Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:25:46am |
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Greetings snowshoe lovers and Meezer lovers, too, we don't discriminate here at Hotel delShue. I am finally ready to introduce myself. I was very scared at the shelter and pretty scared here at this kitty hotel when I first got here, but boy, oh boy, amd I a changed kitty. Mama Katie told me that she loved me and was very patient with me while I got settled in. Now you should see me - I ask very politely (with a Meezer Meow of course) to be picked up and to cuddle, cuddle, cuddle and get and give face kisses. I am such a snuggle bunny that you could hold me all day and I wouldn't care. New things are still a little scary to me, but I am adjusting SO well and am now SO happy. I went to the shelter with my sister when our people gave us up, but she was too mixed for rescue. I think I'd like to have another kitty sibling or two to spend the rest of my life with. I am such a good boy and so sweet - please be sure to "ask about me". Purrs, headbutts and face kisses - Igloo
P.S. Mama Katie promises to get some new pictures of me and a video, too.
Name: Igloo
ID#: VA7869
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/16/11
Adopted: 08/06/11
Congrats: Sarita
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Igloo [VA7869] |
I was shy at first, but am OH, so loving and sweet. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
8/17/2011: Sorry we have been out of touch until now, we have been rather distracted by our super cute kitty. :-) Within the first night Igloo was venturing out from under the bed where he felt safest and grooming himself in front of us. By day two he was so adventurous as to climb onto the bed and invite snuggling. By day four he had already begun energetically playing and loved to climb up and down his cat tree. Yesterday we began to introduce him to the rest of the apartment and today he is brave enough to venture out there on his own as well as when I was out there. As you can see in the attached picture, he is completely comfortable sleeping in the most ridiculous positions right next to me on the bed. He is a very loving and affectionate kitty and is doing extremely well.
(Last update: Aug 19th, 2011 2pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Genevieve
ID#: VA7419
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/20/10
Adopted: 02/19/11
Congrats: Justine
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Genevieve [VA7419] |
Aunt Siri absolutely adores me! You're going to get one special cat if you get me! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Female Cats
(NEW VIDEO 1/23/11)
Looking for a soul mate type kitty? Someone soft to the touch, soft to the heart, soft to the soul? That's what I'm looking for. I'm quite Siamese, but minus the 'cattitude' that some females can have. I'm very people oriented; while I could put up with another cat if I must, I truly prefer people. I'm intelligent but not naughty, and have impeccable habits. I'm reserved at first but desperately hoping you'll be the one to ask me to dance.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Genevieve is now named Tuhka (Two-ka). She already knows this is her name, and comes when called! She is a super spunky and energetic cat, and loves running around the apartment! She is also very sweet and cuddly, and loves to be in a lap or snuggling by a face. She's extreeemely well behaved, and the only bad thing she ever does is occasionally claw the furniture, but she knows what "no" means, and will stop promptly when asked. We are so happy that we got her, and we love her a ton!!
(Last update: Aug 19th, 2011 12pm)
I haven't been here long but I am making my presence known. I don't like being in iso so I have learned already how to turn my bed upside down. I jump on top (it is hooded) and it just rolls over. Sometimes it even squishes flat. What a fun toy. Sometimes I climb up and hang on the door and cry to see if foster mom will feel sorry for me and take me out and hold me :) She thinks I am irresistably cute. What do you think? Bailey
Name: Bailey
ID#: VA5028
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/01/07
Adopted: 08/12/07
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Kay
Foster Notes for Bailey [VA5028] |
Very sweet and affectionate kitten. He loves to play and loves to be held and play with you.
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
This is Bailey's 4th year in his forever home. He is a happy boy and is quite lovable. He has lost his surrogate mommy and playmate Sheena in April so we think its time we look into adopting another playmate for Bailey. As big as he has grown, Bailey still tries to climb you like a tree. He also will stand on his hind legs, stretch his front paws up so that you will pick him up and carry him. Bailey has my 25 year old son wrapped around his little paw. We are most grateful to Catherine Carlson for picking us to be Bailey's forever home.
(Last update: Aug 12th, 2011 7pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Roxy
(FKA Shi'Anne Tu)
ID#: VA7861
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/12/11
Adopted: 08/06/11
Congrats: Mikey
Foster: Williene
Foster Notes for Shi'Anne Tu [VA7861] |
Shi"Anne is a very friendly kitten who really seeks attention. She is active and quite playful. She hasn't been introduced to other kittens, cats, or dogs yet. |
Foster Notes
Just arrived and wow! Good natured, playful, excellent litter box habits, friendly...need I say more? Check out my grogeous pictures.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Roxy has been a great addition to our family! She quickly made friends with the boys- Bandit an Blaze. She and Blaze nap together and clean each others' faces! She plays chase and footsie with the boys too. Roxy isn't even intimidated by their mammoth size; she's a gutsy girl! Blaze and Bandit seem awed by her diminutive size and lightening speed. They're teaching her the T word (treat), how to flop on the floor, and how to extract cat food directly from the bag. We're hoping she'll teach them how to be lap cats!
Siamese Rescue- Thanks for completing our family!
(Last update: Aug 10th, 2011 1pm)
Name: Lok
(FKA Mee Noi)
ID#: VA6402
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/17/09
Adopted: 07/26/09
Congrats: Marilyn
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Mee Noi [VA6402] |
Tiny little fur ball as cute as can be. |
Foster Notes
My name is Mee Noi which in Thai means "little bear". Meowmy named me that because she said I reminded her of a tiny panda bear. I'm only 1 pound right now and have a mild shelter cold, so meowmy said she will leave me on evaluation for a while while I grow up a little and get all better.
She said to watch this space for updates and new photos, when I sit still long enough for her to take some. Right now all I want to do is play, eat, sleep, play, eat, sleep....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Update: Meowmy says I'm doing so well and I'm almost finshed with my medicine, so she should be able to take enquiries by the weekend.
Mee Noi
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Lok s a wonderful cat. He is affectionate, playful and very smart.
Lok and Kei are the best cats I ever had.
So glad I adopted them together.
(Last update: Aug 9th, 2011 11am)
Just arrived, had my bath and nail trim and now meowmy says I need to just sleep, eat, play and grow big enough to go to my forever home. I should be finished with all my vetting by July 20 so that's aproximately when I'll be ready to go home. She said she will keep me on evaluation for a while, but will update this space as she learns more about me and add some neat photo's.
Right now all I told her is that I'm a little scared of all the new things in my life.
6/15: I'm getting braver now, She finds me up on the shelf to greet her when she comes in to visit me. She said that I'd be ok with another little boy my age, and she will see which one here I like the best, so maybe we could go home together when we are old enough. Meowmy said she'd let everyone know, once she figures it out. She said I'd probably be on adopt me by the weekend.
Name: Kei
(FKA Sue Ling)
ID#: VA6388
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 06/13/09
Adopted: 07/26/09
Congrats: Marilyn
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Sue Ling [VA6388] |
Sweet little girl who is finally coming out of her shell and showing a very loving, playful personality. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Kei is a wonderful cat. She is affectionate, playful and very smart.
Lok and Kei are the best cats I ever had.
So glad I adopted them together.
(Last update: Aug 9th, 2011 11am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Meeko
(FKA Garrick)
ID#: VA7716
Location: Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/11/11
Adopted: 08/02/11
Congrats: Leanna
Foster: Jasmine
Foster Notes for Garrick [VA7716] |
Garrick is a very sweet kitty. As soon as he sees you, he starts purring. If you stop petting him, he will start “petting†you with head rubs and weaving all around your legs. He can brighten the worst of days! He's also very active . He loves to play with all types of toys, wands and really likes tunnels and places to run and hide in. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Meow! I caught you. I saw you look at me and smile! Don't try to deny it.
My name is Garrick. As you can see, I'm a very handsome flame point Siamese. I haven't met a person I didn't like yet! (Or a toy for that matter) Speaking of toys, I love to play. If you have a quick minute and want to watch me in action, check out my video. It's located under the "I have more pictures" option.
I like my foster home and the local kitties, but I'm really ready to get out of here and start a new life with my furever home. Do you like sweet kitties? Do you like playful kitties? Do you have room in your heart to love me forever? If you answered yes to these questions, I'm your guy!!!
I hope to hear from you soon!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Meeko is doing great in his new forever home! He's doing a lot of playing, purring, and enjoying being the center of attention as the only cat!! He is sitting in our lap regularly and sleeping in bed with us. He has already figured out if we say "treat" that means wet food and he goes right to the kitchen while meowing. Meeko is awesome and we already need him as much as he needs us!!
(Last update: Aug 8th, 2011 9am)
I'm the Man! I'm a playin' machine. I'm long, I'm lean. I do like the lovin' any time I can get it. I used to be the shy and timid. I'm turning into the bold and beautiful.
Name: Cocoa
(FKA Rikki)
ID#: VA7863
Location: Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/12/11
Adopted: 08/07/11
Congrats: Janet
Foster: Williene
Foster Notes for Rikki [VA7863] |
Rikki is a great kitten. He is a little unsure, but getting braver and bolder every day. He doesn't have a lot of experience with people and homes so he is having to learn a lot. But, he's a smart boy and is adjusting quickly. I'm working on getting some handsome pictures posted. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
(Last update: Aug 7th, 2011 9am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Ferdinand
ID#: VA7791
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/11/11
Adopted: 07/10/11
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Ferdinand [VA7791] |
Absolutely outstanding cat ! Extremely people-oriented and affectionate, lived with dogs previously. Ferdy does have food allergies and needs a grain-free, dairy-free diet which is very easy to do. |
Foster Notes
Must be Only Cat
Looking for a Tall, Dark and Handsome Male for in your life ? Then look no further !
In fact Foster Meowm says that not only am I tall, dark and handsome but I'm also an extremely loving and affectionate guy to boot. She said a short description just doesn't do me justice and to find out what a really great guy I am, you're just going to have to click on the Ask About Me !
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Ferdinand is one laid-back guy. He adjusted to his new home quickly not just once, but TWICE as two weeks after his adoption, we moved into a new townhouse. Ferdie has proven to be very inquisitive and playful. He loves to follow us around wherever we go and as soon as we sit down, he's right there to fill that lap space. Ferdinand loves to sleep under our bed and can also be found lounging in the bathtub or in a box on the top shelf of a closet. (All these cardboard boxes sure are fun to scratch and hide in!) At first, it was hard for Ferdie to understand that we can't cat-nap all day like he can and that we couldn't play and cuddle all night long. However, being the intelligent guy he is, he quickly caught on and now quietly waits to hear the sound of the morning alarm before nudging his way into the bedroom to greet us.
(Last update: Aug 6th, 2011 9pm)
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