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I am TOO DIE FOR, and if you don't believe it, watch my video, particularly the second one! In all honesty that first sentence is not funny, because over the last year, my fantastically much adored Meowmy and I spent time moving between home and nursing home (they let me join her, which was nice), but when things went downhill, I went back to the empty house wondering what happened. There I sat day after day, at the foot of the bed, watching and waiting for her to come home, but she didn't. For a little bit of time I shut down, grumbling to myself, but now I have moved on, I'm in a new place and Aunt Siri promises there is a new home just around the corner for a fantastic cat like me. So I'm ready - are you my (new) Mother?
Name:   Chai
ID#: VA8333
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/26/12
Adopted: 02/12/12
Congrats: Julia
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
I have been updating Siri regularly, but I can add an "official" update here as well.

Chai (aka Moxie) is really coming out of his shell, making huge improvements every day. He is infinitiely curious, and explores EVERYTHING, which is funny for a cat who often startles. He is fearless, and if anything, he has established himself as the boss of our puppy, which is hilarious, and healthy/safe for everyone in our household. They regard one another with a comfortable level of respect.

Regarding his health, his appetite has increased daily. Once he settles in to his full appetite, I am going to slowly and cautiously start transitioning him to a higher-quality food. His litterbox usage is still immaculate.

He has a soft, small voice, but a great big purr. He is a great snuggler, and loves to climb way under the covers to sleep. He also now follows me around the house. He makes himself comfortable just about anywhere.

Overall, he is doing well. I wish he was more ok with being picked up, but either a.) that will come with time or b.) that's just not his style, and that's fine with me.

(Last update: Feb 27th, 2012 2pm)

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Name:   Marshmellow
ID#: VA8197
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 11/16/11
Adopted: 12/17/11
Congrats: Sandra
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

Purr~Purr~Biscuit Man~Purr~Purr~Biscuit Man

Full of loving & purring & biscuit making I am!!

Wanna bring me home with you??? I'll be waiting for your click!
Purr, Purr

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Notes from Home
Marshmellow, I call her Mellow for short is a perfect friend for my other cat Simi (formerly Chili). She is a total lover, sure of herself and makes sure that Simi knows she exists too. What a wonderful pair. They make my life so very interesting in a wonderful way.

I am lucky I have them both.

2/26/12- Marshmellow (I call her Mellow for short) is the warmest, very personal, and loveable cat. She is part of my family having joined Simi(of similar age) who I adopted in 2/11 from Siamese Cat Rescue. Mellow is, one minute, Miss Innocent, "I'd never think of pouncing on you," in her relationship with Simi and the next minute, rubbing noses with him. All in fun of course. He thinks it's great.
Mellow, loves to fetch, and is never tired of having to run and fetch her little woolen ball. I get tired first of throwing it!
Took them both for a check-up on Friday, 2/24, the the vet said she is very healthy.

(Last update: Feb 26th, 2012 11am)

I just got here so foster mom has to set up a time for us to 'chat' so she can get to know me. I just got educated - whatever that means and foster mom says I have some manners to learn too. So far I love to play and purr and eat and head butt. It's so nice to have a warm place to sleep out of the ice and snow. Now I can concentrate on doing the things I like to do best - play play play.

Hard to get those pictures with me on the move.

Chilli in CT

Name:   Chilli
ID#: VA7562
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/12/11
Adopted: 02/26/11
Congrats: Sandra
Foster: BJ

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
I have had Simi, formerly Chili since February 2011. Wouldn't trade him for any other cat. He is sure of himself, a character, and a lover at the same time. I never take him for granted.

216/11 - Simi continues to be a great cat. He is Mr. Macho Man, aware of anything going on in the area(sits at the top of his tree-house next to the window) and yet a great lover. Looks for his attention regularly and wouldn't miss it. Very healthy, had his check-up on Friday, 2/24th. I adopted a friend for him "Miss Marshmellow" in Dec. '11, also from Siamese Cat Rescue. Together, they are a pair, romping and playing with each other. Of course that is in addition to eating, sleeping, looking for my attention.

I feel very fortunate to have them both! Thanks Siamese Cat Rescue Team of great people.

(Last update: Feb 26th, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Shay
ID#: VA7459
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/11/10
Adopted: 02/26/11
Deceased: 12/02/15
Congrats: M. Peter
Foster: peter

Foster Notes

Hi there my name is Shay. My brother Apollo went home to a wonderful woman in Massachusetts. My mom died and left me and my 2 brothers & sister behind. The three of us orphans are in Connecticut , Two of my siblings are with foster auntie Paula. I like playing with foster pop's other cats. I have access to all of his house its awful big. Anyhow I'm looking for digs with a mature individual who would like a mature companion like me. Good bye everyone I have decided to adopt Foster Pops and family

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Notes from Home
Well here I am at home. I never thought that foster pops would love me enough to keep me but boy what a surprise. Once again I have two brothers and a sister (not that I don't miss my last family) and they are really nice to me. Pops says I will be able to help other fosters he will have by teaching them the ropes. He says I can tell them not to be scared and that they too will find homes and staff as good as the one I now have. I've got to go now since pops has a new foster called Rory the red king and I'm going to have to watch him through the french doors from the hallway. Bless you all, Shay.

Boy this is great, I went from a 60 foot trailer to 3 full floors at casa Kuck. What a great place to play hide and seek. Pops has given me my own throne so I can keep my eyes on the kitchen at dinner time, and I have my own shelf on the cat tree. I must say that both mom & pops have a great sense of humor pops dosen't even get mad when I laugh at him. I even get the chance to clean my brothers & sisters dinner plates when their done. I have truely found paradise. well I've got to go now pops (even though he doesn't know it yet) is going to scratch my chin.

My daddy loves me. I recently got sick and went to the vets, the vet says I have a cancer between two loops of my intestines and they don't know how much time I have. Daddy gave me somthing called subq fluids, put me in a special bed (nice and comfy) and hand feed me real chicken. He is also giving me something called pred-knee-zone pills (they reduced something called swelling) so I would eat again. Well - I'am eating again, my food, my brothers & sisters food, and even the fosters food. They don't seem to mind because they can always have Dad feed them when I go upstairs to nap on the tv cable box. I know I'm safe in my daddies arms and he no longer chases me away when I sit on his computer.

(Last update: Feb 26th, 2012 10am)

Everyone who meets me, loves me, picks me up, carries me around, rubs my belly, and bestows kisses on my head. For some reason, though, no one has walked out the door with me! Really? I don't know what you're waiting for. I have a sad story (so do many of us) but have a very sunny attitude and a hopeful outlook that my home is just around the corner. Standing by, waiting for your click.....
Name:   Mickey Mouse
ID#: VA8234
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/11/11
Adopted: 02/12/12
Deceased: 02/17/16
Congrats: Janice (jan)
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Mickey has bonded very well with me and my husband. He is a very affectionate and playfull little guy. Because of the three other animals in the house, we have been proceeding very cautiously, and Mickey has spent a lot of time behind double gates in the bedroom, with frequent visits from us. We have given him opportunities to explore the house with the other animals confined. Mickey and Sammi (our other cat) have been together several times and Sammi either ignores him or hisses at him. He also has been introduced to our dogs, with the dogs on leash -- they have reacted with friendly curiosity. Today, we plan on giving him the freedom of the house with one of the dogs confined and the other initially on a leash and then, depending on how that goes, off leash and Sammi also free. We plan to repeat this procedure tomorrow with the other dog. Hopefully, by the end of the week, Mickey will be free to roam wherever.
(Last update: Feb 26th, 2012 9am)

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Name: Kandi

(FKA Candy)

ID#: VA7389
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/05/10
Adopted: 02/12/11
Congrats: Deidre
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Hey there! I've been here a while now and no one has asked about me, because of all the cute kittens around here. I'm as nice as they are, and over all that curtain climbing and rowdyness they have. I still like to play and love my soft bed, and all the scritches Meowmy gives me. I didn't mind riding in the car or my bath.

I'm neat with my litter box and eat all my food without complaint. What more could you ask for? I like to sit in laps, too. So, if you're looking for a sweet, pretty tortie like me that doesn't have an ounce of "tortutidue", I'm you girl!

Note from meowmy: The best way to describe this sweet thing is to compare her to Forest Gump, not 100% there, but sweet.

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Notes from Home
Update: 2/23/12 Kandi (my little Kandi Kane) as she is affectionately known, has recently celebrated her 1 year anniversary. This year has really flown by. She's a sweetheart with perfect litterbox habits. She has a good appetite, but she eats very slow though. I think she may have gained a pound or is it just me in awe of her gorgeous fur coat. We will see at her follow-up visit. She plays with some of the toys that most cats are fond of, but she also plays with "invisi toys" (invisible toys). She stands on her hind legs with her forearms stretched out and batting at things that no one else can see but her, all the while making cute vocal kitty sounds...just another reason why I love her so.

Update: 3-6-11 Kandi is just a doll in every way. She let's me do her care without any issues. I was carrying her through the house a couple of days ago when one of the dogs spooked her accidentally...he was barking for something he heard outside. She was fine and reassured with extra scritches and human kisses. She is so gentle and loving. The "King" tried to attack her this evening...with a spray bottle in hand I was able to prevent a major cat fight...no flying fur or scratches...it will get better...I am confident.


Kandi and Kingston

Update: 2-26-11 Kandi and the King met last night for the first time. I wasn't sure how their first meeting would go, so I decided to let Kandi stay in the playpen and allow him to come in the room she stays in. They both hissed at one another, although the. King initiated the hissing session. He began making some strange sounds that I didn't know cats could make. In fact, it took awhile before I was able to discern where that strange noise was coming from and who was making it. Then the King began sticking his paws through the playpen, Kandi raised her paws too...thought for a second I was looking at a scene from cat / dog. I know it will get better.

Update: 2-19-11 Hi everyone, I've decided not to change her name because it really does suit her. However, I will spell it differently...Kandi. She has settled in nicely. She walked right out of the carrier and began exploring. She wasn't nervous or shy. She is absolutely adorable, and a real sweetie pie.


Kandi and Kingston

(Last update: Feb 23rd, 2012 11am)

I just want some love, love, love, and this time I would like a forever home. My previous owner was sad to give me up but you know when there is an allergy the cat has to go. I am a big boy but not fat and I am handsome as can be. Thank you, sidney
Name:   Sidney
ID#: VA7947
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/06/11
Adopted: 08/21/11
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Sidney is doing wonderful and has bonded with my husband. He looks for my husband, will answer him when he is called and wants to always be near him. This is quite amusing since I was the one who wanted to adopt, although my husband loves cats, the intention was for me. Oh well it is quite amusing to watch. My husband and Sidney have happy hour together, watch sports together and do spend alot of time together. Now, I can tell he does have some feelings for me as I am the "go to person" when I am hungry or just want to be scratched. Sidney is also quite talkative, I have quite the conversations with him at times, and yes he does answer me, whether it be just plain old grumbling or the "chirping" noises he does when he wants to play.

We love him and share alot of laughter with him!!

2/22/12 - Sidney's Six Month Anniversary!!

Sidney is doing just wonderful, he sure does love going out onto our patio (completely screened in), he walks around like the "King of the Jungle". But most of the time he loves to spawl out in the sun.

There is a new game he loves to do, he loves to hide and when we walk pass him he will jump out and jump up and tap our legs, I guess hide and seek is a game of choice for him.

But all in all he is doing well, he does get alittle over stimulated when he gets petted, and this we are working with as he will give "love nips". But he sure does love to purr and what a talker, we love chatting with him.

I have been talking to my husband about looking for a female siamese, for a playmate for Sidney, well my answer from both men is that they both are enjoying being "King of their Domain" right now!!!

(Last update: Feb 23rd, 2012 7am)

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Name:   Sophie
ID#: VA7944
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/06/11
Adopted: 08/20/11
Congrats: Stacey
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

Foster mom says I am sweet, gentle, cute, and just YUMMY!!!! What do you think?

P.S. More pictures coming soon!

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Notes from Home
Sophie has been home for 2 weeks now and doing great! She is an awesome cat and we all adore her! She is now in with our other cat, Holly and they are playing together. She seems really happy. ;) She has even been playing with our 2 Chihuahuas. We are so lucky she is a part of our family!

It's been 1 month now and Sophie is still doing great. She and Holly play and groom each other. She is eating really well and has gained a little weight. She seems really happy and we are all very happy with her. We are so fortunate to have found such a wonderful cat!

Hard to believe it's been 6 months. Can't imagine a time without having Sophie in our lives. Seems like she's been a part of the family forever. She loves to look out the window over the goldfish pond and watch the birds at the feeders. She is doing really well and seems very happy. She purrs all the time and she and Holly play and groom each other.

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2012 8pm)

TAP...TAP.....TAP....Don't mind my tapping...I'm just wondering why I have not found my forever family. I'm blue...Naw..not that kinda blue...I'm a blue point & I'm very handsome. I have an outgoing personality and I love to play with my toys. I even enjoy cuddle time & will sleep right by your side for naps. Geeeeze...what more can an adopter want????

You better hurry up & ask about me cuz I bet someone will spot me soon!! Oh...by the way...I do need a friend to be waiting for me when I come home so I can have a friend to play with!

Gotta runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Name:   KoKo
ID#: VA7895
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/23/11
Adopted: 08/21/11
Congrats: Adele
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
KoKo, or as I refer to him- monkey, is an IMP. And I wouldn't change him for anything. He is so nosey- he's into everything. I can't let them sleep in my room anymore since monkey broke my blinds, they were easily replaced, but I miss them sleeping with me. He's a little antisocial with visitors - he disappears, when I'm alone he's attached to me. He does like one of my students- he comes upstairs when she is here. He refuses to wear a collar - he snaps it off and brings it to me, so I call him the nudist. When he does something bad - like tipping over the wastepaper basket he immediately comes to snuggle - he usually makes sure you're watching him do something bad- he's adorable. And he's a neat freak - if I leave something out he knocks it on the floor until I put it away. I'm so happy I found your website and got my 2 kids. They are the best.
(Last update: Feb 21st, 2012 12pm)

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Name:   Katie
ID#: VA7894
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/23/11
Adopted: 08/21/11
Congrats: Adele
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

Whew....just arrived & I no longer have bars around me!!! My foster meowm is just getting to know me, so please stay tuned for updates! I must admit that I do enjoy attention & my foster meowm is calling me a purring machine!

Hugs & kisses,

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Notes from Home
I ADORE Katie and KoKo. Katie is a sweetheart, although she still flinches whe you go to pet her, she is treated with love and tenderness by everyone - I guess she still remembers before she was rescued. When my son was in from Ca she took to him immediately. I have an ex student that comes over twice a month and Katie is glued to her, probably because she plays with her the whole time she's here. Sometimes she is at the door and I'm a little afraid she might go out but that hasn't happened.I can't remember what is was like before they came here. I'm doing my best to spoil them and make them as happy as possible. I LOVE THEM.
(Last update: Feb 21st, 2012 12pm)

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