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You won't find a more adorable lynx kitten than me (except for maybe my twin sister, Alexa VA8092). We are both gorgeous and frisky. We are such identical twins that our foster mom is making Alexa wear a bow so she can tell us apart.

We are equally beautiful and affectionate. My sister and I would like to stay together if possible.

Our foster mom said we seem to be incredibly healthy. We certainly have good appetites.

I am more laidback than Alexa, but still all kitten. It takes me maybe 30 seconds longer to crawl into your lap than it takes Alexa. But when I decide you're OK, you really know it. My purr is better. I like to cuddle up next to my foster mom, but that may only be because Alexa is hogging her lap.

Right now, I am nuts about my purple cube. It's my favorite place to be, even when I'm upside down.

Although it's fun here in my foster home, I'd really like to find a forever home. Please ask about me (and Alexa).

Name:   Jinxie
ID#: VA8093
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/28/11
Adopted: 10/15/11
Congrats: Richard
Foster: Ellen


Notes from Home
Alexa and her sister Jinxie are a joyful addition to this bachelor adopter's home and life! So interesting to see on a daily basis how God's creatures differ in their individual temperaments, even when coming from the same litter. And the twins' loving nature speaks volumes too about the power of unconditional love in Creation ... MEEZERS ROCK!!
(Last update: Nov 1st, 2011 12pm)

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Name:   Alexa
ID#: VA8092
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 09/28/11
Adopted: 10/15/11
Congrats: Richard
Foster: Ellen


You won't find a more adorable lynx kitten than me (except for maybe my twin sister, Jinxie VA8093). We are both gorgeous and frisky. We are such identical twins that our foster mom is making me wear a bow so she can tell us apart. We are equally beautiful and affectionate. My sister and I would like to stay together if possible.

Our foster mom said we also seem to be incredibly healthy. We certainly have good appetites.

I am the more outgoing one, even though I am smaller. I love laps, giving kisses and purring. I am also quite the gymnast. I go crazy for wand toys!

Although it's fun here in my foster home, I'd really like to find a forever home. Please ask about me (and Jinxie).


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Notes from Home
Alexa and her sister Jinxie are a joyful addition to this bachelor adopter's home and life! So interesting to see on a daily basis how God's creatures differ in their individual temperaments, even when coming from the same litter. And the twins' loving nature speaks volumes too about the power of unconditional love in
Creation ... MEEZERS ROCK!!

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2011 12pm)

I'm dreaming, of you tonight... for tomorrow, things may be alright. I've been mistreated and abandoned, left to my own devices. I'm scared of other cats and of dogs, and while I desperately want love and attention, I'm a little nervous about getting too much of it. In a single cat home with one or two patient people, I would absolutely blossom into the wonderful gentle souled cat and great companion I know I will be. How about giving me a chance?
Name: Serendipity 'Sarah"

(FKA Izzy)

ID#: VA7874
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/17/11
Adopted: 08/18/11
Congrats: Pam
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
WARNING: mushiness and gushing ahead. You have been warned.

I saw Sarah's picture on Petfinder, and fell in love with her little face. She matched none of the criteria I had in mind for a pet, and I knew nothing about Siamese. My interviewer, Kathi, kept explaining to me that they try to match the cat with the right person, and that it was a process....and I listened to her, but I just kept thinking "Yes, fine, but that's MY cat", and I felt like she was just waiting for me to come get her.

When I first saw Sarah (Izzy) at the rescue center, she was this nervous, jumpy, sad little thing who was much too thin (she had stopped eating before Siri brought her in). She'd recently had the mats shaved from her hair, which, while it helped her groom herself again, made her look a little ragged. I loved the fact that after she'd had the mats shaved, she pranced around like a little diva. It made me think there was more of a spirit in that little body than anyone could see right then. Siri described her as giving longing looks for affection, but didn't know how to really get it, or accept it, and she was right. Siri and Kathi both said they hadn't had Sarah for long, but that in the right environment she'd probably be a very sweet cat. At the center, with all these noisy cats around her, she just did her best to hide and hissed a lot.

I have to tell you, when they tell you their gut instinct about a cat, believe them, because they're right on the money. Sarah is the absolute sweetest thing I've ever seen. When I first brought her home she kept looking at me, like she was asking if this was all really hers. She couldn't tolerate being picked up and held, but liked petting. She spent a lot of time on her own, curled up in corners, still scared of loud noises. I put out toys for her and she looked at them like "what do you want me to do with that?!"

Once she'd gotten comfortable enough to not dash under furniture every few minutes, I started picking her up as much as possible, just to get her used to it. I could feel her struggling with it--she liked it, but still didn't feel safe. I don't even want to think about what happened to her before to make her feel that way.

We had a thousand little breakthroughs, but basically, she's a different cat now. She LOVES to play, and dashes into the room to look at me, then runs...this means we're playing hide and seek, and I need to come find her. She runs from hiding spot to hiding spot (always with her tail sticking out...she's not very GOOD at this game!) until she's ready to get caught...then she stands there and waits for me to pick her up and hug her. She loves chasing her toys up and down the steps. I can be downstairs and hear what sounds like a teeny-tiny herd of ponies upstairs, which means she's playing very happily by herself, running and chasing a ball. She's still not a "lap cat", but loves to be held like a baby on her back (really!), or snuggle her head into my shoulder. It took her a few weeks to sleep on the bed with me, and now she has started to crawl under the covers and snuggle up next to me. Everytime she does something new her eyes sparkle, like she's so proud of herself.

Visitors just keep telling me how sweet she is. I thought she'd be a little nervous around new people, but she seems very excited when we get company. Play with her and give her a treat, and she'll be your new best friend!

She's still very passive, and rarely meows, but all she wants is someone to love her. And she gets everything she wants, so maybe she sees no reason to meow:-)

I know she's a cat, but sometimes she looks over and sighs big kitty sighs, and I think she knows exactly how lucky she is. I''m so grateful to Siri and everyone who helped get her to the rescue center, and who took care of her until she could come home.

(Last update: Oct 30th, 2011 8pm)

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Name: Dill

(FKA Kenevil)

ID#: VA8072
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/19/11
Adopted: 10/15/11
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Siri

Aunt Siri says I have to double my weight quickly so I can finish up my medical work and be ready to go home! I'm aiming for being outta here on October 10th! So I'm busy eating everything in sight, but then I get distracted and have to have a snuggle cuddle experience, and after that, I have to romp a bit. Then I go back and eat some more, and we start again! Aunt Siri says kittens aren't supposed to be cuddly but I'm surprising her cuz I'm a super snuggle bug!

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Notes from Home
Dill is wonderful eating great so playful kisses my face loves the dog
(Last update: Oct 29th, 2011 9pm)

Life is getting better as I'm given more and more freedom to roam around. I've decided I don't like female cats, jury is out on the males. I have my eye on them and I'll let you know as I get a chance to interact with them. But People? Did you say People? WOW, I just adore people!
Name: Kiss

(FKA Kissimee)

ID#: VA8000
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 08/24/11
Adopted: 09/24/11
Congrats: Sharon (diane)
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Hi Siri, Kathy and everyone,
Just checking in to say hello to all, I sent along some pics of me in my new home. You may think I look a little heavier (I love my treats, expecially when my mom cooks turkey) but I am trying to watch my weight (tee hee). Getting ready for Halloween, my peoples have gotten me a costume, I am not sure what they were thinking but I will try and play along? Oops dinner time, chat with you soon. Happy Halloween!

Kissimee (Kiss)

(Last update: Oct 24th, 2011 6pm)

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Name:   Nora
ID#: VA7976
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/13/11
Adopted: 10/09/11
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


As you can see, I've purrfected my computer assistance for foster mom !

Check out my gallery for more cute photos!

*velvet fur; sofest purr;
*total devotion, grace in motion;
*purrsonality galore and so much more!

Nora will make a wonderful companion cat for the adopter lookiing for love in a beautifully marked fur coat.

Click on the button to ask about Nora today!

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Notes from Home
Just a few days ago joy came into my home in the form of a delightful snowshoe named Nora.
She is so close to perfect it's hard to explain. I expected some questions and stresses to come with a period of adjustment for both of us. There have been none! Her beauty and playful personality literally bring a light into my home that was missing before she arrived. I can't thank Ginny and Jan for making her adoption such a seamless process. How lucky I am to have found Siamese Rescue and how lucky Nora has been to have had the love of this wonderful organization. Thank you from a friend for life. Jennifer

Update! 2 weeks and happy as pie. Nora seems to feel right at home. She's quickly become my best buddy. We're going for our "general check over" tomorrow. Can't wait for my friend Mark (who happens to be her vet) to see her. Everyone who has seen her thinks she's the most beautiful cat ever!!!

(Last update: Oct 24th, 2011 3pm)

What the heck is going on here? I was minding my own business wandering around a WalMart parking lot when I got taken to a shelter. Then I got a kitty cold and they started putting pills down me and drops in my eyes. I was doing ok.

But now, some guy came along, put me in a little cage and I went on a long ride. When we got to where we were going, I was very unceremoniously put in a sink and soaked with water and soap.

What a disgrace for such a handsome boy like me!!

Seeing as I just got here, someone named foster Meowmy and Paw Paw need to get to know me a little then, hopefully, I'll get to my furever home.

Purrs and meows,
Name: Finn

(FKA Bartholomew)

ID#: VA6635
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/23/09
Adopted: 10/24/09
Congrats: Ashley
Foster: Vangie


Notes from Home
Finn and I had a great Thanksgiving! We went home to my parents house for a week. My parents have a dog and a meezer girl and my brother has two kittens. Finn was a very good guest. He got the basement to himself and was allowed to join everyone during the day. He got along great with my parents' dog and cat but wasn't introduced to my brother's two kittens. We got home today and Finn was very happy to be home. He's doing so great and I can't imagine life without him. He loves turkey!

Finn and I have been together for 2 blissful years now! A lot has happened! Finn and I recently became certified pet therapists and we visit nearby nursing homes once a week. Finn has learned to walk on a harness and leash. He is so well behaved and loves to be the center of attention when we visit with all the people in the nursing home. He is so talkative and he always makes everyone smile when they see his crossed eyes! Finn is a wonderful companion. He is always with me when I am home and is so loving. He still doesn't get along with other cats, otherwise I would have adopted another meezer by now! I have learned that he does like dogs and loves people, but he wants to be the only cat around. Finn is very healthy and has put on some weight since his adoption. At his annual vet exam last week, the Doctor said Finn was so well behaved, even when he got his shots, that he wished all the cats were that easy-going and friendly!

(Last update: Oct 24th, 2011 11am)

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Name:   Micky Blue
ID#: VA4178
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 05/16/06
Adopted: 10/22/06
Congrats: D. Shirin
Foster: Sharon

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5

Does anyone want a manly hunk of a Meezer? I'm adoreable but I'm all boy and ready to play. I get long very well with others so I'd love a home with other fur fellows. I live for sports so if you want a football buddy I'm the one for you.

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Notes from Home
Earl Grey continues to delight and surprise us. In past year or so, he's finally decided that being a love bug isn't such a bad thing. While he previously slept at the foot of the bed, he's now taking to cuddling up right by our side and on rare occasions will jump in to a lap for some lovings. What a thrill is has been to see this change in our handsome guy.
Just last week we added a new child to our household and Earl Grey has taken it very well. He was the first of our 3 cats to check out the new baby when we came home from the hospital and didn't seem phased by the new addition at all. With our older son who is 21 months now, he's extremely tolerant and will even let him pet him from time to time. Most of the time he runs away if our son approaches him too quickly but he's never tried to nip or swipe at him. Just an awesome thing considering how Earl Grey loved to nip and swipe when he first arrived in our home 5 years ago.

(Last update: Oct 22nd, 2011 11am)

I lived with my person my whole life until she died. Then I went to live with a nice family until there was room for me in Siamese Rescue so here I am! I have lived with other cats my whole life. I am one handsome hunka Meezer! I may be 10 but I have a lot more life to live. Foster Mom says I'm a spry old guy! My bloodwork shows I'm very healthy. If you want to give me my forever home for the second half of my life, please ask about me. You won't be disappointed, I promise.

Love, Max
Name: Maxx

(FKA Max)

ID#: VA8068
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/17/11
Adopted: 10/03/11
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Maxx is a real personality kitty. I feel he will continue to be a great addition to our home.
(Last update: Oct 20th, 2011 10am)

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Name:   Arthur
ID#: VA7806
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 06/21/11
Adopted: 08/21/11
Congrats: Winifred
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

Looking for a baby? You know, the type of cat you carry around in your arms or on your shoulder like a baby, the kind you rock to sleep, hold tight in your arms all night, the one you listen to their cry and then come running and pick them up. Well that's the kind of Siamese I am - male plus wedgie plus flame and you have a winning conversation of needy, talkative and baby like! I will take enough of your time that you will only need one cat - I love everyone and every thing but am sensitive and needy, so am looking for someone who wants to be my 'Mom'!

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Notes from Home
Arthur continues to be a joy to have in my life. He is funny, loving, an all around pleasure. Thank you Siri!
Best wishes,

(Last update: Oct 10th, 2011 5pm)

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