Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:45:22am |
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HELP ME ! ! ! PrrrrLEASE ... are you out there?
I need a human and I need one bad!
I'm a total love bug! And I need a lap - quick. Sit down, quick quick so I can get more loving.
I also love petting and chin scritches and I'm beautiful and very soft and love to purrrrrrrrrr.
Name: Jenny
(FKA Jennifer)
ID#: VA8184
Location: Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 11/09/11
Adopted: 11/25/11
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Paula
Notes from Home
Jenny is the "Princess" of the house. She is gaining weight and tries to trick everyone in to feeing her (even if she's just been fed). She is so sweet and gentle. She has her new Dad wrapped around her little paw. Her favorite place to sleep during the day is in her little bed with her pink blanket on it in her "sisters" (my daughter) room. Then when the heat comes on at night she spreads herself over the radiator cover. What a life!
Jenny is the love of our lives. She is the sweetest cat I have ever had. She greets all our company and everyone remarks what at sweet girl she is. I only problem I have with her is she is getting to fat. She is now on diet cat food now she needs to loose a few pounds. She looks so different from when we first adopted her. Her fur is now thick and has darkened up a lot. We are so happy with her.
(Last update: May 25th, 2012 9pm)
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Name: Persey
ID#: VA7610
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/10/11
Adopted: 04/02/11
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Persey [VA7610] |
What a lovebug! A talkative lovebug! |
Foster Notes
Not with Female Cats
I'm a very Siamese petite gal who has an agenda. I am curious, talkative, busy, and needy in my attention seeking. I'm also very loving and like laps and snuggling. To qualify for my Queendom you should have the following: a steady, routine type household without a ton of changes or chaos - a desire for one cat or a companion cat to a confident but easy going male that knows I will be the Queen. An older child is fine, but a quieter calmer household. Someone who likes talkative little sealy girls who like to snuggle and are somewhat on the needy of attention side! I am a SUPERB lap sitter! (Dog curious)
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Notes from Home
I’ve been in my new home for three months and so far so good. There is another furry critter that came about the same time and he is larger than me so I like to creep up behind him and initiate a chase around the place. After all, I’ve got to maintain my level of superiority! Lately we have been engaging in playful wrestling so I think we are getting along, or I am letting him think we do. There was a nice cat tree when I arrived and I made myself at home so somehow another one appeared and I like that one too! There is also a balcony where I sit in a chair and sleep in the sun. There are lots of toys for me to chase around and hide behind the doors and under the sofa so the two legged person gets lots of exercise finding them for me. I like to take a nice nap in the afternoon and wake everyone up in the morning when it is time to eat. Sometimes I am very chatty and I do hog the pretty pink ribbon that is fun to toss around and chew. I’m pretty content and haven’t been over-grooming my tummy, although I do like to maintain a very attractive appearance.
Six months: Happy to report that I am really happy in my new home. I have lots of places from which to choose to nap or stretch out in the sun. My most fun is hiding under the bed and jumping out at Barney when he strolls by. Then we race around until it is time for another nap. If he gets down from the cat tree I know it is my turn to jump up into the warm spot. Sometimes he takes a nap before me and I curl up next to him or I find my two-legged pals and sit in their lap. My favorite toys are corks with feathers coming out of the top. I can't resist tossing these in the air especially when everyone else decides to go to bed. When I came here I had lost my tummy fur, but that has grown back and I like to spend lots of time making myself pretty or grooming my buddy before we settle down for a nap. I used to talk alot when I got here, but I think I have trained everyone to do things my way so I am not as vocal as I used to be - not much to complain about these days!
One year: Time flies when your forever home is cozy and the adopted humans are so trainable. Getting along really well and had a good annual check up. I keep everyone amused here by not being too predictable. Some days I like the windows and other days I like the cozier corner of the closet. I got a new toy that amuses me alot - especially late at night. It's a ball that races around a ring and keeps me busy. My buddy Barney just looks at me and rolls onto his back, but I know he's waiting for me to take a break so he can play with it. The best toy is the new couch, but the least said about that the better!
(Last update: May 22nd, 2012 3pm)
I am a certified purring machine. Very sweet and loving personality - lovebug deluxe. The tip of my tail is damaged so need a little amputation there when I get neutered this week. I'll be available later in the week after surgery.
Name: Clancy
ID#: VA8422
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 03/17/12
Adopted: 04/13/12
Congrats: Carl
Foster: Kay
Notes from Home
Clancy has been such a joy to our family! He has us wrapped around his little paws! We could have not found a more perfect pet for our newest member of our family! He loves to play with his feathers and he loves to watch the birds and squirrels. He wakes up every day at 5:00 and loves to head butt you until you get up and feed him, You can't be mad at him with such a sweet face. I have never owned a Flame point siamese before...but I can tell you they are the most lovely cat I have ever had. He still has a little bit of kitten in him ( which is so good) Kay the foster mom was so sweet and she made our pick up so wonderful! Thanks for binging us together!
(Last update: May 21st, 2012 9pm)
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Well, I'm relaxing in the Italian B&B for Wayward Siamese, enjoying the New England spring and watching the birdies out the windows. Foster Meown gave me a new name, Rocky, as she says I'm a real survivor of a rocky life so far. She thinks I'm like Sylvester Stallone in the first Rocky movie! I'm all muscle at 15 pounds of snowshoe seal point. Meown says I have my own trademark white boxing gloves although I use them very, very gently. Somewhere in my past, I lost my tail, and my first two homes, through no fault of my own. Meown and Poppa are so proud of me -- I settled right in, purring, head-butting, and talking -- no hiding under the bed at all! I have impeccable litter box manners, enjoy my food, and love to play. Meown says I have purr-sonality plus. If you look closely at one of my photos, you'll see that I caught some hot pink feathers from that thing that Meown thinks is a birdie. I've told Meown that I'd love an active home, where I can be top cat, of course. If you're looking for a muscle-man Meezer, I'm all yours!
Name: Keo
(FKA Rocky (fka Peanut))
ID#: VA5633
Location: Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/22/08
Adopted: 05/20/08
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Trish
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
And on another note, he is really good with kids now even very young children. He allows my niece to pat him and even comes and rubs up against her legs. However, if she gets too much for him he simply runs away from her and show no aggression towards her at all. He is such a lovable boy.
(Last update: May 20th, 2012 8pm)
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Name: IGGY
(FKA Paul)
ID#: VA8469
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/11/12
Adopted: 05/12/12
Congrats: Esthela
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Paul [VA8469] |
I am a lover boy. I love to be held and cuddled. |
Foster Notes
Just arrived. More information soon. I've been under the weather with a shelter cold. Mama Katie hopes to have more pictures and more information about me very soon, but "achoo", I'll be worth the wait. Purrs and cuddles, Paul. "achoo".
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Notes from Home
Look at me, look at me I just got home and I love it!
(Last update: May 19th, 2012 12am)
Name: Reba
ID#: VA6931
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/06/10
Adopted: 05/15/10
Congrats: Taylor
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Reba [VA6931] |
Very friendly, easy going and laid back flame who loves to "sing". |
Foster Notes
UPDATE - 4/25/10 - OK, folks. my "cute" picture didn't catch your attention? Then, how about my "singing" or is that a "yawning" photo? What do you think about this one? Foster mom says I am nearly a perfect cat, so why aren't you asking about me? What's my fault? Mom says I shouldn't have those light rings around my tail. Who cares about that? Love, headbutts, purrs and lots of singing along with tippy toes dancing, Reba.
Hi, y'all. Reba here ready to sing my way into your heart. Couldn't sing for a whole week because of that nasty cold I had. But now I'm singing up a storm. Not singing for my supper exactly, just "singing". I love to "sing" and "talk" to my people. I have a lot to say and will tell you whether you ask me or not. BUT, I'm also cute and sweet and quite sometimes, too. I LOVE to be held and cuddled - in fact I liked it so much that I didn't want foster mom to stop hand feeding me when I got over my cold. She says that I'm a silly girl. Even though I "sing", I still have that laid back and easy going personality typical of the flame kitties. BTW - can you figure out who I'm named for? (Think country singers). Well, that's it for now - songs to you. Love, purrs, headbutts and lots of "singing" from Reba
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Notes from Home
Reba was the perfect addition to the family because she's sweet and loves to play with Liam. The two are glued to each other. She has taken a strange bond with one of my dogs as well. My male lab and her seem to have a strange love affair in which Reba will cuddle up with him and rub her face all over his.. it's pretty adorable! My lab is extra gentle with her but loves to play! Both cats are doing wonderfully. Thanks again!
(Last update: May 15th, 2012 12pm)
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