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A sensitive, sweet souled wooly mammoth looking for a loving home. Overall easy going with strong bloodwork, a recent dental (snaggle tooth is gone!), and good habits. A little shy and skittish when I'm not sure what's going on, but oh so loving and drooly when the petting is good. Not overly demanding, but definitely like to be with my people. Love to be brushed!
Name: Sese

(FKA Caeruleus)

ID#: VA6779
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 12/30/09
Adopted: 03/21/10
Deceased: 10/01/15
Congrats: Judith
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
SeSe is more lovable than ever. He has bonded with 1 year old Tiki. He eats well, loves to be scratched, and sits on the back of my La-Z-Boy while doing needlepoint. He loves his treats too. He goes to the groomer and comes out looking "sort" of like a lion. A very pretty boy. He is very layed back and gets many kisses and hugs. Sleeps at the bottom of my bed. Couldn't be a better cat. Judy
(Last update: Sep 29th, 2011 9am)

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Name:   Mocha
ID#: VA7908
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/26/11
Adopted: 08/26/11
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

UPDATE - No more "peeking for me". Now my favorite spot in thei room is the top of the five leve cat tree. WOW, you can see all over from up here. I love this tree. Do you have a cat tree at your house? If you do, I'd love to come sit on it and watch the world go by. I'll sit in your lap and purr and headbutt you, too. Be sure to ask about me. I'm a very pretty and happy girl now. Lovings to you, Mocha

Peeking out at you and saying. "hi". I haven't been here very long yet, but I am adjusting very well and like my new "digs". Foster Mom says I have one of the best room at Hotel delShue. I got the sunroom with lots of windows, siunlight and birds and squirrels to watch. And, here I am hiding under one of the cat scratchers. I could sit on top of it, but right now I'd rather sit on the bottom and play with this wand toy. I am a pretty quiet girl and won't bother you very much, but I do love to be petted and talked to. I'm just now starting to play with toys. If you'd like a "full figured" mature girl, be sure to ask about me. I'd be the one for you. Purrs and Headbutts, Mocha

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Notes from Home
Mocha is great! She makes me smile everytime I see and play her. She's adjusting to being around my dog but in due time I'm she they will be used to each other. She is friendly and loves head butts and to be pet. I'm so happy. 9-7-11 mocha is doing great. She has really warmed up and enjoys exploring the house. She has shown the dog she is boss. It's hilarious! It's 9-10-11 and I can say mocha is comfortable here with me and my dog. She doesn't shy away from him anymore. She loves exploring the apartment and can be found in any of the many Windows. She loves her rubs. She is really precious couldn't love her more! 9-26-11 mocha is doing great. She loves to play with ribbon toys and occasionally the dog. She has adjusted well. No more hiding. She likes to be next to me when its bed time. She's just beautiful and gets treats. Of course she has lots of toys too!
(Last update: Sep 26th, 2011 2pm)

Name:   Newman
ID#: VA7726
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/15/11
Adopted: 09/21/11
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Donna


Notes from Home
9/25/2011- Newman is an incredible addition to our family. It took us a while to get him home with us. First there was an adopter in front of us interested in him, he had some medical issues, had to have a foreign object surgically removed from his belly (he has a tendency to eat strange objects), he had some issues with inappropriate urination (cystitis/behavoral? not sure but seems to be doing better after vet care and medication). The first time we went to visit Newman, to see if his personality would fit with our 11 year old snowshoe Sammie, he climbed up in the chair behind me and he peed on me! Fortunately for him, we had already fallen in love with him before he marked me as his own!

Today marks only his fifth day here in his new forever home. He has had three short interactions with our 11 year old. She is going to be slow to warm to his manly charms! He gets a quick hiss and she races from the room like her feet are on fire. But Newmans charms have endeared him to our hearts already. Amazing the light a meezer can bring to your life. I hope we bring as much light into his life!

We are attaching a photo of Newman in his room with a view, he just loves the top of the bookshelf we cleared for him.

Thank you, Siri, Diana and Donna for allowing us the honor of adding Newman to our family.

Steve and Mary

(Last update: Sep 26th, 2011 1am)

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Name: Olivia

(FKA Valicia)

ID#: VA6951
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/25/10
Adopted: 09/25/10
Congrats: Alice
Foster: Jeannie

I found my voice, and I know what I want! YOU! I have love to spare and want my own purrson to follow around and sleep with.

If you're interested in a mellow and beautiful cat, send foster meowm an email!

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Notes from Home
Olivia is a very happy cat. She talks to us a lot, especially at meal and snack time. She is an active cat and likes to chase balls, remote control cars, and lasers. She's been to the vet for routine teeth cleaning and vaccine updates.
(Last update: Sep 25th, 2011 12pm)

Sweet, sweet little boy, loves people, other cats and life in general. Chatty and curious, loves being held and cuddled. Is going to be a major lap cat when he grows up !
Name: Gus

(FKA Pop)

ID#: VA7943
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/06/11
Adopted: 09/04/11
Deceased: 07/11/12
Congrats: Vera
Foster: Heida


Notes from Home
What can I say about Gus? He is simply the best. He has visibly grown and is eating well. I have switched Gus and Katya to Royal Canin canned kitten food. Since Gus has a cast iron stomach and Katya doesn't, I am feeding them both the Iams dry kitten food. I will switch them to Royal Canin dried kitten food slowly once I see that Katya's stomach is stable. Gus is still mooching people food, while Katya shows no interest. Gus is a lover not a fighter so Katya's rough play is stretching him a bit. He sometimes disappears to get some quiet time, usually into my walk-in closet behind my clothes. He loves to cuddle, so I give him plenty of that, and loves to curl up in the glass vessel sink in our main bathroom. He can survey his domain through the glass, and is high up and secure. He sleeps on my pillow. Both cats wait until I show signs of movement before they want to play in the mornings.
Another of Gus' favorite things is to curl up next to my computer when I am working. He is a delight and terrific company and seems to enjoy having a playmate. No problems to report

(Last update: Sep 24th, 2011 11am)

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Name: Sophie

(FKA Mandy)

ID#: VA7995
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/20/11
Adopted: 09/10/11
Congrats: Alison
Foster: Mary

"Mandy you're a fine girl, what a good cat you will be. My life, my love and my lady".....don't remember the rest.
I was a bit slow on the uptake but I'm starting to loosen up. I'm playing with toys, eating like a horse and becoming loving - but on my terms.
The big boy kitty here doesn't like me so I don't like him. He's scary anyway and he takes my toys away from me.
See patience and understanding have a way of healing wounds. You want to help me heal? My wounds are emotional (Foster Mary said I should mention that)

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Notes from Home
Sophie is a wonderful addition to our family. I had the "connection" when I saw her picture and it was smooth sailing after that.
After the 1st week, you would not have recognized her from the original scared baby that she was. She is a diva and proud of it. Mr husband really had reservations when we brought her home as she was so skitterish. But he now is amazed at what a difference and how lucky we are to have found her. She follows us around, plays with our male cat, and wants our constant attention. She is either on on laps or beside us on the couch , or sleeping with us when we go to bed. She is into everything, and everything, every cupboard, open door, is an invitation to explore. What a wonderful personality She actually answers with her tiny "Mew"
when I call her name. When I come home form work, all three of them come and great me. She is always looking for something to eat. We did have to curb her trying to steal what ever snack we were eating. We found that a "no" worked so quickly, and she caught on so quickly. Sophia is very smart!. I will post a picture soon

(Last update: Sep 24th, 2011 11am)

Hi there! I just got here and already feel different. I had a bath and meowmy killed all those nasty fleas that were sapping me of my strength. Thank goodness that's all behind me now. I am gaining weight and just keep eating everything meowmy feeds me, so I'm getting big and strong. I love to play and romp with the big cats, though some just don't know what to make of me.

When you ask about me, meowmy said to be sure to check your spam and junk folders for her reply the first time.

Name: Katya

(FKA Buttercup)

ID#: VA7935
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/02/11
Adopted: 09/10/11
Deceased: 07/11/12
Congrats: Vera
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Katya is growing like a weed. She inhales all the food that I put in front of her and is a bouncing fuzzy ball of energy. She is very loving. I generally find her curled up in bed with me, or curled up with Gus. Gus still doesn't quite know what to make of her. I have to separate them once a day to give him some quiet time as he is a bit more contemplative than she is. So far so good. No problems worth mentioning. She is a sweet and delightful kitten. She will be back at the vet after 10/3 for her rabies shot. She is very endearing and fun to have around.
(Last update: Sep 24th, 2011 11am)

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Name: Aboo

(FKA Banks)

ID#: VA7379
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/30/10
Adopted: 11/28/10
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I might be just the tiniest bit shy at first, but then I am off and running and there is no stopping me. I love to play with toys and eat and run and nap and play again and run and well you get the idea. I am one busy fellow, so you better hurry up and ask about me.

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Notes from Home
We adopted Aboo (fka Banks) on 11/28/10. Little did we know, when we named him after Aladdin's monkey in the Disney animated film, he would turn out to be such a little monkey! He dashes all around the house, jumps from a chair to the cat tree, catches the top landing with his front paws while the bottom half of his body & lower legs swing to and fro! Then, he jumps down to the second shelf and leans over the side of it to play with a dangling toy attached to the bottom of said shelf. Sometimes if he moves too quickly, he'll tumble to the floor. He then goes through the whole exercise again. What a riot! He also has become best buddies with our 5 yr old chocolate point male named Indy. As soon as we get into bed at night, they go wild, running up & down stairs and literally bouncing off furniture as they play together. When they finally wear each other out, they retire to our bed for some well earned rest. We are so thrilled to have Aboo as part of our family. I know Indy adores him because he has never once hissed or "growled" at Aboo, since they met. Keeping them apart the first 10days made the difference and I strongly reccommend it to all adoptors.

We lost a loving,goofy, easy going Seal Point named Roo on 10/1/11. He was only 6yrs old, had cancer, and was much too young to die. We live on a lake & have many guests every summer. Of my 3 cats, everyone liked Roo the most, because he never ran from anyone and would let everyone hold him & love him. When he died, I didn't want to try to replace him. I felt very helpless when he got sick, and finally told my husband that since I couldn't do anything to help Roo, I'd like to help another Siamese that needed a home. He agreed. We had NO IDEA that Aboo would turn out to be so much like Roo! It's incredible! If one believes in reincarnation, Roo is living proof. Not only is he loving, goofy and easy going, he hides in the same places, has Roo's tiny voice,drapes himself over the back of the sofa cushion,stretches himself out on the cold ceramic tile floor and gets on my kitchen table when I'm not looking. He has Roo's big, round blue eyes, slightly fluffy coat and is as soft as a bunny. When he darts around the house like he's being chased or chasing an imaginary friend, my husband says it's Roo chasing him! He has truly been a blessing and I'm so glad he's part of our lives. Now, if I can just figure out how to post some new photos . . .

(Last update: Sep 22nd, 2011 10am)

Okay, so, I'm a cat with an attitude. After all, I'm very Siamese, very smart, and I was abused by people.
However, I'm a cat, and I can forgive, though it may take me awhile to forget. In the right home where I can proceed at my own pace, I am loving, interactive, and too smart for my own good.
In general, I find, people are short on patience. They want to pick you up and smooch you early on. They want to fulfill their needs instead of thinking about the cat's needs. I've been here four weeks and now I'll sit on Aunt Siri's lap and rub all over her. Sure, I'll give her a nip if she gets too forward, but she's pretty good - she didn't even try the lap thing until day 32.
I could tolerate another cat but in all honesty I'm afraid of them. I'm afraid of a lot of things, and that's why I've reacted with a little anger - if you were kicked and hit and taped up in a box, you'd probably be a bit angry too. But as I said, I'm a very smart cat, and I know the human race deserves a second chance. So I'm willing to give the right person that chance.
PS I'd really like to meet you before we make a commitment to each other, and will send you a gas card to help you get here.
Name:   Bryce
ID#: VA7599
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/06/11
Adopted: 09/14/11
Deceased: 08/10/15
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Well, after about 3 months, Bryce finally moved from "Trial" to "Permanent" status last week, and we couldn't be happier! He is SUCH a lover!

It took him a little while to learn that he could trust us and that he didn't have to hiss and try to scare us away, but even that only took about two weeks. Now, his favorite thing to do is to curl up on a lap and get rubbed and scratched. He doesn't mind if you are trying to read a book or type on a laptop... he'll sit right on top of them so you can pet him. He has the sweetest little purr, which he's doing more and more. He's even won over my husband, who isn't really a "cat guy"... I came downstairs one evening to find Bryce curled up on Chris's chest, sound asleep about 2 inches from Chris's face, while Chris was trying to watch TV.

We've found that he has quite an affinity for potato chips (Barbecue or Regular only... not Sour Cream & Onion)... he'll steal them right off of your plate if you're not quick enough! He'll even grab them out of your hand as they are on their way to your mouth! He also loves playing in his water fountain... he often comes running into the room after getting a drink, with the entire top of his head dripping wet. He's a very busy guy... has to be involved in everything we do... from laundry (I've learned to check the dryer before closing it, because he climbs in) to cleaning (or taking the cat toys back out of the basket as soon as they are put away), or scrapbooking (I've learned to put a chair right next to me so he'll sit there instead of on top of my project).

He's still learning that he doesn't have to beat up our other cat, Suzie. Some days, he's great with her, other days, not so great... but it's a process. He's done so much better than we were prepared for overall, that this is really the only hurdle we've had to work through. We can smooch him, rough-house and wrestle with him, and rub all over him... he's completely fine with everything except for if we try to pick him up. Luckily he's a sucker for Pounce cat treats, so getting him into a carrier or to go back down into his basement in the evening is a piece of cake.

When I found Bryce online, I was just starting to think about maybe getting a new cat after my Siamese, Sam, passed away earlier this year, but I wasn't entirely sure I was ready. The second I saw Bryce's picture and profile online, I said to Chris "That's our new cat." I can't say enough for Siri and the time, resources, and love she put into finding this special guy a home. I'm so thankful that she decided to give us a chance!

-- Becky :)

(Last update: Sep 21st, 2011 9pm)

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Name:   BartholoMEW
ID#: VA4240
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/12/06
Adopted: 08/26/06
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Sally

Just arrived.....such a looonnnggg ride for such a little munchkin! Whew, I am beat. I played with meowm's fingers all the way home. Just finished a wonderful fish dinner and now I am off to explore although meowm said something about snuggling--I don't know what that is but I sure hope it is fun!!! There are lots of toys to play with here but they are sooo big! And my bed--I don't think I could ever grow into it. You will see what I mean when you check out my pictures. You might notice I have a little teary eye but don't worry, we will get that fixed up in no time! Check back on me later after I have had a good nite's sleep!

Baby Bart

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Notes from Home
Bart has grown into a rather large and lively beast! He is not a lap cat but loves to lounge and does not mind being picked up and carried around (mostly by my 12-year old daughter and her friends) and cuddled.
He enjoys mealtime....nips lightly at my legs if I am moving too slowly with his breakfast.

And he enjoys hanging out with his "sister" Zoe.

(Last update: Sep 21st, 2011 1pm)

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