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"Unwanted," they said.
My brother Henry Lee and I are sweet, happy, loving, well-behaved people-loving little angels, we purr and play and purr and snuggle and purr and cuddle and then just for the joy of it we purr some more. We even purred when we traveled 6 hours to foster mom's house in a carrier, and we purred from the second we got here. Foster mom says we are like two little sunbeams sent to brighten up the dreariest day.

So what's the deal?
Well, we wobble. When we play, when we run, when we try to jump, our back legs do funny things. We were born that way, and that's just the way we are. Our front legs are strong and our hearts are brave, but yeah, we wobble. I wobble more than Henry Lee does, but it doesn't keep me from trying to keep up with him.
Foster mom thought at first that it would make her sad to watch us, but it doesn't because not for a minute do we ever feel sad for ourselves or let it slow us down from living - and loving - our lives. Never once do we think "gee, poor me, I wish my back legs would let me do that." Instead, we think "Hmmm, HOW am I gonna do that?" and in a minute we've gone and done it! We've mastered the cat-tree and the stairs and the bench by the window where the birds are. It takes a little extra effort and sometimes we go the long way around to get to where another cat could get in a second, and sometimes I fall down and have to pick myself up, but so what? She says instead of feeling sorry for us she's trying to learn from us!

Somebody said we are "special-needs" kitties, but we just think we are plain old SPECIAL, and some special person's life is going to be so much richer for all the love that we have to give.
Foster mom can tell you lots more wonderful things about my brother and me - she also recommends you check out this video about another kitty like us:


Henry Lee doesn't wobble as much as Charley in the video, but I sorta do - but in a more ladylike, princess-y way, 'cause I'm a little princess!
Purrs and purrs and more purrs,
Name: Mochi

(FKA Mochi (fka Josie))

ID#: VA8078
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/24/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Leah
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Mochi is doing very well in her new home! She is very sweet and loves to purr and play with her brother. Even though she is much smaller than he is, she holds her own and often instigates playtime. They both love to look outside at birds, squirrels, leaves, and anything else that moves. Mochi doesn't let her wobbles get in her way! I'm amazed with her ability to get anywhere she puts her mind to. She climbs to the top level of the cat tree by climbing up the scratching post pole.

She instantly purrs when I start petting her. She is so curious she follows me around the house to keep her eye on me!

(Last update: Nov 28th, 2011 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Sam

(FKA Rupert)

ID#: VA7657
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/13/11
Adopted: 05/02/11
Congrats: Laurie
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
A young guy, tiniest bit shy but very cat friendly, I'm worried no one is going to like me, so I have my head down - if you look at my additional pictures, you'll see why. I am a tiny bit funny looking, but I have a heart of gold......I do like to be pet, and loved on, and will cling to you tightly - I can't wait to try out a real home, because I'm going to love it....

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Rupet is now "Sam". When he first came home he was about 8lbs and now is about 13lbs!! He has grown so quickly. He has settled in now and loves to be petted. He also gives me "noses" which is so cute. Sam has an older sister Mitzie and an older brother Jack that were also adopted through the rescue. He loves to play with his big brother. They run around like 2 little boys. Sam also loves his big sister and wants to sleep next to her all the time. He lays by my legs when I am sitting down. He also loves to stick his tongue out...he is so cute!
(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 8pm)

PRESS RELEASE 06/19/10: The producers of "MD Meezers on Review" are happy to announce that Jackson Katman has joined us. Jack has had great success in purring, kneading and nuzzling his way right into the heart of his many fans. He particularly enjoys interacting with other cats in the audience and is always available for signing autographs.

Super affectionate, very active & playful and probably younger than age estimated.
Name:   Jackson Katman
ID#: VA7070
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/19/10
Adopted: 07/25/10
Congrats: Laurie
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Jackson is now Jack. He is the most playful boy I have ever had. He will play with anything!! He is a sweetheart and we both love him so very much. Jack loves to have his belly rubbed and will flop over on his back to let us know when he wants one. Jack has an older sister Mitzie and a younger brother Sam that were both adopted through the rescue. Jack & Sam run around the house playing like two little kids. They have a blast together. We also have a tunnel that the play with. They make us laugh all the time. Jack loves to sit in the window and cackle at the birds or chipmunks. He is the best!
(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Mitzie
ID#: VA6607
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/13/09
Adopted: 10/17/09
Deceased: 01/01/13
Congrats: Laurie
Foster: BJ

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Well, here I am, the perfect meezer! I like humans and fur people, but humans a little more. I do take to those men humans a bit more. Laps are good and I have that purring music all tuned up for a winter's night watching tv with you. Want a heating pad for your bed... well I think I can fill that position too. I love attention and breakfast and dinner has to be on time please or I'll remind you. Need a kiss... well I can do that too!

So whats keeping you from pushing that ASK ABOUT ME BUTTON!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mitzie has found her forever home. She has been cuddly and loving since her first day home. Her favorite spot during the day is on top of the couch which is by a window. She loves looking outside. She would love to go outside but I tell her every day that isn’t going to happen. I pick her up and hug her every time she cries by the door. She cuddles under the blanket with me on the couch in the evening. She sleeps with us on the bed at night. Mitzie loves laps and loves to sleep on your chest or stomach when you lay down. We are in love with her and couldn’t be happier. If she wants attention she will take her paw and tap your face ever so lightly – even if you are sleeping. She is the best and we are so lucky to have found her.

11/27/11 - Miss Mitzie is the princess of our house. She is such a loving baby girl. Mitzie still sleeps with us and loves to sit with us all the time. She now has two baby brothers Jack & Sam that were adopted through the rescue. She will "let" them sit/sleep with her. Mitzie now loves bell rubs and will lift her paw to tap me when she wants one. She is just the best baby girl!

(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 8pm)

Foster Mom says to apologize for her slow start getting me posted, but she's finally got time to tell you all about ME. Well, not much to say except that I live totally up to my name. I am Love and I am a Love. Blue and as sweet and easy going as blue girls come. I decided one day that I'd really had quite enough time alone in my foster room, so I conned foster mom into letting me go upstairs and explore and meet the other cats. Well, met everyone, had a great time, never once did I hiss or spit - just a purrrfect lady. SO, no more isolation for me - I'm good to go and can live with other cats and with my easy going attitude probably could live with doggies, too. If you have a lap for me to cuddle in, all lthe better. Don't hesitate, don't wait, be sure to "ask about me". Purrs and Headbutts, LOVE. (New pictures later today - foster mom promises)
Name: Skyy

(FKA Love)

ID#: VA8006
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 08/26/11
Adopted: 10/15/11
Congrats: Tricia
Foster: Sara

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Skyy is doing wonderful with her new family! We all love her so much! She is so easy to love with her adorable face and great personality! She is such a sweet kitty! Couldn't ask for a better match!!! It's like she has always been apart of our family!
11/27/2011 - It's been a little over a month and Skyy is well adjusted to her new home with us! She is such a loving little ball of fur! She is still battling to make friends with my kitty Sambuca. They are getting better but still not cuddly with each other. We love her so much!

(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Truffles
ID#: VA8081
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Balinese
Date In: 09/25/11
Adopted: 10/23/11
Deceased: 11/25/19
Congrats: April
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am a very insecure worried gal. Worried you won't like me. Worried you'll yell at me. Worried you'll hit me, Worried I won't meet your expectations. Worried that the sky is falling.

I need a very quiet home. One or two people, home most of the time, would be ideal. I could lap sit or be near you all the time. I could be brushed, and petted, and talked to. I need quiet, soft, and gentle, time, love and patience. I purr like a motorboat, pretty easily. But I fret.

With the right person to love me, then maybe I will believe.

Trial adoption offered, need to be in VA or neighboring state. No fees.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Truffles is doing very well. Litter box habits have been perfect so far. She has adapted very well to the house and thinks it is hers. She eats well, sleeps with us, and is not shy when she wants attention. She is quite vocal and a diva. Still a little nervous at times and shy, but she is getting better everyday.
(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 5pm)

Equal parts playing and loving, I've settled down so much since my first days in Rescue, when I could do nothing but play tackle football! Now I'm equally as interested in loving and snuggling, but I do like a good game of freeze tag now and then, so I should go home with a kitty to play with. No roughhousing type play, please, as I get a little overstimulated now and then, but I make up with a nose kiss and a snuggle upside down in your arms very quickly!

Name:   Cricket
ID#: VA6109
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/22/09
Adopted: 03/15/09
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Cricket is doing great in his new home! He eats every morsel of food I give him and loves to play play play all day. Then when he's tired from playing he comes to snuggle. He really is a sweet little guy. The picture shows him sitting next to one of my rabbits, who he likes to visit and try to play with too!

Cricket is quite the ham. He keeps his mom and fur-sister and fur-brother entertained with his antics. His favorite games are chasing strings and and trying to catch the laser pointer. He can jump 5 feet in the air from a sitting position to "catch" the laser pointer. Cricket has also become extremely affectionate and likes to curl up next to his mom on the couch for pets. He is also the only cat I've ever met who likes being carried upside down like a baby. He has been a wonderful addition to the household.

(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Huxley
ID#: VA7659
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/16/11
Adopted: 05/07/11
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Siri

Oh MY MY MY do I have a voice! I may be just over 6 pounds but I can talk with the big cats. I'm young and raring to go and I'm going to shout that from the rooftops! Loving and learning and living life to it's fullest, that's my motto!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Huxley! What a charmer,a loverboy,and sometimes a goofy puppydog (as the vet says).Huxley loves his
Meowmy and his best friend, Sadie Mae(Rita Mae).For his Meowmy he gives unlimited kisses.For Sadie,
he gives expert facials which Sadie happily returns after which they curl up and fall into a deep sleep. They have a great time chasing each other and having a good friendly wrestle.Huxley loves his toys and loves spending a good part of his day in the window watching birds and bugs.Mischief is Huxley's middle name. When he looks up at you with his angelic face, all is well. Most of the time Huxley communicates by "chirping". When he does meow, he makes the funniest face. It is a joy to have Huxley in my home.He is such a wonderful happy-go-lucky cat and is such a pleasure to share life with.

(Last update: Nov 27th, 2011 2pm)

I've come a long, long way since I first came to rescue. I was attacked by the dogs in my first "rescuer's" home before I could get into this real rescue, and that experience left me terrified. While I'm still uncertain about new things, and new people, I'd only need a short time to settle into my forever home. What kind of home do I need? Lets see - a quiet and loving home (without DOGS, of course). A home with catnip toys, and canned food. Another cat or two would be fine, as long as they are nice cats and won't pick on me. And I'd repay your love with love of my own - I love foster mom, and purr when she talks to me, and look at her adoringly with my beautiful blue eyes. I may not be a lap cat, but I'm a "follow you where ever you go" cat, a "rub on your legs while you work in the kitchen" cat, and a "sleep on the bed next to you" cat.

Do you have room in your heart for a sweet red boy? Then ask about me!

5/20 - I have new pictures, showing how well I get along with the other cats here. Even the hissy little female that foster mom calls the brat likes me!
Name:   Frankie PA
ID#: VA4648
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/09/06
Adopted: 06/09/07
Deceased: 12/13/11
Congrats: Lynda
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Nov 26, 2011

Frankie says: Meow, Siamese Cat Rescue!

We just had Thanksgiving here. That means Mommy was home 4 days in a row! Well, she went out the first 2 and today she was here. She only went out for lunch at the Taco Bell and to scope out a store with used books in it.

She trimmed the nails of all 3 of us cats today! The indignity! I made sure to be a real challenge, but also she still got her way and my toenails are all clipped. Tomorrow she said she is gonna clean our ears. I am trying to look really cute so she won't do it. She says sometimes she just looks at my eyes and I can get a reprieve.

Anyway, for a Thanksgiving treat, we 3 kitties shared TWO cans of fancy feast, with a little bit of chicken broth since Mommy used some to make that stuffing stuff. Vincent and Magic ate ALL of theirs. I only drank the juice. ha ha. This was real special cuz Mommy brought our food to us wherever we were in the house and Magic, the girl, even got to eat on the bed!

Just to show how lazy we were today, and how much a Meezer face I've got, Mommy uploaded 4 photos (on this site) and took a video of me sleeping. She says I am snoring in it. Well, what's a big, sleepy fella like me to do? This is my video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tI4_uyR6Cc&feature=channel_video_title

Huggsss and purrrrrrrs,

Frankie Cat, the flame point Siamese

Sept. 30, 2011 - I uploaded 2 more new photos of Frankie!


This is a link to my Youtube channel that shows all 3 cats eating together. Magic Never tolerates Vincent this well. I was really surprised and pleased. The cats take turns for certain toys and perches, too, They're too cute to watch.

June 9, 2011 marked the 4th anniversary of adoption.

He's a love and a clown and a big copycat. Mostly, he copies my other male, Vincent. He will
lay down on Vincent's front paws, lick him underneath his chin and lay there.
If Vincent is laying on his side, Frankie will stand over him and "make cookies"- usually giving
Vincent a bit of massage. After a while, Frankie walks away and lays down by himself.

I have 4 links to Youtube videos of Frankie or Frankie with Vincent. My other cat, Magic, is a
little camera shy.

http://tinyurl.com/1Response - he hears the cat from the Jim Carrey version of the Grinch

http://tinyurl.com/1Sleepycat - cell phone video of him sleeping

http://tinyurl.com/3avwwwz - water bowl - both boy cats drinking at the same time. This
happens SEVERAL times a day. The birds in the background made him stop.

http://tinyurl.com/1Wrestle - A good ol' fashioned wrasslin' match.


Letter from Frankie to SCRC, July 2009

Everything is going well. My vet lady said I look good. Last. Dec. I had a bout of what foster meowm Jackie calls megacolon. I was only 9 pounds. I put my weight back on and am over 10 pounds, now. Mom helped me out a lot. So did all of foster meowm's great suggestions, like enemas and Metamucil (I know, gross!). I am a good boy for Mom, I let her bathe me when she needs to and trim my nails.

I like to sleep right at the foot of the bed every night. My sister, Magic, is the boss cat and she will sleep next to me, or let me be next to her. I like to follow my brother, Vincent, anywhere he goes. He usually gets extra scritches from Mommy doing that, so if I follow him, I get extra scritches, too! It is funny that I follow Vincent since he's the blind one.

Mom has nicknamed me "Bubba Cat." I don't know why, but she likes it, so it is okay to me. She tells me every day that she loves my blue eyes and my red marks on my fur. All of us cats love to eat hot dog! Mommy only gives us a bite but it is delicious.

i gotta run, I hear a can of food opening! Dreaming of catnip fields!

Yours truly,

Frankie PA
aka "Franks" "Bubba Cat" and "Frankie"




June 9, 2008

Frankie PA

One year ago today, I brought Frankie home. My mother came with me from Frederick, Maryland to his foster home in Pennsylvania. He was so scared, but quiet, never making 1 mew on the four hour drive home.

There are 2 other cats in the household. Magic is the matriarch, my black and white girl. She had 1 leg amputated many years ago. Vincent is my blind, red furred cat, a couple of years younger than Magic, who is around 13 years old.

I had seen Frankie on the VA SCRC website around March 2007. He had already been in foster for almost a year. A friend had just adopted a blue eyed flame point Siamese from another rescue in Maryland. After I saw her cat, Tommy, I checked online for rescues in my area.

When I first brought him home, Frankie hid under my bed for 3 days. He ate only a little and I couldn’t be sure he was drinking water. I e-mailed his foster mom, Jackie, and she put to rest my concerns. Frankie was still a new cat in a new household and he needed time to adjust. I am grateful Jackie addressed my fears. Then the 3rd night, I went into the room to read before bed and he started meowing, came on top of the bed and let me pet him. I could look into his ice blue eyes for the first time.

After that, Frankie meowed full time. He wanted out of isolation. When Magic and Vincent were both downstairs, I let Frankie investigate a bit upstairs, then returned him to his room. He is a chunker, weighing around 15 pounds, but doesn’t mind being held.

Once fully integrated with the other cats, Frankie really let his true colors show. He loves to eat. He waits by the food bowl each morning for the refill. At night, Magic and Frankie purr and meow in turn, wanting that wet food faster than I can dish it out. From Vincent, he’s learned how to beg attention, and for any food that looks good. While Vincent has it down to a science of climbing the back of the couch, Frankie is more "proper," sitting on the floor and looking askance at me with his big, blue eyes. After Vincent has his share of the cereal milk, Frankie has a share, too.

Frankie is always willing to have me pet him and lets me rub his belly instantly. I can hold him like a baby or any other way. He is pretty good for nail trims, but doesn’t like them. Although he is fearful of strangers, he will come downstairs to watch what’s going on with guests instead of hiding upstairs. He sleeps on my bed every night and greets me every morning. I find myself petting him before I am fully awake. Vincent and Frankie wrestle each other on a daily basis. There’s never a scream, they never hurt each other, they just play. For Vincent, I think it livens up his day and makes it fun for him. Magic gets along with Frankie better than I have seen her ever get alone with Vincent. She even slept next to Frankie once.

I am thankful to have Frankie with us, he’s a great boy. Thank you, SCRC! Keep up the great work. =============================================================================
December 2007 - Update 2

Frankie is an avid alien hunter! Not only that, he is like a body guard, trying to always predict where I am walking and then suddenly stopping so I almost trip on him. I know, he is just letting ME catch up to HIM, ha ha. I can't get him out from underfoot. 2 nights after I got home from my surgery, I was cooking chicken. He got on his hind legs trying to reach the chicken wrapper which was not hanging down but he knew there was chicken up there. To this day he still has the best manners and does not jump on my counters...nor do my other 2 so I never have to worry about counter cruisers!

December 2007 - Update 1

Frankie is doing great. He sees 'ghosts' on a nightly basis and is devout in chasing them away and meowing to let me know he's doing his job. Magic tolerates his presence (while Vincent's she does not) and sometimes both she and Frankie lay on the couch with me. At night, Frankie sleeps at the foot of my bed while Vincent sleeps higher up. Some nights, all 3 cats find their way onto the bed!

I am so glad I could get Frankie home after the way his photo called me. Your rescue site is still the best out there and if anyone ever asks, that's where I am sending them.

(Last update: Nov 26th, 2011 11pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Ziva

(FKA Emerson (Emmy))

ID#: VA7960
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/08/11
Adopted: 09/03/11
Congrats: Joanna
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Did you say blank slate? That's what Aunt Siri said I was, living outdoors with tons of other cats and making kittens, I'm SO glad to be indoors safe and sound now! I'm a quick learner but there are lots of things I haven't yet experienced, so bear with me! However that female Siamese gene means I'll be top of my class in no time!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I had intended on updating on her 1 month anniversary, but I got my old job back, and time on the internet sort of.. went out the window. But, it's almost been 3 months now and I am amazed, every day, with how far she has come! At 1 month, she was like another cat! She comes when you call her name, she comes to greet you at the door, she follows wherever you go, she even waits outside of the shower for you to get out. (With me though, she practically screams at me for not getting out sooner and then tries to drink the water from my hair) She's even started giving headbutts recently. I'm just SO happy with this little lady! Now, I take rediculous amounts of pictures of her and Probie, and noticed she had a lot of pink around her eyes. My vet said to give her L-Lysine, which I mixed into her food and cleared it right up! And I'm thrilled to announce that she and Probie have been racing and chasing and playing all over the place! She and my mother's cat are even starting to get along! Thank you SO much for this little lady!! Here's a couple of videos from the 32nd day she was here:

Yesterday was our 2 week anniversary and Ziva is doing SO WELL!! I started feeding her a teeny bit of wet food again and what a turn around! She just was mad at me for not giving her the wet food, lol! But, she is the sweetest little thing! She follows me from room to room and swats at my ankles when she wants to play. Every time I talk to her she answers. Actually, she talks quite a bit. She always has an opinion about something. Lol. Just this morning, in fact, Ziva stood up on the side of the bed and meowed in my face, then pawed at me until I woke up. I guess she was ready to play, because when I said, "well, hello there!" she crouched down and wiggled her little butt! She's not playing with Probie yet, but will sit or lay around with him, though. Ziva just looks at him like he's a scary bear when he tries to play. So, thus far, she mostly prefers to play with me. And she likes to play ALL the time! Hopefully, they'll start playing soon. *fingers crossed* But, we're SO pleased and very proud of how well she's doing! And for loads more pictures, you can visit this link to her album on my facebook page =]

Ziva just had her first exam with our vet today. Everything went really well. She wouldn't let them take her temperature until she was in my arms, which actually made me feel so happy that she felt safer there. I mentioned how she has a "liquid eye" when she's looking at you and wondered if she was having tiny seizures. But, the vet said that it's probably just a result of previous ear infections due to parasites and just to look out for it going to her other eye. But, all in all, she did wonderfully! I'm so proud!

It's been a week now and Ziva's kind of.. reverted, I guess you can say. She was doing very well, letting me pick her up and purring. But, now when I try to pet her, she swats at my hand. She doesn't really want to play the way she was, either. It may be because I just weened her off of wet food. But, we'll see later.

Well, when Ziva (we named her after Ziva, from NCIS) first got here, she came out after eating and was rubbin all over Alexey, myself, and everything else in the room, we were so happy! She pranced around the room sniffing everything with her tail straight up in the air, then came back over to us for more pets! She was a purrin, buscuit making machine! Then we wanted to try playing with her and she was all about it! I expected something totally different, because of her write up. We expected her to be more hesitant and unsure about the toys. But, she was havin a blast! She ran underneath this cat thing that we have (it's got two jingle balls attached to it, a scratching post and a catbed on top) and was scratching on the catpost part while playin with the little bird toy that came in her goody bag! Now, we did give her her own space for the intergration period, along with her own litterbox. But, she didn't seem to have any problems using Probie (our male, seal)'s litterbox! When he came back in the room, after we put her up, he was like "What the..?" And she's SO inquisitive! Earlier today, we had to pull one of the dressers out to get her out from behind it! And we thought we blocked it off! Lol, leave it to the teeny little lady. Well, that's it from the first day. I'll update again in a week or so! And here's a video of her playing:

(Last update: Nov 26th, 2011 4pm)

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