Previously Adopted Siamese
The Meezers on these pages have been adopted and are now in their new homes. These pages allow the adopters to provide updates and pictures of their new cats for their friends and our volunteers to see. Only cats with updates are listed below. If you are an adopter and would like to make an Update, visit your Application Status page and look in the Previously Adopted section for the Update button.
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:49:45am |
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Name: Sir Percy
(FKA Bernard)
ID#: VA8160
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/30/11
Adopted: 12/10/11
Deceased: 02/27/12
Congrats: Lily
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Bernard [VA8160] |
Major purrs, great voice, loving guy here! |
Foster Notes
Not with Male Cats
Would you marry someone simply because they were handsome?
(oh you are shallow, go away....)
Would you marry someone because they had deep pockets?
(you too, get outta here!!)
Would you marry someone because they were kind, loving, loyal, honest, compassionate, and, okay, I'll slide one in there, good in bed?
YOU I am interested in. Click on Ask About Me!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sir Percy is a real sweetheart. He loves to lurk in his fort in the sun room or sleep on my bed. He sticks right next to me all night. It is very easy to work over him as he just plants himself on my lap and I can type, read, knit etc. Good litter box use. Not interested in dry food. He's eating only canned, no-grains varieties. Prefers fowl or beef. Not keen on salmon or tuna. Did eat some roasted chicken. Does not seem to be interested in eggs.
Floozy Anne is still bent out of shape about him. He does not challenge her in any way yet she still hisses at him or tries to swat him when they happen to pass in the hall or stairs. She does not receive any less attention than before he arrived, she just decided to be her rude Bulgarian waitress self.
Our mobile vet was just here. His teeth are very good. She put him on Otomax for a couple of weeks. There was some brown stuff in his ears. When that is done, I will use a vinegar water solutions which a friend finds effective for her dog's ear yeast problem. The Otomax may affect his appetite as his is a bit off his food since yesterday.
It is difficult to believe that he was a real stray. He must have had a human at some point as he is so lovey. Perhaps some evil people threw him out when his protector died or whatever. No problem - he's mine forever! Working on photo but he's always either curled up asleep or stuck on me so it's hard to get a shot of his face!
(Last update: Jan 7th, 2012 2pm)
Sugar and spice and everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of...
I'm sweet as sugar and extra good.
Loving? Yes.
Playful? Yes.
Clean (in my box of course)? Yes.
I can add some spice to your home.
Name: Nala
(FKA Lizzie)
ID#: VA8194
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/13/11
Adopted: 12/11/11
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Williene
Foster Notes for Lizzie [VA8194] |
I'm as sweet and good-natured as can be. Toys and love are what I need most. And a loving, kind family! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Simba (AKA BobKat) and his little sister Nala (AKA Lizzie) arrived safe and sound today via the Meezer Express (which was a two day trip all the way from Tennessee). Bless those volunteers!! The kittens came out of their carriers purring and headbutting us and were playing with their feather wand right away. Both of the kittens even slept with us on the bed right from the start!
Both of the kittens have settled in nicely; we can hardly imagine life without them! For Xmas, we got them a cat tree that is floor to ceiling in height and they absolutely love it. I'll include some of the pictures soon.
Simba and Nala now have the run of the house; we are kept laughing by their playing, talking, galloping and pouncing. But the best thing to have happened has been when the kittens wake up in the morning and go through their ritual of kissing and snuggling with us -- we have lost our hearts to them and can't imagine life without them now. No doubt about it -- the best thing that happened to us in 2011 was definitely finding our new family members! Thanks SCRC!
(Last update: Jan 6th, 2012 12am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Bogart
ID#: VA8144
Location: Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/25/11
Adopted: 12/18/11
Congrats: Colleen
Foster: Trish
Not with kids under 5
I'm Bogart! Just in from living on a nice farm in eastern Connecticut since I was born. My cousin Thai got into this thing called Rescue, and they tell me that he's got a fur-ever home already. I had my ' education' on November 17th, and was a super good boy. Meown Trish says I'm going to be a lover-boy - I give her lots of wet nose kisses, particularly 'cause she lets me try all sorts of yummy foods - fresh roast turkey is my favorite.
See how mellow I am at the vets! Pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.
I'm missing my mom and brother, but Meown Trish tells me that they might get into rescue too. I miss all my farm 'cousins' - you'll see some of them in photos in my gallery - they don't look like me - they're black!
I've been exploring the downstairs, during my time out of my kitty play pen. Meown & Poppa moved me in my rolling play pen into a nice sunny room during the 'Halloween' snow storm in Connecticut so I could bask in sun while the power and heat was out for 5 days and nights. I stayed warm in my Siamese Rescue 'millie bed', and on Meown's lap under the afghan. Meown was so excited when the power came on - can't she see in the dark like me?
Now that house is warm again, I've been moved upstairs to the foster room, which has a big people bed, a little kitty house with my heating pad, and several windows from which I can watch the birdies.
Sending purrs your way, 'Bogie'
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Notes from Home
Bogart is slowly adjusting to his new home. His first few days with us he was so scared, but each day he gets braver and braver. he is absolutely adorable. I especially love the little noises he makes when he is about to be fed. Sort of a cross between a chirp and a meow.
His favorite spot in the house right now is in the dinning room, on a soft rug that we have. He loves to lounge out there during the day. Each night he curls up in bed with me purring away.
A funny "quirk" that Bogey has is he is afraid of our TV! Its up on a wall so he can't get to it to sniff it out, which is why i think it scares him. When its on, he slinks by it, constantly keeping one eye on it, and then runs out of the room. We have slowly tried to get him used to it by keeping the volume low and gradually increasing it. He did much better last night as he sat on the couch and watched a movie with us. Apparently he likes Steven Spielberg films!
1/5/2012 Update from Bogey: Last night I tried vanilla ice cream and it was delicious! Meowmy only let me have a little taste, but my eyes were as BIG as saucers while she ate it. She also gives me little pieces of baked chicken when she cooks it. I am really getting used to my house, i feel like i own the place, hoping from one piece of furniture to the next. Even my brother Harley and I are getting along a bit better. He tried to bathe me last night, but i was not having any of it.
More later
(Last update: Jan 5th, 2012 12pm)
Name: La'roo
(FKA Ponyo)
ID#: VA8268
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/23/11
Adopted: 12/30/11
Congrats: Elise
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Did you say wild child? Did you say nutty and playful? Did you say can leap and chase wand toys for hours and hours? Did you say super smart, super busy, super duper?
Did you say Ponyo?
I'm one fun busy smart entertaining goofy gal! If you like to have fun, then let's PLAYYYYY!!!!!!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Ponyo is doing very well since we brought her home with us on Friday. When we first arrived in our apartment, we let her out of her cat carrier, and then she walked around the house exploring every nook and crany. After deciding that she had seen it all she made herself quite comfortable on our bed and took a long nap. When she woke up a few hours later, she came out to eat and sought attention. We quickly found out that she loves to be held and loves to play with all of her toys. During playtime, she rushes back and forth between our two bedrooms hiding behind the doors until we throw a toy mouse her way. If she thinks that we have stopped playing too soon she will meow for more.
Ponyo is also a very curious cat. Whenever I am cooking in the kitchen she trots over and watches what I am doing. She likes to explore the window sills, watch the birds outside, and hide behind the curtains.
She is such an affectionate, sweet, fun loving cat, and we are so happy to have her. I know that she is glad to be with us, too, because she acts like she has been living in our home her whole life. I will upload pictures in the next couple of days.
(Last update: Jan 4th, 2012 4pm)
Help! Please! Someone come and rescue me. Foster mom has broken out the holiday hats. Next she says comes the elf costumes, and you know how those elf pants pinch! I've been the perfect cat, and she has betrayed me. Haven't I used my box and eaten my food and made friends with everything four-footed and two in this crazy house? Don't I follow her around, supervising to make sure she is doing the chores perfectly? Don't I entertain her with the wand whenever she wants?
Please click that ask about me button - you won't be sorry at all, and you may save me from more humiliation, and those awful elf pants.
Name: Simon
(FKA Merlin)
ID#: VA8107
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/05/11
Adopted: 12/31/11
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Jackie
Foster Notes for Merlin [VA8107] |
Handsome lynx guy who gets along with everyone. Very sweet and friendly! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
We have changed Merlin's name to Simon
(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2012 8pm)
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Name: Mia
(FKA Bonita)
ID#: VA6518
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 08/03/09
Adopted: 09/27/09
Congrats: Joe
Foster: Williene
Foster Notes for Bonita [VA6518] |
What a CUTIE!! Very affectionate, a lap kitty! |
Foster Notes
No, you may not have my ball.
I found it, I pounced on it, I caught it, and it is mine.
I will give you love, and I will give you kitty-kisses and snuggles, and I will give you chin-bumps and purrs and cuddles.
I will give you laughter and happiness and affection all the day through, and I will give you the joy of watching me play and learn and grow, and I will give you every bit of my sweet, easy-going, people-adoring little heart.
But I will not give you my ball.
So if you already have your own ball, but you have a shortage of all the other wonderful things I've got to give - ASK ABOUT ME!!!
Purrs -
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bonita, now known as Mia, came home without any problems. She did not hide, like so people said she should or would and loves to get into everything. She has the run of the house and loves it. My daughters love having her around while they do their homework. Mia is curious about everything and loves to play with her toys, especially her toy squirrel. More updates to come after her vet visit.
I took Mia to the vet on Friday and she checked out just fine. She now weighs 6 pounds and is still very full of energy. She is very friendly with all of us and follows me from room to room during the day when only the two of us are here. The vet was not familiar with your organization so I will ask him to post one of your fliers.
He said that "why would anyone go to a breeder when they can adopt a cat of this quality".
I'll send you some pictures.
Joe Cox
We are taking Mia to the vet today so that he can see how she is teething. The whole family loved having Mia around for the holidays. She received many presents from us and even the extended family. Grandma even made Mia a personalized stocking. Mia is about 8 months now and weights around 8 or 9 lbs. She is very playful and loves to be around people. Mia loves to sleep on my chest at night. She loves to wake me up by licking my face.
Here in Maryland we had a blizzard, around 18 inches of snow. The girls took Mia outside to look at the snow and she actually liked it. She ate some and then went back inside to warm herself by the fire. It was quite the photo-op. We still have to upload some pictures.
Joe Cox
April 9, 2010
Its spring time here in Baltimore and Mia is shedding to prove it. We didn't think that she would shed very much, but we were wrong. During Easter, we had the family over and Mia was great. She was very friendly with the smaller kids and was very adventurous. She was so exhausted afterwards that she fell asleep for 2 hours while the family was still there. Mia loves to go outside, but does not like her leash very much. We have several other cats in our neighborhood and do not let her out if she is not on a least or with one of us. She is such a sweet kitten, but she won't be a kitten much longer! Her birthday is next month! It is hard to believe that we have had her since September. We will upload some pictures of her soon.
Katherine Cox
Happy New Year!
It has been a while since her last update, but Mia is doing great! She will be turning 3 in a few months, but still acts like a kitten. Mia especially enjoyed Christmas and used the tree as her personal jungle jim. She enjoy watching football with the family and even has a Ravens collar.
Katherine Cox
(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2012 7pm)
There's no place like home, There's no place like home,There's no place like home.
Well I did as the rescue fairy said and repaeated that three times, but it only worked half way. I'm out of that scary shelter and in a nice comfortable room of my own, but it still isn't home.
Meowmy said it's like a half way house.........I'm halfway home. She said she is now going to love me and help me find my courage and also find me the perfect forever home. I am a shy boy and will take my time getting to know you, but once I do, I'll reward you with head butts, purring, and lots of rubbing.
I also like other cats as long as they don't pick on me. Meowmy says I'm just a big baby! Well, I can't help it, I'm a lover, not a fighter.
So if you have a fairly quiet lifestyle and a lap that is just yeaning for a big boy like me to sit in it, I'm your boy. Ask about me and meowmy will tell you all about me.
Thomas (I'm not really a tank lol)
Name: Thomas the Tank
ID#: VA6010
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/15/08
Adopted: 01/03/09
Congrats: Sue
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Thomas the Tank [VA6010] |
Another big, sweet seal boy, who is a bit shy right now but oh so loving. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
July 5, 2009
Thomas has been with us for 6 months now. He is the sweetest kitty-maybe EVER. Such a gentle nature. He is full of headbutts and affection. He is a big talker - always has an opinion about everything. He has been such a wonderful addition to our household. I feel so fortunate to have Thomas. This is the second adoption we have made through Siamese Rescue and I continue to be in awe of the devotion, time and effort that is put forth for these beautiful animals. I want all to know that Thomas is loved and appreciated for the joy that he is. He finds a way to make me smile every day.
And another big thank you to all of you in rescue that made this wonderful boy become part of our family.
Oh...and did I mention that he is a handsome handsome boy...a delight for the eyes! Handsome and sweet...there isn't much more a body could ask for!!
(Last update: Jan 3rd, 2012 11am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Columbus
ID#: VA8221
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 12/03/11
Adopted: 12/17/11
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Siri
Can you say Super Siamese? Say it three times quickly.
Now tap your heels together.
Make a wish.
Maybe I could be yours!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
A match made in heaven ... that is how I would describe the lifelong friend we have found in Columbus. He has been home a week, during which time he has won the hearts of everyone in our family ... from our toddler (who walks around the house with cat toy in hand saying "here boy!!) ... to our seven year old who has a new best friend ... to two tired parents who now revel in kitty cuddles and kisses after the litte ones have gone to bed.
We can't thank Siri, Peggy and the other volunteers enough for helping us find our dream kitty. Siamese Rescue is the most professional, well-supported and heart-filled animal rescue organization out there, we are convinced. We hope it will be many years before we are looking to adopt again, but we will be back, no doubt about it. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts, and a kitty kiss from Columbus who is one happy, grateful boy!!
Columbus had his two week appointment at the vet today, and was described as "perfect"!! We couldn't agree more. How is it possible that we found a kitty without one bad habit? We grow more thankful for Columbus every day!
(Last update: Jan 2nd, 2012 10pm)
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