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Hi, I'm Smokie - sitting here waiting for someone to notice me and offer me a home. I'm very sweet and a great lap kitty. When I'm not lap sitting, I like to be nearby to supervise. I don't get in your face, but I like to sit in front of the computer monitor so you notice me. I talk a little bit, too. I'm just starting to get a little silly and learning to play with toys and have fun. I get along with other kitties but foster mom is my best friend.
Name:   Smokie
ID#: VA8347
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/04/12
Adopted: 03/31/12
Congrats: June
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
The first two days, Smokie hid under my mom's bed and was quite shy. I laid by the bed and reached under and petted her for a while and she did purr her appreciation. She warmed up quickly after that and is a true part of the family now. She seems to prefer women to men, as it took her a lot longer to warm up to my husband and my son, but she finally did. Now she rolls on her back and asks for belly rubs; then gets feisty when you do rub her tummy. She stays by my mom most of the time which is perfect; they are great companions. I couldn't be happier with our new family member. Thanks Saimese Rescue!!
(Last update: Apr 15th, 2012 1pm)

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Name: Bijoux

(FKA Annika)

ID#: VA8340
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 01/28/12
Adopted: 03/04/12
Congrats: Deirdre
Foster: Rinn

Hi, guys! I just got here, and I'm feeling a little shy. Foster mom says that I'm a beautiful, lanky seal point Balinese. I had my spa treatment, and now I'm settled down in my playpen to catch some rest. Check back soon for more news and pictures of me.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sunday 4/15 - It's been 6 weeks since Annika - now called Bijoux - came home to Kirby and me. Her new name was chosen because Bijoux means "jewel; a small dainty usually ornamental piece of delicate workmanship; something delicate, elegant, or highly prized." This kitty is all that - tiny, delicate, truly beautiful and totally adored. But there's more to her than just a pretty face... she's an amazing bundle of kitten energy, chasing around the house and flying through the air, pouncing on toys and climbing on everything! It's been so long since I've had a kitten, that I'm delighting in everything she does. She loves to chase and jump after one of her six feather toys and once she's captured it, she carries it around in her mouth, with wands and fishing poles trailing behind her. Another favorite activity is playing on her new carpeted cat tree (it's also a favorite sleeping spot) - and she loves to carry her feather toys up to the top level to keep near her.

Bijoux wants so very much to play with Kirby - she follows him round everywhere, trying to entice him into play. Unfortunately, Kirby isn't interested in all her activities and doesn't interact with her. He's suffers from arthritis in his hips, so he isn't very active himself. He does, however, watch everything she does and he's learning to play with their toys and scratchers; he plays much more than he used to and imitates what Bijoux does. It's cute.

Bijoux is quite vocal when she wants something and has a pip-squeak voice that she uses to tell me all about what it is she wants and feels she should have - right now! At night, the bundle of energy turns into a total love bug and Bijoux sleeps with me every night, sitting on my chest or sleeping tucked into my neck and cuddling.

I fell in love with her the first time I saw her on the SCRC web site and I truly adore her now that she's home with me. She's brought a new energy and a tremendous amount of happiness into our home. I'm so thankful for SCRC - especially Kim, Rinn and Lisa - for bringing us together and completing our little family!

(Last update: Apr 15th, 2012 12pm)

Can you answer all my questions? Are you patient? Do you have pipe cleaners and spring toys? I need a kitty friend, please.
Name:   Ida Rose
ID#: VA8387
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 02/27/12
Adopted: 04/01/12
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Julie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
She has integrated herself into a house with five other cats seamlessly. There have been no fights between her and the current residents, or any fights among the original five. Best of all, there are no litterbox issues to be dealt with. She's also a huge flirt with me and is shameless in her actions when she's wanting me to play or love on her.
(Last update: Apr 15th, 2012 8am)

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Name:   Mandy
ID#: VA8372
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 02/18/12
Adopted: 03/11/12
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Looking for a gal that enjoys loving? Well I ENJOY loving! Looking for a gal that enjoys life? Well I ENJOY life! Looking for a gal to chat with over coffee? Well I ENJOY chat time..maybe without coffee if that's okay! Looking for a gal that likes to be in your arms & be petted? Well I ENJOY...correction...LOVE to be petted!! So if we are on the same page looking for the same...here I am..look no further!!

I'm getting over my kitty cold & am starting to show my personality. I enjoy having company & love to rub all along my foster meowm's legs for attention.

I just came from a noisy jail, but I'm told it was actually a shelter. Whatever it was...I think I like my foster meomw's friends Peace & Quiet better than No Peace & No Quiet Jail!

Go on & click on that button if you think I could be your gal. My foster mewom said she is going to work on my dance card this weekend. I need to find a way to tell her that this tortie gal is going to sit right by her side & help with that dance card list! I have a say too :) Just look at my face...can't you see that I have an opinion here & something to say???


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Notes from Home
Mandy has adjusted very well to life here with us and Sushi. Mandy and Sushi are getting alone great! They run through house chasing each other. Mandy is very playful, she loves her toys and carries them from room to room so you can play with her. Mandy is not a lap cat! I can pick her up and she'll let me pet her around her ears and under her chin for a very short time. I believe she may have been abused at some point in her short life. She loves to eat!! If Sushi doen't finish his food right then and there Mandy is right there cleaning his dish. When I take my shower in the morning she sits on the edge of the shower between the two shower curtians and bats at my legs. Some times she actually gets in the shower with me!! Mandy is a talker at times usually when its food time or if she wants Sushi to play. Sushi does sleep with us and sometimes Mandy will lay on the bed with us but does not stay. Mandy was biting alot when she came to live with us. She has gotten better with this and does not bit at all now. Mandy has a thing that every morning when Jeff leaves to go to work she sits by the back door waiting for him to leave so she can go with him. But her plans are spoiled because he picks her up and brings her to bed with me. So, all is well here with Mandy and she seems to have adjusted to all of us.
(Last update: Apr 11th, 2012 8pm)

Want a real sweetie? With no calories! Then I'm the one for you! I love laps!

Foster Meown says I'm her chocolate 'bon-bon' because I'm got rich dark chocolate, creamy milk chocolate and pure white chocolate in my shiny coat. She says that I'm just as sweet as true chocolate. I like sitting in front of the window, to watch the birdies. My litter box habits are dainty, and I don't overeat.

Foster Meown tells me I'm at the Italian B & B and Spa for Wayward Siamese. I have a private room, with all amenities, including a big soft people bed just for me. No pushy little dogs, so I'm relaxing, and enjoying life. We snowshoe girls are cuddle bugs, and I'd love to snuggle with you. If you like hot chocolate, I'm a no-calorie version to enjoy!

Won't you like to sweeten your days with me?
Name:   Bonnie Bubbles
ID#: VA7980
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/15/11
Adopted: 10/10/11
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Trish

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Oh my goodness... it's been 6 months since Bonnie joined the family?! It's amazing how fast time goes.

We adore Miss Bonnie Bubbles, and we're so happy we found her with your help! She is a very sweet, cuddly, talkative girl. :) Thankfully, she hasn't had any problems with her previous constipation (as her vet recommended we give her a bit of Benefiber and it worked wonders). She enjoys cuddling, laying in the sun or perched in one of the windows, she loves her scratching post and new, deluxe cat tree(!), she is very playful, and likes telling us about her day. She sleeps with us at night, and even eats dinner with us (so cute!).

She's not very fond of going to the vet's office or having her nails trimmed. She loves visitors at the house and is very friendly, but makes some interesting sounds directed to the vet. Her doctor recommended trying to train her with treats on a table at home and then petting her ears, toes, etc. to help her warm up to vet appointments. Other than not liking going to the doctor, Bonnie is a gem. :)

Attached, are a few iPhone photos and a video that we've taken randomly over the past 6 months. We've been meaning to upload photos and haven't found the time until now. Thank you again for all of your help! We love Bonnie Bubbles and are so so so happy and grateful you helped us find each other! :)

(Last update: Apr 10th, 2012 2pm)

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Name:   Minnie Mouse
ID#: VA8356
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/11/12
Adopted: 03/10/12
Deceased: 04/07/18
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Seriously? You don't want a cat that wants to sit in your lap? You don't want a cat that is good in the litterbox, albeit a large one? You don't want a cat that comes with her own bed, carrier and water fountain? Seriously?

Wow, you must need Rescue!

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Notes from Home
4/10/12 This is my second update since adopting Honey. When I was driving home from the pickup point (my Mom was in back to keep then Minnie Mouse company), I said "how are you Honey?" And she said as clear as day "What?", and my Mom and I laughed and laughed, so that is how she got her name Honey. I love her she is a lap cat for sure, and she sleeps in my bed at night, and on the couch in the daytime. She never uses her bed, but she does like going into her crate. She doesn't play with any toys at all. She still uses her cardboard scratching post, even though I got her a real one, but she doesn't even look at it. She loves to eat. I feed her 4 smalll meals a day as per the vet. She's friendly when people come over, some people she runs from, but all in all she's a people cat. Another female cat came in my apt and she just looked at her, she didn't run, but the other cat hissed at Honey, so that was the end of the play date. She's adorable and I love her. See attached pictures. Regards, Pat

Hello to all involved that helped me get my baby Minnie, now renamed Honey. She had her baby check yesterday and the vet loved her and so do I. The vet put her on a reduced food diet. I was told when I adopted her to give her 4oz. of food twice a day. The vet has reduced that drastically because Honey is much too fat, She recommended one 3oz. can split in two feedings, and two 1/4 cup dry food per day. She said she is much too heavy. I think when u get a heavier cat at the rescue that you should ask a vet how much to feed it to reduce it somewhat before it goes into adoption. Honey is always crying for food and it breaks my heart not to feed her, but if I do then she will eventually get sick because of her weight like humans do. She's so sweet and very loving, and I am the same way to her. She's not a toy player and she's camera shy. But, as soon as I can I will be sending pictures.
Thank you for everything. Hopefully I will be submitting pics of Honey.

Best Regards,


(Last update: Apr 10th, 2012 12pm)

Here I thought I had my forever home but along came those allergies. Foster mom says it is not anything I did.and I will still find my forever home. I am not a striped lynx either. My body is solid cream.

I am showing how sweet I am. I like to be wherever the humans are and I have to help foster mom with her computer chores. She really can't get along without me. . Can you get along without me? I need my forever home!!!!! Thanks, Sobe
Name:   Sobe
ID#: VA7616
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/13/11
Adopted: 04/09/11
Congrats: Cristy
Foster: Jane


Notes from Home
Sobe is doing fantastic and he adjusted very well to the dog which is what I was the most worried about. She is a 1 year old goldendoodle and within 2 days they were best friends. She can be a bit much for him sometimes but he simply will leave through his cat door and hang out on the porch and take a break from his dog. See pictures. They tell the story of Sobe.

I just love love love him. Thank you everyone and especially Jane for helping me decide if this is what I really wanted to do. It certainly was.

4/9/12 Sobe is doing great with his 2 goldendoodles. He adores dogs! He is definitely in charge. I tried to upload pictures but the upload thing stated must be jpg. and they were. This happened last year also. Love my boy!

(Last update: Apr 9th, 2012 5pm)

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Name:   Narmer
ID#: VA2451
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 24 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/28/03
Adopted: 01/24/04
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Deborah

If you like a big, teddy bear of a meezer I'm the guy for you. At 13 pounds foster mom says there is a lot of me to love and I sure like to be loved. I am a traditional meezer with very nice seal points and no bad habits. I was neutered sometime in the past so I had a family once upon a time. No one knows what happened to them, and I'm not talking. A nice lady found me wandering around the neighborhood and took me in. Now I'm with foster mom. I'm ready to give up my life as a beach bum and settle down if you'll have me. Congrats Amy in VA!

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Notes from Home
Narmer, aka Sammy, died in January 2012. He was a quirky and beloved companion. He loved to carry and collect socks, especially over night, while yodeling his sock song. He was always up for a good meal and a head butt or five. He struggled with kidney and GI problems and finally cancer but never lost his zest for life until the very end. I'm so thankful to Siamese Rescue for allowing me many wonderful years with him.
(Last update: Apr 8th, 2012 11pm)

Lynx or Blue? All I know is there's just one stop you need and it's me, Whistlestop! I have a Meezer voice, a great purrsonality, and am raring to go! I LOVE to play and I LOVE to cuddle and I LOVE to explore and I LOVE to be goofy and .... well, you get the idea! I'm a mover and a shaker and am pretty busy, pretty interactive, pretty Siamese! Time to adjust? 10 seconds and counting.....
Name:   Whistlestop
ID#: VA8379
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 02/25/12
Adopted: 03/10/12
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Whistlestop remains a curious and exuberant little guy. His enthusiastic nature was a bit of an adjustment for India so a slow and gradual introduction was needed. He loves playing with Daphne the dog and especially enjoys watching hockey on TV. He is sure he can catch the puck eventually.
(Last update: Apr 8th, 2012 10pm)

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Name:   Rosco
ID#: VA6188
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 03/09/09
Adopted: 04/04/09
Congrats: Kevin
Foster: ShirleyBo

Two year old flame gent seeking long term career as a constant companion, playmate, bedwarmer for an equal opportunity, loyal, fun loving family

Professional Experience

Experienced Bed warmer.
Supervised the warming of Foster parents Bed snuggling with Foster Mom
and Dad during night to assure Bed does not get cold.

PHD in Purring
Excels in laying on back while being held in arms like a baby all the while purring.

Excellent Lap Sitter
Experience in sitting on a lap keeping lap warm for hours

Excellent computer Assistant.
Will check to see if the computer keyboard is working by walking across it multiple times. This requires great skill and concentration to distract computer user.

Break Monitor.
Help assure that computer users eyes do not get overused. Using same skill as Keyboard checker. Requires distracting the user till they take a stressfree break.

Tutoring finished in March
PHD in Siamese

Salary Requirements
Canned food twice A day. Some dry food to crunch on. Plenty of lap/snuggle time and a few toys and lots of love required.

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Notes from Home
This little guy is just unbelievable. He must be half dog as he follows me everywhere. Jumps on me like Dino did to Fred. He chirps and purrs and runs around and wants to see how everything works. He is very inquisitive and stares with interest at everything that I do. I could not have designed a better cat even If I could do that. His litter habits and eating is just fine. I am very happy I have him in my home and expect many more of his silly moments to make me laugh and bring a smile to my face.

Like a fine wine, this cat gets better with age. I have never seen such a silly and loving cat. He makes me laugh every day. I heard that Flame Points were unique but Roscoe takes the cake. Truly a gem of a cat. 04/04/12

(Last update: Apr 4th, 2012 8am)

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