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I am a shy guy and lived in a quiet home with several other kitties. I should be fine with other cats. Just need a little time to get used to the humans. I know my name and I jump up and give foster mom headbutts and kisses.
Name: Cosmo

(FKA Willie)

ID#: VA12638
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/29/18
Adopted: 06/30/18
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Hi Nicole (and everyone at the Siamese Rescue!) I’m writing this note with my fur baby sleeping on my chest (he’s a big snuggle bug!). I’m sorry this is delayed, we’ve had a lot going on over the last few weeks! Just wanted to give a little update. His name formerly Willie has been changed to Cosmo, he’s quite adapted to being with us, snuggling, waking us up at 5:30am so let him into bed to be snuggled and then at 7:30am to be fed (lol) and then snuggled again. He’s had a few health problems and the vet believes it’s mostly food allergies so we’re taking care of that. He had something going on with his ears and were on that too with ear drops she gave us. He also has a broken tooth and potentially the cat version of a cavity in another which the vet wants us to wait on to take care of because of everything else going on. Overall though you would never know it, he loves to play and eat and snuggle!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your help and everything involved with this adoption, we couldn’t be happier (we literally tell him he’s perfect at least 2x a day because, well, he is!) and we think he’s pretty pleased as well! I also wanted to share that he loves all his little toys, hes very fond of the crocheted spiral on a stick and the little felt mouse. Thank you so much, everyone, for helping us find this amazing, sweet boy! And Kay, special thanks for fostering him and meeting us so we could come get him!! Xoxo, Cat & Robby

(Last update: Jul 29th, 2018 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Romeo
ID#: VA12132
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/02/17
Adopted: 07/29/17
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Jane

I'm a very vocal and needy boy.

Loving and kind. I get on well with everyone I meet, including a very annoying 4 month old golden retriever puppy who likes to lick my face. Yuk!

I need to be anywhere my family are. Including sleeping under the bed covers with them. Don't even think of trying to shut any doors to keep me out. I'm active and nosey. Love playing with my crinkly toys and feather wand. As long as I can see everyone I'm happy. If I can't I'll go around yelling until someone talks to me. Also if I want to get attention I'll put my paws on your face.

I do sneeze - a lot however. So I need someone who will wipe my nose and clean my eyes everyday. Otherwise I'll need glasses because my foster mum says I squint.

Oh well, what's a young boy to do, it's just how I'm made I guess. But in return you will get rewarded with all my love and complete devotion.

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Notes from Home
Romeo is doing well! He hates having ointment put in his eyes but already they are less red .(in 2 days) He got an antibiotic shot but is stil sneezing- however we are going back to the vet soon for more treatment. He is liking the house- finding spots in the sun and using his scratching posts! He is ok with the dog although the dog seems to like him more than he likes the dog - but no hissing or swiping - he just doesn't like dog germs(kisses)

Romeo is great! He and Zoe go nose to nose and sleep near each other although we have not got to the cuddle stage yet. His eyes are very much improved. He still sneezes but the discharge is not so colorful and we will work on that. Had complete blood work done on him and all is normal. He is a love! Lots of purrs and eyeblinks.

Romeo is a love! He and Zoe are starting to play. He loves to chase and she chases back!n. He has found all the kitty cubby holes and likes to snuggle there, There are a lot of purrs. His sniffles and sneezing is getting better but not completely resolved still on antibiotics and the antihistamine seemd to help

Romeos sneezing is Really improved. He only sneezes 1-2 times a day! The bacterial infection is clears up and he is finally breathing normally. He has a little congestion here and there but we have a decongestant if he seems to be worse than normal. You actually don't hear him breathing all the time anymore!!! I knew we could get him well! He and Zoe are finally friends- she was cleaning him.... they both sleep with me. We are very happy with our little family !!!

Romeo and Zoe play together clean each other and are pals! He is a love. Often a Velcro kitty, very vocal and playful. He loves to play fetch and he and the dog often run after the same toys and do play together. His uri has improved and he gets his lysine daily. I hope eventually we will clear it entirely but he still sneezes daily but not the human sized snot he once had. We are trying another round of antibiotics - he had 2 months that were good but it came back. Still very happy loving kitty purrs all the time and loves watching birdies out the window. I am so happy he came to me,

Romeo is such a loving and clever boy! He loves fetching- crinkle balls are still his favorite! He loves everyone that comes in! His nickname is Mio and he comes running when I call him and waits by the window that overlooks the driveway when I come home. He and Zoe clean each other and cuddle. I love him and love to hear his purring. We feel very lucky to have him in our family. He is very active had a totally good check up with the vet. He still sneezes some but nothing like before. He takes 2 different immune support supplements that helps keep him breathing better. His sinus bacterial infection is gone. Thank you!!!

(Last update: Jul 29th, 2018 9pm)

Just arrived but already showed meowmy what a nice laid back young fiellow I am. I like the food here, too, and can't wait to get out of ISO and meet the other cats here. I'll let you know how we get along once I can get out on January 10th!

I did meet the dog here and liked her! Watch it on my video!

So for now I'll just enjoy the food and the Millie bed.

Name: Eddi

(FKA Casper)

ID#: VA8280
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/31/11
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Eddi (Casper) has adjusted VERY well and pays none or little attention to the dogs. He is a real gem and I am very pleased as to how he has gelled with the furkids. Eddi is a real purr machine and has a very little meow.

Thanks to all who had a hand in letting him join our family.

Eddi is still doing GREAT

2/23/12 Eddi has fit in so well it's as if he grew up here. I love him and it is quite a site to see him being groomed by the 128# mastiff. I just LOVE,LOVE, LOVE him.

(Last update: Jul 29th, 2018 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Snowflake

(FKA Shelby)

ID#: VA12436
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/12/17
Adopted: 01/21/18
Congrats: Marie
Foster: Kay

I am a super sweet easy going girl. A little timid at first but quickly settling in. Fine with other cats.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
First week: She is doing great! Very sweet kitty that loves to give and receive affection. Right now we are keeping her in one bedroom, and each human family member visits her daily. She loves to play with the yarn toys that we received, so thank you for those! She "killed" her first "mouse" last night. The stuffing was strewn all about the floor this morning. We will introduce her to the other two pets and the rest of our home as her confidence continues to grow.

Second week: Snowflake's personality is really coming out! She is a night owl that loves to thunk about the house with her toys, or jump on the bed to attack our feet through the blanket. She still jumps when you first reach out to pet her, but she quickly leans in for more strokes of affection. She and her new brother, Bandit, are getting to know each other. They are usually in the same room, and they like playing hide-and-seek. One will hide behind the shower curtain or under the bed, and wait for the other to find them. They aren't snuggle buddies yet, but I think they're on the right track.

One month since adoption: This girl is so much fun! We should have named her Blizzard! She makes so much noise at night, we thought someone was breaking in once. She plays a LOT, but also likes to hang out and get petted. She gets along great with her new brother, Bandit, but he's old and settled in his ways, and doesn't play much, except with wand toys or hide-and-seek. When Snowy wants a play friend, she teases the dog into a game of chase! We are teaching him to "leave it" instead of chasing, but I think they will be good friends down the road.

Six months: Snowy is pretty sure she owns this joint! Baxter, the beagle, is 11 months old now, and much lazier. Snowy still talks him into a game of tag every couple days. She always ends up the winner! To get even, Baxter tells on her when she jumps on the counter. They act a lot like siblings. Snowy let's us carry her around, but she prefers to be petted on her own terms. She suits our family very well.

(Last update: Jul 27th, 2018 10pm)

I am a lover boy! Love people especially love laps. and sitting on Shoulders to give you kisses and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Sister Bimini. And she loves me. We would LOVE if our FURREVER Home could be together. What could be better than a matching pair. Please ask about BOTH of us.
Foster Mom wants you to know how very very brave we are. We killed the bad toilet paper monsters we found in the bathroom. So you will never fear if you adopt us.
Name: Loki

(FKA Anchovy)

ID#: VA12361
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/25/17
Adopted: 11/25/17
Congrats: Wendy
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I thought this would be a good time to do an update, since Athena and Loki turn 1-year-old this month. They have settled right into our family. Their foster mom had their personalities pinned down perfectly. Athena became very attached to me (the Mom), but it also great with the kids. She's sitting on my lap now, just like she tries to do every time I'm at the computer. She has definitely grown in confidence. She comfortable anywhere in the house and doesn't get upset when her brother goes off exploring without her. Athena seeks me out when she wants to cuddle or when I call her, but likes to find quiet places to nap. She doesn't rush to greet our visitors, but doesn't hide either. She likes to sit with my 6-year-old son sometimes and get some 'pets'.

She and Loki are so much fun to watch! They call out to each other when its play time or just want to know where the other one is. Athena ended up being so much smaller than her brother. She is also a graceful and a stealthy hunter. There was a cricket in the house the other day and Athena went after it and Loki ran away.

Loki is the goodnatured giant who doesn't realize his size. He has fallen off the cat tower more than once. My 11-year-old daughter loves to pick him up and snuggle with him. Loki has also gotten very good at fetching. We throw the toy for him and he brings it back so we can throw it again. He is also waiting to greet us every time we come him.

We love these guys so much and can't imagine life without them. We are so thankful we adopted them together. They are so different, but that's why they're so much fun. They are very loved!

(Last update: Jul 27th, 2018 7pm)

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Name: Athena

(FKA Bimini)

ID#: VA12362
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 10/25/17
Adopted: 11/25/17
Congrats: Wendy
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes

I am a tad shyer than my brother but I am learning and am warming up quickly. As you can see we love each other so we would love to go to our FURREVER home together . I love to be held and carried like a baby and cuddle. So Can we be your babies? Please ask about BOTH of us.
Foster Mom wants you to know how very very brave we are. We killed the bad toilet paper monsters we found in the bathroom. So you will never fear if you adopt us.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I thought this would be a good time to do an update, since Athena and Loki turn 1-year-old this month. They have settled right into our family. Their foster mom had their personalities pinned down perfectly. Athena became very attached to me (the Mom), but it also great with the kids. She's sitting on my lap now, just like she tries to do every time I'm at the computer. She has definitely grown in confidence. She comfortable anywhere in the house and doesn't get upset when her brother goes off exploring without her. Athena seeks me out when she wants to cuddle or when I call her, but likes to find quiet places to nap. She doesn't rush to greet our visitors, but doesn't hide either. She likes to sit with my 6-year-old son sometimes and get some 'pets'.

She and Loki are so much fun to watch! They call out to each other when its play time or just want to know where the other one is. Athena ended up being so much smaller than her brother. She is also a graceful and a stealthy hunter. There was a cricket in the house the other day and Athena went after it and Loki ran away.

Loki is the goodnatured giant who doesn't realize his size. He has fallen off the cat tower more than once. My 11-year-old daughter loves to pick him up and snuggle with him. Loki has also gotten very good at fetching. We throw the toy for him and he brings it back so we can throw it again. He is also waiting to greet us every time we come him.

We love these guys so much and can't imagine life without them. We are so thankful we adopted them together. They are so different, but that's why they're so much fun. They are very loved!

(Last update: Jul 27th, 2018 7pm)

Sam-I-Am. I am a sensitive, gentle soul who is quite the guy once I get to know you. I need a Siamese savvy adopter who understands the wedgie types like me. I have a lot to offer but I don't kiss on the first date, I am a slow romance with a huge paycheck.


Name:   Sam-I-Am
ID#: VA10844
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 06/14/15
Adopted: 07/25/15
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
It has now been three years that Sam adopted us and he is one of the best cats that I have ever had the pleasure of having.He is the joy in my life-he can't wait to see me and waits by the door until I get home. He rolls over and plays dead if I don't pick him up in a timely fashion for him. He is always near me and, while my husband will say he is high maintenance, even he loves Sam-which is saying a lot because he's a 'dog' person.
Thank you Siamese Cat Rescue and Jennifer for bringing Sam into our lives.

(Last update: Jul 26th, 2018 6pm)

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Name: Arwen

(FKA Ritzie)

ID#: VA7846
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/05/11
Adopted: 07/22/11
Congrats: Dorothy
Foster: Siri

Just a sweetheart, I'm a little itty bitty fantastic kitty! more to come!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
7 wonderful years with Arwen and delighted to have her as a companion.

6 Year Update: I am so grateful to Siamese Rescue for matching me with Arwen. She's gentle, inquisitive, playful and unbearably affectionate. Incredibly easygoing, she's been a wonderful example to our other slighly socially challenged siamese, Puddy. She continues to steal the heart of everyone that meets here - including vet techs. I'm looking forward to having here for years to come.

Eighteen Month Update: She is so wonderful! Now that's she's settled in she's running around, chirping and playing with abandon. :) She was so nonchalant about houseguests and settled right in with the them, sleeping at their feet, nibbling at their toes! She won everyone's heart and most importantly, I seem to have won hers. I'm so delighted she's a part of my home...

Arwen has grown into a beautiful teenager. Her white coat of kittenhood is mostly gone and she's discovered that she's a siamese now - chirping, trilling and talking to me all the time. She's completely wonderful and love having her....

Well, Arwen's been here almost 18 months now and rules the roost. Warm, outgoing and friendly to all strangers, she rules the roost and her housemate, Puddy. Thrilled to have her here.

(Last update: Jul 26th, 2018 2pm)

I was living outside but I am liking being inside now. I have my buddy Cornelius and we like to snuggle in bed together. I am discovering toys and I really like them. I also like to sit with you and receive lots of snuggle time and pets. I will purr really loud because it makes me happy.

Cornelius and I are looking for a home together.
Name:   Zira
ID#: VA12200
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/31/17
Adopted: 09/12/17
Congrats: Fred
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Zira and Cayenne (FKA Cornelius) are doing great! They are quickly settling into their new home.
We have had Cayenne and Zira for 12 weeks. They are both healthy and growing every day. They love to play together and have both become lap cats.

Zira is a very sweet little girl. Cayenne and her are inseparable.

Zira and Cayenne are doing great! We recently celebrated their first Birthday.

(Last update: Jul 26th, 2018 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Cayenne

(FKA Cornelius)

ID#: VA12199
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/31/17
Adopted: 09/12/17
Congrats: Fred
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes

I was found outside and taken to the shelter. I am still a little shy but Zira is helping me to discover new things like toys . Once I sit in your lap, I like to receive pets and ear rubs and I purr really loud. Zira and I are looking for a home together.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Cayenne (FKA Cornelius) and Zira are doing great! They are quickly settling into their new home.
We have had Cayenne and Zira for 12 weeks. They are both healthy and growing every day. They love to play together and have both become lap cats.

Cayenne has turned into a loving lap cat. He and Zira love to play and be together all the time.

Cayenne and Zira are doing great! We recently celebrated their first Birthday.

(Last update: Jul 26th, 2018 1pm)

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