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Well life is looking up! For the longest time I had trouble getting along with the other cats - they just couldn't keep up with me. That was it, literally! You see I'm quite energetic and I love to play. And the other cats, well, they just didn't appreciate my 'tomboy' attitude. And then along came Kobe. HUNKA HUNKA! We started having a grand old time. He was followed shortly thereafter by Snowden. WOOOHEEE! He's fun too! So give me a pal to play with and life will be good! And if you choose me, Aunt Siri says I could even bring along one of those other two at no charge! What a deal!
Name:   Nikita
ID#: VA6444
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/03/09
Adopted: 08/22/10
Congrats: Shirley
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
HELLO FROM NIKITA...1st ADOPTION NOTE (the trip to my new home)... It was a long trip from VASC to my new prospective home and I was very scared,12 hours in a car, rain pouring down and being transported from car to car(Virginia to Connecticut). I didn't know if the rain would ever stop. After arriving at final destination " new home" I briefly said hello to my soon to be adopted mommy and then disappeared on her for about a month. THAT IS NO LIE!!!!!. I didn't know whether I was going to adopt her or not, even though she was nice, talked to me from a distance, and kept trying to find me. She even played hide and seek my way for about three weeks. She left plenty of food and water for me, so I could eat and drink all day, while she was at work. She even bought me a litterbox and that cleans itself, so my beautiful paws would not get dirty. She had the patience to let me make the decision when I was going to adopt her. I would sit in the big bay window waiting for her to come home from work and let her see me as she drove in the driveway. After about two weeks I let her play with me though the glass window. NO PERSONAL CONTACT...NOPE,...NOT UNTIL I KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO BE MY FOREVER MOMMY. I DID NOT WANT TO BE HURT AGAIN. ALL I WANTED WAS LOVE.
She also had a Keeshound and I played with him when Mom was away. Well now, I love my new stepbrother "King The Dog" and so I decided to accept her as Mom too. King told me I would like it here.
King and I play chase every day. We chase from one end of the house to the other. King tackles me and pins me down and I let him. I am so quiet and then without a cry, I wiggle out from under him and away we going running through the house again until we get tired. Aunt Siri always said I was a tom boy. Then we go to sleep on the sofa.
I was a scratcher when I came here and boy did I get yelled at. MOM HAVE A LOUD VOICE WHEN SHE WANTED MY ATTENTION. I have since stopped scratching, BUT NOT BEFORE TEACHING KING TO SCRATCH. He got in bigggggggggggggg trouble. He scratched the leather sofa and love seat, you should have heard Mom. By night-fall he was back in her arms. See my pictures with my new brother. Mom had a problem with the camera, since we are always on the move. Maybe, I'll pose for her to take some nice pictures in the future...(March 28, 2011).

(Last update: Mar 28th, 2011 9pm)

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Name: Bandit

(FKA Tarik)

ID#: VA7523
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/24/11
Adopted: 02/19/11
Congrats: Dana
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Even though I just arrived Foster Mom can already tell I'm a friendly little guy. I'm a little unsure of what's going on but so far everything has been OK so I think I will like it here and let Foster Mom really get to know me.

If you are looking for a young, handsome snow shoe, ask about me, OK?

More later!


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Notes from Home
Bandit (formerly Tarik) is doing just great!!! He is a very loving kitty who constantly purrs. It took awhile for him to get use to our big dog but I took it extremely slow and only let Bandit out of my room when he wanted to come out, but as of a couple of days ago he chooses to roam the house and not stay in my room all the time. He even rubs up against the big dog now. Bandit loved our other kitty and our small dog from the moment his 10 days of confindment were up. We are very happy Bandit is part of our family, we would not trade him for the world.
(Last update: Mar 28th, 2011 2pm)

Hi there!
Andy here. Hopefully just for a short time. In my young life I may have had a home, but landed in the shelter. Now I'm here with meowmy and she said she's gonna find me my forever home! So far things here are good. I didn't mind my bath, and I love all the toys she gave me to play with. Meowmy says I'll be ready to go home around the 23rd of September, so if that is a good time for you to bring me home, how about asking about me. Meowmy said I'm so cute that I'll get snatched up quickly!


Copy and paste the link below to see my longer video!

Name:   Andy
ID#: VA7213
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/17/10
Adopted: 09/26/10
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi! Thanks for checking in... I can't believe 6 months have already gone by. We love Andy! He is still a little shy with us. I think he is slowly learning to trust and love us back. It almost seems to me like someone was rough with him. But I can't remember any details about his pre-Siamese rescue life. We go to him more than he comes to us. But he does love getting attention thankfully, because it's hard to keep my hands off him, with that beautiful fur! When I carry him up to my bed, he purrs like a mad man and stays with me for most of the night, which I love. He still gets along great with Rita and Camilla. We've got a wonderful family here with these three little ones!
(Last update: Mar 27th, 2011 10pm)

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Name:   Lennox
ID#: VA7497
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 01/09/11
Adopted: 02/26/11
Congrats: Brian
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Are you wondering where my name came from??? Well you see...I had an encounter HVAC unit & I have had a few little nips & tucks & am now BEAUTIFUL! There's not one part of me that sags or has any wrinkles ;)

My favorite thing in the whole world is to sit on my foster meowm's lap & I sing & sing to her while I sit with her.

So you see...you have a chance to adopt a beautiful kitty (thanks to my surgeons) & a kitty that loves to sing & sit with you all day...what more could one want in life??!!!

Click on that button & ask about me because I'm not going to last long since I'm a special gal!

Hugs & purrs,

Here's another video of me playing in my cube - cut & paste this link to your browser & watch me in action! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_a6dmUcR5Q

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Notes from Home
What a sweet lady!! Lennox is fitting into her forever home purrfectly!! She loves it heer but she does miss everyone that got her to us. She had her first vet appointment yesterday and got a purfect rating!! Our vet said the surgey on her eye and her feet were done by someone that was really good. He felt that her eye will heal completely to where you can't even tell it!! She loves both her brothers Keegan and Scooby Doo and plays constantly with them. We are really blssed to have three cats that get along as well as they do. Thanks to all who made our family possible!!

We celebrated Lennox's first month anniversary yesterday. She is doing very well and she loves it here in her forever home. And she loves both of her brothers as you can see from the pixs!! The way Lennox loves to climb you would never know she's missing 6 toes. Her eye has healed and it is real hard to tell she even surgery. Thanks to everyone for bringing us Lennox and Keegan as well. We love having them here with us and they are the happiest cats you've ever seen!!

(Last update: Mar 27th, 2011 12pm)

Hi there - Sheba here posing for the camera. Just got here, but I am ready to "show off" and let you see how beautiful I am. Foster mom says to tell you that I am a BEAUTY and a DIVA. Do you know what that means? Well, just in case you don't, I'll tell you a little about me. I am a big talker, I like to have a "staff" ;who serve me the "best" food and hold me to cuddle, but only when I tell them I want to of course. Oh, yes, and I thionk I'm in charge here. I'm nice to the other kitties, but I'd really rather be with the people, uh, on my terms of course. Foster mom says I am probably a purebred seal point (maybe chocolate) girl who knows what she wants in life and WILL get it. You see, until about a month ago, I lived outside on my own in a trailer park, but NOW, I'm healthy, spayed and happy thanks to the Good Samaritan who found me and took me in and took care of me. She helped me get to where I want to go - to my own forever hoem where I will be LOVED, CHERISHED and PAMPERED. Purrs, headbutts and love from Sheba
Name:   Sheba
ID#: VA7542
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/04/11
Adopted: 02/26/11
Congrats: Dale
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Sheba is doing very well at 4 weeks from adoption. She is fully integrated with our other cat, Elektra - basically they "co-exist" since Elektra is almost 20 yrs old. Sheba loves to play with toys - she determines what is an acceptable cat toy! Her favority is a rubber wine stopper that she found and knocked off the counter. She jumps on every surface, pounces and runs around the house. She likes to be in the room with us (hubby and me), wherever we are, but not necessarily on laps....only when SHE says so. She is adorable, sleeps on the bed with us much of the time, and likes to cat nap on hubby's desk in the sun. She is an amazing jumper.
We have been to the Vet and had our last de-worming and also got checked out. We have been upgrading her food to one of the organics, and she is fine with that - she loves to eat. She also enjoys drinking funning water from the faucet. I will upload some photos.

(Last update: Mar 26th, 2011 12pm)

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Name: L. E.

(FKA Little Egypt)

ID#: VA7434
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/30/10
Adopted: 02/25/11
Congrats: Jim
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
L. E.
Oh help! I am surrounded by blue ornaments still!! If you need some for next year, my Foster Mom Jen said I could bring a few with me to my new home. It's kind of an "added bonus" I don't see the other kitties offering. And they make my eyes look really pretty.


Little Egypt

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Notes from Home
L.E. has adjusted to our home very nicely. She has some loose stool, so we stopped giving her Lysine after a local pet store owner said it sometimes causes this in some cats. But, the loose stool isn't gone yet. There is no urgency, however, as could occur in diarrhea. If the loose stool doesn't subside, we will take her in for tests, etc instead, since she is definitely not a good pill taker. Fortunately, her appetite is good, and she is not losing weight, etc. She sleeps with us, plays obsessively with snake toys, well sit in our laps some, but is less outgoing than Precious, preferring to roam the house on cat's paws, sotospeak.
(Last update: Mar 25th, 2011 8am)

Looking for love, fun, and some good chow, that's ME! I'm a good boy and love to play.

If you have dust bunnies under the bed, click on Ask About Me! I'll be sure to POUNCE ON THEM!!

PS - Check out my sisters, Betty Jo and Bobbie Jo. I am much bigger but they're kinda cute too...
Name:   Billy Joe
ID#: VA4972
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/09/07
Adopted: 07/22/07
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Linda


Notes from Home
Jackson (fka Billy Joe) came to us as a kitten just two days before I took the bar exam! Yikes! My husband had to sleep with Jackson in the isolation room in our house because he sat and cried if left alone. Once my husband was with him, Jackson climbed the mini blinds all night, until my husband nearly cried from lack of sleep! I, of course, slept like a baby on my own! From minute 1, Jackson has been a loving, cuddly laid back Meezer dude. He desperately wanted the attention of his big sister, Koko, who was not over the moon about his presence at first. Jackson persevered, and within a month or so, they were playing together well. Now, four years later, they're best friends who share everything from food and food bowls to litter boxes and beds. Jackson is truly a lap cat. No sooner has my bum hit the couch, than he is on my lap, purring his head off, and making biscuits on my sleeve. Apparently, I'm not warm enough at night, though, so he opts to snuggle down with my husband. This Christmas, Koko and Jackson got the best present ever--their mother got a Slanket (yes the blanket with sleeves)! Both Kok and Jackson discovered almost immediately that the Slanket provided an extremely warm place to cuddle, and Koko even climbs into the sleeves and front pocket! Alas, Mom may have to get a second slanket for herself, as the cats have taken this one over. Jackson gets most of his exercise by playing with our German Shepherd. They chase each other relentlessly, although I must say I think Jackson has an edge as he's able to fit into small spaces and then jump out and surprise the dog. This game lasts for hours, and never seems to get old. The German Shpeherd is very accomodating however, and even allows the cats to drink from her water bowl and lick her food dish clean! Having Jackson has been a great addition to our family. He loves to be held and stratched and is an excellent car traveller if trips to the vet or family are necessary. Having grown up with siamese cats as a child, it's wonderful to have them in my life as an adult. I couldn't imagine my home without a Meezer (or three!)
(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2011 4pm)

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Name:   Jasper
ID#: VA7034
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/06/10
Adopted: 09/04/10
Deceased: 04/11/12
Congrats: Julie
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

Incredibly sweet pair of dapper older gentlemen (Bobo, VA7033 and Jasper, VA7034) ready to be adopted together for one adoption fee. They'll be ready to go around the last week of July after they get their dentals. They are too good to let get away!

Foster Mom just told me that I'm #1 on the geezer page. I'm not sure what geezer means. It must mean wise and mature and incredibly handsome. Old? It means old? Well I am truly insulted. I don't think of myself as old, I just have lots of life experience.

You don't know what you're missing by not asking about me. I love to cuddle and sleep right next to Foster Mom with my head on her pillow. I'm a really good eater and always use the litter box. I have a great big Siamese yowl but I only use my voice when I can't find my buddy, Bobo. I like to keep tabs on him.

I have a shorter tail than normal with some kinks and bumps in it but I'm not telling what happened. It doesn't bother me at all and just adds to my character. I also don't have many teeth left but that doesn't stop me from gobbling up my wet food and raiding the other cat's food dishes. Guess I'm really a go with the flow kind of guy.

People may think I'm a little long in the tooth (those I have left anyway), but I'm a great cat looking to give lots of love and attention to my new adopter!

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Notes from Home
Jasper.....sweet Jasper....this guy has completely stolen my heart. It took him a little while to settle in but being patient with him was totally worth the wait. He has always been more reserved with his affections than Bobo, but from day one would purr the minute I touched him so I knew he was ok with it. It wasn't until Christmas Eve that I knew he had fully accepted me. Shortly after I went to bed, I felt something on the end of bed. It was Jasper. (Up until this time both Bobo and Jasper had slept in their Millie bed which was on the rug next to our bed. Every once in awhile they would sit on the bed for a few minutes but always slept in the Millie. So what Jasper did next really surprised me.) He walked up next to my face, laid down facing me and put his head on my pillow. He laid there for the longest time just purring as I pet his fur. I think that was Jasper's "aha moment". From Christmas Eve on, Jasper has slept next to me every night. He also follows me into the kitchen in the morning to "supervise" the preparation of his breakfast. He loves the attention he gets from the boys. Jasper is truly a special kitty and we feel very lucky to have him as part of our family.
(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2011 4pm)

Pssttt...Can we talk? I have become the victim of psychological abuse. Foster Mom has started telling me that Im bobolicious. How embarrassing! Granted I am one sweet boy. I am very gentle and love to cuddle. Im not a big talker but do this trilling thing that Foster Mom thinks is very cute (of course, Im not sure we can trust her judgment after that bobolicious thing). I have just had a dental and was a trooper about taking my medicine. I am good in the litter box and always use the cardboard scratching pad when I need to scratch something. Oh no - maybe I am bobolicious. Guess that's not such a bad thing after all.

Ask about me and my buddy, Jasper, and give us a chance to show you what loyal and loving companions two older guys can be.

Incredibly sweet pair of dapper older gentlemen (Bobo, VA7033 and Jasper, VA7034) ready to be adopted together for one adoption fee. They have had their dentals and are ready for a new forever home.
Name:   Bobo
ID#: VA7033
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 06/06/10
Adopted: 09/04/10
Deceased: 08/12/13
Congrats: Julie
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Since joining our family, Bobo is doing great and has settled in nicely. He is a lovey dovey, nose-to-nose, kissy face, roll on his back and beg for pets kind of guy. He loves to be loved. He loves to be picked up and hugged. And anyone in the family will do! He visits Logan's room quite often in the early morning. One morning I peeked in to find him lying on Logan waiting for him to wake up! Too cute. One of Bobo's tricks is sliding on the upstairs hallway runner. I have yet to catch him in the act but would love to watch him. The only evidence I ever find is the runner rolled up accordian style at the end of the hall. Diane (Bobo's foster) suggested I install a "Bobo-cam" to record the action. I just might have to do that!! In the meantime, I just wanted to let you all know that Bobo has been a wonderful addition to our family and we all love him!!
P.S. We also adopted Jasper - see his page for update.

(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2011 4pm)

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Name:   Muffin
ID#: VA3192
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/12/05
Adopted: 05/23/05
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Siri

Obviously a very Siamese mom who met a dad with a bit of white on him, I'm the wondrous offspring ready to spring into your arms and your heart. Busy and energetic, very kittenish and playful; out and about with the other cats here and having a grand old time. Took me awhile to get my sensitive stomach straightened out but I think things are solid now, if you catch my drift, and I'm ready and raring to go!

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Notes from Home
Koko (fka) Muffin is the Queen Meezer in our house! Adopted 6 years ago from VASRC, she weighed just 6 pounds and her coat had lost its sheen. She was definitely in need of a quiet, stable environment. The foster and center did an excellent job working out some digestive issues, but poor Koko really needed her furever home. Six years later, she's blossomed into a gorgeous Meezer who is no longer underweight (though she will always be stylishly petite!), with a gloriously shiny coat, and a great disposition. She's had a clean bill of health since about week 2 with us, and has never looked back. Although she doesn't try to jump into your lap for a cuddle, her motor starts revving as soon as her cheeks are scrtiched, and her baby blues start to slam shut. Koko's favorite pasttime is watching the outdoors from one of her many perches in the windows of our home. Koko also enjoys practicing yoga with her Meowmy! She's a hoot, whenever I'm in downward dog position, she walks underneath of me, arches her back and chirps! She then does her own yogic poses by getting low to the mat and clawing it to shreds! Although it took some adjusting, Koko is best friends with her little brother Jackson (fka Billy Joe), and the two sleep together and bathe each other every day. Koko has also earned the respect of our German Shepherd, who came to us as a puppy. With her diva-esque, no nonsense cattitude, Koko takes charge of the dog who is many times her size. Occasionally, she can even be found cuddling with the dog (how degrading!), though she will never admit to it. Koko has been a wonderful addition to our family. She constantly reminds us how lucky we are to have her!
(Last update: Mar 23rd, 2011 2pm)

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