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Mysterious, hauntingly beautiful and she talks!

Mocha LOVES attention (headbutts, kisses and lots of petting); wants to be near, with, or on you! Gotta lap available?! She is slowly being integrated with my crew of six cats and is doing well. Mocha is a purehbred sealpoint siamese so will need an adopter familiar with the breed's talkativeness, curiousity and need to be with their human.

She would do best in home without young children (loud and rowdy scares her). Needs adopter who has time to spend with her and wants an interactive, talkative cat. I suspect she may be a very outgoing and curious cat once she's comfortable in her forever home.

Completely vetted, healthy and eager to find her very own home!

Purrs from chatty Mocha~

Name: Mimi

(FKA Mocha)

ID#: VA8124
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/15/11
Adopted: 11/13/11
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
It was a long ride to my forever home but my new meowmy talked to me softly and scritched my ears and chin throught the carrier door and I knewI was going to a loving home.
I spent my first week getting comfortable in my new place. Everyone at my new home is kind, attentive and talks to me all the time. I am enjoying all the new places to practice my balance..I am really good at the tops of the cupboards and the refrigerator. In the evenings I enjoying letting my new family sit with me on the couch and if they are good I let them scratch my chin and ears. Soon the kids will be home for Thanksgiving break and I am looking forward to more even more attention.
OH Yeah....I have already visited my new Vet and she pronounced me PERFECT!
I will send new pictures when I am a little less camera shy.
Thanks so much to Melissa and Jan for helping my new family find me.
Well I have a new name fitting of my petite girly self, it is Mimi. I never responded to my old name anyway. I am so happy with my new family. Everyone wants to hold and talk to me. Toys are everywhere and every one want s to play. I am quite a good at fetch! It is sweet to sleep in a nice warm bed with two people that love me and keep me safe. Oh yes and I love to eat...I would snack all day if the bowl was refilled but my new family wants to keep me healthy so they weigh me and watch how much I am eating to keep me healthy. The college kids have been home and they are fun to talk to at night and early in the morning when they are trying to sleep in. Thank you all for helping me find this loving family...

(Last update: Dec 13th, 2011 9pm)

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Name:   Trudy
ID#: VA8125
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 10/15/11
Adopted: 11/12/11
Congrats: Sara
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Typical goofy kitten!

Check out my video to see what I'm like. Although I'm lots more chilled now that I've been here a while.

Here I am at another foster mom's. I am a fast kitten who loves to run and play. I am not at all afraid of the resident cats here. Ask about me and get all the information.

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Notes from Home
Trudy, now Piper is fast becoming part of the family. She is taking the lead from the resident Blue Boy, Newman. He is teaching her all kinds of wonderful things....like which child drops crumbs, and where he sits, how much fun it is to nibble on Daddy's shoelaces, but best of all she has learned to fetch just like Newman. Who needs a dog for that? She still has yet to figure out that her tail is attached, that being said, Newman's tail is much more fun to chase. She loves to help Daddy on the computer....he may have to get another one because Newman sits on one, Daddy plays with the other one, and there is not much room left for me....Her favorite place to sleep is curled up with Newman, wherever that may be. She is a joy! I keep waiting for her to sit still so I can get a good cuddle, but she is still too busy for that.
(Last update: Dec 12th, 2011 6pm)

Calling all snowshoe lovers!

Quiet, easy-going and friendly, Serena is all that and more. A young seven pound beauty who is looking for her forever home. She has weaned her litter of four kittens and is ready to be adored for her own sweet qualities.

Serena enjoys attention and will headbutt to get your hand to scritch her ears. She's eating well now and enjoys wet food as well as dry twice a day. Perfect litterbox habits and is having fun with the newly installed cat fountain.

Looking for love in all the right places? Ask about Serena today!
Name:   Serena
ID#: VA8127
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/16/11
Adopted: 11/23/11
Congrats: Lauryn
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi everyone!

Sorry this took so long. Serena is doing wonderful and she is an awesome and amazing cat! I couldn't ask for more when it came to a cat! I took her to the vet on November 26 and she is in perfect health! Her hair is growing back where she was shaved for the abcess (sp?) on her leg and where she was fixed. She sleeps at the foot of the bed with me and she loves scritches. I love Serena SO much! Thank you all for your help with everything! You guys are amazing and I hope you keep doing what your doing because you all have an AMAZING "job"! The photos I've attached are from the first day I brought her home and I will add more once she stops being so camera shy :-)

(Last update: Dec 7th, 2011 8am)

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Name:   Skipper
ID#: VA8146
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/25/11
Adopted: 11/04/11
Deceased: 05/01/13
Congrats: Lashawn
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes

Have you ever been to the vet and met an ambassador kitty? You know, the one that greets you when you walk in, gives you greetings at the counter, comes over to check out what furry bundle you have in your carrier? Well, that is ME! I have been charming my way with vets, techs, patients - humans & furry ones alike. See, my owner that I had been with since a kitten suddenly passed away and his kids signed me over to my veterinary, where I've been for the past several months. They've taken EXTRA good care of me - I've had all the checkups and tests and teeth cleanings that a great cat like me could ever want and I've been pronounced very healthy. In fact, the only maintenance on me is an eye drop twice a day for my chronic dry eyes.

People, dogs, cats - I like them all. Small ones, tall ones, short ones, big ones - I am completely happy with everyone and everything. I've really enjoyed having all the attention of the staff and all the clients, but come night time when everyone goes home and I had to go into the cage at night - well, I just didn't think that was fair, and neither did all the ladies at the clinic. They decided that as much as they love me, I should have a chance of a home of my very own that when night comes, all I have to do is hop up on bed and snuggle in with my people or fur-brothers or sisters.

So, you'll want to click on me and click on me quick, because how often do you get a chance at a vet ambassador kitty?? Not very often!

Purrs & Headbutts,

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Notes from Home
12-6-11, Moof wanted to say Merry Christmas to all the meezer volunteers and show off his sweater. Him & Miko have become best buds and will snuggle and clean each other. We finally have found a wet food that he'll eat and will keep down and our now just trying to work on the potty 'accidents'. Moof has quite won over Brian and can be found lots of times laying on his lap or even getting kisses on top of his ginormous head from my very manly, man husband. His new favorite thing is to lay right smack dab in front of the fireplace. I have to watch him carefully because I think he'd jump right in and catch on fire if I let him, he tries to get so close!

Skipper -Moof has been at Casa de Lewis for just over a week now and he's settling in well! Him & Miko seem to be best buds....Mishka not so much,but she's kinda grumpy, so that is to be expected. Can't wait to share more updates about our big old boy!!

(Last update: Dec 6th, 2011 2pm)

Well you just don't know what you're missing. Everyone who visits here says what a great cat I am. I have Adoption 101 mastered - I am polite, ready for interaction, well behaved, and always ready to please. I am friendly, smart, affectionate, and don't have too much cattitude. I tolerate the other cats but my dream would be to be someone else's dream. Maybe you should come visit so you can see what I mean!

Name: Sophia

(FKA Poppy)

ID#: VA7473
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 12/19/10
Adopted: 06/05/11
Congrats: Latonda
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Sophia is such a blessing to us! We had a couple of days with her being bossy with the boys
But they got over it and she is the queen tortie now. Andrei even gets a quick kiss and lick
On the face when they think we aren't looking! She sleeps in the bed eats anything you put in front of her and she is so playful!! We love her so much and thanks for rescuing her!
12/5/11 Sophia is doing fantastic! She is a typical Tortie a little bossy but loves her mommy. She picks at Alfie at times but he is getting old and I don't think has a lot of time left so I have to tell her no at times. Like I said she is very protective of me and does love Andrei but smacks him around at times but nothing serious. She always uses her litter box just fine, kind of a finicky eater but last vet checkup she said she needed to lose a pound!! Well she is a joy in my life I love her very much. She is a diva queen now spoiled and rules the house but hey that's a torties job! Lol

(Last update: Dec 5th, 2011 8am)

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Name:   Jasmine
ID#: VA5148
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/16/07
Adopted: 10/13/07
Deceased: 09/01/17
Congrats: Andra
Foster: Williene

Are you looking for me? I've got to be one of the sweetest cats to ever live! I just finished with 5 rambunctious kittens and I'm ready for a little "me time". I am sweet, gentle, loving, get along just fine with the various cats here, and won't take anything off that dog. I am rather petitie and quite the elegant lady. I have the most perfect litter box manners you can imagine and I'm ready to come home. Just click on that little "Ask about me".

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Notes from Home
October 14, 2010

Everything is going very well for me – I am very comfortable here and quite content. The family has grown since I arrived three years ago – I have three other buddies to keep me company, and even though I get along with all of them fine, I am just as happy doing my own thing most of the time. Mahalo (VA6540), our newest addition, is quite the character – I can outrun him in a chase, and he is so jealous of my climbing ability. I can scale a cupboard (and the refrigerator, and reach every other high spot in the house) in no time flat - he just looks up at me from below with envy! In spite of the fact I am still a petite little gal (about 7 pounds) and Mahalo is just over 14 pounds, we play together well – and he respects me and the limits I set without question! George (VA4078) and Hope (a 10-year old calico) are my friends, too – Just one big happy family! I don’t understand, but my family tells me that I am just a bit of a diva, whatever that means, but they have unconditional love for me and think I am just the cutest cat in the world - and that’s all I care about. When the two granddaughters come for a visit from out of state, they run into the house – not to see grandma and grandpa, but with a big “Where’s Jasmine?” Guess I’m their favorite, but they are gentle little girls and are very good with me, so we play a lot when they are here. (I sleep for a week after they go home, though!)

Life is good – and as always, we all thank the Rescue for bringing us together. A perfect match all the way around.


December 2, 2011
Just a quick note to let you know that Jasmine is doing very well - she is still a loving little cirtter, a bit wild at times (can still cover the house top to bottom in leaps and bounds!), and an all-around wonderful addition to our home. With three terrific "brothers and sisters" she remains the favorite to any visitors (human kind) that we have! She is Miss PURRsonality PLUS!

Jasmine is much loved and returns the feeling to us as well. Couldn't have found a better cat anywhere!

(Last update: Dec 2nd, 2011 1pm)

UPDATE: Hey, forever family, where are you????? I'm now very healthy, veryhappy and SOOOOOO beautiful. I am the typical snowshoe - love, love, love people and have a very easy going, laid back personality. What are you waiting for? I'm ready to go to my forever home, all I need is YOU. I will purr and cuddle with you at night, talk to you during the day and be just as sweet to you as I am beautiful. I'll even beg you to pet me - I LOTE to be petted. Be sure to ask about me - Purrs and lots of love, Mia

Mama MIA - wow - Foster Mom wasn't sure I'd ever get to put my bio up, but I'm finally ready to introduce myself. I spent a couple great days at Hotel delShue and wouldn't you know it, I got the "shelter yuck" and OH, MY, was it yucky. I really didn't feel good, so Mama Katie fed me and gave me fluids for almost two weeks, but I FINALLY got well. Now I feel SO much better and am a very happy, healthy girl. I am one of the prettiest and sweetest snowshoe girls you will ever see. I fit right in at this hotel. Foster Mom says that I am as pretty and sweet as the snowshoes that live her all the time, but she says I shouldn't try to rub that in or they will become jealous of me. If you love snowshoes, I'm gonna be your girl. Stunning the the word everyone seems to use when they see me. AND, yes, I have that fantastic snowshoe personality, too. I'm a sweet, sweet girl. Be sure to ask about me if you'd like to have a "beauty shoe" to live with you forever!! Purrs and headbutts, Mia
Name: Rosie

(FKA Mia )

ID#: VA7971
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/11/11
Adopted: 10/26/11
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Rose is settling in nicely. Now that she understands the dogs are no threat and that she is actually in charge, she is quite comfortable lounging around on her back or blocking the hall so the dogs can't pass. There has been no fighting and only a few slaps on the snout (mostly deserved) and the dogs have gotten over their disappointment that she will not let them lick her backside. Rose is very playful and has decided that her favorite toy is not any of the many cat toys she has but instead a bent pipe cleaner left over from a craft project. She is also very affectionate and sweet, just as promised!
(Last update: Nov 29th, 2011 9pm)

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Name:   Paulie
ID#: VA7975
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/13/11
Adopted: 09/11/11
Congrats: Shannon
Foster: Ellen

I'm a very handsome lynx point boy. I'm cuddly and very playful. I also have a well-tuned motor. I like to sit on my foster mom's shoulders, give kisses, and purr loudly.

First I had a cold, and then I got the runs, but I'm on the road to good heath now. When I finally get out of isolation, I plan to play and play with the resident cats and explore the house. Until then, I'll amuse myself with my toys and foster mom.

I'd sure like to find a forever home soon. I'll be your BFF. Please ask about me.


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Notes from Home
Sigmund is not like your average cat! We have a cat leash now, and have taken him out a few times. He loves playing in the grass and chasing the leaves! So now he meows at the door and runs out any chance he gets. (Thankfully, we live in a mid-rise and his running out only places him in the hallway.) Our future might entail walking the dog and the cat. Last week we took both him and his sister Minna (VA7953) with us to Detroit to visit family. Both cats were perfectly comfortable hanging out with everyone and snagging lots of petting. Sigmund even let my niece carry him around. In fact, every morning and evening Sigmund jumps in my arms and I must carry him around, sometimes draped around my neck. We get lots of snuggling and ear nibbles from him. What a love bug this boy is!

It has been two weeks since we brought Sigmund home and he is adjusting quite well. Our older cat, Libby, however, is still standing her ground despite Sigmund's attempts to make friends. She growls at him while he chirps at her. I am confident Libby will begin to tolerate him more. We just uploaded a picture of the two relaxing on the bed together.

Paulie visited our vet today and was given a clean bill of health. He sure is acting like a healthy active kitty! However, we can't wait to add his sister, Kizzie, to our family. Poor Paulie cries at the door each time we leave. We have also given him a new name, Sigmund (like Sigmund Freud). FYI, he is lying across my shoulders purring as I type this. He's such a snuggler.

(Last update: Nov 29th, 2011 9pm)

Ahh..... a rare moment when I am not on the move. I am a happy little baby mezzerette who likes to romp and play until I wear myself out. I eat well, purr often and I am quite a charmer. Wouldn't I look great running through your house?

Name:   Kizzie
ID#: VA7953
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/07/11
Adopted: 10/01/11
Congrats: Shannon
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Minna is doing so well! We took both her and her brother, Sigmund (VA7975), with us to Detroit to visit family for Thanksgiving. We thought they would need to be kept in our bedroom, but not so. They could not wait to break out and explore the new house. Not a shy bone in this girl's body! Even when there were lots of people in the house, Minna was out and about. We are really enjoying her! Although she really doesn't like to be held, she loves her belly scratched and gives plenty of head butts. And boy does she purr ... even at the vet's office.

Minna, fka Kizzie, is doing very well. She tolerates her over zealous brother, Sigmund, and even lets him clean her face sometimes (see photo). She doesn't mind her gigantic dog sister, Kaede, so much. She pretty much stays out of her older sister's (Libby) way, which Libby very much appreciates. We'll be going to the vet next weekend to double check her health. However, I'm sure she'll check out fine. With the exception of a few nervous sneezes, she seems to be very healthy. We've uploaded a few photos of Minna in her new home. She is such a sweetie and we are enjoying getting to know her. Sigmund, on the other hand, is quite thrilled to have her around.

(Last update: Nov 29th, 2011 9pm)

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Name: Mongo

(FKA Mongo (fka Henry Lee))

ID#: VA8079
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/24/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Leah
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
"Unwanted," they said.
My sister Josie and I are sweet, happy, loving, well-behaved people-loving little angels, we purr and play and purr and snuggle and purr and cuddle and then just for the joy of it we purr some more. We even purred when we traveled 6 hours to foster mom's house in a carrier, and we purred from the second we got here. Foster mom says we are like two little sunbeams sent to brighten up the dreariest day.

So what's the deal?
Well, we wobble. When we play, when we run, when we try to jump, our back legs do funny things. We were born that way, and that's just the way we are. Josie wobbles more than I do, I can pounce further and jump higher than she can and wow, I can even go at a full-out gallop across the room when I'm chasing my ball. Foster mom thought at first that it would make her sad to watch us, but it doesn't because not for a minute do we ever feel sad for ourselves or let it slow us down from living - and loving - our lives. Never once do we think "gee, poor me, I wish my back legs would let me do that." Instead, we think "Hmmm, HOW am I gonna do that?" and in a minute we've gone and done it! We've mastered the cat-tree and the stairs and the bench by the window where the birds are. It takes a little extra effort and sometimes we go the long way around to get to where another cat could get in a second, but so what? She says instead of feeling sorry for us she's trying to learn from us!

Somebody said we are "special needs" kitties, but we just think we are plain old SPECIAL, and some special person's life is going to be so much richer for all the love that we have to give.
Foster mom can tell you lots more wonderful things about my sister and me - she also recommends you check out this video about another kitty who wobbles:


(I don't wobble nearly as much as Charley in the video, but sometimes Josie does)

purrs and purrs and more purrs,
Henry Lee

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Notes from Home
Mongo is currently showing his soft side and laying with me on the couch with his head on my lap. He is just a big softy! So needless to say, he has settled in. He is also a typical teenage boy who loves to play and eat. He loves playing with his sister and looking out the window with her, too. One of his new favorite toys is a mouse on an elastic string that grips onto the door frame between my kitchen and living room. He will get on his hind legs, bat at the mouse, then grab it with his mouth. He walks about 6 feet until he can't anymore and the string is stretched as far as it can and then it snaps back and he runs back for it again. Repeat.

Mongo's wobbles are less then Mochi's and he has no problem getting to where he wants...couch, dining room chair, or bed!

(Last update: Nov 28th, 2011 7pm)

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