a fun loving guy like myself....don't you be shy...click on that button to ask about me!

P.S. -My foster meowm sent a video of me playing w/ my brother to the guardian angel that found us! If you want to see this video of me playing with Curly Joe~cut & paste this link!!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Friday,September 17, 2010: Jake had his first vet appointment today. He passed with flying colors, except that he was purring so loudly that the vet couldn't hear his heartbeat. The vet turned on the water faucet and Jake stopped purring long enough to allow the vet to hear his very healthy heartbeat. The vet says the running water scares most cats. Jake had his last FVRCP vaccine and weighed in at 5 lb.s 2 oz.Fecal exam was negative.

Tuesday, March 22 2011: Jake has been with us now for 6 months and he is a happy cat! He's totally devoted to Lucy, adopted also from Siamese Rescue. She's the boss, but that's OK with Jake--she kicks his head, he licks her feet. He's growing up to be a big boy. He has the softest, prettiest coat--white with gold highlights and bright gold/orange ears. He loves to be petted and especially stroked on his chin. He's very strong, not too subtle and a bit clumsy, which just makes him more dear to us. He also has some literary talent, has a journal called "Adventures of Jake the Cat," available upon request, where he has chronicled his and Lucy's early days with his adopted family.

(Last update: Mar 22nd, 2011 9am)

(NEW VIDEO 1/23/11)

Sweet gentle souled guy who doesn't mind other cats (unless they're wussy cats, then I have little patience) and just would like a sunny window to lie in. I'm a very easy keeper, I don't scratch the furniture, am very good in the box, and love my high quality no grain diet. Dry food only is fine if you like even. Yet I'm not a bum or couch potato either, but a pleasant occasionally goofy and fun loving guy as well. Adoption scholarship offered, and I get to bring my favorite Millie bed as well!

P.S. - If you want to view my action video...cut & paste this link!!
Name: Smudge

(FKA Smokey Joe)

ID#: VA7410
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 11/14/10
Adopted: 02/12/11
Deceased: 10/15/12
Congrats: Doreen
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Mom and Smudge doing well, still getting to know each other. He has discovered the bedroom, that door that is always closed! Has enjoyed a bit of warm weather on the back porch, likes looking out mom says. Hope to have some pics soon, mom is working with digital camera so hope to upload some photos in the next week or so. All is good and mom is happy with him, he's a sweet boy. I heard him talking for the 1st time last week, he was talking to his toys. Mom says he does that when he carries them in his mouth and brings them to her.
(Last update: Mar 21st, 2011 10pm)

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Name:   Bunni
ID#: VA7090
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/27/10
Adopted: 08/21/10
Congrats: Aimee
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats

My foster meowm thinks I'm the best of the best rolled into one! She tells me that I am a sweet & gentle creature. I'm not sure about all of that, but I am sure that I enjoy being around people and I like to carry on a conversation. I would enjoy watching t.v. with you, sleeping by your side at night (as long as I can take up most of the bed) & most of all I so look forward to the day that I can come home with my forever family. All my meowm's fosters have come & gone while I'm just sitting here waiting. WHERE ARE YOU my forever family????? Come on..don't be shy...just click on that button & my foster meowm has all kinda stuff to tell you about me!!!

Hugs, Purrs & Kisses,

P.S. - Foster Meowm wanted me to tell you that I do not jump on kitchen counters...not sure why that matters..but whatever!!

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Notes from Home
It has been just over two weeks since we brought Bunni home. She has made herself right at home. She has been fantastic!! We have had no issues with introducing her to the house or dogs!! She is sweet and gentle and patient with the dogs. She only uses her scratchers, always uses her litter box. Everyone that meets her can't believe how nice she is!! She lets anyone pick her up, cut her nails, rolls over for belly rubs. She absolutely LOVES the little mice toys!!! She batts them around the kitchen floor where they glide the most. When she can't find her mice, I know that I have to fish them out from under the stove and the fridge. It is a joy to watch her playing happily! We couldn't be happier with the entire process and all of the wonderful people we have met!!

UPDATE: 03/21/11 I can't believe that it has been 7 months that we have had her! She has made herself right at home. I call her my "study buddy" because whenever I am reading or working on homework she is right behind my head, on the back of the couch. She absolutely loves the water fountain that I got for her. She loves to sit and stare at the moving water. I often find myself watching to see what funny thing she is going to do next Unfortunately, for her, she does have to endure the embarrassment of being dressed up for the holidays. She is mostly a good sport about it, though!

(Last update: Mar 21st, 2011 12am)

Long, lanky, lean and loving! Think that's enough 'l' words? I'm just a wonderful very Siamese tortie gal, interested in everything and everyone! I was outside, got shot by b-b's, and now I'm interested in staying inside where there's lots of laps, furry mice, and attention!
Name: Pye

(FKA Lexi)

ID#: VA7229
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 08/21/10
Adopted: 09/14/10
Deceased: 06/01/15
Congrats: Renate
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Lexi's new name is Pye and she knows her name and responds to it now. Pye has been with us for 3 months now and we are so happy to have such a wonderful little girl join our family. We love her very much. From the very first day she has decided that my husband John was going to be her Human Pa. She will jump in his lap as soon as he sits anywhere, but she is very polite and always announces her arrival with a chirping noise before she lands in his lap where she drapes herself all over the place and stretches those long legs and long body as far as she can. She loves attention and gets lots of it. She does not want to be picked up. When she came to us she was very skittish and if you tried to pet her she would run and hide as soon as you reached out to her. Now she is gaining a lot of confidence and never hides anymore. She feels very much at home here and we are very happy that she has accepted us so well. Pye is just about the perfect kitty, she never bites, scratches, does not scratch the furniture. She loves going out on the screened in porch which overlooks a creek. There is so much for her to see. She is quite nosy. She loves to eat like I have never seen a cat like to eat. I believe that she must have gone hungry at one point in her young life. She also loves to play especially with 2 toy mice that she loves to throw around and hunt. She is quite the little hunter and takes it very seriously. Our Geezer boy Max is totally bewildered by all her actions since he never liked to play and can't figure out why she works so hard at it. Max (the Fancy Feast King who would never eat anything else) is now eating the premium good food because that's what she eats and he figures it must be good. She is such a funny and entertaining little girl and we just can' say enough good things about her. It is wonderful to see her grow from a scared little cat into this beautiful, healthy and confident little girl. We just really are so happy to have her. We want to thank Siri and Kathy for helping us bring her into our home. They did a wonderful job placing the right kitty in the right home. Siamese Rescue is the Greatest.
Updated 12/14/10

Pye (Lexi) has been with us for 6 months now. It seems like she has always belonged here with us. She is such a happy,sweet little cat. The weather is getting warmer now here in Virginia and she loves to be out on our screened in porch where she can sniff all the wild things and keep an eye on the dog next door.
She still loves to hunt her mice ( they are particular mice and only these Kong brand mice will do) She hides them and then wants us to get them from under the furniture where she can't reach them. She walks around the house carrying them in her mouth until they get so nasty that we throw them out. I have bought about 8 for her so far and make sure we have a couple of spare ones. She is still attached to my husband like velcro and demands by yelling at him that he sit down somewhere so she can sit in his lap for a pet session. I will do in a pinch, but I get dumped as soon as she sees him. As much as she loves to sit on his lap, she still does not want us to pick her up. She will come on her own. Eating is also one of her favorite things. She has gained some weight and looks really good and healthy. Max, our Geezer boy seems to enjoy having her around (not that he would ever admit that if he could talk) he is much more active since she came and they sniff each others noses. He is not a cat who likes other cats, but seemed almost depressed after our meezer Duke died. He enjoys watching her. He will be 16 years old this year. Everything is working out well with Pye and we love her so very much. Thank you again Siri and Kathy for letting her be part of our family.

updated 3/18/11

(Last update: Mar 18th, 2011 5pm)

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Name:   Simba
ID#: VA7503
Location:  New Jersey
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 01/10/11
Adopted: 02/06/11
Congrats: Kay
Foster: Michele

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hi, my name is Simba. I am a big cuddly boy - foster mom says hugging me is like hugging a big teddy bear! I am very shy at first but once I am comfortable I will be your best friend. I am hoping to find a quiet home were I can snuggle and purr and be loved. I would do best in a home with no kids or other animals.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I adopted Simba on February 6 of this year,and my husband and I are so pleased with our choice. Simba is a beautiful, playful,affectionate and healthy cat. He loves to talk; he loves to be brushed; he loves the sunshine especially if he can get out on the screened porch, and he loves to eat if it is Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers or Fancy Feast Medleys
I want to thank everyone involved in allowing me to have this wonderful cat in my life. I hope that Simba and I have many years together.
I have directed all my questions to Michele Altomere since she was Simba`s foster mother. She has been wonderful to quickly E-mail me each time.
I have praised your organization to all my friends especially the ones who are cat lovers. Thanks again for all that you do to rescue these beautiful, affectionate animals. Kay Linnane

(Last update: Mar 17th, 2011 9pm)

I have told foster Mom that I am a Diva Princess and should be treated with more respect. Now that I have settled in a bit, I come and ask for more petting and do a lot more purring. II am playful and like to interact but somewhat on my own terms. I need some loving and attention but I am not demanding with it. My owner died so I am still uncertain about new situations. Lunah
Name:   Lunah
ID#: VA6986
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/16/10
Adopted: 09/04/10
Congrats: Carole
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Lunah is doing great -- she has really settled in here and seems to love it! She plays a lot -- especially enjoys her "cat dancer" and also motivates herself by grabbing and running with some of the little stuffed toys she brought with her. She enjoys her cat tree and is now totally sleeping with me. She makes it clear when it's "lap time". (I love it!)
She's going to the vet tomorrow -- 3rd follow-up after initial visit for skin problems (right ear and chin). The right ear is totally healed and clean. Chin is still has scabs from acne. With my inexperienced eye I cannot tell if there are more "pimples" to squeeze, or if it is in the process of going away.
Sje's great at the vet -- purrs the whole time and they love her!
She's eating well and regularly, though I'd like her to eat more dry food. She lost a few ounces when taking antibiotic pill, but I'm sure has gained some back by now. We'll see tomorrow.

I don't have pictures -- plan to take some soon for Christmas letters; but I don't know how to put them on the internet. Maybe I'll get help later.

Lunah is getting darker, as I've noticed seal points seem to do. She's a beauty.

She's very much loved!

March 2011 Update . . .

I do have a couple of issues I would like some help with.

First of all, I want you to know that I love Lunah with all my heart and I
am committed to her for life! She loves me too, making that very clear
every day of her precious little life! We bonded instantly and that is
growing deeper by the day.

She did have a couple problems when she came to me and no one can know what that
poor little thing really went through before she came to Siamese Rescue,
then to me.

I have a wonderful vet here who helped get her ear infection and acne under
her chin cleared up. Her fur-pulling subsided after her arrival, but
recently came back in full force. Dr. Borakove (vet) prescribed an over the
counter allergy med which may or may not have worked. I was able to give
the 1/2 tab per day med to Lunah IF I got it far enough down her little
throat which I usuallly did, but on the rare occasions that I didn't, it
caused her to drool and was very unpleasant for both of us.

Let me say here that Dr. Borakove and all the help at the vet LOVE Lunah --
she purrs and lets them do anything they need without a fuss, even take her
temperature. She's so unusual and they love to see her coming!

A very dear friend recently found an article in the Post where a vet (Dr.
Michael Fox) answered questions and this particular article was about
itching problems with cats and dogs. One suggestion was that it could be
the litter, perfume, etc. I was using a clumping litter, full of "dust" and
perfume. I was even thinking I should put a scarf over my nose to avoid the
heavy dust. So I got a pine litter from pet store. I also tried Wellness
canned cat food -- Lunah ate it but made it very clear she does NOT like it
and she DOES PREFER Fancy Feast so that is what I will feed her..

Lunah also made it clear (eventually) that she didn't like the loction of her litter
box (a cubbyhole in my bathroom) which didn't allow her the space she preferred --
only enough room for her to perch on one side of the box. I changed her
litter box and food to my kitchen/family laundry room across the little hall
and that works perfectly. Fine with her and the family, as well, when they
need to come down to the first level where my "apartment" is to do laundry.

The only other "problem" is that, once in a blue moon, she gets poop in the
fur under her tail (a small smear) that might get on my white comforter,
sofa or clothes. It's fairly easy to deal with, but could be a little
problem when I take a trip to my high school class reunion or visit my
in-laws later in the year. My grandsons will take care of her for a few
days (they took care of Samantha, and love cats and animals). They love
her, and so does my daughter.

Maybe these two little problems will just go away in time. I believe Lunah doesn't
scratch or pull fur as much as she first did; but it does bother me at night when we go to bed;
because she sleeps close to me, which I prefer her to do but it shakes bed and me when
she does all the over-grooming and fur-pulling! I have started just gently telling her "no" and
giving her a pat.

Thank you for your recent Newsletter. I wish every cat on the planet had a loving home!

(Last update: Mar 16th, 2011 3pm)

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Name: Tao

(FKA Robin)

ID#: VA3981
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/01/06
Adopted: 02/25/06
Congrats: Julie
Foster: Jen (Knoxville)

Rescuing a Siamese Cat! Wow, you must be a hero! Well, a hero needs
a faithful sidekick to back him up, assist him in his every need, and
of course, to run errands for him (Robin, run into the kitchen and see
if the bad guys are there, LOL). Well, if you are looking for a laid
back, no worries, no issues, "Mr. Adoptable" meezer man, let ME be your
I am a bit leery of the other cats beyond the door. I think I could get along with another feline friend, but a slow and careful integration would make me happiest.

Purrs and headrubs, Robin

I went home with my new Mom today! I know I'm going to love her!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Tao is my wonderful kitten daddy and official ambassador cat. He is my counselor for foster placements. With 5 years of experience under his belt, he is pretty darn good. Pictured here with two kittens he has helped raise, including sweet Vinnie who needs extra TLC and warmth. Thanks for giving him his start, Jen!
(Last update: Mar 15th, 2011 9pm)

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