Previously Adopted Siamese
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A cat-cat, I'm not too sure about people, so I need to go into a home where I can have kitty buddies to be with, but I'm not expected to be super people friendly. Oh sure, I might get there if you can invest a lot of one on one time, ( and lots of freeze dried chicken treats) but I just haven't had the early life experiences on which to base a trust of humans. I've been vetted and am all ready to go; I have a little touch of snortly breathing that may be a mild asthmatic issue, but it's not affecting my love of life (and my ability to run fast if I need to :) My purrfect home would be a quieter people one but a playful cat one without expectations by either species that I will slot into specific expectations, and with that attitude, I could very well be the diamond in the rough!
Name: Shylo
ID#: VA6766
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/16/09
Adopted: 04/03/10
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Jeanne
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to update you on Shylo. He is doing well, I took him to the vet today for an exam and nail trim. He behaved very well when they trimmed his nails and did his exam. The Vet says he appears to be in good health. He doesn't have breathing problems anymore except today he did because he got stressed when he had to get in the carrier. He was breathing heavy again thru his mouth but this is the only time in a long time. He lets my husband and I pet him all the time. He even sat in my lap today at the Vets office. He doesn't seem to be to crazy about my cat Morris though, he always jumps on him every time he sees him so I just keep them apart, Morris stays on the patio when Shylo is in the front room and when Morris is in the front room he stays in the bedroom. Thanks for everything you did to make it possbile for him to be here we love him and are very happy to have him. Judy and Michael.
May 29th, Just wanted to let everyone know Shylo is really doing great he follows me around everywhere I go. Tonight he laid down and let my husband and I pet him at the same time for over 15 minutes. Lots of energy runs around the house for hours chasing mice and loves to play with the snake toy. He has really come along well. Thanks again for everything....
15 August I Just wanted to let everyone know how well shylo has done since he came to live with us.
He is a very happy cat now, he follows us around like a puppy, everywhere we go. He is so playful spends most of his time jumping through the air, running and playing with his toys...Thanks again for giving him to us...I enclosed a new picture..Judy Burns
(Last update: Apr 3rd, 2012 10am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Perla
(FKA Perdu)
ID#: VA8358
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 02/11/12
Adopted: 03/03/12
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Siri
Not with Female Cats
Shy and quiet, but I love other cats and would like a snuggle buddy - someone like Alfred Doolittle (who I snuck right into bed with immediately!) - I prefer the cute boys, and someone who is quieter and reserved would be great; though I could also go with a young friendly loving male kitten as well. I may be just a little bit of a project (someone has hit me in the head before, so I'm a little nervous at your hand movements) but since I love other cats, I'm a great cat buddy and promise after a little bit of time and patience that I'll learn to trust you as well!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Our precious Perla (fka Perdu) is slowly coming out of her shell, learning that she doesn't have to be afraid of humans. I still can't believe anyone could ever be mean to such a beautiful, sweet cat! At the two-week point, she camps out in her safe place on top of a chest of drawers during the day but there are lots of baby steps being made. She loves her food, which has given us a good opportunity to teach her that hands aren't scary by setting out one piece of kibble at a time. I know that she wants me to go back to her dish for more if she stares at my empty hand--such a smart cat! Now we can pet her for a long time and she leans into face rubs and sometimes does elevator butt. She also likes to be brushed. She purrs for us every day now. She will also nap while we're in the room.
4/3/12: After one month with us in her forever home, Perla continues to take little steps toward trusting her new humans. As shy as she is, she likes to be petted while she eats her wet food so Dad is the breakfast petter and Mom has the dinner shift. She still hangs out on the dresser when we're in the room but one evening she jumped down on the bed and sat on her scratch pad, inches from our legs, for 5-10 minutes before jumping back on the dresser. She lays on the dresser in more relaxed positions, too.
(Last update: Apr 3rd, 2012 6am)
Foster meowmy says I'm really a doll, and just a little shy at first, but then look out! I really like hanging out with foster paw and watching basketball, and sleeping either on his neck or shoulder. I just learned I like to play, too! There's a snaky thing I have to catch...and a crinkly sounding ball thing that moves at the slightest provocation.
I need a friend to play with, too, not that woofer kind, but a cat that doesn't mind if I pounce on their tail, and ambush them from around a corner. I guess that means I also need a house that doesn't mind if it sounds like a thundering herd of elephants while I play, too.
I'm ready to move, so if you want me to come to your house, you better ask quick!
Name: Khluhy
(FKA Dallas)
ID#: VA8325
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 01/22/12
Adopted: 03/04/12
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Jeannie
Notes from Home
Kluhy is doing just great! It has been almost a month since she came home, and she acts like she's been here forever. Her visit to the vet right after she arrived revealed that she needed another worming (round 2 today and we should be all set) and that she has a hernia on her side. We are watching that , but at the moment our very nice vet says she is OK. It certainly has not slowed her down at all, as she runs like crazy around the house, chasing crinkle balls and toy mice. She learned to play soccer with Mr. using a soft jingle ball, and seems so happy when he calls out "GOAL!" She is friendly to visitors who come to the house and is super curious about baby Tessa (my 8 mo old grand niece) when she comes to visit. We gave Tessa a stuffed kitty (SIamese of course) which she asks for whenever she arrives, and then she calls out to Kluhy, and crawls around after her. Kluhy plays cat and mouse with the baby. Letting her get close, then running off, and coming back for more. I supervise VERY closely, because Tess doesn't know about claws, and Kluhy doen't need to be harassed, but overall it is a joy to see this kitty developing her social skills. Funny too, that after Tessa's first visit, Kluhy was REALLY happy to have extended lap time with Mommy.
She is a wonderful cat. Randy and I could not be more pleased. Her initial fear and shyness were conquered easily and she is beautiful, well adjusted girl. Still looking for a little brother for her because I know that would make life purr-fect.
(Last update: Apr 2nd, 2012 9am)
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Name: Calamity Jane
(FKA Holly)
ID#: VA6147
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 02/18/09
Adopted: 03/14/09
Deceased: 07/14/17
Congrats: Amanda
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)
Not with Dogs
Must be Only Cat
Are you looking for the purrfect cat? Well, look no further because you've found her! I am friendly, loving, intelligent, and playful. I sit in your lap and adore being petted. My coat is soft and plush - you'll not find one more beautiful! I am good with kids and prefer to be your one and only pet. I promise to be everything you'll ever need! Ask about me today - I won't be available long!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I just wanted to give you an update on C'lam. We moved at the end of the summer. During the packing process I think C'lam thought I was building her a fort. She loved climbing on all the boxes and hiding in the nooks and crannies between them. C'lam loves her new apartment. It's a two bedroom and significantly larger than my last place, so she has lots of new places to hide and explore. My boyfriend Kyle also moved in with us. C'lam was very pleased, because she'd been asking me to increase her staff. Now she has two people on full time to provide snacks and snuggles. (We believe that C'lam thinks of all things in terms of "snacks" or "not snacks." The geese that live near our apartment complex and fly by the window are "honking snacks". Snuggles are "almost snacks but still not as good as snacks". Her catnip banana is "best thing other than snacks." Having her nails clipped is "NOT SNACKS.") Her favorite spot is the back of the couch that's in the middle of the living room. It's placed kind of in the middle of the room, so she can see the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, into the bedroom and down to the front door all from one spot. She sleeps there most nights, but she also does this thing we call "last minute snuggles." She'll hear our alarm go off in the morning and run in and jump in bed with us and start snuggling and purring, which makes getting up in the morning even harder! She also loves sitting in the window sills--she's moved from having two windows to look out of to having four, so it's quite an upgrade. We also have a fireplace. Not only does she love snuggling in front of the fireplace when we have a fire, but she rubs her face in the carpet in front of it when there isn't a fire, like she's asking us to make one for her! We also have these big closets that she likes to hide in. Kyle keeps his sweaters stacked on the shelves inside his closet, and every so often we'll find her hidden behind the hanging clothes, taking a nap on his sweaters :). We also have a patio she really enjoys, (with supervision.) She loves to go out with us, and smell all the outside smells. We live in a very pet-friendly complex, and she loves to watch people walking their dogs outside, and the geese flying around. She has also been known to steal our patio chairs when we get up!
(Last update: Mar 31st, 2012 4pm)
Do you like spicey food? Chili, curry, hot peppers? You might really like me then, because I'm not your average blue girl. I not only have smarts but like to spice things up just a bit!
I am very playful and very snuggly, when the time is right. But I do have some cattitude and if you don't obey the rules, then you get sent to the dog house. I'm very easy maintenance though you do have to be good at obeying orders. If you'd like to be kept on your toes and want more than your average couch potato, give me a ring!
Name: Maya
(FKA Beverly Blue)
ID#: VA6358
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 06/02/09
Adopted: 03/07/10
Congrats: Earl
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
Maya is happily running the household. She has favorite snoozing places on three floors and uses them all. However, at night, she sleeps in only one place, in our bed, on top of us.
(Last update: Mar 30th, 2012 8pm)
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Well, hello everyone! I'm an outgoing, somewhat chatty fluffenator. I could be part Balinese, part Himalayan. Whatever I am, I've got lots of beautiful, seal point fur, and I love to be brushed. I really like people, and when I went to the vet, I walked around the room like I owned the place (I did, didn't I???). I could take or leave other critters and would be happy to be your one and only! Oh, the things I've been through here, but I'm soon, very soon ready to go home. If you need some friendly royalty in your life, that would be me!
Name: Cleopatra
ID#: VA8287
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 01/04/12
Adopted: 03/18/12
Congrats: Anne
Foster: Rinn
Foster Notes for Cleopatra [VA8287] |
Oh, what a neat kitty girl. Cleopatra is so easy going and friendly. She makes me laugh daily. |
Foster Notes
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
She has a name:
Zou Bisou
(Last update: Mar 28th, 2012 1pm)
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Name: Sam
(FKA Sambone)
ID#: VA7532
Location: North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/29/11
Adopted: 03/27/11
Deceased: 07/14/14
Congrats: Jennie
Foster: Jeannie
Not with kids under 5
All I need is a nice comfy bed, hands to pet me, and food in the bowl. I'm pretty easy to please. Foster Paw says I am not easy to photograph cuz I keep moving around. I just want to be loved, and I'm okay with sharing. Cats, dogs, whatever - as long as I get my share, I am just fine!
If you're looking for a friendly, not overly talkative but definitely chatty cat, you should ask about me!
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Notes from Home
27Mar2012: I have got to be the most spoiled kitty in the world! Everyone loves me, the noms are awesome, and all the toys! But I usually spend most of my time napping by a sunny window. Occassionally, me and that little calico will chase each other around upstairs; Mom says we sound like a herd of stampeding elephants. Now if I could only get rid of that darn dog! She thinks the catnip toys are hers and chews them up when Mom doesn't get them off the floor fast enough.
(Last update: Mar 27th, 2012 1pm)
Name: Yoshi
ID#: VA8220
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 12/02/11
Adopted: 12/31/11
Congrats: Kendra
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
If you have a lot of attention to give
If you have a quiet home
If you can speak Siamese
If you have a little patience
Then I have no idea what you are waiting for!
(Not very good travelers, so trying to keep within a 6 or so hour drive)
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It has been about three months now and our house hasn't been the same since! Sasha and Yoshi have more than filled the void left after the death of our 16 year old meezer lady. Though both are definitely lap cats, Yoshi is the more affectionate of the two. He is on any available lap as soon as you sit down. If there isn't room on your lap, Sasha is content to sit near you, not Yoshi. He will worm in between you and whatever is in his way whether it is a book, laptop, dinner plate, or Sasha. If you are standing up, say doing dishes for example, Yoshi will stand up against you walking his paws up your leg until you look down and talk to him. On the floor he will stretch out and pull himself along the rug so you can admire how long and slinky he is. He is the consummate 'love me' boy.
At night both cats are under cover sleepers, all the way under the covers. Though this was appreciated during the cold winter months, they are also bed hogs. If you roll over, Yoshi will get up and come to whichever side you are facing. He is a non stop purr boy as soon as he has your attention. He's very gentle and allows you to cut his nails without complaint; I only wish his sister was as good in that department. All in all we could not be happier; adoptiong through the SCRC was the best decision we ever made!
(Last update: Mar 25th, 2012 7pm)
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