Previously Adopted Siamese
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Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Louie
ID#: VA7567
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/18/11
Adopted: 03/06/11
Congrats: Allen
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Stacy and I are soooo happy to have Louie in our lives! He is the sweetest little guy "most of the time, Ha!" and quite handsome too! We couldn't love him anymore and he couldn't be getting along with his two sisters, Mrs. Bigglesworth our rescued Tortie and Nikki our 130 Rottie any better. Every morning when I get up to go to work now I get to watch Nikki stretch as she lays on the floor while Louie rubs himself all over her face and head, its truly a site to behold, we also catch Louie and Mrs. B trying to occupy the same cat beds on a regular basis. We are very happy to have worked with Siamese rescue and hope to adopt more little buddies in the future, Thanks so much to Jeanne and Kay for all the updates and help through our adoptions!
Allen and Stacy McDaniel
(Last update: Sep 6th, 2011 10am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Bubba
ID#: VA7866
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/16/11
Adopted: 08/06/11
Congrats: meg
Foster: Siri
No idea what happened to my forever home. Well, clearly it wasn't my forever home :( I'm a very sweet natured gentle guy with a heart of gold, looking for a like minded individual! And you're absolutely crazy if you're not getting in line for me, cuz what a guy I am! (I think I could like dogs)
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bubba is the best cat!!! OMG! He is such a personality. Everyone gets along so well with him. It was the purfect match. :)
(Last update: Sep 6th, 2011 6am)
Hi there - FINALLY, I am ready for my big introduction. I've been here in this "cat hotel" for 11 days and am now well and ready for pictures, too. I am a stunning flame point girl with beautiful points and long whiskers. Unfortunately, I came from a house with 30 other cats and many doggies. Many of us came in sick or came down with nasty colds once we got there. It took me a while to get well, but now I am ready for a whole new life. I am VERY sweet, easy going and SO friendly. I get along with other cats and dogs, too. I LOVE laps and purr and purr and purr. I even purred when Mama Katie force fed me and gave me medicines. I love people so much that I will take attention before I eat my food. At the shelter, I was in a cage with my sister kitty (not a Siamese) and I miss that kitty companionship. I could use some kitty friends or even a doggie if you have one. If you like flames, sweet girl kitties and a lap cat, be sure to "ask about me". Purrs and headbutts, Kate
P.S. More "action" shots coming later.
Name: Kate
ID#: VA7708
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/10/11
Adopted: 06/27/11
Congrats: Kris
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Kate [VA7708] |
Sweet, sweet tiny little girl - very easy going and purrs all the time. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Well, we'll let you know what happens...
Even though I am the smaller one, I still want to be the alpha femaile in my forever home. So, I am constantly letting me new "sister," Jasmine, know I want to be the boss by meowing and letting her know I'm here.
Uh...oh...my mommy and daddy caught me trying to sneak away with Mom's knitting. They have the pictures to prove it, too. I am still having fun and getting into trouble.
They are thinking of calling me "Screaming Eagle" because I'm always crying out for them. I might be little, but everyone is going to know I'm here.
I keep trying to tell them that really isn't me in the picture - I was framed!
Catch you later....
Kate here...one month later...
I'm finally getting along with my sister, Jasmine.
The two of us spent a couple of hours out on the lanai together. Both of us were listening to the sounds, taking in the sights, and enjoying the smells. Then we were chasing each other around the house. Now, Jasmine is sleeping in the tower, while I'm sleeping on Mom & Dad's bed! Both of us are in the same room together.
Hopefully, you will be able to see pictures of us together...will try to upload them for you to check us out.... Happy tales...everyone....
(Last update: Sep 6th, 2011 12am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Jasmine
(FKA Thea)
ID#: VA7749
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/28/11
Adopted: 06/11/11
Congrats: Kris
Foster: Sandra
Foster Notes for Thea [VA7749] |
Thea is a very sweet, playful cat, who gets along well with other cats. The other foster had dogs-two large mixed breed females. |
Foster Notes
Well, I just arrived, after being fostered by a nice lady who rescued me from a shelter in Miami. Already, foster mom thinks I'm a sweetheart. I got my first bath today, and didn't complain one bit. I'm looking forward to playing with the resident cats and other flame foster Olllie. I'm very playful, and love to chase other cats through the house. I've already chosen some favorite toys in the foster room. Tomorrow will be my first photo session, so I have to get my beauty sleep.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi everyone...
Jasmine here...
Mom & Dad have been really worried about me. I have been stressing out over my new "sister." But, they are taking good care of me. I'm getting a lot better! Although I still don't like taking that medicine. Ugh!
What I do love is sitting in the window and watching everything - especially those lizards. I'm going to get one of those things - one way or the other. Mom & Dad caught me stalking those lizards out. Check out my photos! You can see my strategic poses and how gorgeous I am!
Talk to you later...
Guess what? I'm getting along with my sister, Kate.
The two of us spent a couple of hours out on the lanai together. Both of us were listening to the sounds, taking in the sights, and enjoying the smells. Then we were chasing each other around the house. Now, I'm sleeping in the tower in my Mom & Dad's bedroom, while Kate is sleeping on their bed! Both of us are in the same room together, finally.
Sorry, this program will not let me upload my photos for you to see...
(Last update: Sep 6th, 2011 12am)
Looking for a cat that loves to snuggle, climb on shoulders, be carried around, purrs away at the slightest thing, and is just fantastic! Beam me up, I might be yours! I'm declawed in front, long and lanky, good with all habits except putting up with those woofer things, and a favorite of everyone who meets me!
Name: Gilligan
(FKA Captain Kirk)
ID#: VA7853
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/09/11
Adopted: 07/24/11
Congrats: Arlene
Foster: Siri
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
Gilligan is fitting right in here. He's already around to keep us company, and loves to play tea party with the girls.
(Last update: Sep 2nd, 2011 8pm)
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Name: Jingles
ID#: VA7455
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/08/10
Adopted: 01/08/11
Deceased: 11/25/11
Congrats: Edie
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Jingles [VA7455] |
I am SO sad here at the Center - I just want to go home and be happy, please! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Soulmate potential? You or me? I know I am, what about you? I'm a a quiet gentleman wondering why I lost the one home I had always known. I'm not too sure about the craziness here at the Center and would prefer a quieter home with a loving owner and a lap, a Millie bed and just a few days to settle in. Then I"ll be great, have faith!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
For only being home for less than a week this guy has settled in fast. He comes running into the kitchen first thing in the morning expecting his breakfast. He then has a session of 'kitty crazies' running all over and attempting to re-arrange a painting I have on the wall above a chest in my dining room. We have had a little chat about his opinion of my interior decroating skills and his reaction to them. He is not the same cat he was at the center. He's still not 100% sure of his surroundings but he is much happier than he was - he truly is a big teddy bear, his fur is so soft - when he lets me pick him up, of which he is also not 100% sure. Will post photos of him in his 'throne' where he now sleeps, the colors suit him well, when I can.
He is doing well. He is slowly starting to snuggle on the couch with me while I'm reading or watching TV. It doesn't happen often but it does happen. He has taken to sleeping in the dining room of my dollhouse, which luckily has no furniture in it. I shouldn't be surprised because his favorite time of the day is when he gets his canned food. He would proabably sleep in the kitchen if it had one. I put the sunggly he arrived with on the floor - as they are hardwood and he's quite happy with that. My mom always got a kick out of watching our first two meezers in the dollhouse as she was building it so I know this would have made her very happy. He's ventured up into my bedroom once or twice and even crawled under the covers with me for a minute or two. All I have to do now is teach him to use the vacuum as he does like to kick his litter all over the place. He seems to think my only job in life is to clean up after him.
Jingles seems to be a very contented meezer. He has taken control of the house and he is very clear about his expectations for how it should be run. He has a cat bed on one of the wing chairs in my living room. When he feels it's time for me to go to bed he curls up there and watches me until I turn off the light and the TV to go to bed at which point after I bid him goodnight he curls up and goes to sleep. On a recent Saturday I was gone most of the day and arrived home well past his normal supper time. Mind you, he does have dry food available to him all the time. He made it very clear to me how he felt about my being gone that long when I arrived home and during all of his waking hours the next day. It's not as if he's starving either, when I took him to the vet he was a pound heavier than the last time he was weighed - which might have been in October. He has taken to expect quality stomach time in the evening as well. I knit and I am trying to finish a baby gift for someone before the baby arrives this month. Last night, he hopped onto the couch and was playing with the tail yarn on the sweater. He wouldn't stop so I had to put it away. I laid down on the couch; he curled up on my stomach and began to purr. I wish he were more of a lap guy so I could knit and be with him at the same time. I finally downloaded the pictures I took of him but they were blurry. I'll try again soon.
I can safely say Jingles is very settled. He weathered - if you'll pardon the expression - the recent earthquake and hurricane well. I was stuck in Maryland for several hours after the earthquake because of a bridge closing and was worried about him. When I arrived home 2 hours later than normal expecting to have to find him he was at the front door as if to say - look, it's 2 hours after my dinner time where have you been? He was a little skittish after the first big aftershock but the others have not seemend to bother him. He was rather perturbed on Saturday as the hurrincane came through because the rain would sometimes blow into the open from door which required him to move away from the door or be rained on when the wind shifted. He sleeps at the foot of my bed most nights now and is very demanding around mealtime. I have discovered he has a fondness for straws because I have found a few on the floor after I have left a take out cup in the sink. Guess that means he jumps on the counter when I'm not home too - something we will have to discuss further.
(Last update: Aug 30th, 2011 4pm)
I told you that I was a handsome hunk. There is absolutely nothing not to like about me.
I got one of those darn shelter colds. It hasn't stopped me from loving or eating. I just don't look my debonair best so I am declining a picture portfolio at the moment. Foster mom keeps telling me what a sweetheart I am. HRRUMPH! I am a handsome hunk. Or at least I will be now that I am being treated the way I should be. Well, some caviar would be nice, but I am working on the room service help. So if you are attracted by the scruffy, ungroomed look, just forget it. I am not going to be that way for long.
Name: Melvin
(FKA Orie)
ID#: VA7796
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/17/11
Adopted: 07/18/11
Congrats: Tom
Foster: Julie
Foster Notes for Orie [VA7796] |
Super friendly. Mildy chatty. Very grateful, no agenda kind of guy. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
(July 23 2011) Melvin (formerly Orie) is loving his new digs. Just this morning, he shared a family lazy fest in the master bedroom with his his new family dad, both kids (5yr and 18mo) and our Tortitudeness, Tina. Three humans and two cats stretched out on a queen bed; is there a better way to spend a saturday morning?!
During the usual day he shares the lowest level of a split level home with Tina. When the family is home from errands, school and work, he and Tina have the run of the rest of the house. The cats have lots of window access, several aquariums to watch and tons of loose kid and kitty toys to bat around in the meantime. There are bird feeders, a vegetable garden and other wildlife attractions within easy view of the windows for the cats to enjoy. Coming soon: home engineered cat trees WITH window access.
Melvin will sprawl out anywhere, on any surface. He has a preference for the master bed when available, but seems equally interested in laminate, linoleum, carpet and couch.
Over a month into his new home, Melvin is living large and in charge. He and Tina are regularly fun-sparring or snuggling around the house. He's been very handy during nail trimming - more patient than Tina! He really enjoys attacking feet when we're trying to sleep, so he's been banned from bedrooms during naps, but he's okay with it.
He's a natural model and he's got some of the funniest poses; leaving feet dangling randomly while half on and off steps, couchbacks, chairs, etc. It's quite a pleasure watching him lounge around.
He's been thankful for the birdfeeders and their regular visitors. He and Tina keep a sharp eye on squirrels, titmice and morning doves when they make their rounds.
Best of all, both of the children (5yr/18months) have a very soft touch and the five year old even fails to notice Melvin in bed during story time, resulting in Melvin having some (on the) bed time in the evening. Lots of soft petting and snooze spots for a very deserving cat and two lovable kids. A win win for all!
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2011 6pm)
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Name: Teddy
ID#: VA7704
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/07/11
Adopted: 05/26/11
Congrats: Matthew
Foster: Siri
Hi, I'm Teddy. If I was a human my career would be mountain climbing because I love to scale high places. I am a big hunky boy (not fat) so there is plenty of me to love. I like other kitties and play well and am beginning to love toys. I'm a great lap kitty, too. Doggies are ok if I have time to get used to them. I have a very laid back personality.
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Notes from Home
Teddy has been nicknamed Spaz due to his tendancies to bolt and run around the whole apartment on a whim. He definitely would not have been a good pick for a family with children (maybe on visits, but not full time). I took him to meet my parents about 4 and a half miles away and he did pretty well, he was a little scared, but I reassured him constantly and he was fine. I hope to get him comfortable with travelling soon. He's a pain from time to time - very very clingy, but thats OK, he's my buddy.
I'm glad I can give him a comfortable life as the "co-king of the castle".
As you can see, he has plenty of places to climb, but he and I have arguments about what belongs to whom... still a work in progress. He's always happy to see me, or he has a plot to kill me when I get home as he's always tangling himself in my feet, especially when I'm carrying stuff. I know this may sound harsh, but its a definite term of endearment - he's a jerk, but he's my jerk :D
My parents think he's perfect for me because of it.
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2011 1pm)
Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Lilly
ID#: VA7930
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/01/11
Adopted: 08/14/11
Congrats: Ruthanne
Foster: Donna
Notes from Home
Lilly is an absolutely wonderful companion. She has adapted really well and loves her new home.
She is great when anyone comes in. she is quite calm and quite a character. She is a food hound and will eat anything on my plate...invited ot not! I am delighted with her! Today I will take her for her vet visit.
Thank you everyone at Siamese Rescie for your great works!
And many hugs to Kaye for hooking us up so seamlessly!!!!
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2011 8am)
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Name: Milo
(FKA Tazor)
ID#: VA7733
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 05/20/11
Adopted: 06/04/11
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Tazor [VA7733] |
MAJOR lap sitter! |
Foster Notes
I can purr faster than a speeding bullet! How's that for an introduction! My history is that I adore my people, I could sit in a lap furever and ever, I like to watch the squirrels and birds outside, and I can out talk just about anyone if you want me to. Oh, and I MUST sleep with my owner! Nothing less is acceptable!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We’ve approached the one month birthday of having Milo (FKA Tazor) in our lives and can’t believe how well he is doing. He is so calm and content and his demeanor is contagious. He seems to be able to slow us down and remind us to take a moment to relax-- even in this busy, bustling city that Milo is now calling home.
Not only does he like to cuddle up with us, he has taken an immediate liking to Mocha, his much larger canine sister. He often tries to share her bed, her food, and her attention! Lucky Mocha doesn’t mind and I believe in the months to follow we will be seeing a lot more of Mocha and Milo joined at the hip!
Despite the large collection of cat toys we accumulated before and after adopting Milo, there wasn’t really any toy that he was truly interested in past a sniff and a bat or two. Of course, this was until he found a little black bobby pin on the floor. He is hooked! The other thing he can’t get enough of? Belly rubs and a good scratch behind the ear. He adores being petted, cuddled and kissed; and of course, we are happy to oblige.
Milo has now had two visits to the vet: the initial check up, which told us that his kidney values were higher than normal, and a second visit to re-check his blood after his first round of medicine. Unfortunately this second blood work-up has confirmed that he has Kidney Disease. We have been told this can be managed with a prescription diet and a close watch on his water intake. Although concerned, we hope that he will continue to be the sweet, gentle natured cuddle-bug we know and love for many years to come.
Hope you enjoy the pictures of Milo in his new home!
August 28, 2011
Milo has survived his first "hurricane" here in Brooklyn, safe and sound with his family. He is doing so well here. He spends his days playing with his toys with increasing interest, and of course, playing with his best friend, Mocha. (follow this link to watch a short clip of them having a great time together! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSE-7wnVUF0). I believe that he deeply believes that anything Mocha can do he can do better. He loves to imitate her and instigate a good play session if at all possible. He is also intensely curious of all that is happening around him: the fridge being open, what is in our drawers, or who is at the door.
We are a very happy little family and can't thank all the members of SCRC enough for bringing Milo into our lives!
Please check out the new pictures we have added from home as well!
(Last update: Aug 28th, 2011 2pm)
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